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October 01, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-01

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The Michigan Daily -

Thursday, October 1,.1998 -3A

U' among often-
c..ited research
In the current issue of Science Watch,
niversity researchers received high
qrades for works they published between
1993 and 1997. In nine out of 21 fields
of study, academic papers by University
faculty ranked in the top 10 list of the
works cited most often. Overall, the
University placed fifth in the nation, and
first among public institutions - ahead
of both MIT and UC Berkeley. The top
four schools were Harvard University,
Stanford University, California Institute
of Technology and Yale University,
University research was the most cited
in the education field, fifth most cited in
ecology/environment and
psychology/psychiatry and seventh in
immunology and computer science.
'U' doctors rank
among best in
the nation
University Health Systems is home to
almost 200 of the nation's best physi-
cians. That's according to a book pub-
lished every two years by
Woodward/White Inc. "The Best
Doctors in America: 1999 Edition" lists
...university doctors from 34 different spe-
-cialties, ranging from allergy to derma-
The results printed in the book are
based on physician peer surveys. The
publishers of the book asked more
1an 30,000 physicians across the
country to evaluate fellow doctors
within their specialty. The complete
list of University doctors is available
on the University's Medical Center's
Research vessel
holds open house
" The University will hosts tours of its
research vessel, the Laurentian, for
school children Oct. 6-9. Public open
houses are scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. on
Oct. 5 and 6. The ship is scheduled to be
docked at Upton Park in St. Joseph,
The program is sponsored by the
Frederich S. Upton Foundation of St.
Joseph. About 475 students from Benton
Harbor and St. Joseph will get to tour the
jip. The Laurentian is an 80-foot ship
th an "M" painted on its stack. The
~ students will get an opportunity to view
the ship's research facilities and laborato-
The purpose of the tours is to pre-
pare students to take the Great Lakes
,.objectives section on the Michigan
Education Assessment Program
exam. The tours will cover areas of
interest such as ecosystems, food
*ebs and migration into the Great
Lakes. The students will collect water
samples and look at them under
Lifestyles don't
affect some
mortality rates
A University study suggests that
unhealthy lifestyles are not the pri-
*ary cause of excess mortality
among low-income and less educated
Public Health Prof. Paula Lantz's

,". study is titled "Socioeconomic Factors,
~Health Behaviors and Mortality: Results
from a Nationally-Representative
-Prospective Study of U.S. Adults" and
appeared in the June 3 issue of the
Journal of the American Medical
WThe study showed that contrary to
conventional wisdom, low-income
Americans do not have higher mortality
rates because they smoke, drink, do not
exercise or are overweight. The study
" found that the risky behaviors in low-
income and less educated Americans
could not explain fully the higher mor-
tality rates.
Rather, Lantz conjectured that other
factors such as the stresses of daily life,
wer social supports and a decreased
se of control were more important in
t dictating the high mortality rates.
Occupational and environmental health
hazards unique to disadvantaged
.Americans were another factor, Lantz
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud.

Med Prof
after 35
By Swrah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
Hematology Prof. Roland Hiss, a
Medical School faculty member since
1966, has announced his retirement,
after teaching a hematology course for
35 years.
Hiss plans to remain in his other
positions: chair of Postgraduate
Medicine and Health Professions
Education, and organizer of continuing
medical education courses.
Having received both his undergrad-
uate and medical degrees at the
University, Hiss has a long history with
the department of internal medicine and
the campus in general.
Hiss joined the faculty after complet-
ing his residency and fellowship at
University Hospitals and has been at the
University since, spending only four
years of his life since his first year of
college away from Ann Arbor.
Hiss said the atmosphere of the town
and University have kept him in the
"I like Ann Arbor. The University has
been a very challenging place. It's a
combination of good things: a good
school and a good community," Hiss
said. "I've always felt that what I was
doing here was exactly what I wanted to
Dedication certainly describes Hiss,
said Medical School Dean Lorris Betz.
"Dr. Hiss has shown extraordinary
talent and enthusiasm for teaching

Hematology Prof. Roland Hiss sits In his office at the Towsley Building on the Medical campus. Hiss has announced his
retirement after 35 years of teaching at the Medical School.

