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September 15, 1998 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-15

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Ready, set, begin! _ girngaJQ Tomorrow in Daily Arts:
"The Movies Begin" runs tonight at the Michigan. This collection U Have you seen the latest film from "Good Will Hunting"
of some early short films from the turn of the century will be pre- star Matt Damon? No worries, pal. Tomorrow, Daily Arts will
sented as part of the Silent Film Series at the Michigan. Films have a review of "Rounders so that you won't miss a thing
such as "Journey to the Moon" and "The Great Train Robbery" are
included, and will have live organ accompaniment. The screening
starts at 4:10 p.m. AT Tuesday
September 15, 1998

By Anna Kovalszki
)aily line and irforminv Ari s i i r
Angels, entities who hive becen part
ol Western thought for thousmanls of
years, still receive popular attention.
From tieslision shows, such as
"Tolched by an
AIgel," to motion
pictures such as
"City of Angels'
Angels from and finally litera-
the Vatican ture, Milan
Detroit Institute Kundera's dis-
of Arts course on angels
Avg.2 10928 in "Book of
Laughter and]
I orgceting,"
angels are not
neglected by any
means inm the
modern world.
The Vatican,
traditionally linked with angels, owns
many representations of these mystical
beings, portrayed in paintings, sculp-
tures, tapestries and objects of liturgi-
cal use. "Angels from the Vatican." an
exhibit of more than 100 works from
the Vatican collections, tours five .S.
cities and comes at a time of renewed
interest in angels, said Father Allen
t)uston,O.T, who is the Vatican direc-
tor of the exhibition.

to the credit of the organizers of the
exhibition, certain factors have not
been forgotten. The timelessness of the
fascination with angels receives proper
attention. Although biblical representa-
tions of angels seem most prevalent,
many roles of angels are shown. From
Greek and Roman pagan traditions,
such as found on red-figure vases and
in sculptural representations of Eros,
angel of love, to modern, surrealist
presence of angels, such as in Salvador
Dali's "Angelic Landscape," thousands
oftraditional years have been included.
'Fo test the relevance of this exhibit in
our time, public opinion studies were
Virginio Ciminaghi's statue "The
Annunciation" was created in 1967.

conducted b the Chrysler
Corporation, one of the major financial
supporters of the tour. According to the
study, 93.8 percent of South-Central
Americans and 70.8 percent of North-
Central Americans believe in angels.
This fact was reinforced in my mind
by the many visitors who came to view
the exhibit at the Detroit Institute of
Arts on Saturday, and by the many
shoppers in the gift shop scrambling to
make a purchase.
The exhibit space is set up with dif-
ferent colors in each room, arches as
part of the architectural design and
contains a theme of angels within dif-
ferent roles. The origins of angelic rep-
resentations were examined within the
confines of Roman and Etruscan art,
such as lids of ancient sarcophagi.
Christian roles of angles, as messen-
gers, inspirations, guardians, attend-
ings and music-makers were shown
through paintings of artists including
Raphael, Veronese and Murillo, and
objects of spiritual value, like reliquar-
ies, processional crosses and mon-
An original and interesting space
within the exhibit allows viewing of
catalogues and related books, and also
contains listening opportunities for
music with angels. I was surprised by

The Concert of Angles is a painting, ca, 1672, by Giovanni Battista Gaulli, called Baciccia. It is among the many works of art
on exhibit at the "Angels from the Vatican exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

the many styles of music which incor-
porate angels within their notes. From
European instrumental and classical
vocal, to world music, to gospel and
popular music, angels have captured
the attention of the musical world.
After all., in what context can Jimmi

Hendrix and Christian psalms be men-
tioned simultaneously'?
Because of their Ipparent relevance
to our lives and our generally intfre-
quent visits to the V4iiicn,. one should
take this opportunity toiew and listen
to "Angels f rom the Vticcn' as acous-

tiguides are part of the admission
price. The all-inclusive atmosphere of
the exhibit is refreshingly surprising.
Art objects from ancient to modern
times testify to the fascination v
angelic presence within the wor i

