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October 07, 1998 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-07

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"The Truce" plays tonight at the Michigan. The fur about Itaian
Jew Primo Levi traces his journey from the Auschwitz concentra-
tion camp to his home in Turin. "The Truce" follows his emotional
transition from a man of despair to a man of hope. John Tur turro
stars as Levi. The screening begins at 7 p.m., and admission is

Yre Stdig afli

* Check out a feature about Border Crossing, the festival
that features the works of Richard Tillinghast and Poignant
Plecostomus in Weekend, etc.
October 7,1998


By Erin Podolsky
Daily Arts Writer
The "Dawson's Creek" freaks are back. and
they're about to give those "90210" geezers a
run for their ratings.
"Dawson's Weak" ended its first season
Owith a bang last spring as the "tiring subtext,"
as Joey would say, between Spielberg-disci-
ple Dawson (the large-headed - we're talk-
ing Travolta-sized here - James Van der
Beek) and tomboy Joey (the not-large-head-
ed, extremely delightful show savior Katie
Holmes) was finally sealed with a kiss. This
season should bring
plenty more teen-aged
angst and friendly ince st
Dawsos among the picture pretty
quartet of Dawson. Jocy.
Creek Pacey (Joshua Jackson)
* and Jen (Michelle
The WB Williams). Also joining
Tuesdays at 9 p.m. the cast this season are
siblings Andie (Meredith
Monroe) and Jack
McPhee (Kerr Smith),
along with a more robust
role for troublemaker
Abby Morgan (Monica
Keena) from the episode
spoofing "Breakfast Club"
Here's the rundown on what to expect in
the coming weeks from the show:
Cradle-robber Tamara is returning to
Capeside. Is a little Pacey-lovin' in store for
the former Capeside High teacher? Will she

aps up or fal season

arrive just in time to bust up a potentially nor-
mal (relatively speaking here -- any relation-
ship on "Dawson's a Creep" is so far from
normal that everything must be taken with a
grain of salt, relationship between Pacey and
anoilCer Capesider? Only time will tell.
Meanwhile, the rest of the verbose
Capeside young'uns will be getting rid of the
dreaded virgin "V" stamped on their fore-
heads and possibly trading it in for a sporty
red "A." Astute viewers will remind me that
Jen was a New York slut in her pre-Capeside
incarnation, but I figure that she's been living
he s raigct life long enough that she's been
born again.
Keep an eye out for infidelity on both
Dawson and Joey's characters as the early
part of the season gets underway. Jen contin-
ues to mope over her grandfather's death and
grows ever more bitter about Dawson and
They's blossoming relationship. Pacey flirts
with new girl Andie and has a birthday, which
is sure to cause conflict somewhere along the
way. ts also a pretty safe bet that Dawson
will say something stupid and anger angelic
ln the looks department, Dawson has a new
haircut. Jen has a new 'do as well, but seeing
as she could not possibly get more repulsive
and annoying (un!css she were to swap brains
with el jerko Dawson), I'll reserve any other
disparaging comments I might have in my
Back in the real world, the WB is making
one of the smartest moves ever by shifting the

creeps to Wednesday nights at 8 p.m., better
known to the target "DC" demographic as
"90210" hour. W4'ho will emerge victorious
from this battle royale of bad teen soaps: the
squeaky clean "Creek" crew or the slept-with-
counting rich California 20-somethings?
I'd put my money on the Capeside kids.
They have everything going for them. They're
young, semi-talented and have the movie con-
tracts to prove it. They haven't screwed each
other over yet or exhausted their trust funds.
"9021 old" is on its way out; Jason Priestley is
leaving and taking bad girl Tiffani-Amber
Thiessen with him. I'm hungry for new blood,
and Luke Perry's return isn't going to cut it.
The only thing that could possibly satisfy
my appetite for bad TV is "Dawson's Creek."
A myriad of soap-encrusted questions plague
me day and night. How long will the
Dawson/Joey relationship last? When will
Pacey declare his true love for Dawson?
When will Jen get flattened by a semi, thus
causing the show's ratings to skyrocket? How
much debauchery can these little high school-
ers stand before they make the deliciously
fatal mistake of talking about it all with too
many big words? How much Kevin
Will iamson movie memorabilia will inexplic-
ably be stuck in the background? When will
Dawson take the final leap and grow a
Spielbergian beard? How much homework
am I going to avoid doing in order to watch
this guilty pleasure of a show?
The answers will start rolling in tonight.

Courtesy of the WS3

The gang at "Dawson's Creek" etums for its second season tonight.

It's a perfect time to start a junk habit of your
very own. It's not a bad way to live, and there
are plenty of others like me out there to sup-
port you when the dreaded hiatus strikes and

you're forced to go cold turkey. Strike while
the iron is hot, as they say.
Or at least, while the soap suds and studs
are all lathered up.

