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October 07, 1998 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-07

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - 5

EPA cites 'U' for
participation in
energy program

Women rally for
'real man' Engler

By Sarah Lewis
For the Daily
The Environmental Protection
Agency recognized the University's
participation in its "Energy Star"
Building Energy Conservation
Program and commitment to energy
conservation during a ceremony yes-
terday afternoon at the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library.
Robert Perciasepe, an assistant
administrator and award presenter for
the EPA, said the Energy Star pro-
gram's main objective is to reduce
energy demand by taking existing
buildings and making them more
energy and cost efficient through vol-
untary programs at universities and
Also, the program aims to reduce
pollution, he said.
"When you reduce energy con-
sumption, you also reduce the pollu-
tion levels," such as carbon dioxide
emissions, Perciasepe said.
The University has been a partner
in the Energy Star program for more
than a year. Donald Lystra, a utilities
engineer and the University's pro-
gram director, said the initial objec-
tive was to make 120 campus build-
ings more energy efficient during a
period of six years. To date, 19 "are
substantially completed," he said,
with the graduate library being the

first completed project.
Lystra said the University had to
"put one building up front and use it
to perfect the technique," so the
library became the program's "pilot
building," and was the first to receive
an energy efficient makeover. Lystra
said teams of engineers and students
replaced old lighting fixtures,
installed high efficiency ballasts and
lamps and mechanically tuned-up
heating and cooling machinery.
From the graduate library alone,
Perciasepe estimated savings of
$225,000 and 2.8 million kilowatt
hours, in addition to reducing 5 million
pounds of carbon dioxide emissions.
"Doing 120 buildings would be
equivalent to planting 27,000 acres of
trees;" he said.
Student participation was key to
the program's success. Lystra said
some students actually were aware of
the Energy Star program in the begin-
ning and brought it to his attention.
Claude Bailey, a second-year
Engineering graduate student, spoke at
the ceremony to represent the student
participation in Energy Star. He and 16
other students involved in the project
put together performance data and ref-
erence manuals in addition to doing
the actual repair work on the buildings.
"I wanted a job that gives me the
chance to practice my engineering

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Calling
Republican Gov. John Engler "a real
man" unlike his Democratic rival
Geoffrey Fieger, state Rep. Shirley
Johnson urged women yesterday to
keep him in office for a third term.
At a Capitol rally focused mostly on
Engler's record of support for women's
issues hiring - his staff is 62 percent
female - Johnson, a Royal Oak
Republican, jabbed at Fieger.
First, she asked Lt. Gov. Connie
Binsfeld to send a copy of domestic
violence laws strengthened by Engler to
Fieger, whose wife alleged abuse dur-
ing a 1995 divorce filing.
The remark received gasps of shock
from the women and then, after a ner-
vous silence, they applauded it.
Johnson went on to criticize Fieger
for describing Democratic Attorney
General candidate Jennifer Granholm
as "hysterical" because she disagreed
with his crime-fighting ideas.
Johnson said that women who work
for Engler are never labeled "a hysteri-
cal female" when they disagree with
"Somebody ought to tell Jennifer
what she should have told Mr. Fieger is
'men don't talk that way anymore. They
don't accuse us of being ding-a-lings or
airheads or hysterical in our behavior.
Real men really respect us.'
"That's what our governor is. He's a
real man," Johnson said.
A key difference between Engler and
Fieger is their positions on abortion,

Fieger said during a Detroit appearance
yesterday. Engler is anti-abortion and
Fieger says he sees abortion, like assist-
ed suicide, as a personal choice.
"This is a man who is anti-choice,
who is one of the biggest enemies of the
women's movement," Fieger said. "The
fact of the matter is I'm the biggest sup-
porter of women's choice issues, of
equal pay for equal work, and an
avowed feminist."
Binsfeld said Engler has increased
job opportunities for women, increased
child support collections and day care
for working women, and expanded
breast-cancer screenings for women
and health care for poor children.
"Governor Engler has maximized his
opportunities as our leader to bring pos-
itive changes in Michigan laws and
policies for women and families,"
Binsfeld said.
The governor doesn't have to reach
out for the women's vote, said Lansing
pollster Ed Sarpolus, vice president of
EPIC/MRA. He said the event and oth-
ers like it are meant to draw more
Republicans to the ballot box.
"This is to give John Engler his swan
song to give him coattails for once in
his life," he said.
"The governor is finding it harder
and harder to get people to focus on the
race because they think it's over with
already," Sarpolus said. "Every new lit-
tle gimmick they come up with is to
keep the public interested enough to
vote in November."

