8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 22, 1998 INSTIGATING THE PRESIDENT
President Clinton's grand jury testimon
Excerpts from
President Clinton's Remnantso a
videotaped Aug. 17
grand jury testimony:
(Prosecutors began by swear-"
ing in the president.) ...+
QUESTION: Mr. President, do you . ,
understand that your testimony here W C
today is under oath? 1 o' N
QUESTION: And do you understand that '* 1 $ r
because you've been sworn to tell the truth, the f «VC } a
whole truth and nothing but the truth, that if u v.r~w ~cayuwret i ritninlymsla h "aw"S' *'""
yorerTe to li or inento all islea the
grand jury you could be prosecuted for perjury tvywq y' s ,j:
and/or obstruction of justice? t (GS'r -,
CLINTON: I believe that's correct ...
QUESTION: ... Mr. President, we are first thkw-^c
going to turn to some of the detailsofyour - 'ttNsik4 A. t4
relationship with Monica Lewinsky that follow atied6no
on your deposition that you provided in the eA__ $4
Paula Jonesycase. ...d .tiktip ps
The questions are uncomfortable and I apol- -' '
ogize for that in advance. ... k
Mr. President, were you physically intimate , - APsu'
wi N Mon Le n w:
CL NTON: Mr. Bittman, I think maybe I vhe p dW Wtab h 'gvh'rd
can save the - you and the grand jurors a lot -u s c'sdrn -
of time if I read a statement which I think will- . .2
make it clear what the nature of my relation-ss
ship with Ms. Lewinsky was, how it related to
the testimony I gave, what I was trying to do in
that testimony. And I think it will perhaps
make it possible for you to ask even more rel-
evant questions from our point of view ...
And with your permission, I'd like to read thatdk
UNKNOWN: Absolutely. Please, Mr.z
President. AP e a 9Td -
CLINTON: When I was alone with Ms. Clockwise, from left: The handwritten letter from Lewnsky to
Lewinsky on certain occasions in early 196, Clinton dated March 2, 1997, In which she thanks him for
and once in early 1997, engaged in conduct the hat pin and Walt Whitman book he gave her and writes
that was wrong. These encounters did not con- about a tie she purchased for Clinton.
sist of sexual intercourse. They did not consti- The n o e Ga desas
tute sexual relations, as I understood that term camh vdnsc orfrl a kre hid oetse ndinto hand M .Bhys
to be defined at my January 17th, 1998 depo-casdtvisi .cihos adriath eeositonnLein s x-
sition. A December 16, 1996 White House photo, taken from the
But they did involve inappropriate, intimate two volume set of evidence delivered to lawmakers
contact. These inappropriate encounters ended yesteray, sows Clinton and Lewinsky at a Christmas party.
at my insistence in early 1997. 1 also had occa-
sional telephone conversations with Ms.
Lewinsky that included inappropriate sexual I did not know that Linda Tripp had been being traumatized and dragged through the CLINTON: That's my reading of this nm-
banter. involved in the preparation of this deposition mud by these Jones lawyers with their dragnet ber one...
I regret that what began as a friendship came or that all of., wstrategy Tst ... CLINTON: I do not remember what I said
to include this conduct. And I take full respon- QUESTION: Do you know that now? QUESTION And you didn't want her to tes- to John Podesta....
sibility for my actions. While I will provide the CLINTON: No, I don't. I just know that - tify, did you? You didn't want her to disclose ... QUESTION: Well, let me ask you then. If
grand jury whateversother information I can, what I read in the papers about it. But I had no these embarrassing facts of this inappropriate,' you ... denied to him sex in any way, shape or
because of privacy considerations affecting my way of knowing that they would ask me all intimate relationship that you had? Is that cor- form - kind of similar to what Mr. Bennett
family, myself and others, and in an effort to these detailed questions. I did the best I could rect? did at the deposition, including oral sex -
preserve the dignity of the office I hold, this is to answer them. CLINTON: Well, I did not want her to have wouldn't that have been a falsehood?
