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October 12, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-12

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 12, 1998 - 3A

Public forum to
address assisted
suicide, Prop. B
The University's Office of Equity and
iversity is scheduled to host a forum on
ssisted suicide and disability today from
1:15 to 3:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union
Ballroom. It will be free and open to the
The forum will focus on Proposal B,
the proposal on the November state bal-
lot to legalize physician-assisted suicide.
Speaking at the event will be Diane
Coleman, founder of Not Dead Yet - a
group that opposes assisted suicide. Also
speaking will be Edward Pierce, chair of
&erian's Friends, a group that advocates
e legalization of assisted suicide, and
Bob Liston of the Washtenaw
Association for Community Advocacy.
Students discuss
ASB program
Students interested in Alternative
Spring Break can attend mass meetings
tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.
*morrow's meeting is scheduled to be
held from 7-9 p.m. in Angell Hall
Auditorium B. Wednesday's meeting is
planned for 6-8 p.m. in Angell Hall
Auditorium D, and Thursday's is sched-
uled to take place from 7-9 p.m. in the
center room of the Pierpont Commons.
Alternative Spring Break is a commu-
nity service program that gives students
the opportunity to volunteer in a com-
munity during spring break. The pro-
ram operates more than 40 sites
roughout the nation.
Applications for the program are due
on Oct. 26 at the Project Serve office at
1024 Hill Street.
students receive
* The 1931 Engineering Class
announced the award of $66,000 in
scholarships to engineering students for
the 1998-99 school year. The scholar-
ships are renewable up to four years. This
years recipients were Kacy Beitel, A.
John Hart, Katherine Poloasek and Ryan
The 1931 Engineering Class has been
awarding the scholarships since 1981.
Applicants are interviewed each spring
the Scholarship Selection Committee,
d awards are based on merit.
Andrew Leutheuser, Jennifer
MunFakh and Kimberly Segasser were
among 14 students whose scholarships
were renewed.
Group to show
movie on Palestine
The Palestine Catastrophe Committee
ill be showing a movie followed by an
open microphone discussion on
Palestinian rights tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
Angell Hall Auditorium D. The film,
titled "Checkpoint," will last approxi-
mately I hour. The PCC reported that
300 people attended their last discussion
in September. For more information,
contact the Palestine Catastrophe
Committee at palesine@umich.edu.
Mentorship posts
*vailable to 'U'
Students who would like to mentor
elementary or high school students in

math or science can contact Reach Out!
at 647-0764.
Participants in the program volunteer
one hour per week. University students
can either mentor a single student or
bring hands-on experiments to students
science clubs.
Applications are available at
http://www.eecs.umich. edu/math-
Phone conference
to promote MBAs
John Holleman, director of MBA
Administration at the University of
Mississippi, will be leading a free tele-
phone conference for graduating liberal
s concentrators interested in obtaining
MBA degree. The conference will
take place on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 2 p.m.
The conference will focus on the
opportunities that are available to these
students in the business world.
To participate in the conference, call
(904) 357-8702. For more information,
contact Holleman at (601) 232-5483.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Josh Kroot.

Rival ryignites fight between fraternities

By Nikita Easley
Daily Staff Reporter
A fight between the campus chapters of two fra-
ternities - Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta
Theta - transpired early Saturday morning, leaving
both groups looking for a way to end a long-stand-
ing rivalry.
According to the Ann Arbor Police Department,
four lanes of Washtenaw Avenue on the corner of
South University Avenue were blocked by between
100 and 150 people fighting in the street at about I
a.m. Saturday.
No one was fined, but one person from one of the
fraternities was arrested for interfering while the
police attempted to dissolve the brawl, AAPD offi-
cials said. A wheelbarrow was thrown into the win-
dow of the Phi Delt house Saturday night and is
believed to be an act of retaliation by SAE members,
AAPD officials said..
"There have been other incidents from both fra-
ternities that are now under police investigation,"
said Phi Delt President Michael Novick, an LSA
Members from the two fraternities have differing
accounts of what prompted the fight and who was
Jamie Whetzel, food manager of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, said SAE had just started its traditional
party for the new pledges when he and two of the
pledges heard yelling from the Phi Delt house.

