4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 7, 1998 Ew Skihigu aillg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor 'Americans have an appalling habit of voting on image and not on substance.' Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY me res Greek system should revamp alcohol policies Last December, campus sororities signed a tentative agreement to insti- tute a bring-your-own-beverage policy on Jan. 1, 1998. A month later, they were joined in the policy by many fraternities. But enforcing the policy turned out to be more difficult than expected. Under the BYOB policy, fraternity and sorority members were to sign contracts before and after every party and fill out agree- ments claiming that they had kept to the policy. One of the greatest problems with the policy was that it lacked teeth - houses that violated it faced little more than a slap on the wrist. After a few weeks, the power of the contracts and agreements diminished. The annoying paperwork tied to the BYOB policy - and the legal complica- tions of older Greek members buying for younger members - masked what the pol- icy's followers were trying to demonstrate: personal responsibility. Drinking has been a hot topic on college campuses nationwide for several years. But incidents that have occurred this semester shoved issues such as underage drinking and binge, drinking by college students into the national media spotlight. In October, LSA first-year student Courtney Cantor fell to her death from her residence hall window after she was seen drinking at a fraternity. Weeks later, the Ann Arbor Police Department cracked down on both fraternity and house parties, issuing a total of 133 minor in pos- session citations in two weekends. The University established task forces on campus - albeit before Cantor's death - to find a way to decrease underage drinking. The Greek community, which often tries to dispel its reputation of heavy drinking, also implemented a task force of its own. A report will be submitted this Friday summa- rizing its findings and recommendations for measures of action that sororities and fra- ternities should begin to take in order to revise their current alcohol policy. The task force has gathered information from a vari- ety of sources, including local police offi- cers, the University administration and Greek systems at other universities. But the task force will probably discover what other research has found: Drinking is engrained into the college social scene, and there is no easy way to change that - especially since students are not honestly interested in changing their ways. The University, along with others nation- wide, is bewildered by what to do about abu- sive drinking on campus. While some might claim that there is no difference between off- campus house parties and Greek social events providing alcohol, the distinction lies in that as an organized social institution on campus, fraternities and sororities could face greater social stigma and legal penalties for providing alcohol to minors than their non- organized counterparts. The Greek system should step up its efforts to deter abusive drinking with the issue of student safety as the most important one at hand. Seriously looking at its alcohol and party policies should be the first step. The BYOB policy could have a much greater effect if the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellic Association had some sort of mechanism to make it enforceable. Simply having fraternity and sorority pres- idents sign such a document does little to bind them to its dictates. If the BYOB pol- icy did not accomplish its goals, something needs to be changed. Educating students about the personal risks of drinking may encourage students to make adult decisions for themselves. Further, establishing a sys- tem whereby the Greek community can penalize its own members for violating its standards would help decrease the legal and social ramifications the Greek system currently faces. - History Prof David Fitzpatrick speaking last Friday on ethics and politics in the United States CHIP CULLEN GRINDING THE Nu LETTERS TO THE EDITOR T axi adh ecity Tax cuts could help revitalize Detroit In a bold and unlikely move by the Michigan state Legislature this past Thursday, the House passed a number of revenue-sharing bills that would cut Detroit's resident and non-resident income tax rates by one-third over 10 years. To make up for the loss of revenue resulting from the tax cut, the state plans to redistrib- ute state revenue-sharing funds to the city of Detroit. Surprisingly, Republican Gov. John Engler has teamed up with with Democratic Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer to lobby for this proposal, which is one of many ways to ameliorate the inequities that Detroit and its citizens have faced for years. In the '50s and '60s, Detroit experienced massive deindustrialization as major com- panies like General Motors, Ford and Chrysler moved their plants away from the city to nearby suburbs like Flint, Dearborn and to various states in the Sunbelt and the South. Taxes and labor were less costly in the new locations, making the move a financially wise move. As the jobs fled Detroit, so did thou- sands of residents. After the 1967 riots in Detroit, the emigration continued to the suburbs. After years of well-off citizens fleeing Detroit, the city's tax base was diminished and the entire city was stigma- tized as a center for crime and violence, as it still is today. This proposal is one of many steps need- ed to reverse this trend of emigration, reducing the negative stigmatization of Detroit. With lower taxes, Michigan resi- dents will find it