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September 14, 1998 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-14

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4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday -September 14, 1998

Blue scares away Ohio, Bowling Green.

Julie Froud broke
the 19-minute
mark for the first
time this season,
finishing Saturday
in 18:51.

By Chris Duprey
Daily Sports Writer
BOWLING GREEN - Facing the
No. 5 women's cross country team in
the nation is a very frightening
Apparently, Marshall thought so.
Scheduled to run at a four-team meet
Saturday alongside fellow MAC foes
Bowling Green and Ohio, as well as
Michigan, the Thundering Herd
chickened out. Didn't show up. Just
stayed home.
And who can blame them?
Even if Marshall did make a
cameo appearance at the meet, it
probably wouldn't have made much
of a difference.
The Wolverines took four of the
top six spots in the race en route to a
blowout victory. Michigan's 25
points eclipsed Ohio's 51 for first
place. The Bobcats edged Bowling
Green by one point for runner-up
"Sometimes coming out in a meet
where you're pretty confident you
can win helps you focus more on how
you race," Michigan's Elizabeth
Kampfe said. "We knew there were

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some good runners today, but we
really wanted to run as a pack."
Having All-American Katie
McGregor on your team will likely
stretch out your pack time.
McGregor picked up her second vic-
tory in as many weeks with the same
type of solid performance that has
been expected of her as a team
The senior used the mostly flat ter-
rain to her advantage, breaking the
tape in a time of 17:22.
Kampfe tried hard to stay up front
with her teammate, but was unable to
hold the pace.
She did hang on to second place,
finishing 17 seconds behind
McGregor - and helping to dupli-
cate the same 1-2 finish that pro-
duced victory at the Indiana State
Sycamore Classic on Sept. 5.
"Hopefully, as the season goes on,
we can run more as a twosome,"
Kampfe said. "I try to hang with
Katie as much as I can."
Katy Radkewich and Michelle
Slater, Michigan's third and fourth
runners, were also able to pack
together - helping to secure the

meet victory. Their times of 18:13
and 18:15, respectively, were good
enough for fifth and sixth place over-
all, but their racing strategy was what
impressed Michigan coach Mike
"When you get to the last two or
three minutes of the race, you've got
to make things happen," McGuire
said. "Radkewich had a couple of
runners knocking on her door and
she held them off. Slater was able to
make up a couple of places. That's a
five or six-point swing."
The competition for the fifth slot is
wide open with Katie Clifford, Katie
Ryan and Lisa Ouellet all capable of
filling the bill. Ouellet made her case
on Saturday, holding her place down
the stretch to finish l11 th in a time of
Having a fifth scorer by committee
isn't a problem.
Injuries and the occasional incon-
sistent race can happen at any time,
so having seven runners who are all
able to score makes a coach's job eas-
McGuire saw progress toward
Michigan's targeted pack time of 45

seconds, despite his top five runners
finishing 1:19 apart in the triangular
"We didn't look as scattered as we
were last week," McGuire said.
Julie Froud's return should help
the Michigan pack time decrea
even more.
The sophomore has been rehabili-
tating her left ankle since tendinitis
cut short her track seasons in the
winter and spring.
Frustratingly mired in the 19-
minute bracket, Froud broke out of a
personal funk at Bowling Green,
keeping up with the Wolverines'mid-
dIe runners to finish in 18:51.
"I'm going to continue to take it
slow," Froud said. "I'm hoping by t
end of September or the middle o.
October I'll be right up there." .
Mixing Froud and the oft-injured
Marcy Akard back into the scoring
five could produce the kind of pack
time that McGuire has been talking
about since the '98 season started.
And if all goes as planned,
Michigan will likely be scaring away
better teams than Marshall con*
championship time.

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Resilient Radkewich"
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By Chris Duprey
Daily Sports Writer
BOWLING GREEN -As the popu-
lar T-shirt slogan says, 'Pain is tempo-
rary. Regret is forever.'
Nobody can understand this state-
ment more than Katy Radkewich. As a
four-time All-America selection in high
school who was lauded with awards
everywhere she ran, Radkewich could
expect big things from her collegiate
career at Providence.
But it would have been too perfect
had things gone smoothly. She spent
almost the entire season injured on the
sidelines, wearing plain clothes and
plain shoes. There would be no racing
spikes for Radkewich, no warm-up
sweats -just disappointment.
The time away from running made
Radkewich stronger. After leading a
disciplined lifestyle for so long, some
runners would secretly welcome the
opportunity to eat junk food, stay up
late - amenities all afforded to non-
runners. But Radkewich found out that
the pain that comes with a sprint work-
out in the summer heat doesn't even
compare to the feeling of watching
from the side. She decided to make a
The Ohio native chose to start fresh.

She wanted to go to a school where's
would be wanted, a place where s
could contribute to the lineup, but
mostly, Radkewich wanted to begin her
career all over again.
At the same time, Michigan cross
country coach Mike McGuire was
struggling with a depth problem. His
team had an NCAA berth stolen from it
in 1997 -- not because it didn't have
top runners who scored well, but
because it only had top runners w
scored well - without any depth.
So Radkewich packed up her belong-
ings and headed to Ann Arbor. And her
start to the '98 season has been a
resounding success. Last year it was
McGregor and Kampfe, the twosome.
Now it's McGregor, Kampfe and
Radkewich, the trifecta.
The redshirt freshman hasn't been
able to keep up with Michigan's top two
for an entire race just yet. But she
regaining the strength and confider
in her racing that hadn't been seen for a
very long time.
"I wasn't sure what to expect because
I've been out of the running scene for
so long,' Radkewich said. "I want to try
to get back to where I was as a high
school senior."

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