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68 - Thelichigan Daily Weekeno tagazine.-Thgesday, Decemer 10, 1998



The Michigan Dfy Weekend Ms

Warmer weather doesn't affect bike theft rates

Candlebox lending helping
hand to local charity's efforts

By Sasha Higgns
Daily Arts Writer
As temperatures were m
April than December last
University bikers came out o
nation and hit the streets wit
don. Unfortunately, bike
might have gotten word
"spring fever" as well.
Warmer weather eases the
all students feel at this stress
of year. Students relax, u
their coats and take longe
(and bike rides) in the sunsh
that relaxed attitude can easil
in bike theft.
A call to DPS or the An
police station is the first
recovering a stolen bik
Sergeant Mike Logghe of t
Arbor Police Department,
won't be very effective un]
bike has been registered at
clerk's office beforehand.
A bicycle can be regist
giving the clerk the serial
and name of the bike and p
nominal fee of two dollars a
cents. These steps make lat
identification and recovery.
easier product for eN
Logghe highly recommen
students register their bike
they arrive on campus.
"Most registered bikes wt
stolen are usually recovere
Logghe. "Without the serialt
there is no way to get the bi
to its owner, since we recov

ore like
f hiber-
h aban-
of the
ful time
r walks
ine. But

dreds of bikes."
The registration system is done by
computer, and once the serial num-
ber of the bike is submitted, the bike
is matched with its owner's name
and address.
Of course there are numerous
ways to prevent the theft. Sergeant
Logghe recommended that students
purchase a very good U-lock, a
strong metal one-piece lock that
goes around the bike's frame and
front wheel and locks it to the bike
rack. A few extra keys are also a

LSA senior Danielle Mader locks her bike in front of Angel Hall Tuesday afternoon. Authorities recommend using heavy i-
locks to deter would-be thieves. Although the warm weather has kept students riding around campus longer than usual this
winter, bike thefts have not been on the rise.





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y result valuable purchase.
Logghe also suggested that stu-
n Arbor dents pay attention to the location
step in where they leave their bikes.
e, said "A lot of bikes get stolen from
he Ann patio and porches where they are left
but it unlocked," said Logghe. "If the bike
less the is outside anywhere, the student
the city should lock it."
LSA senior Pat Herek was one of
ered by the many bicyclists taking advan-
number tage of the warmer weather last
aying a week. He owns a standard U-lock
id fifty for his bike.
er bike "I bike to class because it cuts the
a much time in half," said Herek. "But I
veryone always make sure to lock mny bike
wherever I go.",.
ded that Living in a fraternity house ,
s when Herek is fortunate to have the space
inside to store his bike.
hich are "I wouldn't leave it outside over
d," said night," said Herek.
number, For those students forced to leave
ke back their bikes outside due to limited
'er hun- space and dormitory regulations, a
good quality lock is a must.
1E Locks vary greatly in price and
quality. At the cheaper end of the
line, they run around S15-S20; more
expensive locks can go for as high
as $80- $90.
"The cheaper locks come with a
cable lock that has a combination on
it," said Ryan Neice, an LSA senior
and employee of Campus Bike and
Neice said the most expensive
locks are virtually impossible to
ce! "Our top of the line lock is know
as the New York Lock. It is the most
ridiculously strong lock they make,"
said Neice. "They say that the lock
is so strong, you can't even saw
through it. In order to steal the bike,
the thief would actually have to cut
the bike in half."
Neice said he has seen a lot of
re of seats and wheels stolen off of bikes
"Somebody was swapping the
"last wheels of bikes," Neice said. "We've
eive had a lot of customers coming in to
he replace stolen wheels."
M. Wheels can be protected by addi-
tional U-locks or chains, and seat
cables cost around $5.
Rackham student Liz Klodginski
page, knows all too well the risks of own-
nt of
ing an unlocked bike on a university
ation campus.
9 Hill "I had my bike stolen at a school I
nail at went to in Austin (Texa«s ," said
Klodginski. "My bike wasn't locked
so now I make sure I lock it wherev-
s. 199 er I go."
6; Eric

