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September 15, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, Septembe 15, 1998
Kohl. savors boost for re-election bid


fir-- ...

BONN, Germany (AP) - For the
first time since the election season
kicked off last spring, German
Chancellor Helmut Kohl has a result he
can celebrate. And it couldn't come at a
better time - just two weeks before
,national elections.
With as many as one-third of the vot-
ers still undecided nationwide, his
Bavarian allies' victory Sunday could
give him the jump-start he needs to
counter recent momentum that had
favored his challenger, Gerhard
"I am very happy that we have gotten
this push,' Kohl told reporters yester-
day. "The federal election is not decid-
ed yet, whatever the polls say."

After Kohl's party lost support in two
bellwether state elections, the victory of
the Kohl-allied Christian Social Union
in Bavarian state elections gives the
chancellor a big boost heading into the
final stretch of a so-far uneventful race.
No one expected anything but a vic-
tory for the CSU, which has ruled
Bavaria alone since 1962 and has been
part of every conservative national gov-
ernment since World War 11.
But the mere fact that Kohl's conserv-
ative allies did not lose support - main-
taining the 53 percent majority they reg-
istered in 1994 - has been interpreted
by some as a turnaround for Kohl.
The Social Democrats, on the other
hand, dropped about one point to 29

percent in Bavaria.
Already Europe's longest-serving
leader, Kohl badly needed good news
before the Sept. 27 parliamentary elec-
tion. The man whose political agility
belies his hulking form has recently
seemed strained and worn-out on the
campaign trail, strengthening impres-
sions that he's used up after 16 years in
Kohl has been playing catch-up in the
polls since March, when Schroeder got
his party's nod to take Kohl after win-
ning elections in his home state, Lower
The decisive victory gave Schroeder
a boost that only began to narrow this
summer. Few would be taking Kohl

seriously now if it weren't for his come-
from-behind victory in the last weeks of
the 1994 campaign.
Kohl can take heart from a similar
trend this year: The Social Democrats'
lead has narrowed from 8 points in the
spring to 3 points just 10 days ago.
Never before, however, has Kohl
trailed so close to election day. And his
campaign's theme - stability - has
done little to generate a sense of excite-
Kohl is focusing on major diplomatic
achievements -- unifying Germany and
setting the stage for the European single
currency -- and experience as a states-
person in a time of global economic tur-

Pentagon to press for spending increase
WASHINGTON - In a new acknowledgment of the rising threats to US.
military readiness, military leadcrs are expected to press President Clinton
today for increases in Pentagon budgets that have been declining for 13
Defense Secretary William Cohen and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will argue
in a meeting with Clinton that the"S250 billion delense budget may n"d
annual supplements of up to $15 billion for several years unless mn
weapons programs can be cut or overseas deployments curtailed, U.S. offi-
cials said yesterday.
These arguments represent a marked change in tune for the Pentagon lead-
ership, which has contended that the military could get by on the flat bud-
gets that are called for under (ongress' balanced budget agreement.
But there have been increasing complaints that tight budgets were hurting efforts
to recruit and keep military personnel, threatening major procurement programs
and causing shortages of spare parts.
Meanwhile, it has become clear that the Pentagon would not be saving as much
money as it hoped by closing unneeded bases, streamlining the defense bureau-
cracies and implementing other efficiencies.
"The uniformed folks at the Pentagon are now viewing all this as a lot
serious," said one Senate aide. "They see a train wreck coming."

Continued from Page 1.
Starr." Elsewhere, two people displayed a one-word
sign, "Resign."At a Democratic fund-raising function,
neither House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-
Mo.) nor the Senate's Daschle approached him in
gteeting or looked at him during their talks.

