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September 29, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-29

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September 29, 1998

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fees vary
0 Student governments
use funds for wide range
of campus programs
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
University students pay a $5.69 fee
' the Michigan Student Assembly
ach semester, but students at other Big
Ten universities have different systems
of funding student groups and activi-
Unlike many other Big Ten schools
MSA does not receive funding directly
from University allocations.
"We're a lot more autonomous than
other student governments," MSA
President Trent Thompson said.
MSA fees are allocated to about 200
eident groups.
The assembly's ability to distribute
funds provides student groups relative-
ly easy access to funding.
"I would think the administration
would like to see a tighter grasp on who
gets funding'"Thompson said. "There's
a lot of smaller student groups who
probably wouldn't get funding on other
The differences in budgeting
*tween schools, Thompson said, are
often a reflection of the programs stu-
dent governments support.
"They do the a lot of the program-
ming for their schools," Thompson
Michigan State University students
pay several student fees each semester,
including $10 to the student govern-
ment, which supplies students with
legal services, inexpensive copying ser-
vices, meeting and conference space
*d interest-free, one-month loans of
The Associated Students of
Michigan State University also pro-
vides funding of $46,000 per semester
to registered student organizations,
who are eligible for allocations of
$3,000 per semester.
In addition, ASMSU has 18 activity
departments that provide $80,000 per
A ester in funding.
Nate Smith-Tyge, ASMSU assembly
chair, said students are given the option
of paying for the services.
"Student fees are refundable within
two weeks of the start of the semester,
but then students are not able to use
ASMSU benefits," Smith-Tyge said.
The student fees have to be re-
approved by students in an ASMSU
election every two years, Smith-Tyge
said, but the ASMSU fee has not fluc-
tuated at all during the past several
Several Big Ten universities have
low or no student government fees, but
students usually pay a student activities
fee, which is often steep.
Students at Pennsylvania State
University pay a $36-per-semester stu-
dent activities fee as part of their
tuition. The money is distributed in var-
ious ways - but not to the Penn State
*ident government.
"Our student government is com-
pletely self-funding," said Brian Olivo,
undergraduate student government
vice-president for Penn State. "We
raise funds through internal furdrais-

The two main fund raisers, Olivo
said, include student government-spon-
sored bus trips to major cities during
Thanksgiving, winter and spring breaks
and a student activities calendar.
Through these activities, the student
vernment raises about $20,000 a
year, Olivo said.
The student government does some
See FEES, Page 5

Bollinger speaks on key issues
President discusses funding, affirmative action suits

By Paul Berg
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger outlined his
goals and positions on an array of issues yesterday
in a speech at the first meeting of the Senate
Assembly this semester.
Bollinger told the members of the faculty's gov-
erning body - which held its meeting in the
Rackham Amphitheater - he does not intend to
settle the two lawsuits filed challenging the
University's use of race in the admissions process,
which were filed in the in the Detroit U.S. District
Court last fall.
The lawsuits, filed by white applicants who

were not admitted to the
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts and the Law
School, allege the schools dis-
criminate in their admissions
"Diversity - racial and
otherwise - is crucial to a
contemporary education,"
Bollinger said. "We view this
as a matter of deep principle
and do not see a way to pre-
serve this principle and even
other side.'

Bollinger said he wants the assembly's help in
increasing funding to the University.
The University needs ample funding in order to
remain competitive with prestigious private insti-
tutions, he said.
Bollinger said that in recent years, these private
institutions have seen gains of 15 to 20 percent in
revenue annually, while the University has gained
only six or seven percent.
The difference in revenue affects the
University's ability to compete with private col-
leges in many categories, Bollinger said.
"These private institutes are offering salaries 45
percent higher than the University can," Bollinger

said. "We really believe that faculty compensation
is inadequate in some departments."
To decrease this gap in revenue, Bollinger sug-
gested multiple courses of action the assembly
could help the administration pursue.
"It is very important to recognize that the
University has very diverse sources of revenue,'
Bollinger said.
Bollinger criticized the state government for
spending more money on correctional facility
expenditures than on higher education.
Bollinger said that by making the benefits of
education well known while promoting an acade-

