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October 06, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-06

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One hundred eight years ofeditorialfreedom

October 6, 1998

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By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
Representatives from colleges and
runiversities nationwide will meet with
members of the clothing industry and
government labor officials today to dis-
cuss the use of sweat shops in college
thletics apparel production.
Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman
announced yesterday the beginning of a
forum examining the $2.5-billion indus-
try that will kick off with a forum today
in Washington, D.C. that is sponsored in
part by the University.
Implementing a code of conduct for
companies making college apparel,
Herman said, is essential for maintaining
high working standards at home and
"College apparel should not be made
a sweat shop," Herman said in a
national teleconference yesterday.
"Students have an integral role in the
process. It can be sujmmed up by three
words: educate, organize and mobilize."
In recent months, the University has
drawn fire from campus activists who
oppose the University's contract with
Nike, which some activists contend allows
workers to perform in poor working con-
itions in the production of their apparel.
Keith Molin, the retired senior associ-
ate athletic director now serving as the
department's consultant on this matter,
said the issue is one in which all people
should take interest.
"This is an issue more complex than
we thought it was," Molin said. "All
See APPAREL, Page 7

Committee votes to
consider impeachment

Steve and Barry's University Sportswear sells a wide variety of Michigan apparel. Barry Prevor, co-owner of Steve and
Barry's, said his store does not sell clothing produced in sweatshops.


Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON -A sharply divid-
ed House Judiciary Committee voted
last night to recommend the start of a
formal inquiry into whether President
Clinton should be impeached for
obstructing justice and lying about his
sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky.
As anticipated, the vote followed
party lines, with the panel's 21
Republicans supporting the motion
while its 16 Democrats opposed it. The
vote followed an often-heated, all-day
session during which the Republicans
made their case for proceeding with the
inquiry while the Democrats argued
Clinton's offenses did not rise to the
level of such an investigation.
The committee's action sets the
stage for all 435 members of the
House of Representatives to vote
Thursday on whether they believe
there is enough evidence to warrant
a full-scale impeachment investiga-
tion. It is expected the GOP-con-
trolled House will approve the
inquiry; what will be-
closely watched is how
many Democrats also
support it.
House passage will mark
the third impeachment
inquiry of a president in
U.S. history. Wi
Under the inquiry pro- ac
posal the committee adopt-
ed yesterday, the panel will
review the Lewinsky matter but also
can broaden its scope if other allega-
tions of presidential misconduct are
sent to Congress by Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr. Democrats
strongly opposed such an open-ended
The inquiry, patterned after the
one launched for the Watergate
scandal, also will not have a
timetable for completion. However,
Chairperson Henry Hyde (R-1ll.)
has said he would like the commit-
tee to complete an impeachment
inquiry by the new year.
If the panel approved articles of
impeachment against Clinton, the full
House would then vote on whether to

adopt them, with a simple majority
required for passage. If that occurred,
the case would then go to the Senate for
trial, where a two-thirds majority would
be required to remove Clinton from
"The 20th Century has been referred
to often as the American Century,"
Hyde said at the start of yesterday's
meeting. "It is imperative we be able to
look back at this episode with dignity
and pride. ... In this difficult moment
in our history lies the potential for our
finest achievement - proof that
democracy work"
But the senior Democrat on the
panel, Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit)
complained that House Republicans are
simply trying to elevate Clinton's
morals into a national scandal.
"This is not Watergate," he said. "It is
an extramarital affair."
But reflecting the Democratic strate-
gy of shifting the focus from Clinton's
actions to the relentless pursuit of the
case by Starr and his aides, Conyers
said: "I suggest to you in
every ounce of friendship
that I can muster that even
worse than an extramarital
relationship is the use of
° federal prosecutors and fed-
eral agents to expose an
b fa extramarital relationship."
Before voting to recom-
mend the impeachment
inquiry, the panel defeated
several Democratic amendments -
each time on strict party-line votes of
21-16 - that would have limited the
time and scope of the impeachment
During yesterday's debate,
Republicans insisted that an impeach-
ment inquiry was necessary to deter-
mine the extent of Clinton's misbehav-
Rep. Bill McCullom (R-Fla.) noted
that there are 115 people serving time
in federal prisons for committing per-
jury - one of the offenses Clinton is
accused of in his attempts to conceal his
sexual liaisons with Lewinsky.
"That's enough for us to impeach and
See CLINTON, Page 7

Op ex
By Paul Berg
Daily Staff Reporter
At a meeting of the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs yesterday, Provost Nancy Cantor
addressed the faculty's executive governing body on
ure concerns.
antor said she is a strong advocate of tenure.
"The benefits of tenure revolve around research,"
Cantor said. "It is the right to sort of prosper in this
SACUA Chair William Ensminger said he is con-
cerned non-tenured faculty are receiving the same
benefits as tenured professors.
"Some say tenure is like American citizenship,"
said Ensminger, a professor of pharmacology. "I can
speak my peace without being shot."
Cantor and SACUA members attempted to define
u tre, facing growing concern that the lines between
rent levels of University faculty are becoming
"I have been upset by the pitting of tenured faculty

ecs update SACUA

Cantor a ddresses
group on tenure,
tobacco stocks
and diverse faculty elements against each other'
Cantor said.
She pointed to the performance arts departments as
an example of a "need for flexibility," because it is
often beneficial for students to learn from both pro-
fessionals and academics.
"An institution this complex depends on a diversity
of roles," Cantor said.
As an example of how faculty diversity has been
achieved, Cantor cited the Medical School's policy of
limiting the number of non-tenured faculty to 10 per-
cent of the school's total, although she said this is not

a "hard and fast rule."
SACUA members also discussed the Academic
Freedom Fund lecture series.
The Senate Assembly sponsors the lectures, and
next March's lecture will mark the first year the cen-
tral administration supports it.
The significance of the lectures to the faculty's
governing body involves three faculty members
from 1954 who were suspended by the University
in, as University President Lee Bollinger said last
week, "an era of rabid intolerance by this
Ensminger said the Chandler Davis, Clement
Markert and Mark Nickerson lectures are named after
and honor these three former University professors,
whom he said were victims of the anti-communist
trend of McCarthyism.
Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs
Gilbert Omenn addressed the committee's concern on
the possible revitalization of the University's health
See SACUA, Page 7

Open wide

Police say
heroin use
on the rise
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
With toxicology reports in the. suspected drug-
related death of a University student still incom-
plete and a suspected deadly heroin overdose in
Ann Arbor this weekend, Ann Arbor Police
Department officials said heroin use may be on the
rise in Ann Arbor.
"There seems to be a revival - especially in the
area of snorting it," said AAPD Lieutenant Jim
Tieman. "Our narcotics officers are looking for it."
After more than two weeks, toxicology reports
regarding the death of LSA sophomore Chris
Giacherio remain unfinished, Tieman said.
"We talked with Dr. (Bader) Cassin, the medical
examiner, who said he hasn't had a chance to look at
the toxicology reports," Tieman said.
Giacherio was found unresponsive in the bath-
room of a friend's home at 909 Packard St. earlier
this month. Preliminary autopsy reports indicate
heroin and cocaine may have contributed to
Giacherio's death.
Tieman said the reports should be finished in
about a week, at which time the medical examiner

Study finds
hard to detect
By Gerard Coben-Vr lfaud
Daily Staff Reporter
Conservative estimates say 5 percent of the population is
affected. More inclusive surveys put it at around 20 percent.
But whatever the prevalence, psychologists and social work-
ers agree that major depression is an important problem on
campus and across the nation.
National Mental Illness Awareness Week kicked off yes-
terday just as a newly released University study suggested
that identifying clinical depression in patients is a complex
As part of the national focus on depression, the annual
"Scream-In" is scheduled to be held tomorrow on the Diag at
noon to publicize mental illnesses such as depression and
The study, published in the September issue of the
Archives of Family Medicine and directed by family medi-
cine Prof. Michael Klinkman, classified people in three cat-
egories - depressed, nondepressed and those who fall in
A new conception of depression, Klinkman said, must be
created. Psychiatrists, he said, often label patients as either
depressed or nondepressed, with no middle ground, and fail

Models of three forms of heroin are displayed by
the Ann Arbor Police Department. AAPD officials
said there may be an increase in the use of heroin
in Ann Arbor.
'There are no ties at this time," between the two
cases, Tieman said. The victim was not a University
student, he added.
Although AAPD officers have not linked the two
deaths, Tieman said he is concerned about the possi-
bility that someone is dealing tainted batches of the
"Is there bad heroin out there?" Tieman asked.
"We'd like to get some answers"
Deb Kraus, a clinical psychologist at the
University's Counseling and Psychological Services,
said heroin is a "career drug" because it is expensive


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