more financially feasible sands of abandoned houses ready for reno- vation, which in many cases the city will help fund, and newcomers to Detroit can take advantage of lower taxes and inexpen- sive housing. Equally important is the need for economic opportunities for Detroit's working class. Lower taxes will attract butinesses back to the city and some of the jobs that return would be in manufacturing rather than in the service sector. Detroit needs a whole lot more than casinos to begin the process of becoming a thriving city once again. Federal empowerment zone status is anoth- er way that the government is aiding the ascendency of Detroit. For business execu- tives who claim that the living-wage ordi- nance, passed during the 1998 election, will force them to leave Detroit to find cheaper labor, lower taxes could serve as an incen- tive to remain in Detroit. While a redistribution of wealth within the state will surely help the poorer com- munities gain opportunities, many people, including most Republicans in the state Legislature, oppose this method of public policy. Since the alleged defeat of President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty in the 1960s, Americans have been increasingly wary to allow their taxes to support redistributive policies that benefit the poor. But this tax proposal is an important cooperative effort which the Republican governor and Democrat-controlled House can support. The Republican-controlled state Senate also should go beyond partisan U alumni are poor losers, 100 To THE DAILY: In response to not only Jill Reeder's letter to the edi- tor ("Alumni are dedicated to 'M' football," 12/4/98) but also to the many com- plaints I have heard about the behavior of fans at the Ohio State University game this year, I feel compelled to add my two cents. I have experienced first- hand the exact behavior that is being described as offen- sive. Fans throwing things at me, taunting, booing, scream- ing profanities, even spitting and (much to the delight of the surrounding fans) pulling repetitively on my earlobes. I tolerated this behavior with as much humor as I could muster (except for the physi- cal contact, which I ended quickly with threats of ejec- tion from the stadium). In the two times I have been at away games to watch my alma mater play, both myself and my wife have wit- nessed this behavior. Much, if not most of it, was from alumni. Many of these people were intoxicated, but most disturbingly, many were sober. I completely understand why true Michigan fans should be so concerned about this behavior. It is not only offensive, it is also in direct contrast to the entire spirit of collegiate athletic competi- tion. Behavior like this should simply not be tolerat- ed. Home-team fans need to show respect for their visitors for without them, the game would not be happening. They should allow them to cheer when their team scores and allow them to have some personal dignity when and if they loose. The last time I went to a game, the final score was definitely not in my favor, and the fans were quite willing to let me know how gleeful they were by hurling cups, spittle and any other detritus they had handy at my wife and I. Oh, did I mention that all of these events happened at Michigan Stadium and that my undergrad Alma Mater is Penn State University? Pot, kettle. You do the math. - HANS MASING RACKHAM STUDENT Most GSIs are not undertrained To THE DAILY: First-year student Michael Shafrir's letter ("GSIs need more training," 12/3/9) was harshly critical of graduate GSIs are equally as bad based on his one experience. Just as there are good profes- sors and bad professors, there are good GSIs and bad GSIs. It all boils down to who wants to put in the effort nec- essary to improve their teach- ing skills. Shafrir's claim that the University does not provide enough training may have some merit. But from my experience, many workshops are provided (by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching and others) to help GSIs improve their teaching. But it is up to individuals to attend these workshops and make the effort to incorpo- rate what they learn there. In any case, it is illogicalsto blame GSIs if the University provides inadequate training, and it is unfair to blame the University if GSIs don't take advantage of available oppor- tunities. I should also mention that the amount of formal training (in lecturing, creating assign- ments and so on) a typical professor has is no greater than what GSIs have, so bas- ing an argument about GSI wages on this complaint is ludicrous. Shafrir's comparison of a GSI and a third-grade teacher is a bad one. A third-grade teacher has broad knowledge of many subjects but hardly needs a college degree to understand them. What the teacher does need is a college degree to understand how young children learn and the best way to instruct them. A college student is very differ- ent from a third grader because we assume they can learn somewhat independent- ly, however, they need an instructor who has a much more extensive background in the subject they are learn- ing, so that the instructor can* help the student with tough questions whose answers are not readily apparent. We would expect a third-grade teacher to get a degree in education, but not math, sci- ence and English, and simi- larly we expect a math pro- fessor to get a degree in math, but not education. To sum up, GSIs should not be penalized if the University does not provide enough training. The vast majority of GSIs work hard and make efforts to improve their teaching skills, and they need to make a decent living. But extra training will not guarantee that you get a good GSI