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September 08, 1998 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-09-08

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12A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 8, 1998


Game marked by
missed chances

Continued from Page IA
look option offense. Jackson, an
extremely quick and athletic quarter-
back, was stifled in the first half and the
Wolverines limited the Irish to six
The Wolverines, on the other
hand, appeared to dominate on
offense during the first half.
Michigan quarterback Tom Brady,
starting in his first collegiate game,
marched the Wolverines down the
field consistently. The Wolverines
converted two field goals and scored
a touchdown on Brady's one-yard
On two occasions, however, kicker
Kraig Baker missed field goal attempts,
and Michigan had to settle for field
goals twice after having faltered within
the Notre Dame 20 yard line.
"I think, without question, that it
was a game of momentum,"
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said.
"We had some in the first half, but
we didn't take advantage of the
And with a couple of critical
Michigan turnovers in the second half,
that momentum swung in Notre Dame's
With 11:23 left in the third quarter --
immediately after the Irish converted a
32-yard field goal and cut the lead to
four points - Michigan's Clarence
Williams fumbled on the kickoff return.
The ball was recovered by Notre Dame's
Tony Driver on the Michigan 34.

Shortly thereafter, Jackson hit a
wide-open Dan O'Leary in the back
of the end zone to give the Irish a 16-
13 lead - one they would not relin-
"Notre Dame got the momentum in
the second half, and then we turned the
ball over," Carr said. "So instead of
turning the momentum around, we
maintained the momentum for Notre
For the Wolverines, the second
half was filled with missed opportu-
nities and field goals. A Ray
Jackson fumble, a blocked field goal
attempt and another missed field
goal added up to one thing: a
Michigan defeat.
"It didn't seem like we were on the
field much in the second half," Brady
said. "I didn't think it was a matter of
them stopping us. We just didn't get too
many chances."
There were a couple of bright spots
for the Wolverines. Brady completed
23 of 36 passes and tossed for 267
Wide receivers Tai Streets and
Marcus Knight ran for 101 and 126
yards, respectively. Williams ran for
115 yards on 13 carries.
Oddly enough, those positives
were in areas that were of concern
while the seemingly strong defense
faltered. The last time the Wolverines
gave up 30 points in a single half was
"We need to find out where the heart
of this defense lies," Michigan line-
backer Dhani Jones said.

Students watch the Michigan-Notre Dame football game on the big screens of Crisier Arena on Saturday. About 3,000
fans watched the game on M Vision - significantly less than the 10,000 expected by organizers,
M Vision draws small crowd

By Stephanie Offen
Daily Staff Reporter
Just like the Michigan football team, M Vision did not
live up to its potential Saturday afternoon.
Event organizers hoped 10,000 spectators would attend
Saturday's broadcast of Michigan's season opener against
Notre Dame in Crisler Arena. But even a national cham-
pionship team and brand new video boards could not draw
the anticipated crowd.
Only about 3,000 fans, mostly students, came to watch
the game in Crisler, and about half of them left at halftime.
More dwindled out as the Notre Dame score climbed in
the third and fourth quarters.
"We wanted to encourage students to take part," said
event organizer Tom Brooks, adding that 7,000 compli-
mentary tickets were allocated for students. "This is a
chance to give all students the Michigan experience."
The afternoon began with events outside Crisler Arena,
including a chance for coaches and athletes to meet fans
and participate carnival games.
The coaches spoke to the crowd inside Crisler to raise
student interest in sports besides football.
Sue Guevara, the Michigan women's basketball coach,
offered a student Nike merchandise in exchange for his
attendance at all the team's home games.

