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December 10, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-10

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday. December 10. 1998 - 3A

Services for
cancer patients
available online
Cancer patients looking for reli-
able medical information online can
now turn to a new Internet site creat-
ed by University Hospitals' Cancer
The Website includes information on
cancer research and medical services,
which previously has been difficult to
access from home.
Cancer Center Director Max Wicha
said the Website provides links to send
e-mail to the University's Cancer
AnswerLine nurses and patients can
receive case-specific answers to cancer
care questions. The nurses can also
refer patients to appropriate physicians
for treatment.
The site's Guide for Patients pre-
pares people for visits, provides
helpful telephone numbers and
includes maps to the University
Health System.
Health professionals can find
information in another section about
ongoing research projects, educa-
tional opportunities, and a referral
One area of the site allows cancer
patients and survivors to share motiva-
tional stories, thoughts and images with
The Website is located at
'U' services help
*with holiday
season stress
On average, Americans gain six
pounds and face increased stress
levels between the Thanksgiving
and New Year's Day holidays.
Several University services offer
resources and advice for surviving
the rest of the year.
Lizzie Burt, a culinary arts profes-
sional with the M-Fit program, is the
author of a book containing traditional
holiday recipes in low-fat and high-
fiber versions.
Kathy Klykylo of DrinkWise, a pro-
gram that helps avoid excessive drink-
ing, said the holidays don't necessarily
need to include hangovers. DrinkWise
offers tips for celebrating without
drinking too much.
Exercise psychologist Audrey
Hazekamp warns people not to for-
get their exercise regimen over the
holidays. Exercise can reduce both
weight gain and stress, Hazekamp
Caroline Mandel of the Preventive
Cardiology Program said people need
to find a balance during the holiday
season. Mandel advises focusing on a
long-term diet, exercise and stress
management program.
Cancer Center
director named to
new professorship
Max Wicha, founding director of the
University Cancer Center, has been
appointed Distinguished Professor of
After Wicha steps down from his
p osition as the center's director, the
professorship will be named after

During his tenure as director, Wicha
has taken the center from its beginning
stages to being one of the premier can-
cer centers in the nation.
Wicha has gained national recog-
nition as a researcher in the field of
breast oncology. He has authored
many notable scientific articles and
book chapters, reviewed scholarly
publications,, and served on boards
overseeing many national cancer
Outside of his position as Cancer
Center director, Wicha is a profes-
sor of internal medicine in the
Medical School, where he special-
izes in treatment of breast cancer
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Nick Bunkley.

GEO continues search for compromise

By Paul Berg
Daily Staff Reporter
As students' thoughts drift past finals toward
holiday feasts, University negotiators and gradu-
ate employees must ponder new recipes for com-
promise to bring to a deadlocked bargaining table
when they return for next semester's contract
All of the proposals the Graduate Employees
Organization has emphasized since negotiations
began Oct. 21 remain unresolved, and a middle
ground on graduate employee wages seems dis-
"I don't know of any revenue source that can
handle this increase for any employee group,"
said Associate Academic Human Resources
Director Dan Gamble, the University's chief
Following GEO's 37 percent pay increase pro-
posal that met with the University team's flat
denial of a change in the contract language on
wages, GEO responded with an income counter-
proposal that rearranges economic priorities.
GEO Chief Negotiator Eric Odier-Fink said the

GSls will agree to drop the proposed wage
increase to 27 percent, but in exchange they want
to recalculate their pay system to better reflect the
number of hours they work each week. Thev also
want to do away with an graduate employee regis-
tration fee.
The University previously said in its proposal
funding for these two improvements, among oth-
ers, would come out of any wage increase.
This still amounts to a 37 percent pay increase,
Odier-Fink said.
The similar net result of GEO's counterpro-
posal to its earlier wage increase initiative did
not escape the University bargaining team's
notice. The recalculation is "out of the ques-
tion," Gamble said.
"They packaged it differently, but we have to look
at the cost, any way you slice it" Gamble said.
Beyond income concerns, all of GEO's major
issues remain unresolved, including compensation
for international graduate student instructor train-
ing and an extensive affirmative action platform to
diversify the GSI hiring pool.
"We still do not consider GSI trainees to be

employees Gamble said. "As as aimffnartie
action, we believe our Office of Equit and
Diversity takes care of many ofG('s needs'
Despite difficulties, Odier-Fmuk said some of
GEO's proposals seem to be nakln headway.
"Our child care and dental benefits concerns
look like they arc going to get settled to our satis-
faction:' Odier-Fink said.
"I think we're on the same wavelength with den-
tal benefits, but there's still some lnguage to work
with;' Gamble said. "I think we're also very close
on our hours gnievance proposal. which would cor-
rect problems in the early phases of the grievance
Odier-Fink said graduate employee support for
nearly all of the GEO proposals on the table is
strong, and it will be hard to settle on a contract
unless these proposals are resolved.
"Workinu without a contract is working without
a net," Odier-Fink said. "A sinke is always the last
thing you want to do, and you don't play that card
unless you're forced to.
"The administrators know that everything we
have proposed is possible. but they make their

