One hundred seven years of edztorifreedom
News: 76-DAILY
Advertising: 764-0554
September 8, 1998
An,. A'b..,C 9W The.Mivhgan1. '':
It's that time of year again.
The Diag is full of old friends and
new students, the coffeehouses are
bustling ... and there are Dailys.
Welcome to campus and to one of
the University's longest-running tra-
ditions - The Michigan Daily.
We left the paper in the hands of
the summer staff these past three
months. They kept things running
with weekly editions of the Daily
during spring and summer terms.
But now we're back, along with
thousands of students who now call
this city home. The Daily once again
esumes publication Monday-Friday
(with a special section thrown in
now and again).
If you would like to join us in
brining news and information to the
University community this year,
give us acall at 76-DAILY.
We're anxious to see what this
semester will bring, and we're excit-
ed to be a part of it all.
- The editors
'U' potp nes Granger's admission
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
The University last week postponed the admis-
sion of Daniel Granger, one of the Grosse Pointe
North High School graduates facing statutory rape
charges in a highly publicized investigation.
Granger, last year's high school senior class
president, and three of his former classmates have
been charged with statutory rape for having sex
with three 14-year-old girls.
In an August 1 letter to Granger, Provost Nancy
Cantor said Granger's admission to the University
would be suspended until winter term, pending a
full investigation of the matter. The letter came the
day after Granger and his attorney met with Vice
President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford
and Associate Provost Lester
Monts will lead the
University's inquiry, which will
involve looking at Granger's
high school records and meet-
ing with high school represen-
Cantor and other7
University representatives
refused to comment on the
specifics of the deferral, and Granger
would not disclose under
which provision Granger was suspended.
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said the
University can suspend a student three ways -
using the Code of Student Conduct, emergency
suspension or the admissions process.
But Cantor's letter suggested the decision fell
under the auspices of admissions.
The University has "decided to defer your
matriculation to the University of Michigan until
Winter Term, 1999, pending a full admissions
review...," the letter stated.
Peterson said the admissions process does not
officially end until students begin attending classes.
The Code is the University's internal discipline
system. It outlines behaviors the University finds
to be illegal or unacceptable, and can be used to
e U
e ac
about the use of race as a
factor in its admissions
processes. Page 1B.
C~rI s9hame
frst game
a By Sharat Rdu
DailyS SprsEditar
NOTRE DAME - Notre Dame quarterback
Jarious Jackson dropped back to pass with five min-
utes left in the third quarter. He tripped over his own
feet, stumbled backward and nearly fell to the
- t i /ground.
2 The play almost ended rtight there But Jackson atead-
ed himself, looked up and saw
wide receiver Raki Nelson Notre Dame 36
downfield with no Michigan
player in sight. He threw the tr Midig s 20
ball to Nelson, w ao pranced n
into the end zone, giving the Fighting Irish a 23-13 lead.
he g e followed in the same manner The 22nd-
ranked Fighting Irish came close to falling, but they
regained their poise and upset the fifth-ranked
Wolverines, 36-20, in front of 80,012 people in South
Bend on Saturday.
It was obviously a big, big win," Notre Dame coach
Bob Davie said. "I'm so excited for the coaches and the
football team. They deserve it."
For Michigan, however, the game marked the
beginning of defending the 1997 national champi-
onship. Returning with what was hailed as one of the
top defensive units in the country and a wealth of tal-
ent throughout the team, the Wolverines yielded the
most points they have since 1991. It was also the
most the Irish have ever scored against the
Needless to say, the title defense began poorly.
t "We've got to go out and defend what's ours,"
Michigan defensive end Juaquin Feazell said. "But today,
Notre Dame was the better team."
WARREN ZINN/Daily Going into the game, the primary concern for the
Ight end Jerame Tuman, who had two catches (including a touchdown from Drew Henson) hangs Michigan defense was figuring out Notre Dame's new-
is head in frustration during Michigan's 36-20 loss to Notre Dame on Saturday See FOOTBALL, Page 12A
'M'Stadium sports pcey face- t
Living-learning programs in
traditional residence halls
provide alternative learning
rograms for students.
age JC.
The School of Art and
Design moves into the
technology age in many
disciplines. Page ID.
se sanctions as severe as expulsion.
ministratops initiate Code proceeding for off-
us behavior only when the behavior poses an
us and serious threat or harm to any member of
niversity community, according to the Code.
iministrators use emergency suspension when
verity of a student's action warrants immedi-
yne State University Law Professor Robert
r said that although the decision may not
fair, it is constitutional.
e hasn't started to take courses (and) he has
base" at the University, Sedler said.
ersities have a lot of discretion as to who to
See GRANGER, Page 2A
By Gerard Cohen-Vrgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
When Randy Soben left Los
Angeles last week for the University,
she had a full day ahead of her.
The LSA first-year student spent
approximately 15 hours in airports and
airplanes, a result of a recent pilot
strike at Northwest Airlines, which has
forced the company to cancel all of its
domestic and international flights.
The strike has meant headaches for
some students returning to school
from other states. Northwest operates
about three quarters of the flights in
and out of Detroit Metro Airport.