But the day did not end in the same spirit. By the end of
the afternoon, the cheers and screams turned to sighs and
complaints about the extreme heat.
"I think there would have been a more energetic crowd
if it had been a more exciting game," said LSA sophomore
Kelsey Cameron. "That might discourage people from
coming again."
The halftime show in South Bend, Ind., was not dis-
played on the videoboards, much to the disappointment of
some fans, who said they would rather have watched that
than a live performance by the alumni band.
The event "is a good idea for freshmen for the first game,"
said LSA first-year student Shannon Zorn. But she also
commented she probably would be watching the game in her
room in the future.
"I would have rather watched the game in a smaller, more
intimate area with friends," said LSA sophomore Dant
Most students shared these sentiments, and only a small
number of people were left at Crisler when the game ended.
The Iowa game is scheduled to be shown at Michigan
Stadium on Oct. 3 instead of at Crisler.
"We couldn't show the Notre Dame game at Michigan
Stadium because it was broadcast on NBC and we could-
n't get the game commercial-free," Brooks said.:

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Continued from Page 1A
said the manufacturer has had prob-
lems finding a yellow that matches the
University-approved shade of yellow
for the seal.
"The manufacturer for the letters is
behind schedule," Chen said. "The seal
is a five-color process and the artwork
is much more intricate."
The Athletic Department plans to sh
replays and highlights from previous s '
sons during breaks in play at home foot-
ball games on the monstrous videoboards
recently placed in the stadium.
Unlike many arenas, Michigan
Stadium is willing to replay controversial
plays on the video boards, but only once.
"If it is a controversial play, we'll run
the replay one time," said Associate
Athletic Director Thomas Cecchini. This
policy was designed to avoid further
upsetting spectators during such plays
Fans who attended the pre-seaso
Football Media Day on Aug. 14 said
they were generally pleased with the
stadium improvements.
"I love the new boards," said Chelsea
resident Don Haywood. "I was amazed
to actually see (the images) so clearly."
Haywood said the only thing the
Athletic Department may still need to do
is "paint all the seats maize and blue."
The dimensions of the new boards,,
feet by 78 feet and 9 feet deep, surprised
many spectators who had mixed reaction
the screens' immense proportions.
"I've never seen a big screen so
clearly," said Steve DeDoes, an Ann
Arbor resident. "It is a little obtrusive
coming east on Stadium, Boulevard.
A self-proclaimed purist, DeDoes
recognizes that sporting events have
been inundated with media technology.
Ed Hoeglund, who helped Sony s
the video screens to the University, sM
most fans think the new screens are as
good or better than television sets at
"These are the two largest pair of
boards installed at a University stadium
anywhere," Hoeglund said.
Government regulations mandate a
change to high-definition television in
the year 2005, which will force the
University to modify the boards.
new screens can be expanded to a
rectangular dimensions required by the
"We have a technology that's modu-
lar," Cecchini said.
When the University expands the
video scoreboards, the 25-second clock
and University seal in the center of the
board will be moved onto the side of
the scoreboard.
The scoreboards have rotating ds-
plays with the phrases "Hail to
Victors" on one side and "National
Champions," along with the appropri-
ate dates on the other.
Michigan Stadium guidelines prohib-
it any external advertising in the arena.
"We noticed the boards when we
were coming in," said Julie
Boumaroun, a Livonia reidext. "The
men working on the (scoreboards) afe
no bigger than the letters'
Also, four new liquid crystal disp j
boards have been installed in Crisler,
replacing the former dot matrix boards.
University students and fans were able
to view the Sept. 5 Michigan-Nte
Dame game on the new boards.
"I'm glad that Michigan is so inter-
ested in helping the students," said
Engineering first-year student Hannah
Murray. "The picture quality seemed
really good."
Continued from Page 1A

LSA sophomore Nicole Bryson,
who witnessed the overflow housing
last year, said the residence halls are
less crowded this year because of the
housing restriction.
"I think the ban was a part of
housing solution," said Bryson, w.a
works at West Quad Residence Hall's
front desk. "From what I know, there is
definitely not as much overcrowding. I
think the ban scared lots of students
into off-campus housing."
Students will most likely be happy
with the reduction in overcrowding,
Levy said, despite complaints last year
that the housing restriction was
* enforced too late for students to find
adequate off-campus housing.
Regent Dan Horning (R-Gran
Haven) said he was pleased with the
housing changes.
"I think it's something we've always
pushed for," Horning said, adding that
less packed residence halls will make
the on-campus living experience more-
positive for incoming and returning
"We need to aim for an environme t
conducive for academics and contiiW
to strive to make living more enjoyable
in the dorms," Homing said.
Levy said the University will decide
whether to continue the housing restric-
tion in future years as soon as numbers
are reviewed later this week.
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