decisions based on whether they think our union is
strong enough:? he said. "An institution that'bas
morality written on its major buildings shouldn't
act like a capitalist in this instance:'
The meeting structure itself recently underwent
some changes due to a GEO Stewards Council
vote to open the bargaining sessions to all of their
membership. Gamble said no problems occurred
in the first two open meetings, but cited the reia-
tively small numbers as a reason.
"I'm not concerned with 18 people, but if it gets
too crowded, it may reach a point where it would
be pointless for (the University team) to partici-
pate," Gamble said.
Odier-Fink said the presence of additional GEO
members has yet to change the meetings substan-
"In caucus, we have more brains" Odier-Fink
said, but felt the level of efficiency in the meetings
remained unchanged.
Both negotiating teams will sit down Jan. 7to
schedule the bargaining meetings for the month,
and three weeks of negotiating time remain before
the contract expires Feb. 1.

Kevorkian to
face dInUer one
WATERFORD, Mich. (AP) - Dr. "This could never be a crime no mat-
Jack Kevorkian was ordered yesterday ter what the words say on paper."
to stand trial on charges of murder and Kevorkian told reporters after yester-
assisted suicide in a disabled man's day's ruling. "Do you think I'm a crim-
death that was videotaped and broad- inal? If yes, you're happy. If no, what
cast on national television. am I doing here?"
District Judge Phyllis McMillen Youk, of Waterford Township, had
turned down the defense claim that the suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease for
assisted suicide advocate could not be four years. He was confined to a wheel-
charged with both first-degree murder chair, was fed through a tube in his
and plotting a suicide. She also ordered stomach and had little mobility of his
Kevorkian to stand trial on a charge of arms and hands.
delivering a con- In court yesterday, prosecutors
trolled substance. ,. showed the unedited tape Kevorkian
Prosecutors said produced. In its first segment,
the videotape Kevorkian asks Youk several questions,
Kevorkian made of then has him sign a form that said he
Thomas Youk's wanted to end "my intolerable and
death Sept. 16 and hopelessly incurable suffering" with
later supplied to "direct injection."
CBS' "60 Minutes" "That's it Tom. I'll go ahead and help
was the case's cor- you when you say so," Kevorkian says
nerstone. The tape on the tape, "You're sure you thought
shows a figure - Kevorkian about this very well?"
Kevorkian's face is "Very well," Youk says softly.
not shown - injecting Youk with a Kevorkian convinces Youk to wait a
chemical that stops his heart. week, but apparently came back the
If convicted of murder, Kevorkian next evening. Kevorkian later told "60
could face life in prison. Minutes" that he injected Youk with
"We've never had as compelling evi- three chemicals - a prescription barbi-
dence as this, Oakland County assis- turate to put him to sleep, a muscle
tant prosecutor John Skrzynski said relaxant, and potassium chloride that
after yesterday's hearing. "It's a cut- stopped Youk's heart.
and-dried case." Youk's family called his hospice
Although prosecutors have been nurse, who testified yesterday that
chasing Kevorkian for years, this is the when she arrived she found Youk dead
first time he has been ordered to stand in his bed.
trial on a murder charge. In ordering Kevorkian's trial,
On two previous occasions, murder McMillen rejected defense arguments
charges were dismissed. Three previous that Kevorkian had meant to ease
trials on charges of assisted suicide Youk's suffering, and his death was just
ended in acquittals; a fourth ended with a side-effect.
a mistrial. "The intent to kill was premeditated
Kevorkian, who has acknowledged and thought-out beforehand," the judge
some role in about 130 assisted suicides said.
since 1990, had dared prosecutors to David Gorosh, Kevorkian's legal
charge him. He said what he did for adviser, had argued that murder and
Youk was right - even if it broke a law assisted suicide charges were mutually
- and compared it to letting women exclusive, and that the assisted suicide
vote and drinking during Prohibition. charge should be dismissed.
Senatet seves
anti-hate crime bill