Back on Capitol Hill, battle lines were forming
on the House Judiciary Committee. While
Republicans signaled the need for an impeach-
ment inquiry, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) rank-
ing minority member, openly questioned whether
there is enough evidence to take that step.
But with opinion polls indicating the public
does not want Clinton to be impeached, lawmak-

ers' early discussions have turned to more moder-
ate forms of punishment.
Polls also show that the public wants the issue
to be resolved quickly, fueling some talk that
Democrats might step up pressure on Clinton to
resign. But that option seemed far less likely after
the weekend polls showed Clinton's job-approval
rating holding relatively steady.
Continued from Page 1
The new banner should be in place for
the football players to burst through at
Saturday's football game against
Eastern Michigan.
Anthony Jordan, a Michigan line-
backer, said some of the players were
disappointed they could not reach the
old banner.
lIhe new banner, Madej said, will be
"as similiar as possible to the one that
was stolen."
University spokesperson Julie
Peterson said the university would hate
"to lose the banner."
"We know that this is the time of
year for pranks," Peterson added, "But
whoever took it as a prank or as a
momento, we encourage them to bring
it back."
Hall encourages anyone that has
information to contact the Athletic
Department or DPS.
ce. TONIGHT AT 420

Ten charged with
spying for Cuba
MIAMI -- Ten people allegedly
operating as a spy ring for President
Fidel Castro's Cuban government have
been arrested and accused of collecting
information on U.S. military installa-
tions and anti-Castro groups in Florida,
federal officials announced yesterday.
The arrests, carried out Saturday,
ended the most extensive espionage
organization involving Cuban agents
ever uncovered here, U.S. Attorney
Thomas Scott said. le described the
efforts of the eight men and two
women as an attempt "to strike at the
very heart of our national security
Congressional sources told The
Associated Press that the arrests were
timed to thwart a planned operation by
Cuban agents. But officials at a news
conference here said they were not
aware of any such plan. They would not
comment on why the arrests came at
this time or on what sort of damaging
information, if any, might have been

collected by the Cubans under arrest.
Among other things, the group of
clandestine agents allegedly infiltrated
several anti-Castro organizations in
Miami and Dade County, including
Brothers to the Rescue and the
Democracy Movement.
Gingrich to pay
300K ethics penalty
WASHINGTON - Speaker Newt
Gingrich will pay off a $300,000 penal-
ty -- imposed for rules violatons -
without tapping a loan offered by ex-
Sen. Bob Dole, the House ethics com-
mittee said yesterday.
Gingrich, who will continue toe
his personal funds, is due to make pay-
ments in November and January to pay
off the remaining $200,000 he owes.
"Representative Gingrich has
informed the committee that he willinot
require any funds from former Sen
Robert Dole. ... Mr. Gingrich has exe-
cuted a release of Sen. Dole from any
and all obligations pursuant to the loar
agreement," said the panel,

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Berisha supporters
strike at uxania
TIRANA, Albania - Supporters of
former President Sali Berisha seized
Albanian government buildings yester-
day after the weekend killing of a pop-
ular Berisha aide, but government
forces launched a counterattack and
regained key sites in a day of chaotic
Interior Ministry spokesperson
Artan Bizhga said at least three
Berisha supporters were killed and
14 wounded in the counterattack.
Berisha remained holed up at the
headquarters of his Democratic
Party late yesterday.
Diplomats from the United States
and European countries were seek-
ing to negotiate a peaceful end to the
crisis in this impoverished Balkan
Many fear the unrest could spread,
including to the Serbian province of
Kosovo, where ethnic Albanian
rebels are fighting for indepen-

The violence in Tirana threatened a
repeat of nationwide riots that swep
Albania last year after the collapse o
pyramid investment schemes that cos
many people their life's savings.
The turmoil sent refugees int
Italy, Greece and elsewhere ,i
U.S. accused of
muslim crackdown
NAIROBI, Kenya - Members o
-Kenya's Islamic community acte
the United States yesterday of pre r
ing Kenyan authorities to clamp dowi
on Muslim organizations, which thei
say are wrongly suspected of possibl
involvement in last month's bombing c
the U.S. Embassy here.
The outcry by Muslim leaders fol
lows last week's decision by the gov
ernment to ban 16 primarily Muslir
organizations for security reasons an
for overstepping their permitted aCtivi
- C'ompiled from Daily wire-report



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