2B - The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - September 8, 1998 Even when everythlng changes, stay in control Some people say there are no guarantees in life. They're wrong. Now that you're here at the University of Michigan, you should know that one thing is an undeniable certainty: In the next three, four or five years that you are here, you will make decisions and encounter situations that will reveal who you are, what you will become, and in general, change your life. When I arrived in Ann Arbor three years ago, I had expectations of spending my days in practice rooms or on stage furthering a career as an opera diva, my summers in summer stock or the occasional off-Broadway musical, and my Saturday nights dancing 'till dawn with my roommates and cursing the male sex. Well, since then, I've packed up my sheet music, traded my vocal perfor- mance major for political science, spent this past summer in a Texas city that calls itself "cowtown," joined The Michigan Daily (which means I rarely see my roommates) and even fallen in love. My life has taken some turns in the past three years, but change is really not all that unusual around here. This campus is full of so many possibilities that most students can't help but take advantage of one or two: joining the Daily, MSA, an intramural volleyball team, MUSKET, the Greek system ... The experiences you have and the people you meet here can make just as big an impact in less than five years than your family and friends have in almost 20. As your life is changing, however, don't be afraid to keep some things the same. I recently met a young woman named Jasmine who travels around Texas, promoting a program called Dream Catchers and encouraging young people to LAURIE make what she calls "dream books." MAYK These books are filled with pictures of everything From from sports cars to wedding dresses to happy families. the Boss Think about these things every time you make a decision, and realize how your choice will affect your chance of getting them, she says to young people. Jasmine is a strong believer in sexual abstinence before marriage. No doubt, this choice has earned some raised eyebrows from friends, but it doesn't seem to bother her. She has vivid memories of the experience that made her decision for her. When Jasmine's best friend from grade school came home from college preannt, their friendship disintegrated. Her friend was too ashamed even to talk to Jasmine about her painful situation. Her friend's pain came despite an upbringing similar to her own, and despite a loving and supportive family. At that point, Jasmine decided that nothing, not even family or friends, was more important than who you are "in the dark." In the dark, you are alone and you make your own decisions for your life, she said. Jasmine's life changed forever when she and her friend went off to col- lege. At age 18, she didn't expect to suddenly have a pregnant friend and a cause to support. But what Jasmine learned from the situation was solely her decision; she made careful choices about how she would let this affect her life. I wouldn't recommend attacking your new roommate's stack of Entertainment Weeklys to illustrate your "dream book," but Jasmine's idea is iot a bad one. Willingness to try new things and take risks with a new major or a new girlfriend is one thing, giving up lifelong dreams or personal values is another. Don't be afraid of the new people and experiences on this campus that can change your life - but don't be controlled by them, either. -Keep a "dream book," keep an old friend for advice, and most impor- tant, keep control. - Laurie Mayk is the Editor-In-Chief of The Michigan Dailh. She can be reached via e-mail at ljmaykdwumich.edu. WirrTE THe~E AILY AT PAIL YLErIrR$SLMIqL.EDc. FILE PHOTO The University Board of Regents did not approve a Michigan Student Assembly fee increase that would have raised money to support the student regent campaign. Despite the setback, MSA continues to lobby for a voice on the board. OLUUCIIL I-CgCIIL 15 PIAUSIVIC - ui iil(U1ICU- By Jack Schillaci Iaily Editorial Page Editor On the third Thursday and Friday of every month, eight men and women of various political persua- sions gather in the Fleming Administration Building. Joined by a couple dozen University administrators, students, faculty members and newspaper reporters, this group sets out to make some of the most important decisions on campus. They guide the University's policy, its academic direction and in many ways, students' lives. But do students have any real influ- ence on the outcome of these pro- ceedings? Nope. The University Board of Regents are elected by citizens of the state of Michigan, yet students, arguably their most important constituents, have as much influence over them as a farmer living in Escanaba. When they hide behind the doors of the Regents' Room in an "execu- tive session" -- which they really, really like to do -- there is nothing that even a mob of angry students can do to find out what's going on inside (they've been known to use the University's underground tunnel net- work to escape such a scene). It would be helpful to have a stu- dent arguing something besides dol- lars, cents and the bottom line at the annual tuition increase regents' meet- ing. It would be nice to know that a student had some sort of input into the appointment of important admin- istrative positions. The reason that such representation is out of reach for students is because of an all-too-literal interpretation of the Michigan Constitution. Having a student on the board would allow them to grant themselves degrees which is viewed as a conflict of inter- est. But since the granting of degrees is really little more than a rubber- stamping activity by the regents and is only done at the recommendation of individual academic units, it is unlikely that an overzealous student regent would start using his or her power to grant himself or herself numerous degrees. But because of these legalistic semantics, the only way to oet a stu- dent in on the regents' discussions, the Constitution would have to be amended. For years, the Michigan Student Assembly's Student Regent Task Force has made strides to give stu- dents greater influence over the board's activities. It has gotten so far as to have a bill on the floor of the state legislature - only to have its sponsor bail on them. But as of late, the task force has taken a new route. Rather than con- tinuing to press the University administration and Lansing, the task force has decided to push the student body into a hefty fee to raise the required signatures to get the amend- ment on the state ballot. The "Yes! Yes! Yes!" campaign, an annoying, expensive and excessively glitzy and cutesy campaign led by now-MSA Treasurer Bram Elias, managed to garner enough student votes to approve an