hematology to 35 classes of Medical
students. More than 6,000 practicing
physicians are fortunate to have benefit-
ed from his superb instruction," said
Betz, who presented Hiss with a clock
Monday during his final class in appre-
ciation of the services he has provided
throughout his tenure at the University.
Hiss' medical fraternity initiated the
"Phi-Chi" note system, a type of scribe
service in which one student types up
the notes for all participants in the class.
Students continue to use this system
today in lecture classes.
His experience has taught him to deal
with people on their own level and

understand the situations of his stu-
dents, he said.
Hiss said he feels it is important to
"stimulate real situations, because it is a
more powerful way to teach students.
I've never forgotten what it's like not to
know something" He said he has even
used his own blood in lab exercises.
Medical second-year student Ann
Little said Hiss is "very interesting."
"After teaching a course for 35 years,
it might become stale. But with him, it's
done to perfection. His lecturing is
incredible, perfectly timed," Little said.
Ample positive reaction to his teach-
ing may explain why he has received

student-selected awards multiple times.
The Galens Medical Society, a vol-
untary and honorary medical organiza-
tion, awarded Hiss its Galens Shovel
He also has received the Teacher of
the Year Award more than once, in addi-
tion to winning the University's
Distinguished Service Award.
Hiss said the years he spent teaching
have allowed him to take his experi-
ences, "turn them around,'and make it a
better learning experience for the stu-
He said he takes pride in his role in
educating aspiring doctors.

Pi Psi
By Karn Chopra
For the Daily
Pi Psi Fraternity, Inc. brought togeth-
er a panel of influential black males last
night to discuss their personal life
experiences and accomplishments.
LSA junior Jeffrey McKinnon, a
member of Pi Psi, said the event, titled
"Upward Mobility: Stabilization of the
Race," was an attempt to educate stu-
dents about the difficulties involved
with becoming successful in society.
"Specifically the panel is focused of
the upliftment of black males, where
members of society can come and tell
us about their experiences and help us
in our future," McKinnon said.
LSA senior Felecia Brooks said she
came to the panel to discuss the stu-
dent-related issue and to support her
friends in Pi Psi, a black fraternity
founded at the University in 1996.
"The topic is universal and people of
all colors, white or black, should be
here tonight to hear what the speakers
have to say," Brooks said.
About 75 people attended the meet-
ing, during which each person on the
four-member panel gave a 10-minute
speech, followed by a question-and-
answer period.
Isaiah McKinnon, the former chief of
police for the City of Detroit, spoke
about his early life experiences, includ-
ing a brutal beating he sustained at the
age of 14 from four police officers. He
attributed his career choice to this event.
"I was going to become a police offi-
cer, so that I would never let that
occur... around me' he said.
History assistant Prof. Matthew
Countryman discussed the resentment
blacks with high levels of education
face from members of their own and
other races.
* "We stand in a time of incredible
contradiction," Countryman said.
"There is suspicion on all sides, and
those are the challenges we must deal
with every day."
David Mitchell, a Detroit sports
writer, had a somewhat contradicting
"This is a good time to be an African
American male;' Mitchell said. "You
all have an incredible ability to over-
come adversity. You should all walk
with great pride."
Larry Lee, vice president for football
operations for the Detroit Lions, tack-
led the topic of religion. Lee began his
speech by emphasizing God's perva-
sive influence on people's lives and the
importance of having an optimistic atti-
Lee also mentioned the extra respon-
sibility he has as a black man in an
administrative position for a profes-
sional sports team.
"I am one of eight African
American vice presidents in the NFL,
and I am only one of three with major
responsibilities," Lee said. "I think
that I can't fail"
Although many of the students at the
event responded positively to the
themes conveyed by the speakers, oth-
ers said they felt the speakers' personal
experiences could not be generalized to

the population.
"I disagree with the idea thatit isa
good timeto be a black man' one audi-
ence member said.

U' welcomes new Kinesiology director

By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
Psychology Prof. John Hagen, who headed up the
search for a director of the Division of Kinesiology,
says he couldn't be happier with the fruits of his
His committee's decision to recommend Beverly
Ulrich for the position was the first step toward invit-
ing an internationally-recognized professor to head
up the University's Kinesiology faculty.
Ulrich's appointment was approved by Provost
Nancy Cantor and the University Board of Regents at
its September meeting, bringing the eight-month
search officially to a close.
"It is a major accomplishment for the University to
bring Dr. Ulrich in," Hagen said, adding that the
"strong tradition of research centers" at the
University will provide a different atmosphere than
the one she will leave behind in Indiana.
"She's leaving Indiana, a school whose medical
school is in Indianapolis and not on campus," Hagen
said. "She brings an interesting research background
that is not heavily represented now in Kinesiology."
Ulrich said the University is a perfect place to fos-
ter her love for research.
"Michigan seems to put heavier emphasis on ...
support for research, from providing funds for under-
graduate students to faculty grants for collaborations
among units," Ulrich said. "These are some of the
elements that drew me to the University."
Ulrich added that she hopes to use the close prox-
imity of campus units and research centers to form
collaborations between Kinesiology and other pro-