"It was about 20 or 30 Phi Delta Theta's yelling at
us from across the street," said Whetzel, an LSA
junior. "They were basically trying to egg us on to
Whetzel added that when the fight started, it
involved only him, the two pledges and 20 Phi Delt
But Adam Feldheim, social chair for Phi Delt,
said: "We were definitely not the aggressors."
Feldheim said 15 members from both fraternities
were screaming at each other across the street, but
once the SAE members walked across the street, the
Phi Delt's felt they had to protect their property.
"We are not going to sit there and let someone
vandalize our property" Feldheim said.
Novick said he was in his room during the event
and does not know what started the "scuffle"
Members of both fraternities said the majority of
the people on the street were not fighting, but were
"I was the one getting punched and was not doing
the punching," Whetzel said.
Sean Etheridge, president of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, said members from his house ran outside
because they heard it was "three on 20."
"I ran outside and started grabbing members of
my house to break up the fight," Etheridge said. "I
noticed people from Phi Delta doing the same"
SAE and Phi Delt have been on the University's
campus for more than 100 years, fraternity members

said. Phi Delt currently has more than 100 members
and SAE has 80 members.
Twenty-three new pledges from SAE were about
to take their traditional walk into the house when the
fight began, Whetzel said.
"This incident does not give new pledges a very
good impression of the house," Etheridge said.
Both fraternities acknowledge the tensions
between them and attribute most of it to their partic-
ipation in Mud Bowl. For 65 years, SAE and Phi
Delt have played against each other in this annual
football game during homecoming weekend.
Novick said the rivalry between his fraternity and
SAE began before he came to the University.
But Whetzel said he thinks Phi Delt members are
angry because they have lost the Mud Bowl for the
past four years.
"It is becoming so bitter that we are looking to
play another frat in the Mud Bowl," Whetzel said.
The break in tradition is not an appealing idea to
"I think we should avoid each other outside of
Mud Bowl, but I think the tradition should contin-
ue," he said.
Whetzel added that he thinks the tensions between
the two fraternities have decreased during the last
year. But because Mud Bowl is approaching, things
have heated up in the past couple weeks.
The fight is allegedly the second incident involv-
ing the two rivals. Whetzel said a Phi Delt member

called an SAE member a racial slur.
Feldheim disagreed: "Any tension we have against
SAE is not racial, but Mud Bow1 related."
The fight between the t wo fraternities is just one
of a few such incidents that have occurred during the
past couple of years.
Interfraternity Council President Bradley
Holcman said the fight "does not set forth a good
example for the Greek community."
Holeman said the fight hetween the fraternities
was the worst he has seen during his presidency,
which began last yea.
Both fraternity presidents and Holeman plan to
meet and discuss the issues involving the rivalry.
"I hope to be a third party and mediate between
the two parties, he said. "It's been a long-standing
rivalry and a meeting is long overdue."
Holeman added that because this is not the first
incident between SAE and Phi Delt, the national
organizations may get involved in reviewing this
incident and past ones.
SAE held a meeting yesterday to discuss internal-
ly how the fraternity can prevent incidents, such as
Saturday's, from happening again.
Feldheim said the next time a fight is brewing
between the two, Phi Delt will try to "keep the peace
and solve things in a non-violent manner."
Etheridge also said the next time a fight is about
to occur, he wants members of SAE to not get
involved and "walk back into the house:'

Memorial honors
former Latin prof.