*' Charmed'
lacks sale
By Je Lin
Daily Arts Writer
- Another new TV season and yet another Aaron Spelling
series to add to the never-ending list of soap opera-like
shows. Premiering tonight is the new drama "Charmed," star-
ring none other than the infamous Shannen Doherty a k a.
Wrenda on "90210."
Doherty plays a witch, which seems only proper after
being booted off "90210" for being the thing that rhymes
with witch. Also joining her in her TV comeback is former
"Melrose" cast member Alyssa Mijano and Holly Marie
Combs from "Picket Fences."
These three play sisters who, after moving back to their
childhood home, discover a family secret - they are really
part of a long line of witches. Known as the "Charmed Ones',"
each of the three have a secret weapon, and together they are
"he most powerful witches of the supernatural realm.
Doherty, the oldest of the three, plays
Prue. She has the ability to move
objects with her mind. This works best
when she gets angry, which is no prob-
Charmed lem, seeing as how she's pretty much
angry the entire episode. Combs is the
middle sister, Piper. Her special talent
The WB is being able to freeze time. That leaves
Tonight at 9 p.m. Phoebe, Milano, the baby of the family,
who has the gift to see into the future.
Of course, they don't abusec their power.
Most of us, if we could do what they
could, would be thinking "Vegas,
But somehow it's just so hard to
imagine Doherty playing a good
witch when she's perfected the art of being nasty. H er
character is on the warpath from the moment she opens
her mouth. First, Prue can't stand her little sister, Phoebe,
which has something to do with Phoebe touching Prue's
ex-boyfriend. Then Prue gets into an argument with her
boss who also happens to be her former fiance (how con-
* enient). Their arguments are the funniest part of the
whole hour. After Prue has left her ex-fiance speech ess,
Roger says, "I feel as if I should say something, only if to
avoid a lawsuit."

Overused storyline makes 7
Days' feel like forever

Courtesy of the WS
Shannen Doherty stars in the new drama "Charmed" on the
Milano fits the role of the free-spirited sister Phoebe per-
fectly. The producers must have thought so too because they
axc d actress Rom, previously slated to play Phoebe. All new
episodes had to be shot in order to remove Rom and add
Milano. Hollywood can be a cruel industry.
Combs doesn't really do much to the cast except stand
bet ween the other two and prevent them from destroying each
other. But a couple of witches just doesn't look as nice as a
In the premiere episode, titled "Something Wicca This Way
Comes," neighbor witches are dropping dead unexplainably,
a warlock is chasing after them and a mysterious cat follows
the girls. But the scenes are more likely to make you laugh
rather than send a chill down your spine. A mysterious man
dressed in a black raincoat is just not scary.
When you put the pieces together, what we have on our_
hands are three average actors in a mediocre drama that will
be better known as the show with Doherty as a witch. What
did Spelling expect?

By Ctris Cousine
Daily Arts Writer
"7 Days." Wait, is that the amount of time UPN spent
making a new series or the amout of time this new series
will last on network? Maybe it's the seventh day in the week
where you sit for hours and catch the latter half hour of
shows like "Baywatch" and "Love Boat: The Next Wave"
while channel surfing in a futile effort to find something
worthwhile to watch.
Joining the category of shows that we'd never admit to
watching, UPN's "7 Days" closes the fall television season
as a real winner in the stupid show category. It's a program
in the tradition of other high tech shows that mix secret
government activities, overused science fiction and very lit-
tle logic, like "Viper" and (ugh!)
"Team: Knight Rider."
Jonathan LaPaglia stars as Frank
Parker, a once high profile CIA spy
7 Days now confined to a mental hospital
after sufferng a breakdown from a
S mission. He's the typical, generic
Holywood rebethous hot shot sol
UPP& dier who can't stand orders bet per-
tongft at 8 p.m. forms incredibly when it comes
down to the job. Basically, he identi-
fies well with the teen angst riddled
15-year-old males the show is target-
'he two-hour season premiere
finds Parker in the hospital, while
some (wait, let me guess) Russians
attack the White House, kill the presidenrt and poison a
nearby school where (another let me guess) Parker's young
son attends. But remember the smart CIA always has a
plan transferring Parker to a base "somewhere in the
Nevada desert," the CIA selects him to lead a mission to go
back in time (hmmm, seven days perhaps?)to stopthe trag-
ic calamities.
If Parker goes back and changes time, the must-biave hot
female character, scientist Olga Vukavitch (.Tustina Vail),
informs him that "when you make even atiny change to the
past, everything that follows is also affected." Wow, what a

new concept this time travel, even though Marty McFly
taught us about it in 1985.
New exciting ideas like this combine wi many o r
intriguing concepts in "7 Days." Wonder whr h o
came up with the plans for time travel? Why thc 19 U O
Roswell crash, ofcourse. Now please, this has ot. b e
most overexposed, overused, non-secretive ide oi wc
has had to link any type of government eonspra
covert operation.
Why do these shows always have ge en ger
filled with a nation's elite who are sostupid. fthc GAi
so brilliantly talented to develop a time machine, is t it
plausible that they could prevent an attack on the Vhite
House by a small six-person "hardcore Mri ( d
When Parker eventually stops the bad guys (Cmor you
really thought they'd get away?), he runs pk hi.
son and hugs him, though he's beenshotinhis ou . If
you can buy that, how about watching Milit Advi.r
Donovan("Seaquest: DSV"'s Don Franklin) take a grende
in the arm, bleed a little and shrug it off with a st,sm ta
would make comic book Sgt. Nick Fury proud.
Yeah, this isn't plausible at all but the real qution of
plausibility comes when Parker asks a CIA dire or in
charge of the mission, "Why is it 7 days?" He r -phi -t
has to do with the size and powereof the reacor, Mr. Pac °.
Do you want me to explain it?
Obviously Parker says no because the writrs composing
the lines for these one-dimensional characters don't have a
clue how to explain it. With "7 Days," all theyshw-1 good
of American crap like "Independence Pay" and
"Armageddot," where the average, individualistic rebel
saves the day and his country amidst his family and mov-
ing shots ofthe American flag. Haven't we seen enogh of
this patriotic tripe?
Even if you haven't had your fill of mon's apple
pie,, God bless the USA someplace else. Vis t more
scenic spots in America than "somewhere, Nevad°,
like Dawson's Creek, Mass. (actually NC), or, ')you're
really desperate, "Beverly Hills 90210.' H ope y1 , in
seven days, we'll never have to hear of this show

Read the Daily Online at www.michigandaily.com

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