increase to stu- dent fees by 54.50 per semester. In order to get the fee enacted, the regents would have had to approve it. But the board, not willing to give up their power, have been none-too-will- ing to approve the hike. Even if the fee had been voted on, the battle would be far from over. The task force would use the money to hire a "headhunting" agency to go out and find 100,000-plus state citi- zens to put their name behind th movement. Assuming it finds enough people with a vested interest in the University's student representation, said agency will charge the task force Sl a head, quickly eating up thou- sands of student dollars. In the past nine months, the task force's members have put most, if not all, of their effort behind this cam-- paign, which is at best a ricket, bridge over a fast-moving stream.,* They haven't tried to build coali- tions with other state universities' student governments to lobby for a Legislature-ordered referendum, nor have they spent adequate time edu- cating the student body about the benefits a student regent would bring -- after all, more than 80 per- cent of students stayed away from the polls in the Spring 1998 MSA election. With the inevitable demise of the student-fee plan, it is time for the task force to reprioritize. A student regent is an attainable goal - but only if students spends their time wisely pursuing feasible options. By focusing on the possible, MSA could produce a very tangible and meaningful product. UNIVERSITY SoECRETS: YOUR GUIDE TO SURVIVING A COLLEGE EDUCATION Author: Robert D. Honigman You'll invest thousands of dollars and years of your life in a col- lege education. Wouldn't you like to know what's beneath the hood? Need a guide for you treacherous trek through the trackless trails of higher education? Read University Secrets:.Your Guide to Surviving a College Education by Robert D. Honigman for an in-depth look at the University of Michigan and its failure as an institution. Sold at Shaman Drum, Borders and on the web at Amazon.com, BamesandNoble.com, and Universitysecrets.com AAPD programs reach out to the community UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (CAPS) Wishing Students a Successful Fall Term The following is a list of the groups and workshops being offered at Counseling and Psychological Services this fall. All groups and workshops are free and available to currently enrolled UM students. For more information about a group or workshop, stop by our office, 3100 Michigan Union, or call us at (734) 764-8312. Also, please visit our web site: http://www.umich.edu/-caps. GROUPS AND WORKSHOPS FOR FALL 1998 " African-American Graduate Women Support/Therapy Group " Beating the Blues: Learn ways to control mild depression in this six week group. Call for a pre-group interview. " Dealing with the Dissertation Process * Food For Thought: A four week eating and body image-workshop. " Gay and Bisexual Men's Therapy Group: Call for a pre-group interview. " Graduate Black Male Dialogue Group: Group meets in Trotter House. + My Family/My Self (structured workshop) " New Begininnings - Exploring Same-Sex Attractions + Procrastination Workshop: A four week structured workshop. « Relationship Group « Relaxation Training Workshop (drop-in group) « SelIf Help Groups: AA, Al-Anon, Over-eaters Anonymous. « Study Skills Workshop: Two separate sections will be offered, drop- in anytime. A Systematic Approach to Reading and Studying Writing Essays and Research Papers " Survivin& Your Loss " Test Anxiety Workshop " Thinking About Drinking (less): A three week group to help students look at their use of alcohol. Call for a pre-group interview. By David Wallace Daily Editorial Page Writer Police officers nationwide often find themselves the subject of criti- cism, be it from community activists, rap artists or the lawbreakers they apprehend. While some of these complaints are justified, they often overshadow the fine service police departments perform for their communities. Here in Ann Arbor the Ann Arbot Police Department deserv es praise for its programs that reach out to the community, and curious residents should participate in some of the offerings. Many people who live and work in Ann Arbor probably do not know much about the everyday operation of the police department. In hopes of educating the public, AAPD offers the Ann Arbor Citizens' Police Academy. This program increases public awareness of the various facets of policework. Through demonstrations and explanations of procedures, the AAPD should continue to soften the somewhat adversarial relationship between citizens and the police. University students in particular look upon the police with a suspi- cious eye. But students should not ignore the efforts the AAPD makes to work with them. Drinking is a serious problem affecting the University and AAPD officers conduct talks with fraterni- ties and sororities to educate mem- bers about alcohol abuse. In the face of high-profile alcohol- related deaths on other college cam- puses last year, AAPD should contin- ue to keep its lines of communica- tion open with students so that such tragedies do not occur here at the University. AAPD officials also deserves credit for their handling of University events such as the Naked Mik Fhe officers presen,,t makes tht event a good deal safer and they do not interfere in what is essentially a harmless, though technically illegal, event, Participating students worry less about groping and other assaults because officers are nearby. AAPD should apply its methods for handling the Naked Mile to other instances of crowd control, where officers' responses have sometimes left a great deal to be desired. Sadly, each academic year general- ly has its share of assaults, sexual and otherwise. To reduce the number of incidents, students would be well-served to attend the Personal Safety Program - a self-defense clinic offered by AAPD. These courses stress prevention as much as defense, resulting in stu- dents that understand how to make themselves less vulnerable. An educated campus makes for a safer campus. AAPD should now concentrate on improving its own procedures in ADIANA- T UG VI'.,fl/ New programs instituted by the Ann Arbor Police Department have improved their image among the city's residents. areas such as crowd management - perhaps using the Naked Mile as a model. As a part of that improvement, AAPD should work with the public to find a solution that will prevent occurrences of violence. To create a safer, more friendly environment, AAPD and Ann Arbor citizens need to work together. AAPD can teach citizens a great deal about preventing crimes antd tragedies. Citizen participation is necessary to suggest ways AAPD can improve its procedures. Working together, Ann Arbor cal become a better community. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHI EDITORS NOTE: