SGrocery stores
differ in price,
The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 5
By Yael Kohen
For the Daily
Students looking to keep their mini-
refrigerators stocked have many gro-
cery shopping options, ranging from
convenient on-campus stores to larger,
less expensive supermarkets.
"I keep mostly snack food in (my
refrigerator),' LSA first-year student
Monica Dougherty said.
On campus, there are a few small
stores, such as Village Corner, Diag Party
Shoppe and White Market, which offer a
variety of foods but are limited in prod-
ucts and are slightly more expensive.
Larger supermarkets, such as Meijer
and Kroger, are located off campus and
offer more variety in products for cheap-
er prices. But their locations are less con-
venient for students without cars.
Meijer, which serves as a department
store and supermarket, has an over-
whelming selection, including an entire
aisle devoted to soda, and another to
"We have a lot of things to attract (stu-
dents) here" said Tom Kulpa, store direc-
tor of Meijer on Ann Arbor-Saline Road.
The selection at local campus stores
is much smaller.
Cookies and cereal share an aisle in
some stores, and milk is displayed next
to soda in one aisle. In addition, there is
less selection between sizes.
Since most students living in resi-
dence halls do not have cars, they have
to take the bus or a taxi to shop at large
Jessie Spence, manager of Village
Corner, said business is good because
"we're right downtown, and Meijer is far
away and you can walk here quickly"
But Meijer previously has worked
with bus companies on changing bus.
routes to make it more convenient for
students to travel there, Kulpa said.
Some students said the long bus and
taxi rides make supermarkets an unat-
tractive option.
"I wouldn't go there if I had to take
the bus or a taxi," LSA first-year stu-
dent Michelle Bezos said.
Other students said the bus system is
fairly convenient.
"The bus can be a little confusing,
but once you figure it out and can
understand the bus schedule, it's pretty
easy," LSA first-year student Lauren
Stringi said.
Kulpa said Meijer officials have dis-
Apples on sale at Meijer this past weekend were 99 cents per pound. Larger stores tend to charge less for products than
smaller stores located on campus.
cussed constructing a smaller on-cam-
pus location.
But some students said it would be
inappropriate to construct a supermar-
ket on campus, saying it would detract
from the campus atmosphere.
"I don't think (the campus is) an
appropriate place for one:' Dougherty
LSA first-year student Erin Larsen
said food shopping on campus is
inconvenient, so she opts for care pack-
ages sent to her from Illinois.
"I've never been shopping. My mom
just sends me stuff because it's too
inconvenient." Larsen said. "I've heard
prices are high, it's out of the way, and I
just don't have the time"
Price is another issue of competition
between the local grocers and the large
"We can't order as many products
from the company, so we get charged
more," Spence said, explaining the
store's high prices.
Economics Prof. John Laitner said
lower real estate prices off campus also
allow off-campus supermarkets to
charge less for products.
"A place like Meijer is able to charge
less because they're out of town where
shelf space is cheaper," Laitner said.
The quality of products at both types
of stores are equal, Spence said.
Supermarkets tend to have more
brand names as well as generic brands
that cost less, but some students said
they would rather buy the brand name
food at nearby stores.
GAYLORD, Mich. (AP) - It could
take a month before this northern
Michigan city returns to normal, after
weekend storms with winds up to 80
mph tore off roofs, toppled trees and
knocked down power lines.
Michigan National Guard troops and
state highway crews were expected to
help with the clean up effort yesterday,
said Jim Jacobs, chairperson of the
Otsego County Board of
Commissioners. Gov. John Engler
approved the county's request to desig-
nate the city as a disaster area and
toured the area yesterday, Jacobs said.
"That's great news. The city has got
some serious problems. They just can't
handle it with their crews alone,"
Jacobs told The Bay City Times.
The National Guard and machinery
- trucks, wood-chipping equipment
- were due in Gaylord yesterday after-
noon "to clear the roads and get things
moved," Engler spokesperson John
Truscott said.
Michigan Army National Guard
Maj Jim McCrone said 32 engineers
based in Bay City and Wyoming would
head to Gaylord with 10 dump trucks,
three front end loaders and wrecker to
remove trees and debris. They are
expected to stay in Gaylord through
Residents were taking their own ini-
tiative throughout the Gaylord area,
where piles of gathered tree limbs lined
many streets and people worked to the
background noise of whining chain
A day after a violent storm smashed
their trailer home just west of Gaylord,
Sheryl and Rob Daniels were boxing
up belongings and taking stock of the'
damage Sunday.
The Daniels' home at the
Nottingham Forest Mobile Home Park
suffered some of the worst damage.
Two large pine trees had fallen onto the
trailer, buckling the roof.
He and his sister were working early
Saturday afternoon when the storms
"The roof is all caved in on my bed-
room - you've got to crawl on your
hands and knees to get in there" Rob
Daniels said.
"I'm sure somebody would have go-
ten hurt if we were home."
Rosemarie Koronka and her son,
Mike, were collecting limbs from a
large maple tree that had snapped in
half in the back yard of her home.