come close to the

urncane blat
a ..int oGulf Coat

PASCAGOULA, Miss. (AP) Hurricane Georges
plowed into the Gulf Coast yesterday and then parked
there, pouring rain at an inch-an-hour pace before weak-
ening to a tropical storm for what could be a long and
ruinous stay.
Winds dropped to 55 mph, 20 mph below hurricane
strength and down from a high of 110. New Orleans was
spared the catastrophic direct hit that many in the Big
Easy had feared.
But that was little comfort to the thousands who hud-
dled in shelters from Florida to Louisiana and were
expected to remain there for days. Outside, all was chaos
- trees ripped from the ground, windows sucked from
their frames, floods roaring down roads.
"In some areas, there's water to rooftops and 4 to 5 feet
of water in many other homes. I've never seen anything
like it in more than 50 years," said Jackson County admin-
istrator George Touart, after a tour of Pascagoula, where
15 inches of rain fell overnight.
Forecasters said up to 30 inches could fall by the time
the storm clears out sometime in the middle of the week.
Flash flood watches were issued for much of Mississippi
and Alabama through today. Parts of Florida were also
under flood watches.
Nearly 10 inches of rain fell in Mobile, Ala., in a 24-hour
period ending yesterday evening. Since Saturday, Munson,
Fla., was deluged with 25 inches of rain; Bay Minette, Ala.,
14.5 inches and Leakesville, Miss., 8.3 inches.
National Guardsmen waded through chest-deep water,
wET 7 ,..,

Stu den ts
watch storm
By Michael Grass
For the Daily
Many University students and faculty
have turned their attention to weather
updates as Hurricane Georges made its
way through the Caribbean this week.
Now it has continued into the Gulf
Coast of the United States, and stu-
dents and faculty are wondering if the
powerful storm will affect their friends
and loved ones who may be in
Georges's path.
Elizabeth Kievit, a research fellow in
the radiation-oncology division of the
University's Medical School, planned
to marry Eric Dunkers, a post-doctorate
fellow of internal medicine at the
University, in Key West, Fla._ this past
"No one really knows where they are
or if they, even actually got married,"
said Mary Davis, a radiology-oncology
research assistant.
Many of Kievit's relatives traveled
from her native county of Holland in
the Netherlands to Key West to attend
the wedding, Davis said.
The couple may be now enjoying
their honeymoon in Jamaica, but "we
haven't heard from them since before
they left," Davis said.
Though most of South Florida
escaped the full force of Georges, LSA
first-year student Josh Juran called his
See IMPACT, Page 2

ABOVE: Residents of the Orange Grove Project in Mobile, Ala., carry children out of flood waters yes-
terday after the Mobile River could not handle Hurricane Georges' rainfall.
RIGHT: A satellite Image of the hurricane as it heads into the continental United States.

Cantor says 'U' has a
diverse role today

Lending a helping hand

lappy Birthday
to man
Today marks 108 years of news and
"editorial freedom" for The Michigan
Daily. The Daily has evolved over the
years, Just as the students and the
campus have changed. The Daily staff,
however, remains as committed to
bringing news and perspective to the

By KatIe Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
In the Rackham Graduate School building where she pre-
viously served as dean, Provost Nancy Cantor joked to an
audience of nearly 100 people that her job as the University's
second-in-command and top woman administrator is not fun.
Confronting and impacting some of the most complex and
intense issues that face modern society - especially at a
major institution such as the University - isn't supposed to
be fun, she said.
But that difficulty doesn't mean the job isn't inviting and
Rackham Dean Earl Lewis invited Cantor to deliver the
second of a four-part Rackham lecture series focusing on
American values.
"I can't think of a topic more important for this University
and all major research universities than to think about
American values;" Cantor said.
After serving as the University's chief academic officer for
slightly more than one year, Cantor said her job requires her
to play a diverse role in society and have responsibilities to
different communities of people.
Cantor asked the audience of mostly faculty members and

The three contexts Cantor named were thinking about the
University as a great research university, the difference
between centralized and decentralized communities on cam-
pus and the scholarship of social and personality psychology.
As a major research university, Cantor said, the University
demonstrates both its public and private interests and respon-
Major research universities "are really
grand, societal experiments,' Cantor
She added that the University com-
bines several domains, including public,
research and higher education, placing it
in a unique position to impact society.
"We don't want to be owned," Cantor
said. "Yet, we know that we have a sense
of responsibility outward."
The University also has a desire to
Canto' link the many communities on campus
and in Ann Arbor to each other, while
still allowing each to maintain a sense of autonomy, Cantor
"How do we do that dance between the whole and its






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