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October 13, 1998 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-13

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 - 7

Michigan state rep.
honored in Lansing

LANSING (AP) - The public
*urning for Michigan's longest-serv-
ing state representative began yesterday,
as friends and colleagues paid their
respects to the late Rep. Morris Hood
Jr., lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda.
His coffin, draped with an American
flag, was surrounded by sprays of roses,
chrysanthemums, gladiolus and daisies
sent by GOP Gov. John Engler and his
wife, Michelle; House Speaker Curtis
Hertel, (D-Detroit;) Hertel's staff; and
the state Department of Management
* lected 14 times, the Detroit
Democrat was chair of the powerful
House Appropriations Committee when
he died suddenly of a heart attack last
Wednesday. He was 64.
Lawmakers, lobbyists, staff, family
and friends strolled by his coffin, some
quiet, some crying and others hugging.
They say they will most remember
od as a passionate man with integri-
hose word meant something.
"When you were arguing with him,
you knew you were in a real argument,"
said Tim Hughes, spokesperson for the
Michigan AFL-CIO. "If he gave you his
word, he was with you all the way."
Hood was elected to the House in
1970. He could not run for re-election
this year because of Michigan's term
limits law. When his term ended in
December, he planned to begin working

at Focus: HOPE, the Detroit civil rights
and job-training program. He also was
to assist the Detroit Area Pre-College
Engineering Program.
His sudden death shocked his family
and friends, who said he was looking
forward to retirement after 28 years in
the state Legislature.
His son, Morris "Delle" Hood III,
said he and his sister Denise were mak-
ing plans for trips and golf lessons days
before his father's death.
"He spent so much time up here
being dedicated," Delle Hood said. "It
was almost like we could finally have
him all to ourselves. He deserved to
kick back and relax a little."
Delle Hood, who lost his August pri-
mary race to succeed his father in the
House, said some of his fondest memo-
ries come from that race and the guid-
ance his father gave him during the
"For me, it was an honor just to have
him involved in the process knowing
the things he has accomplished - not
only as a legislator, but as a dad. It was
beautiful," Delle Hood said.
A special tribute from Hertel and a
color photograph of Hood were on
either side of the coffin.
In the final weeks of his life, Hood
was honored in several ways for his
work. Wayne State University named its
new diabetes center for him in gratitude

for his support of higher education.
Focus: HOPE presented him with a life-
time achievement award.
Rep. Keith Stallworth (D-Detroit),
who knew Hood for most of his life,
said he was pleased that Hood realized
many of his goals before he died.
"Far too often, you don't get a chance
to see the fruits of your work. You're
gone before people recognize your
achievements," Stallworth said. "Those
things were not only timely, but well
The honor of lying in state in the
Rotunda, traditionally reserved for
governors, was extended to Hood for
his 28 years in office and his position
as Appropriations Committee chair,
said Capitol Historian Kerry
Hood was the first black to head the
House's most influential committee. He
also founded the Michigan Legislative
Black Caucus. He attended Wayne State
University and served in the Army from
Chartkoff said Hood's death also
symbolizes for many who paid their
respects yesterday the difference that
term limits will bring. House members
now can serve no longer than six years,
while senators and the state's top office-
holders will be limited to eight.
"In many ways, to us this represents
the end of a particular era in Michigan

State representative Morris Hood Jr., (D-Detroit) died last Wednesday. Hood, shown during viewing services held yesterday in
the State Capitol Building, Is the longest serving state representative In Michigan history.

politics'" she said. "You will never have
a Morris Hood again."
During his work as Appropriations
chair, Hood fought for high funding
for the state's 15 colleges and univer-
sities. Last year's recommendation by
Gov. John Engler drew immediate
fire from Hood, who commented on
the proposal to Department of

Management and Budget Director
Mary Lannoye.
"This is totally inadequate," Hood
said. "There will have to be some move-
ment on this issue."
Hood also disapproved of the high
out-of-state enrollment at the
University of Michigan, calling for an
increase in enrollment for minorities

and other Detroit residents.
Funeral services will be tomorrow at
10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church in
Detroit. Burial will be at Roseland Park
Cemetery in Berkley.
Viewing is sched le? for today, from
5-8 p.m., with a family hour beginning
at 7 p.m. at the Thompson Funeral
Home in Detroit.