all I will say about the specifics of these par- QUESTION: Did you.. to testify and go through that.... CLINTON: Now, Mr. Wisenberg, I told you,
ticular matters. CLINTON: But in this deposition, Mr. in response to a grand jury's question - you
I will try to answer to the best of my ability Bittman, I was doing my best to be truthful. I ... QUESTION: Let me ask you about the asked me did I believe that oral sex performed
other questions, including questions about my was not trying to be particularly helpful to meeting you had with Betty Currie at the on the person who was being deposed was
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, questions the And M Lt in pi h noligationo Wite House on Sunday. r t
about my understanding of the term of sexual beCai y helptb t he rtorfutea tay after your heio t st of all, LookI
wod hr nta hae . nwr-Idntko fo r . \fyou jury. ...ey rscrtry f rin.t p an
relations, as I understood it to be defined at wound ikel t' t gie a nu evidense wilt CIN : NM , sie . dir sary f
Jan. 17, 1998, deposition, and questions cong o t hat assment..And..I what ys o s . ears, you never allowed her, vacy, nd I'm t
cerning alleged subordination as th ertyr and oE to do was to leak thiYsven though it did you, t wtch Wateer - whatever P J fasabot.
cam i cotat wththse ars o te ody thnkbatee ativt you d b wthu M.Lwis
obstruction of justice and inti gatitui and Cnlawful to do so.A...bsateoautyyoddw..h......
nesses. ...ny taQUESTION: Let meU ask youE Mr. did you?N
QUESTION: Did you understa thik.. President, you indicate in your statement that LeNTN Nosir, nt to my xowledge . . QU IO:
in the first portion of the, ea, Mr. you were alone with MsrLewi Istthatt h t sexual reti :
President? That is for the ptrpos of this right? thgb h Prj y the folowin
deposition, the person who engages in - CLINTON: Yes, sir. st QUrTe O: We, you're not telNg:o E ...
quote, unquote - "sexual relations" that a QUESTION: How manyptirtes were you grand jur s thn' you think the case a a M+~wetl .,
prson knowingly engages in or causes - did alone with Ms. Lewinsky? political ce for a setup, Mr. Pres . mat cn?... . . . ... 4
you understand - do you understand the CLINTON: Let me begin with the correct that woul4gve you the rigt to oii fer- .:I QESTION
words there in that phrase? ... answer - I don't know for sure But if you jury.... $*' eiial relatinsuk
CLINTON: I thought the definition would like me to give an educated guess, I will CLINT : No, sir. ... Did Il want this t t& .tho idvidtat# *'
included any activity by the person being do that.... come out..'No. Was I em arsed abqt it s CI NkN:I i
deposed where the person was the actor and QUETIQ . N O WN4 Yes. Did I'ask her to ie about t? NoDd .-p tha~.~t
came in contact with those parts of the body think?................... believe t ~e could be a trutW affi t? ~Mtca tewi ky
with the purpose or intent of gratification, and CLN ' i2 Absolutely~... en f ..{'
excluded any other activity. For example, kiss- btwe#.> td " ,j QUEST t~N You're not-gi ,,Yu £hm
ing's not covered by that, I don't think .., me t udhv ale t ht you ugnde"no u h r thm h th 1o
QUETIN: o f Ica b clar Mr mte sworn to 71l the truth, the wl e ' n N: I
President, is it - was it your understanding saw h"~ ~ ~ nothing bu the truth to the folk at e not-ML sident9
back in January that definition ... only includ- have d .. t sition, are u, Mr. President CINON..I if ~ ~ 7.
ed consensual sexual activity? ... $inrber meetig her Lut y CLINT( :i No. . this ,frends, but I wantg t
CLINTON: ... My understanding was, when first r .onversation with her duing thov- sir. My goM in this depa truth- uld say that. I a ,dd t
I was giving it to you, was that what was cov- emme \hutdown : ebeof '95 . ful, but not partic f i.4#any of then' ItQ e" s s
ered in those first two lines was any direct con-> A ... j .amfrank tad ough r ugh, they all
tact by the person being deposed with those I have e cific ieitOry, I aidt.......ure - g <.QUESTI want to t'u s: .
parts of another person's body if the contact that th acouple of more tim roba- ... QU n it tions agai
was done with an intent to arouse or gratify. bly fibre, three times n e'.. But I within inseM b er them
That's what I believed it meant. ... do er when they we at what al relati ," 'Mnse, jur
QUESTION: So your definition of sexu- wwere&were. Lewins.a 'nc t Mnih
al relationship is intercourse only, is that cor ,CLIN* Nf esat e in the-y
rect? along th at It it asts, w e .d c
CLINTON: No, not necessarily inter N: Do yti, and you l' Thi is an' CLIN M
only, but it would include intercourse.Ii,'tth.Wie .f , \rh sual s is.
