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December 10, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-10

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One hundred eight years ofeditornilfreedom

December 10, 1998

V. Ctc, of impach, mentpro posed
4 articles of impeachment proposed

Judiciary committee moves closer to a vote

Articles of

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -Unmoved by the White
House defense case, the Republican majority
on the House Judiciary Committee yesterday
posed four articles of impeachment alleg-
that President Clinton "has betrayed his
trust as president and has acted in a manner
subversive of the rule of law and justice."
The articles, modeled on the language the
panel used 24 years ago in Watergate, charged
Clinton with obstruction of justice, abuse of
power and two counts of perjury stemming
from his attempts to cover up his affair with
Monica Lewinsky. In addition to endorsing
independent counsel Kenneth Starr's allega-
*s,the articles accused Clinton of lying in
sponse to 81 questions posed by the commit-
tee last month.
Republicans released the proposed articles
late yesterday even as the president's team was
still wrapping up its two-day defense presenta-
tion with a plea by White House counsel

Charles Ruff not to put the nation through "the
horror" of a Senate trial. Capping a 10-hour
day of testimony, Ruff maintained that the
president's actions, however blameworthy,
were not impeachable because they did not
"subvert our system of government." He
promised "absolutely" that Clinton would not
pardon himself to thwart any possible criminal
charges and offered a detailed examination of
Starr's report to argue that it exaggerated the
case against the president.
While acknowledging that "reasonable peo-
ple" could conclude Clinton "crossed over that
line" of perjury, a clearly uncomfortable Ruff
was placed in the position of explaining that
the president believes sexual relations means
only intercourse, not oral sex. Despite several
clashes throughout the long day with
Republican lawmakers, Ruff insisted that the
president's defense was not legal hair-splitting
but a legitimate response to the charge of per-

His appeal did not sway Republicans on the
panel. With party lines starkly drawn, GOP
members appeared certain to approve at least
one of the four articles when voting begins
tomorrow, sending the issue to the floor for the
full House to decide next week.
In a bid to rescue Clinton by winning votes
of moderate Republicans, the president's
Democratic allies circulated a counterproposal
that would condemn Clinton in harsh terms
without removing him from office. Judiciary
Chair Henry Hyde (R-ll.) agreed to allow a
vote on the censure proposal in committee,
where it will almost surely fail, but Democrats
were still fighting for a chance to introduce it
on the floor next week.
The White House, which publicly had kept
an arm's length from the censure alternative to
avoid hurting its chances, explicitly advocated
the concept yesterday and a witness called by
the president's defense team, former governor
See CUNTON, Page 8A


counts of perjury
count of obstruction
of justice
count of abuse
of power

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d ozvutr "

- Henry Hyde (R-Ill.)
House Judiciary Chair

ranks best
for blacks
By Sarah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
* he January issue of Black
Enterprise, a magazine geared toward
black entrepreneurs, will soon release
the results of a survey ranking the 50
best U.S. colleges and universities for
black students.
Spelman College topped the list,
with eight other historically black col-
leges and universities claiming the fol-
lowing spaces.
The University of Michigan ranked
the 50s, earning an honorable men-
n, said survey organizer Thomas
LaVeist, a professor in the department
of health and public policy at Johns
Hopkins University and chief executive
officer of DayStar Research company.
LaVeist said 1,007 higher education
faculty members at 986 colleges and
universities nationwide participated in
the research project.
The rankings took into account four
tors, LaVeist said. The graduation
rate for black students was the most
heavily weighted factor, followed by,
the results of the faculty surveys.
Surveys asked educators to "rank their
school in terms of the academic and
learning environment and then rate its
social environment in terms of African
American students," LaVeist said.
The schools' overall percentages of
black students constituted the final fac-
tor in the survey.
*aVeist, who earned both his master's
and Ph.D. at the University, said that
although he thought the University
would score better based on his experi-
ences here, it earned respectable scores.
But many black students, LaVeist
said, might not do well at the University
because of its social environment,
regardless of their abilities.
He said the social scores relied on
ow fully integrated black students are
the campus community -specifi-
cally in leadership positions.
"It's a matter of finding out what any
specific school can do within its envi-
ronment to make it more conducive to
African American students' learning,"
LaVeist said.
He said he hopes Black Enterprise
will publish a new survey every two
years, which could be used as a gauge

"But you cannot overturn the will of t/eic
people, even fyoufind that there as clear
and convinzcing evidence ....
- Charles Ruff
White House Counsel
Bill may lend
support to Code
Passage could be delayed

By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
While universities around the. state
deal with alcohol problems on their
campuses, the state Legislature may
step in and give schools a new weapon
in combating campus drinking.
A bill submitted to the state House
of Representatives last week would
allow institutions of higher education
to require incoming students to sign a
responsibility contract. That contract
- although not specified by the bill
- could include provisions on con-
duct, ethics and behavior at school.
The bill would lend support to the
University Code of Student Conduct,
which mandates sanctions for a wide
range of offenses - not just drinking.
Rep. Alan Sanborn (R-Washington
Twp.), the sponsor of the proposed
legislation, said universities could use
this legislation to alleviate tragedies
in which alcohol may play a role.
Recent tragedies on campuses across
the state motivated Sanborn to pro-
pose the bill.
"This would put the full force of the
Michigan Constitution behind the codes
of conduct currently in place," Sanborn
said. While acknowledging that most
universities already have codes in place,
Sanborn said this legislation would give
the schools concrete backing to their
enforcement of such codes.
The Legislature, working late into
the night, is trying to complete its work-
load before adjourning for the holidays,
but not every proposal will be
addressed. Therefore, it's likely
Sanborn will have to present the bill
again in January when the new
Legislature convenes.
The University Code of Student
Conduct is the school's internal disci-
pline system that can penalize students