'Cyber' guide gives info overload

Cy bercafes A
Worldwide Guide For
Cy berkath@traveltales.Com
The Wandering Traveler
Millions of people communicate
through e-mail. It is only fitting that a
book be written for all those e-mail
junkies who feel the need to check their
mail wherever they might roam.
"Cybercafes A Worldwide Guide For
Travelers," written by the group at
cyberkath(yetraveltales.com, offers a
guide to internet cafes worldwide.
"Cybercafes" is a pocket-sized guide
that lists 530 cybercafes in 64 countries
around the world. Organized into the
regional sections of Europe, Africa and
the Middle East, North America, Central
and South America and Asia and the
Pacific, "Cybercafes" is an easy tool to
find a cafe with Intenet access wherev-
er a traveler might wander.
The guide outlines clear directions otl
how to locate the various cafes and uses

a set of codes to describe what each cafe
offers. For example, the number of com-
puters available is indicated by a number
printed in the middle of a small comput-
er symbol. There are also symbols for
scanners, black and white and color
printers, and the availability of AOL
Why, one might wonder, would any-
one care to read this? The author direct-
ly addresses this question. The author is
of the opinion, or at least pretends to
believe, that the only excuses for using
the Internet on a luxurious vacation are
the following: "A, The weather is
absolutely appalling. B. You lack travel
information. C. You are having a trivial
argument that needs answering through
information on the Net and, finally, D.
You realize you are no longer able to
cope with real life." Whatever the rea-
son, if you have a desperate need to use
the Internet while away from home,
Cybercafes is the perfect guide to bring
In addition to the many cafes that
"Cybercafes" introduces, the guide also
includes a money conversion chart that

enables travelers to know how much
they are paying fortheir Internet time. In
addition, it contains a metric conversion
chart, yet the use for this is still unclear
It also contains a handy log at the end of
the'book in which to write all crucial e-
mail addresses that one will need while
on vacation.
Out of the 530 Cybercafes listed
worldwide, one cafe from Michigan was
included. It is Cybercafelucbirmingham
located at 750 South Old Woodwar Ave.
in Birmingham. It contains 15 comput-
ers, both color and black and white print-
ers, has a scanner and AOL access. It
also contains the unique video-confer-
encing software Cu-SeeMe. As an added
bonus, those who walk into the cafe
holding a copy of "Cybercafes" will
receive 15 minutes of free on-line time
with a minimum purchase.
To most, the idea of "Cybercafes A
Worldwide Guide for Travelers" seems a
bit odd. Now, no matter where they
might roam, the Internet obsessed will
suffer no more anxiety attacks because
a cybercafe is just minutes away.
- Corinne Schneider

Paul Newman and Susan Sarandon mingle by the pool in "Twilight."

sal ofaramo

Videos dive i*ntoth 'Deep'
By Matthew Barrett and "Hoosiers."
Aaron Rich Those who are feeling a little down should turn in for
Daily Arts utriters the week's rising double-play. "Deep Rising," which.
Shhhh! Wanna know a secret'? Gwyneth Paltrow is stars Treat Williams as a sea captain who must go to bat-
trying to be in as many movies as possible before the with an unknown monster on a sinking cruise
the new millennium. Want proof? Then rent ship. How Melvillian. "Rising" is by far the best
"Hush," and see Jessica r: film about a sinking ship to hit theaters in quite
Lange torment some time (Leo?).
Gwyneth for moving in The second blow in the combo is the
on her son. suspenseful "Mercury Rising," Bruce
In Video It will be a horse-race, Willis plays an FBI agent with a soul
Stores however, as Nicolas trying to protect a young autistic code-
Today Cage is offering up breaker. One of the Baldwin brothers
stiff competition for plays Willis' evil doppelganger try-
the title of most-seen. ing to assassinate the young boy
In "City of Angels" he plays an angel try- Coupled with "Deep Rising," this
ing to be human so that he can take Meg packs the most potent one-two punch
Ryan under his would-be wing. If it were - since Ali left the ring.
original it would fit in nicely with the new Pasta and canine Lovers will be
angel fad, yet is simply an inferior happy to know that Michael Eisner
American adaptation of Wim Wenders ihas decided to re-release "Lady
"Wings of Desire." and the Tramp" on video. This
Also new on video is Spike Lee's classic strikes a chord
latest joint "He Got Game," The with both children and -
film stars Ray Allen of the ' adults alike.
Milwaukee Bucks as Jesus, col- And finally, "Twilight
lege basketball's soon-to-be savior, r''the post-menopausal film
Denzel Washington plays the noir stars Paul Newman,
father of Jesus, a convict Gene Hackman and Susan
released from prison in an Sarandon. This murder
attempt to sway his son's college Courtesy of Hollywood Pictures Company mystery tests the lengths
decision. This is one of Lee's Famke Jassen and Treat Williams try to escape of friendship in a
best, and the city's answer to the wrath of abad film. Hollywood family.

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