By Sarah Lewis
For the Daily
Friends, family, colleagues and stu-
dents gathered to reminisce about former
Latin Prof. Glenn Knudsvig during a
memorial service Saturday afternoon.
Knudsvig died in a boating accident in
Key Largo, Fla. on July 24. He was 57
years old.
Prof. Sharon Herbert, a close friend
and colleague of Knudsvig, said the pur-
pose of the service was to remember the
way Knudsvig touched the lives of those
who knew him.
"What we want to do today is not so
much to mourn our loss, but to enumer-
ate and take comfort in what Glenn has
left to all of us,' Herbert said.
Knudsvig began teaching Latin in the
department of classical studies in 1963.
Some of his students said they remember
him as someone who was deeply dedi-
cated to teaching.
University alumnus Jennifer Maher,
who took Knudsvig's Latin classes as an
undergraduate student, said he gave stu-
dents individual attention.
"He was interested in learning for the
sake of learning and teaching for the sake
of learning," Maher said. "That's what
his whole philosophy of teaching was
based on. "He gave you his attention and
his focus, and he cared," she said.
Knudsvig encouraged student ath-

letes to take advantage of educational
Classical studies Prof. David Potter said
Knudsvig couldn't be satisfied with a sys-
tem if it had the potential to work better.
"Glenn was concerned with education in
all aspects and at all levels," Potter said.
As president of the American Classical
League, Knudsvig always looked for
ways to improve the organization, said
Kendra Ettenhofer, a high school Latin
instructor from Colorado currently serv-
ing as the organization's vice-president.
Ettenhofer said Knudsvig, like the lan-
guage of Latin, is still alive in many
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr
knew Knudsvig through his work with
student athletes.
"His greatest legacy was his ability to
see the potential in every student," Carr
More than a dozen people spoke at the
memorial, and all of them emphasized
Knudsvig's unique combination of
humor, intelligence and generosity.
Timothy Walter, dean of Academic
and Student Affairs at Oakland
Community College and a close friend of
Knudsvig, spoke about a conversation
the two had regarding how they would
want to be eulogized.
Knudsvig is survived by his wife
Shirley and two children.

Survery: AZ best
place for women

Women of Michigan
You are invited to:

By Lauren Gibbs
Daily Staff Reporter
The time has come for the rest of the
country to know what the women of
Ann Arbor have known all along. Ann
Arbor is a great place to live.
A Ladies' Home Journal survey
released Thursday ranked Ann Arbor as
the best city for women.
Women reader's were asked to rank
the 200 largest cities in the nation on
the qualities of a city that are most
important to women.
Some of the most important fac-
tors for women included average
salaries, crime rates, quality of life,
health care, public schools and the
number of women in government.
The survey measured the salary gap
between the sexes, the number of dis-
crimination suits women file, the
number of women's health special-
ists, divorce rates and the influence
of spirituality on the city.
The survey also included some less
significant factors, such as complexion
kindness based on UV radiation levels,
affordable shopping and good hair
"I think it is a wonderful recognition
of the excellent quality of life that we
have here" Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid
Sheldon said. "The categories judged
are important to women. They are
issues that we work on seriously as a

Besides topping the overall list, Ann
Arbor earned a perfect score of 100
regarding child care. Factors affecting
that category's score included in-home
emergency care for children and child-
care scholarship opportunities.
Ann Arbor also was extremely high
in the politics category with a score of
94, reflecting a strong presence of
women in local government.
Sheldon said the attitude of men in
Ann Arbor toward women is part of the
reason it is such a women-friendly
"I feel men respect the contributions
women make, and as a result we are
able to be a community that truly works
together,"Sheldon said.
"I love Ann Arbor," LSA junior
Christy Johnson said. "It offers some-
thing for everyone, in every walk of
life. What ever your interest, you can
find it here."
Ladies' Home Journal deemed it
"appropriate that America's best city for
women bears the name of the two pio-
neering females who helped settle the
place:' The city was named for the Ann
Allen and Mary Ann Rumsey, whose
husbands planted an arbor of oaks in
1824. The Journal concluded that with
everything that Ann Arbor has to offer,
"it all adds up to a small city with big
city qualities."


Open House Coffee Hour
Monday October 12
8:00 pm

Murder Mystery party
Tuesday October 13
7:00-10:00 pm

1322 Hill St

For more information call Karyn 995-4386

i-1 lf....wi... w.t.: A-8--l- n- A.I. A Iftot


CEm * r Auitoriuim ID. 7:30in.m. U PsychologyvAcademic Peer Advuisng,

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