Kolb gains support from unions

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By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
Democratic mayoral candidate
Christopher Kolb gained new support-
ers last week after receiving the
approval of some of Washtenaw
County's largest unions.
The United Autoworkers Union-
Washtenaw County CAP Council,
the Ann Arbor Fire Fighters
Association-Local 1733 and other
unions announced Kolb's endorse-
ment Oct. 2.
Kolb (D-5th Ward) currently serves

The decision
was made easily, =
Ann Arbor Fire
F i g h t e i's
President Mike
Vogel said.t
"He is one of Kolb
the few council
people who doesn't mind standing
up for working families," Vogel said.

as Ann


"He is open and willing to listen to
all concerns."
Paul Heaton, Kolb's campaign man-
ager, said Kolb has a strong chance of
winning next month.
"Kolb has experienced strong sup-
port throughout the business com-
munity and labor unions," Heaton
said. "With that much support
behind him, you know he's doing
something right."
Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon
hasn't demonstrated she is willing to go
the extra mile for working families,

Vogel said.
"Tell me what she's done," Vogel
said. "I can't find it. She's just status
quo on everything."
But endorsements of politicians
sometimes cause them to lose their
impartial views and stances on issues,
Sheldon said.
"I don't actively seek" endorse-
ments, Sheldon said. "Unions tend
to endorse Democrats. That's OK
because I feel I can be more objec-
tive. It is important to try to work
with anyone and everyone."

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By Nick Faizono
For the Daily
Tomorrow, for the first time, a Concentration and Advising
Fair for the College of Literature, Science and the Arts will be
held in the Michigan Union. LSA students will be able to get
information from almost all LSA departments about concen-
The fair, located in the Union Ballroom, will begin at 12
p.m. and run until 4 p.m.
Alice Reinarz, director of the LSA Advising Center, said it
aims to provide undeclared LSA students information from
each department in one location.
"It's an opportunity for (them) to do one-stop shopping,"
Reinarz said.
The LSA Student Government is sponsoring the fair, along
with the LSA Dean's Office, Academic Advising and Career
Planning & Placement.
The groups are collaborating to present the fair due to the
immense size of the college, said LSA senior Sangeeta
Bhatia, LSA-SG president.
Since LSA offers more than 60 concentrations, many stu-

dents are unaware of the smaller departments and lesser-
known concentrations.
The fair is a perfect opportunity for students to see the
diversity and breadth of the college, Bhatia said.
Each department's table will be staffed by both staff mem-
bers and students concentrating in the field.
First-year students and sophomores will get career infor-
mation and job advice from the staff.
They also will be able to learn about departmental prereq-
uisites and interesting classes from the student concentrators.
Students who are pre-law, pre-medicine or developing their
own concentration plan also can meet with specialized advis-
In addition, CP&P Academic Advising will host separate
break-out sessions for students. CP&P's session will focus on
"LSA Majors and Internships" while the Academic Advising
session is titled "How to Choose a Concentration."
Bhatia said LSA-SG requested these sessions as a way to
help students plan their concentrations in a methodical way.
Although it is not a job fair, CP&P also will have a table
for students looking for employment information at the event.

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1 anti-gay sentimeni
the main motive
Continued from Page 1 bery, but indicated
The death of Matthew Shepard, a charges against t
popular political science student, left upgraded to murde
emotions raw in this windswept prairie Shepard's death
town. Shepard died early Monday calls for legislati%
morning at Poudre Valley Hospital, Wyoming and na
about 60 miles away in Fort Collins, Clinton called the r
Colo. The 21-year-old had been on life and urged Cong
support since he arrived last Thursday strengthen laws ag
with severe head trauma. That call echoed
Shepard's family, who had traveled Wyoming, one of c
from Saudi Arabia to be at his bedside, does not have a ha
issued a statement urging parents to hug that would have cr
their children and enjoy every day with for criminals w
them. because of their ra
Police say Shepard was beaten, orientation died in
lashed to a fence post and left to die by February.
two Laramie men who later espoused Many in Wyom
Continued from Page 1
yielded considerable national media attention.
Research Nabel made public two years ago showed cells in
the bodies of AIDS patients could be induced to produce pro-
teins that prolong the survival of T cells, which are attacked by
the disease.
Eight years ago, about the time the National Institutes of
Health began gene therapy research, Nabel was looking into
applying the technology towards cancer. Nabel's research
showed that a certain type of DNA, once delivered to the can-
cerous cells, generated a protein that caused the body's immune
system to attack the tumor.
"It was a treatment where we were injecting DNA with a fat
particle," Nabel said. "What we did was unique. It was the first
time DNA cells had been injected in a patient. It was the first