grams on campus.
"Today, most people recognize that the issues they
deal with are complex, and solutions must be identi-
fied by studying the problem from multiple perspec-
tives;' Ulrich said. "By collaborating we can come up
with better, more holistic solutions to problems in
Hagen said Ulrich, who received a Bachelor of
Science degree in health and physical education in
1973, is known around the world for her work with
children with Down's Syndrome, combining biologi-
cal and psychological perspectives.
"Indiana will be sorry to lose her," Hagen said.
"She will bring a new tradition of research to our
Ulrich said she is excited for her move - which
will bring her to Ann Arbor this winter to begin her
term Jan. 1.
"U of M is a wonderful university" Ulrich said. "I
was excited about the opportunity to work with a very
fine group of faculty as well as with the University
Ulrich is president of the North American Society
for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity and
was also elected to the American Academy of
Kinesiology and Physical Education.
Hagen said the search committee chose Ulrich
because of her many achievements.
"We were looking for someone who could be a full
professor with a distinguished research record and
also someone interested in the administrative posi-
tion," Hagen said.
The Kinesiology head is "more than a department

chair and less than a dean," Hagen said, adding that
the Kinesiology division is home to more than 700
undergraduates and about 35 graduate students.
Kinesiology associate Prof. Bruce Watkins, who
served as interim director of the Division of
Kinesiology since Sept. 1, said evolution will be the
focus of Ulrich's term at the University.
"Over the past dozen or so years, we've built an
excellent and dedicated faculty committed to teach-
ing and scholarship,"Watkins said. "The challenge ...
is to be on the cutting edge of research in our disci-
pline, provide a solid foundation and training for our
graduate students and give our undergraduates a wide
range of classes"
Watkins said he is certain Ulrich is up to the chal-
lenge. Ulrich "is very enthusiastic about the opportu-
nities here;' Watkins said. "She is an internationally-
recognized scholar in her area, whose work cuts
across several disciplines."
Ulrich said during her time at the University, she
hopes to build upon Kinesiology's existing strengths.
"I would like to extend the opportunities for facul-
ty and students;' Ulrich said. "We have some out-
standing faculty, many of whom have excellent
research programs. They have a lot to offer the next
generation of scientists, but we need to provide
opportunities for students by increasing the availabil-
ity of graduate assistantships."
Ulrich's appointment at the University marks her
first time serving as a department director. Ulrich
said she and her husband, who will be joining her as
an associate professor of Kinesiology, are "excited to
become a part of the U of M family."

Antique Michigan
laws still in effect


PORT HURON, Mich. (AP) -
Seducing a single woman could land
a man in prison for five years. If, that
is, an old felony statute still on
Michigan books were ever enforced.
Antiquated laws technically in
effect include a statute making adul-
tery a felony, and making blasphemy
or swearing in front of women and
children a misdemeanor.
In Maryville, a 17-year-old boy
was arrested last month on charges of
violating an old city ordinance when
he raised his middle finger at a
Although the ordinance remains on
city books, the charge was dismissed
because another court had found that
restricting such a gesture, offensive
or not, is protected by the First
Amendment right to free speech.
Some of the old laws are clearly
unconstitutional and unenforceable,
but there's no push to erase them.

"Because people aren't running
into the enforcement of those laws,
probably it's not something that peo-
ple have studied and feel they need to
speak out about," said state Rep.
Karen Willard (D-Clay) Township.
"There are so many battles that are
waged regarding laws that do impact
issues in people's lives that I can see
probably why those haven't been
taken out," she said.
Even groups like the American
Civil Liberties Union don't revisit
such old legislation.
"There are thousands of bills intro-
duced in each session that we have
our hands full trying to ... stop bad
legislation," said Wendy Wagenheim,
legislative affairs director for the
ACLU in Michigan.
"If we had someone who brought
to our attention that one of these anti-
quated laws was being enforced ... we
might try to do something."




IzL1 I7kI



What's happening in Ann Arbor today

U Dance Marathon Mass Meeting,

Society, Exhibition Hall, Rackham
Graduate School, 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
Q "Senior portraits," Sponsored by
&Ai -.., Enr'c-ian v arhnrnk

INFO, info@umich.edu, and
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
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