- I believe that the common un t ? 1Iwih ne QUE
the term, if you say two peapt es, sirIdo.'e'ut\
sexual relationship, most pqPq rid do you reme. ia} t vlA u s ., :Uwr
includes intercourse. So if." about her"a ur
Lewinsky thought, then t r 'it l ones case on --clayth t a Ia
davit. ... n er taI l s l eeh
QUESTION: What e astimony tit Nj t, t t
tionship include besides ir e to g YN'id'
CLINTON: Well, tN}veto g .tast \\ \ 'rot.il
answer what I said b kithe NtnNab gi\Nl.ithN'lir
when they use that .
tionships and what r N "a .N
sexual contact is in*01' in N N\UN st
you had phone sex with her, would she be
CLINTON: Well, tha is - at least, in gen-0
eral terms, I think, is coered by my statement.
I addressed that in my satement....
QUESTION: Did ypu tell her anytime in'
December something to he effect: You know,:
you can always say that you were coming to
see Betty or you were briNring me letters? Did
you say that, or anytting like that, in
December '97 or January '98, to Monica
CLINTON: Well, that's a very broad ques-
tion. I do not recall saying aything like that in
connection with her testimny. ... I certainy
didn't want this to come out, if I could help it.
And I was concerned about that. I was embar-
rassed about it. I knew it was wrong. And, you
know, of course, I didn't wan it to come out.
What Clinton told Lewinsky
QUESTION: Did you tell per to tell the.
CLINTON: Well, I think the implication was
she would tell the truth. I've already told vo;
that I felt strongly that she could issue, that she
could execute an affidavit that woud be fctu-
ally truthful, that might get her out of having to
testify.d .
QUESTION: Do you agree with me that
the statement, I was never alone with her"is
incorrect? You were alone with Monica
Lewinsky, weren't you?
CLINTON: Well, again, it depends on how
you define alone. Yes, we were alone from
time to time, even during 1997, even when
there was absolutely no improper contacd
occurring. Yes, that is accurate.
But, there were also a lot of times when,
even though no one could see us, the doors
were open to the halls, on both ends of the
halls, people could hear.. a .
QUESTION: (Ms. Currie) didn't knowe
about ... your intimate, physically intimate
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, did she?
CLINTON: I don't believe she did, no
s..QUESTION: Mr. President, if there is
;emen stain belonging to you on a dress of Ms.
.ewinsky's, how would you explain that?
CLINTON: _ The main thing I can tell you'
a that doesn't affect the openingsstatement's
nade. The opening statement I made is that 1I
lad inappropriate intimate contact..d y
QUESTION: Is it possible or impossible'
tiat your semen is on a dress belonging to Ms
Lew in sky?
CLINTON: I have nothing to add to my
satement about it, sir. You, know whetherng
you know what the facts are. There's no 'poin
t sa hypothetical.
.CLINTON: I would say to the grand
juty, put yourself in my position. This is not a
tylical grand jury testimony. , I have to
asume a report is going to Congress. There's
a videotape being made of this, allegedly,
beause only one member of the grand jury isd
abent. This is highly unusual. And, in addi
tim to that, I have sustained a breathtaking
number of leaks of grand jury proceedings.
And, so, I think I am right to answer all th4
qtestions about perjury, but not to say things
~t~oreverin the historic annals of
because of this unprecedent-
Sidmay be leaked at any tihe.I
St Ake...eiet mn h
4 quN: Well, the grand jury would
r. President, why it is that you
b sex performed on you does nete
etdefinition of sexual relationsas
Bwecue that is -if the depo-;
I sonwho has oral sex perfoft &
the contact is with - not Nith
tlist6bt with the lips of ant -'
~ ' lots: Mr. President among 'the
~,inngqubstions of the grand jurors
ing: aid onica Lewinsky per-,,
pn you?Tey would like a dief
~t-at yes o no? .
.s., inte- I believe - and I think
p0~i~reasonable person would believe.#
©et cvredlip the definition of sek*
I was given - I'm not going t.
tto refer to my statement.
Y~imate contact with her that was
-te I do not believe any of the con-
e f er violated the definition I
n., Ierefore, I believe I did not do,
0fy truthfully on these mat-
y... Were you sending some
(Monica Lewinsky) by
given you on the day that
the grand jury?
,.N I don't remember ..
d I had absolutely noe
t hmnd when I wore it. ... -
'f my time and energy
alf years have been
during that five and
had to contend with
ident has ever had to
hat was dismissed fora
hat cost me a fortune
barrass me; this inde@
which has gone on a
great deal of money,
questions have been'.
other things.
e time, I have tried as,
mind on the job the.