ts. Authorities said
appeared to be rob-
d yesterday that the
the two would be
brought immediate
ve change both in
ationally. President
beating an "evil act"
ress yesterday to
ainst hate crimes.
even more loudly in
only eight states that
te crimes law. A bill
eated extra penalties
ho target victims
ce, religion or sexual
the state Senate in
ring, which proudly

calls itself the Equality State because it
was the first state to allow women's suf-
frage, are now looking inward.
State Rep. Mike Massie (D-Laramie),
who co-sponsored three unsuccessful
"bias crime" bills, said he would try
again. "I hope we recognize the reason
for it and call it Matthew's Law - like
Megan's Law in New Jersey - so we can
have something positive come out of this
tragic death."
On campus, yellow ribbons marked
with green circles, signs of sympathy
for Shepard, could been seen wrapped
around ponytails and tied to backpacks.
Many students and faculty were wear-
ing "Straight but not Narrow" buttons.
All over, impromptu discussions of atti-
tudes about homosexuality were taking

will not tolerate these kinds of violent
acts against its students or anyone."
LSA junior Jen Trudell, who is orga-
nizing the week's events, said the death
brings to light the need for federal leg-
islation protecting LGBT people from
hate crimes.
"The men (who beat Shepard) will
be convicted, but if we had hate-crime
legislation they would be punished
more severely" Trudell said.
While violence against members of
the LGBT community is relatively rare
in Ann Arbor, hurtful comments are
more common on campus, Trudell said.
"People do get beat up, called names
and have things written on their doors"
at the University, Trudell said, "but the
hate is often more underground."
Dennis said Shepard's death "sad-
dens all decent people.
"It also calls us to action and makes
us stand up for our rights even more
because I think the perpetrators of that
kind of violence want us to be silent
and in the closet," Dennis said.
The week-long coming out celebra-
tion began last Thursday with
"Climbing the Hill," a presentation
about how author Marc Adams met his
partner, and how together they have
worked to introduce outreach programs
in religious schools and colleges.
The week will culminate Friday in
the rally with Dennis as the keynote
speaker. Also addressing the crowd will
be Ann Arbor Mayor Pro Tempore
Chris Kolb, an openly gay politician
who serves on the City Council and is
running for mayor.
Following the speeches and the
announcement of several LGBT schol-
arships, community members will be
invited to walk through a make-shift
closet, symbolizing the act of "coming
out of the closet?'
So far, the week's events have been
well attended by students of all sexual
orientations, said LSA sophomore
Christy Robinson, who works in the
LGBT Affairs office.
LSA senior Emily Marker, who is
organizing the events, said she does not
think Shepard's death in Wyoming will
change the outlook on the week's
events, but that it does stress that there's
still a lot of progress to be made.
"It's really frightening and sad to
think that hate crimes still happen and
who's to say where the next attack will
be," Marker said.
O'ther events~ this week incluide the

m _
S4. I

gene therapy closest to reaching the market, won't be avail-
able for at least three years - even if it proves successful in
clinical trials.
But the advantages of gene therapy over conventional drug
treatments ensure scientists and doctors will persist in their
One benefit of gene therapy is that repeated application is
unnecessary. Many treatments for chronic diseases require
daily dosages, which are hard to administer.
With gene therapy, Engbring said, a cell continues to pro-
duce the protein for the life of the cell once it is activated.
Treatment length also can be controlled by delivering the
DNA to cells with different lifespans.
Longer-living muscle cells would provide continuous
treatment for years while cancerous cells would stop produc-
ing proteins once they were killed by the body's immune sys-

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