for behaviors the University deems
inappropriate. The Code is currently
under review by both the administration
and the Michigan Student Assembly.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen Hartford said she has not seen
the bill, but she thinks the current review
will get more students to read the Code
- one of the aims of Sanborn's bill.
"There is a lot of interest in seeing that
we be sure all students have read" the
Code, Hartford said. She said the bill
could bolster the effectiveness of the
Code the University now employs in that
the law would require students to read the
Code before entering the University.
Vice President for Government
Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said most
schools already have codes, but this
will open a discussion on regulating
drinking on campus.
"Almost all institutions in this state
have regulations," Wilbanks said. "The
discussion would certainly be profitable.'
Concerns about drinking on college
campuses reach all the way up to the
governor, said John Truscott, spokesper-
son for Gov. John Engler. But he warned
that a final solution to the problem will
not come from state government.
"This is a pervasive and prevalent
issue," Truscott said. "But the governor
has always thought we have to let the
universities do what's in their best inter-
And Sanborn said it is often times in
universities' best interests to "expedite
getting rid of a few bad apples" from col-
leges and universities. Sanborn said that
by requiring the contract to be signed
before admission, lives could be saved.
"Schools have long waiting lists;
they can afford to be a little more selec-
tive," Sanborn said.
"At the least, itcould make for a bet-
See BILL, Page 5A

Kinesiology senior Beth Amelkovich, a member of the women's gymnastics team, and Kinesiology senior Joe Warren, a
Michigan wrestler, paint the Rock on Hill Street and Washtenaw Avenue yesterday at a vigil for Jefferey Reese.
(U')sudetsxremember Reese

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Smiles and laughter accompanied
paint brushes last night as friends and
teammates of Michigan wrestler
Jefferey Reese painted the .Rock to
mark the one-year anniversary of
Reese's death,
"We wanted to remember him
some way," said Jennifer
-Rasmussen, who helped organize
the vigil. "He always liked to do
exciting things."
A little more than a year ago,
Reese stayed after wrestling practice
with assistant wrestling coach Joe
McFarland to drop the final pounds
that would put him into the 150

weight class for a meet against
Michigan State University the fol-
lowing day.
He already had cut most of the
weight in only a few days. That
evening, he rode an exercise bike
while wearing a rubber suit to trim
the remaining pounds. Shortly after
weighing himself, Reese collapsed
next to the scale. He died that
His workout regime was intended
to reduce his weight by a total of 17
pounds needed for the following
day's wrestling meet against
Michigan State.
Rasmussen, a Kinesiology
senior, said the idea to hold a vigil

by painting the Rock, located at the
corner of Hill Street and
Washtenaw Avenue, came to her
one day as she drove past the cam-
pus landmark.
Students painted the rock white,
then wrote in maize and blue "J.L.R.
76-97" on the face of the rock and
"We miss you Jeff" love "your M
fam" on the back side of the monu-
"It's more happy than sad," LSA
sophomore and Michigan gymnast
Christine Michaud said of the event.
"We're trying to remember the good
times we had when Jeff was
See REESE, Page 7A

Composer writes
music for tale

~7 MSA projects gain ground

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
If Michigan Student Assembly President Trent
Thompson and Vice President Sarah Chopp want to
complete the assembly's current wish list before they
leave office in late March, they would have to com-
plete one project every three days until the elections.
The post "comes with so many responsibilities
... I've got to make MSA my life until I hand over
the gavel, said Thompson, an LSA senior.
The assembly's projects, guided by nearly 60
representatives, include newer projects - such as
a proposed self-defense course for female students
- and continuing initiatives, like the infamous

two-year-old "pipe dream" is set to open in
January, pending final approval by University
General Counsel Marvin Krislov by month's end.
"There is a long-shot possibility that the
University might like this idea so much that they
could subsidize this," Elias said.
Elias said that between six-10 University pro-
fessors will use the coursepack store to supply stu-
dents with winter term coursepacks. The store will
be housed temporarily in MSA headquarters on
the third floor of the Michigan Union and will be
staffed by assembly members on a volunteer basis.
The assembly's Student Regent Task Force hit a
brick wall last summer when the University Board

By Christopher Tkaczyk
Daily Arts Editor
Stephen Schwartz, composer and
lyricist of the musicals "Godspell,"
"Pippin" and "Children of Eden," has
taken another Biblical turn with the
upcoming Dreamworks release "The
Prince of Egypt."
Recipient of two Academy Awards
for Disney's "Pocahontas," Schwartz
also wrote the lyrics for "The
Hunchback of Notre Dame." His com-
positions for "Pocohontas" were his
first foray outside of the theater, where
he built his now-illustrious career.
While bringing the legendary Native
American princess to musical life in
1994, Schwartz met Jeffrey
Katzenberg, the then-president of
Disney. Katzenberg abandoned the
Mouse's house later that year to join

directed by Cecil B. de Mille, the ani-
mated "The Prince of Egypt" adheres
more to the one-person Biblical tale than
the visually stimulating de Mille version.
Katzenberg "remembered my work
from when he was at Disney and he gave
me a call in August of '94," Schwartz
said during a recent telephone interview.
"I was called into a conference, and
Steven Spielberg told me they were
intending to do an animated version of
'The Ten Commandments.' My first
reaction was 'Oh ... ah ... really?"'
Schwartz recalled.
"I wasn't interested in doing a
Biblical epic. Coming from the theater,
I like telling stories from a human point
of view. The story of Moses is an inter-
esting one to do for animation because
of the parting of the Red Sea, the burn-
ing bush and the plagues. The wonders
^fr.-r ...aa.nima.,,tnnwlin.,fr lmaco


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