Koronka said she planted the tree 35
years ago and it had grown to stately
proportions. On Saturday, it was gone
in an instant.
"It just happened so fast. I turned
around and everything outside was -
so black. Everything was churning
around like it was a tornado,"
Koronka said.
14 arrested after assault on MSU's Sparty
Ty Amanda Cuda
Te State News
woke Friday morning to the sound of water bal-
loons and paint balls hurling at the Sparty statue.
But despite the attack, damage was minimal.
The physical science junior was staked out by
Sparty with fellow Spartan Marching Band mem-
bers, poised to protect the statue from vandalism
by University of Michigan students, when about
30 people attacked the area.
Shuck, an alto saxophone player, said that at
of our s'
Continued from Page 3 The
minor funding of student organizations, governn
Olivo said, but before requesting funds universi
from the Penn State student govern- student
ment, groups must show they have "On o
applied to at least two other university dents ha
organizations for money. student
"Groups can request funding from the OSU
(the student activities board) but they ment pr
don't always get the full amount" Olivo The r
said. ernment
During the past year, the Penn State Council
administration raised the student activi- made up
ties fee $11, despite student lobbying who are
against the increase, Olivo said. governm
The Penn State administration "felt "A lo
they couldn't support student organiza- cate res
tions' financial needs from year to year and man
without raising the fee," Olivo said. dent gov
about 4:30 a.m., some people drove by and fired
paint guns and balloons at the statue. Shortly after,
more people came out of the bushes toting gallon
buckets of yellow paint.
MSU police Lt. Mary Johnson said the depart-
ment received a call about the incident at about 5
a.m. Fourteen people were arrested in the incident.
She said warrants are being sought for the students
through the Ingham County Prosecutor's Office.
Shuck said, that although he and other band mem-
bers managed to clean most of the paint off the stat-
ue, many sleeping bags and other personal belong-
ings were damaged in the attack. Johnson said there
was also paint on the pavement near the statue,
"I was offended," Shuck said. "It's our mascot. It's
our tradition. We're going to defend it at all costs."
He said in his three years with the band, the inci-
dent was the most extreme act of vandalism he has
Johnson said the event may be related to an inci-
dent last week when the "M" in the center of the
Diag was defaced with green and white paint.
"Apparently, it was supposed to be retaliation
for somebody going down to the University of
of the fee goes to the renovation
tudent Union."
Ohio State University student
ment has combined the use of
ty allocations with an optional
our quarterly fee statement, stu-
ve the option to donate S l to the
government," said Josh Mandel,
1 undergraduate student govern-
emainder of OSU student gov-
t funding comes from the OSU
of Student Affairs, which is
p of faculty, staff and students
appointed by the OSU student
nent, Mandel said.
t of student governments allo-
ources; that takes a lot of energy
npower," Mandel said, "As a stu-
vernment, we don't actually do
Mandel said that because student orga-
nization funding is done through the
Council of Student Affairs, the student
government is able to complete projects
such as faculty evaluation booklets and a
landlord evaluation project.
"We surveyed 1,500 students living
in the university area about their land-
lords and published the results for stu-
dents" Mandel said.
Mandel said the OSU student gov-
ernment budget, although not final, will
total nearly S40,000 this year, placing
them near the bottom of Big Ten
schools in funding.
Other universities keep student fees
close to nothing by using alternative
methods of funding, including raising
money through ring sales and agree-
ments with credit card companies.
Dave Orensten, president
Indiana University S
Association, said the school's th
student fee totaling $2.93 per s
funds a variety of student b
including a baby-sitting service
trips to the airport, an on-line ti
exchange and test file Website a
general office expenses.
"Our student government fe
spending students' money' O
I U students also pay a $2 fe
student organization fund, w
used to fund all major events tI
place on the IU campus.
The student fee is kept low, C
said, partially because of a deal IU
with a major credit card compa
pays a kickback to the group for e
dent who applies for the credit ca
Michigan and doing some graffiti, but that's no
excuse," she said.
Aside from the attack on Sparty, Johnson said,
the weekend was relatively quiet.
"It didn't sound like any unusual disturbances or
actions," she said. "It looked like quite a few peo-
ple left for the weekend."
There was also little excitement in Ann Arbor,
said the University's Department of Public Safety
police Lt. Douglas Swix.
"There was quite a bit of partying going on," he
said. "Other than that, it was reasonably quiet.'
of the Purdue University also uses altema-
tudents tive funding methods that include prof-
ree-part its from class ring sales in a joint ven-
emester ture with the school's alumni associa-
benefits tion and corporate sponsors for student
, shuttle organizations.
extbook "Student organizations can come to
nd also our group and ask for money," said
David Varca, Purdue Student
els bad Government president.
)rensten Varca said the PSG helps student
organizations find corporate funding,
e to the but many groups also join in with PSG
hich is activities.
hat take "We do a lot of academic-orientated
things, including academic desserts rec-
)rensten ognizing people," Varca said.
.SA has The PSG also organizes the Purdue
ny that homecoming pep rally, concerts and
ach stu- other philanthropies throughout the
rd. year.
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