By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Arts Writer
Academic crunch time is tough at
anytime of the year, but it seems
harder during the holiday season.
With the mounds of exams and
papers under which students are
finding themselves, it is pretty diffi-
cult to get into the giving spirit.
Making it a little easier for stu-
dents to help those in need this sea-
son, Rock 103 FM WIQB is spon-
soring "Rockin' for the Hungry."
Taking place tomorrow night at
the Michigan Theatre, "Rockin' for
the Hungry" will feature headliner
Candlebox. Doors open at 8 p.m.,
get there on time to hear openers
Goodness and the Hunger.
Although this is the station's first
Rockin' For the Hungry, WIQB is no
stranger to helping the Ann Arbor
during the
holidays. l f
For the p o l r
past few' they wil n
years WIQBi
has worked uiteaSome
to raise food
like their sis-
ter station
FM, did ear-
lier this year. In a different form of
"Rockin' for the Hungry," Q107 sta-
tion members broadcasted live out-
side of Busch's Value Land on Main
Street for three days and raised more
than 80 tons of food for Food
Net proceeds from tomorrow night's
show will benefit St. Andrew's Church
Breakfast Program, located at 306 N.
Division Ave.
"We hope to raise as much as pos-
sible and sell out the show," said
WIQB associate director Pete
Candlebox was scheduled to hit
Ann Arbor this week some months
in advance, and organizers were
pleasantly surprised to find that the
Start next
semester with
a bang.
Goet involved..
Write for.
Daily Arts!.
For more

show date coincided with the radio
station's charity efforts
"Luckily, Candlebox's stop in Ann
Arbor coincides with WIQB's date for
the benefit," said Dave Clark, promo-
tions director for Prism Productions.
The band is stopping by the
Michigan Theatre in support of its
latest record "Happy Pills."
In a recent interview, lead singer
Kevin Martin discussed the band's
tour and the changes that Candlebox
underwent between "Happy Pills"
and their sophomore effort, the chart
topping "Lucy."
After Candlebox's original drum-
mer, Scott Mercande left the band,
the group recruited Dave Kruzen,
Pearl Jam's former drummer.
"With adding Dave to the band, it
was a matter of incorporating his
styles and his abilities to our music,"

miss tis,
iss us for
- Kevin Martin
Candlebox lead singer

Martin said,
In addition
to a new
d r u m m e r,
has adopted a
more indi-
attitude dur-
ing the
recording of
H a p p y

"Somewhere along the line, you
just stop worrying about what peo-
ple say and start worrying about
what music you do," Martin said.
The new album displays a more
developed band that is not too wor-
ried about creating hit singles that
match the success of those like "Far
Behind," on "Lucy."
"We just took our time and didn't
let the pressures of the label and the
media delegate which direction we
should go," Martin said.
The product of this instinctive cre-
ative process is an album that bal-
ances eccentric guitar work and the
band's reliable cooperative sound.
Candlebox not only encourages

students to see the show for the
music but also for the benefits the
concert will bring to the community.
"There's a lot of people out there
not fortunate to be in school and try-
ing to have a career or and educa-
tion," Martin said, " That's the main
reason people should buy tickets."
Next up for the band is a extended
tour throughout Europe and Asia.
Afterwards, the band will take a
short break and then head back to
the studio. Candlebox's busy sched-
ule is another reason why fans
shouldn't miss tomorrow night's
"If people miss this, they will miss
us for quite sometime," Martin said.
In support of the Candlebox's
appearance at the Michigan Theater
tomorrow night, WIQB has been
registering listeners to win a Gibson
Epiphone guitar autographed by the
band. In order to celebrate the sta-
tion's 22 years on the air, WIQB is
giving out 22 guitars, autographed
by WIQB artists, to its listeners.
In addition to an on-air giveaway,
a guitar displayed at Tower Records
will be handed out to one lucky win-
ner who registered for the drawing at
the record store. Both winners will
receive their guitars at the concert.
As an added bonus, WIQB will
hold an after-party at the Ann Arbor
Brewing Co. Members of Candlebox
will be at the party to meet some of
their fans. Tickets to the party can be
purchased with special $27.50 tick-
ets. Tickets that admit fans only to
the concert cost $21.07 and stu-
dents who show their ID will only
pay $10.03As of yesterday after-
noon, fewer 700 tickets were left for
this show at the Michigan Theatre,
which has a capacity of 1700. Fans
are warned to get their tickets to this
benefit as fast as possible.
After classes are over for the semes-
ter and the great quiet hits campus just
before exams, let loose to three bands
and make a difference in the communi-
ty at the same time.


Candlebox performs tomorro
For the Hungry," a WIQB fun
Program. The bands Goodnes

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