EPA Assistant Administrator Robert Perciasepe presents an award to the
University at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library yesterday.

skills in the work environment ... I
can take the knowledge I've learned
in the Energy Star program and apply
it to my future career," Bailey said.
Heidi Savin, an Engineering junior
who worked on the program's
Website, said she learned the
University has many different aspects.
"I learned that the University has
another side besides teaching and
research. It also has an important busi-
ness and engineering side," Savin said.
Both Savin and Engineering senior

Jordan Jonas said the program pro-
vides an excellent setting to interact
with others, analyze data and develop
good problem solving skills.
Henry Baier, associate vice presi-
dent of business operations at the
University, said "I'm really pleased that
(the students) were part of this process.
They gave a lot of their own energy.
"I look forward to U of M being a
leader in energy conservation and pol-
lution prevention," he said. "We have to
think about what each of us can do"


student hopes to

,secure Mayor spot in
upcoming A2 elections

Continued from Page 1
'apptoximately $3.8 million for the
purchase of farmland that would oth-
erwise be used for development pur-
The city is interested in the propos-
al, in hopes that it would prevent
urban sprawl and encourage local
farmers to continue in agriculture.
But Keslacy said she feels govern-
ment shouldn't interfere.
"The development is happening for
a reason: There is a demand for it.
The PDR is farmer welfare. The city
hould let the free market decide,"
eslacy said.
Keslacy said another major prob-
lemt in city government is the absence
of a student City Council seat. Also,
miuch of the city government's busi-
ness is not easily accessible to stu-
dents, Keslacy said.
"I would like to make all informa-
tion on City Council meetings and
city government available online,"
Keslacy said.

Thoughts on how a student would
fare as mayor of Ann Arbor vary.
"The job of mayor could be diffi-
cult for a student because he or she is
likely to be a person who has not
lived in Ann Arbor very long and
does not know the issues," said City
Council member Jean Carlberg. "That
student would really be at a disadvan-
Keslacy's age may also hinder her
performance as mayor, said LSA
senior Bill Stevenson.
"I think being the mayor of a city as
large as Ann Arbor demands age and
experience;' Stevenson said. "A grad
student or a Ph.D. might be more real-
istic, but someone who is not even of
the legal age to drink probably cannot
see beyond what is popular with stu-
dents right now."
Yet there is always a chance that a
student mayor could bring a different
perspective to the city.
"On the other hand, a student
mayor might have a fresh point of
view, and a lot of energy to otfer the
city,' Carlberg said.

Continued from Page 1
ing the seed for his area of research, as
well as the work of numerous other sci-
"A lot of people read his book and
said, 'Oh my gosh' and were inspired,"
Sander said. "I just wouldn't have done
my work if I hadn't been familiar with
his book. I think that's true of a lot of
Mandelbrot also will speak at two
other events this week. Tomorrow, he
will present a seminar about the appli-
cation of fractals in physics at 2:30 p.m.
in room 340 of West Hall. Friday, he
will give a lecture on fractals in relation
to financial markets at noon in room
1640 of the Chemistry Building.
Mandelbrot's work is based on the
observation that certain repetitions of
complex patterns are found in nature.
The way the veins in a leaf part is similar
to the way the limbs in trees branch off.

I Jp close, the patterns in nature often
resemble the patterns of the whole.
"His work gave us a new way to look
at things," said Sander, who helped
organize the lecture. "I'm hoping peo-
ple will learn about this stuff"
Mandelbrot's description of fractals
also affected the way mathematics is
perceived. Computer-generated frac-
tals, noted for their beauty and com-
plexity, have become a familiar sight in
math classrooms across the nation.
"Without the computer, my work
would never have been accepted so
widely, especially by the young,"
Mandelbrot said. "Fractals are a way to
get the young to understand that mathe-
matics is not dry or boring."
Fractals have inspired artists as well
as scientists. Mandelbrot said the artis-
tic aspect of fractals has grabbed the
popular imagination.
"General acceptance started when
the haunting beauty of fractals became
clear," Mandelbrot said.


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