Meet the Prez

University President Lee Bollinger mingles with students from his class after the last lecture of the semester yesterday. Thisi
semester marks the second time he has taught an undergraduate class on freedom of speech and the press at the Universitt.
BusinesspersL on to serve tm

man who walked away from a Virginia
prison farm 25 years ago and lived an,
"exemplary" life as a Michigan busi-
nessperson was returned to his home-
town yesterday to finish serving time
for a $10 drug deal.
Alfred Odell Martin III was flown
from Detroit yesterday, where he had
battled extradition, to Martinsville for a
brief appearance in Martinsville Circuit
He wore a business suit and was left
unhandcuffed as he told a judge he will
hire a private lawyer to defend him on
escape and larceny charges, filed after
he fled. Martin was booked and put into
a cell to finish a sentence for selling a
$10 bag of marijuana.
"I know it was a very long night for
him, and he was very cooperative,
polite and well spoken," Martinsville
Sheriff Steve Draper said.
Martin's Michigan attorneys,
Gregory Neidle and Guy Dobbs, said
Martin will plead innocent during an
arraignment tomorrow
"Michigan may know him as the

responsible businessman with a good
record, but Martinsville knows him as a
drug dealer," said Joan Ziglar, a
Martinsville prosecutor.
Martin, the fourth of 15 children, was
arrested in 1973 in Virginia. At the
time, he was working in a department
store and doing free-lance photography
in Martinsville.
He was convicted of selling marijua-
na and sentenced to 10 years in prison
with nine years suspended. Counting
time off for good behavior, he would
have served only about three months
had he not fled in 1973, Ziglar said.
In 1976, Michigan's then-Gov.
William Milliken refused to extradite
Martin to Virginia, in effect granting
him legal asylum as long as he
remained in Michigan. There, he mar-
tied, raised three children and went to
work for a mortgage company in the
Detroit suburb of Livonia.
Martin said he never returned to
Virginia during that time.
His extradition became possible in
the late 1980s as a result of a series of
U.S. Supreme Court rulings that meant

governors only have ministerial func-
tions when they receive an extradition
request, said John Truscott, Michigan
Gov. John Engler's spokesperson.
That meant that Martin was in trouble
last month when police stopped him for
driving with expired plates. A record
check showed Martin was a fugitive, aid
Virginia officials sought his extraditidn
after learning his whereabouts.
Engler signed Martin's extradition
warrant on Dec. 4. On Monday, Circuit
Judge William Cahalan in Detroit ruled
he had no choice but to honor Virginia's
request, even as he praised the life
Martin had created as being "exem-
plary" and called his family "a credit to
The Michigan Court of Appeals
refused to block the extradition
Tuesday, and Draper quickly dispatched
two deputies to bring Martin back ona
flight that departed Detroit at dawn.
"It's not my choice to decide whether
this is right or wrong," Draper said. "In
Michigan he may have been law abid-
ing, but he's got to pay his debt to soci-
ety here."

LANSING (AP) - Legislation
designed to beef up penalties for
assaulting homosexuals in Michigan
was shelved permanently yesterday by
the state Senate.
The Senate's shunning of the bill
came a day after a gay advocacy group
made a last-ditch plea for the legisla-
By a vote of 20-18, the Senate
passed a motion to delay until Dec.
30 action on hate crimes bill. The
Legislature is scheduled to adjourn
its two-year session later this week,
thus killing the bill.
It will have to be introduced again
next year to see further action,

"It addresses a very serious problem
in our society," said Sen. Gary Peters
(D-Pontiac) who moved to pull the bill
from the Senate Judiciary Committee
and begin debate on it. "This kind of
behavior should not be tolerated by
There was no argument in favor of
delaying the bill, but the ruling GOP
had not intended to take it up.
The bill, which passed the state
House last month, would add "sexual
orientation" to the state's ethnic intimi-
dation laws. Those laws were passed a
decade ago and provide additional
penalties for crimes based on race, reli-
gion, ethnicity and gender.

I -


D AfrIcan American Alzheimer's Family
Caregiver Support Group Meeting,
Sponsored by A zheimer s
Association, Ypsilanti Association
of Women's Clubs, 319 S.
Washington St., 6-8 p.m.
SCircle K Weekly Meeting, Michigan
Union, Anderson Room, 763-
0811, 7 p.m.
1 M al e aregver Disussdnio n Grou


happening in Ann Arbor today
Michigan Union Program Board, INFO, info@umich.edu, and
Michigan Union, Mall on the www.umich.edu/~info on the
ground level, 7-9 p.m. World Wide Web
"Panama Deception: Film and 11998 Winter Commencement
Discussion," Sponsored by Information, find it at
Revolutionary Anti-imperialist www.umich.edu/~gradinfo on the
League, Michigan Union, Pond World Wide Web.
Room, 7 p.m. 12Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
"Physics of Eternity" Sponsored by Lobby, 8 p.min. 1:30 a.m.
SAS-- Student Astronomical 2 Psychology Academic Peer Advising,
Society, Michigan League, Hussey 647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
Room, 7:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
"osilu... a .4. ba(. u..n....n F6wMaik . 3-1000. Shanirn Librarv



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