Soben was forced to fly through
Delta Airlines, following a travel
route that led her to the West Coast,
East Coast and the Midwest all in one
"It was just another level of stress
added on," Soben said. "This is my
first year and I had so many other
things to think about."
The pilots took to the picket line on
Aug. 29 and there is no indication
when the strike will end. Federal
mediators told negotiators from
Northwest Airlines and the Air Line
Pilots Association to take off Sunday
and yesterday after talks had failed to
yield a meeting between the two par-
ties. Talks will resume today.
A statement released by the
National Mediation Board said,
"given the differences that now exist
between the parties on substance, the
National Mediation Board has asked
the parties to reconsider their respec-
tive positions and alternatives.'
Eric Allmendinger, an LSA first-year
student, drove 10 hours from New Jersey
when he couldn't get a flight to Detroit.
"Ten hours in the car really bites the
big one' Allnendinger said.
Most students weren't adversely
affected by the strike because the
majority of students live close enough
to the University to drive.
International students did not experi-
ence problems since many were
required to be at the University for an
orientation before the strike began.
"The only thing we heard was from
two handfuls of students, who wanted
to move in early to get a plane before
the strike," said Alan Levy, director
of housing public affairs. "Most stu-
dents arrived by car."
But while most people managed to
find ways to campus, many of those
paths took them far out of their way.
When her Northwest flight was
canceled, Hsiao-Ling Shen, an LSA
first-year student, had to book a
reservation on Continental Airlines.
She and her parents went from
inside: Northwest strike negotiations
are slated to resume. Page 2
ecause it was clear the housing problem
should not continue?'
"We guarantee on-campus housing to
reshmen regardless of when they apply,"
Levy said.
"For the better part of this decade, we had
othing to offer students who made their deci-
ion in August and off-campus housing at that
oint was very tight. This year, we could offer
ndergtaduate and graduate on-campus hous-
ng all along."
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said
hat although exact numbers will not be
eleased until later this week, the enrollment
arget for the class of 2002 was 5,200 -
educed from 5,500 the year before.
Last year,.eterson said, the high enrollment
umbers put a lot of pressure on the University
o reduce overcrowding.
See HOUSING, Page 12A
Micnigan ToObalI goes
undefeated and wins its
first national championship
in 50 years. Page IE.
'By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan Stadium's nearly 5,500
shiny new seats and massive video
scoreboards will finally have some
fans to tower over during an open
house Thursday.
University community members and
the general public will be able to view
the country's largest open stadium-a
title regained with the seating additions
- from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Athletic
Department staff will conduct tours
during the day and the official expand-
ed seating capacity will be announced
for the first time at 2 p.m.
The $6 million renovations, which
began at the end of the regular 1997
season, include 70 new restrooms,
widened pathways around the stadi-
um and additional seating. The new
boards are part of a $7.9 million pro-
ject that also includes four new
videoboards in Crisler Arena and a
production facility.
While the rows of new seating are
ready for fans attending Michigan's first
home game Saturday, some of the dec-
orative touches on the outside ofthe sta-
dium will not be finished until Sept. 26.
The yellow halo, which surrounds
the outside of the stadium and fea-
tures the phrases "Hail to the Victors,"
"Conquering Heroes," "Champions
of the West" and "University of
Michigan," is still missing many let-
ters. Also a 17-foot diameter
University seal still must be placed
above the East entrance.
Arthur Chen, an architect with
Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates,
See STADIUM, Page 12A
inside: A meager crowd watched the
game at Crisler Arena. Page 12A
Michigan Stadium's new video scoreboards are part of a $7 9-miiiion project
that inciudes video scoreboards in Crisier Arena.
Ann Arbor is a city like no
other and there's more
than one reason students
are happy to call the city
home. Page IF.
DATES AT 7:30 P.M.:
. . - - -
Housing relieved by no
By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in years, all incoming
University students who requested rooms in
residence halls found themselves where they
belong - in permanent rooms.
In the past, an overflow of housing applicants
forced the University to set up temporary bunks
in hall lounges, where students lived for up to 11
days before they could be properly placed.
This year, residence halls still are not full.
LSA sophomore Orin Kennedy, who
remuned to South Quad Residence Hall this
year, said he was scared to look in his hall's
"Last year, when I moved in, they had bunk
beds set up in the lounges of South Quad;'
Kennedy said. "This year, I haven't seen any-
one in there"?
The si'nificant decrease in dorm overcrowd-
ing showed definite progress in overcoming the
University's housing problems of the '90s, said
Alan Levy, director of Housing public affairs.
"Last year we had 300 overflow triples and
34 students living temporarily in lounges,"
Levy said. "This year is unquestionably better.
There were no students in lounges and we have
under 20 converted triples."
Levy said he attributes the reduction in
overcrowding to a smaller class of first-
year students and the on-campus housing
change imposed last year, which was
intended to reduce the number of juniors
and seniors living in traditional residence
"Our initial statement last year that restrict-
ed junior and seniors from retuming helped to
ensure that in the fall of 1998 we would not
have so much overcrowding," Levy said. The
regents opted to enforce the restriction, he said,
Mark Mc~wire picks up his son, Matt, after gaining a spot in
the record books yesterday when he hit his Gist home run of
the season. See page 13A.