News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 IC IiCf *ri One hundred eight years of editoridlfreedom Friday October 2, 1998 I U' forms binge drinking task force By Erin Holms Daily Staff Reporter Heavy weekend partying may be a way of life for some in college, but University administrators are trying to decrease the number of first-year students who drink in the residence halls. ,o help reduce the occurrence of erage drinking on campus, Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford has commissioned a binge drinking task force specifically target- ing these first-year students who use alcohol in their residence hall rooms. "We've come up with a group of rather stellar people to take actual steps toward lowering binge drink- ing," Hartford said, adding that rep- resentatives from the University jalth Services and Housing Wision also are involved in the small task force - the first of its kind at the University. Alcohol and Other Drug Education Coordinator Marsha Benz said the University defines binge drinking as consuming five or more drinks on one occasion. Hartford said the number of students who "drink to get drunk" has consis- ly been higher at the University - percent of students, according to a recent survey - than the average num- ber across the nation. "We need to see if we're doing everything we can to educate these stu- dents, to see if we can limit drinking' Hartford said. Benz said the task force is "extremely focused" and will meet monthly to talk about substance abuse problems. *We're trying to look at what we can do that has been effective at other places,' Benz said. "I'm hoping for fresh ideas in our meetings" The formation of the task force coincides with Congressional approval of legislation allowing col- leges to notify parents when stu- dents under 21 commit an alcohol violation. can Esteban McCabe, assistant the vice president for student affairs, said the University's plan for the binge drinking task force was in the works before the U.S. legislation was approved, but the task force will See DRINKING, Page 5 UT mm Seusan T. Port Daily Staff Reporter Following a dramatic drop in the num ity students at the University of Texas a admission policies have spurred a slig diversity at the school this year. After the state of Texas was forced t use of race in its admission's practices Hopwood v The University of Texas dec Brooks sanctioned under Code Music conference kcks off By Paul Berg Daily Staff Reporter The Ann Arbor music scene, though diverse, has a special proximity to Detroit, the city that fans of the genre call "the home of techno." The 24th annual International Computer Music Conference 1998 began a six-day event series in Ann Arbor yesterday, and the University's flock of elec- tronically generated music listeners - and those merely curious - will have an opportunity to be a part of the largest gathering of this type in the world. "People are beginning to re-conceive what music is," said Stephen Arnold, president of the International Computer Music Association. "At any time in history the technology has affected music." The ICMA, along with the University, is sponsor- ing the conference, which ends Oct. 6 and features concerts, displays, demonstrations and a series of lec- tures on composition techniques, ethical issues and technological capabilities. "This community that is here this week has pio- neered a lot of the technology that has made popular electronic music what it is," said Arnold, head of the School of Music at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. "This is a music festival on one hand and a scientific conference on the other." The conferences includes free performances at Rackham Auditorium from 3 and 8 p.m. today, with the afternoon show changing its line-up for each day of.the conference. On Monday and Tuesday, there also will be free concerts at the Rackham Auditorium at 1 p.m. Evening shows will move to the Power Center start- NPAT HANKUtR/Daily ABOVE: Dancer and choreographer Celesta Harastzl dances yesterday with sensors attached to her body that convert muscle movement into computer music, RIGHT: Research scientist and University of Illinois com- poser Robin Bargar explains virtual sound yesterday. ing Saturday and running through Tuesday. The artists will change from night to night, and each Power Center show will be $6. "There's internationally famous performers, along with local talent," said Mary Simoni, conference chair and ICMA conference coordinator. "Our pur- pose is to really integrate science and the arts." Local performers include the resident professional company of the University dance department, Ann Arbor Dance Works; Music Director for the University's dance department Stephen Rush; Ann Arbor Symphony orchestra third flute Tamara Thweatt; and conductor of Ann Arbor's Brave New Works Music Series Chris Kim. Performers in computer music also have gathered from around the world, including such diverse loca- tions as Seoul, Korea and Copenhagen, Denmark. "The ICMC is about putting expression beside the most current research, but it's the art that can grab the See MUSIC, Page 2 By Katie Plona Daily Staff Reporter Jason Brooks, an offensive lineman on the Michigan football team and a Kinesiology sophomore, has been disci- plined under the University's Code of Student Conduct for sexually assaulting a female University student, the victim told The Michigan Daily. Brooks accepted responsibility for four Code viola- tions last week, said the victim, a University sopho- more who asked not to be identified. The four counts are: physically \ harming another person; sexuallyB assaulting or sexually harassing another person; illegally possessing, using, dis- tributing, manufacturing or selling alcohol or other drugs; and violating state or federal law if such action has a serious impact on the University com- munity. Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations Bruce Madej said Brooks - who was red-shirted as a first-year stu- dent last season - was not eligible to play in the football team's first four games of the season because of a "team violation." But, Madej said the sopho- more is eligible to play in tomorrow's game against Iowa. "I assume he is (playing) because he is listed as one of our backups now," Madej said. Brooks could not be reached for comment. The Code is the University's internal discipline system. It's sanctions range from educational discipline to expul- sion. The incident that spurred the victim to file a Code complaint in Marcfh occurred Feb. 21, 1998. Shortly after she filed a police report with the Department of Public Safety, the victim said she filed a Code com- plaint using the same statement she made in the police report. According to the DPS document, the victim was walking home from a party to her South Quad residence hall room shortly after 3 a.m. when she encoun- tered Brooks and a friend. The two approached her. Brooks put his arm around the victim, which made her ner- vous, so she tried to walk faster. As she approached a door leading into the residence hall, Brooks' friend blocked the victim from swiping her M- Card through the detector. Some words were exchanged, and then Brooks kissed the victim against her will. He then asked if he could come up to her dorm room with her. When she told him no, he asked for her phone number, according to her accounts on the DPS report. "Unfortunately, I was entirely terri- fied and so many things were running through my mind over what these two men would do to me, that I actually wrote down my phone number and gave it to him" the report states. According to the DPS record, Brooks asked the victim to have sex with him. Then he forced her to fondle him and asked her to perform oral sex on him. She claims he also asked her to go back to his room with him and he forcibly kissed her again. After the victim refused to go with Brooks, he and his friend left and the victim went into her residence hall, the report states. The document states that Brooks called the victim three times within the week following the incident. Six sanctions were placed on Brooks, the victim said. Brooks must continue substance abuse counseling and provide record of the counseling. Brooks cannot have any contact with the complainant. Brooks cannot enter any campus residence hall, with the exception of South Quad Residence Hall for specif- ic football functions. At those times, he must enter and exit from a pre-deter- mined door. Brooks must complete individual counseling until it is deemed no longer necessary. Brooks cannot have any contact with the complainant in an educational setting. For instance, if they register for the same class, Brooks must drop it. Brooks must abide by all Athletic Department disciplinary actions, which include substance abuse counseling and restriction from participating on the football team. The victim said she plans to appeal the decision reached under the Code because she feels the matter was mishandled and she did not fulfill her objective. "Going into the (Code) process, all I wanted was for Jason Brooks to be removed from the football team," the victim said. University officials refused to com- ment about the details of the case. They are prohibited under federal law from publicly releasing the names of anyone involved in Code proceedings. The three-person appeals panel com- prised of a University faculty member, an administrator and a student can alter the original sanctions placed on Brooks. She said she decided to file a Code complaint in addition to the one she filed in a Washtenaw County court because Brooks violated not only her safety, but her rights as a member of the University community. "The court sanctions took care of my safety," she said, but the legal system couldn't go much further. "When he chose to do that, he for- feited his rights and privileges to be a member of that team," she said. He added that all disciplinary actions taken against Brooks as a football player were made in compliance with the University. The victim said she hopes the appeals process will result in the removal of Brooks from the football team. But she also said she hopes it will shed more light onto how Code cases are handled. "What is most important to me at this point with the Code is that the com- plainant's rights are viewed as slightly more important than they were in my See BROOKS, Page 3 ority admissions increase nber of minor- at Austin, new ht increase in o abandon the following the vision in 1996, the University of Texas System campuses experienced rge drop in minority applicants. ut this year's statistics at the University of Texas at Austin look a little more optimistic, said Marsha Moss, associate vice president and director of University of Texas's Office of Institutional Studies. Moss said "overall, the entering class is more diverse than last year's." UT at Austin's class of 2002 is 10 percent smaller than last year's incoming class, Moss said, adding that the decrease is the result of a conscious effort to downsize the class. Associate Director of the University of Texas Office of Admissions Augustine Garza said the university noticed a decrease in the minority makeup of its '97 incoming class. But Garza said 65.4 percent of the members in the enrolled class of 2002 are white, compared to 67.1 percent of the incoming class in fall '97. The percentage of blacks has increased from the fall of '97 - from 2.5 percent to 2.8 percent in the fall '98. Asians make up 17.1 percent of the enrolled class, while 12.1 percent enrolled last year were of Asian descent. Garza attributed the increase in minority enrollment to the school's "top 10 percent admissions law," which has allowed the university to focus its recruitment activ- ities and attract a diverse and qualified incoming class. The "top 10 percent law" grants automatic admis- sion to all Texans who graduate in the top 10 percent of their high school class. Garza said this year the university practiced a more aggressive outreach to all potential students, regard- less of race, to attract minority students. "We (have) to treat everybody the same," Garza said. "We were allowed to target underrepresented communities for recruitment purposes." Garza said he believes that in the next couple of years, UT will continue to increase minority enroll- ment since students will know the expected criteria and will work to reach the school's standards. "I think we are going to continue to outreach, visit- ing schools and continue campus visiting program," Garza said, adding that he would add more people to See TEXAS, Page 5 Michigan vs. Iowa ho: No. 25 Michigan (2-2) vs. unranked Iowa (2-2) Politicians support ballot initiatives Where: Kinnick Stadium (cap. 70,397) When: Tomorrow at 3:30 Line: ichigan by 10 Television: ABC (channel 7) Last Year: Michigan 28, Iowa 24 , By Jason Stoffer Daily Staff Reporter Debbie Fusilier's 7-year-old son looked up as Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer climbed into a tractor outside Ann Arbor's Farmer's Market yesterday, while she wondered if her son would ever get the chance to own a tractor of his own. At a press conference yesterday afternoon, Archer joined forces with farmers and local politicians to voice his support for two ballot initiatives designed to preserve Michigan's agri- land at the rate of 10 acres per hour and said "unplanned" urban sprawl is diverting resources from Michigan cities. He said it is inefficient to rebuild the sewers, public works and cultural infrastructure that already exist in urban areas. "We cannot save our farmland unless we save our cities and the reverse also holds true," Archer said. "Proposal 1 and the Clean Michigan Initiative are critical for the future: to build jobs, to control urban sprawl, to increase envi- ronmental safety." I - -