in every course. Getting a good GSI, just like getting a good professor, is the luck of the draw (or CRISP). GERRY GOOD RACKHAM STUDENT Athletes should not nairI nmica the Michigan men's water- polq team for the past four yearp and served as one of the captains this past sea- son. In my four years we have managed to accumu- late three Big Ten titles and two national championships. Our accomplishments were backed by hard work and determination. Our chorus of "The Victors" after each accolade would truly rivalj any group at the University in spirit and pride. But I do not feel that I work harder than the other student ath- letes on campus. I feel that the athletes have a true understanding for what it takes to achieve in a sport and I have received nothing but praise from them. Chavez seems to forget the commitment that our varsity athletes as well as club sport athletes pay to their sport. He forgets the long hours all athletes put in, off the field or out of the pool, in order to represent this University. He also for- gets where the fine athletic facilities which he claims to have been "kicked out of" come from. The waterpolo team has always been delighted to have the use of such a fine Natatorium and we take whatever time we can to practice in one of the best facilities in the country. I would hope that Chavez was merely trying to show that he has the same passion for his sport as do all the other student athletes on this campus, and he was not trying to gain press to make himself feel better. Athletics have taught me that your actions on the playing field, if worthy of praise, will be praised. To expect praise from outside sources, and demean others in order to achieve it is self- ish. I congratulate all the student athletes in their achievements and their choice to represent the University. I am glad I did it, and would do it all over again, simply for the feeling of being the best at what I do. Go Blue! ARNOT HELLER ENGINEERING SENIOR Letter revealed movie's plot To THE DAILY: This is a thank you letter to Film and Video Studies professor Frank Beaver. Thank you very much sir for telling me exactly what happens to Danny in the movie "American History X ("Film reviewer missed key point,"12/3/8). It's not like I really wanted to go see the movie or anything. How to succeed on finals: an alternative method of success F inal exam weeks are perhaps the most stressful times in the life of the college student. In fact, more ner- vous breakdowns and suicides occur0 American college campuses during finals than dur- ing any other week of the year. I'm sure that no one who has lived through a finals week before will have any reason to deny . >~ this completely,'.X. made-up fact. SCOTr After toiling HUNTER away all semes- 'Rot T I o, ter, we find that . HI Slt half of our semester grades will be determined dur- ing a two-hour wrestle with a Scantron sheet somewhere in the dungeon of the MLB. Normally this wouldn't cause us so much stress, but college finals are like high school finals, where gradW were easily negotiable with some strate- gic whining and an irate phone call from a parent. Nowadays, we must battle for our success in the last weeks of each semes- ter. And these days, our grades actually mean something. Get an 'A' in a class and employers and graduate school recruiters will throng to your door to offer you fabulous cash and prizes; get a couple of 'F's and schools will rej your application like it was from Dann Granger. Needless to say, all of our hopes and dreams rest heavily on those little Scantron bubbles. And we can't afford to let anything prevent us from succeed- ing. That's why we abuse ourselves when December and April roll around, going for weeks without sleep and fuel- ing ourselves solely on caffeine and pizza slices from the In And Out. V pack our short-term memories witli facts, figures, molecules and theorems, hoping to achieve academic excellence. But it doesn't always work out for us. This is because things like the role of cAMP in second messenger pathways or the model of cost minimization among profit-maximizing firms in competitive markets don't typically stick too well in our young post-pubescent minds. And no matter how hard we try, these facts evap rate before we can transcribe them iW blue books. But do not fret, finals have a little-known loophole made just for such a situation: the curve. Forsthose of you unfamiliar with the concept of curved classes, let me explain. Many courses are very demanding of stu- dents (for your convenience, these specif- ic classes are listed in the courseguide under the headings economics and chem- istry). In fact, some courses are demanding that no one - not even t smartest students - have any chance whatsoever of learning even 50 percent of the material. So, in their infinite compas- sion, professors "curve" exams in these courses - which basically means that the students who earn the highest scores get 'A's while the students who earn the low- est scores get ridiculed by the students with 'A's. This explains why engineers and other academic beasts may get very excit- ed after getting only 65 percent on exam. As a student who has been ridiculed by the better half after an exam or two, I have learned that it is not possible to outlearn all of your peers every single time you take an exam. No matter how hard you study, someone will study harder; no matter how well you know your material, someone knows it better; and no matter how smart you are, some- body was just blessed with a bett Punnett Square. Sometimes it's neces- sary for us to look for alternative meth- ods of breaking through that scholastic glass ceiling. If you can't rise to the mean, then bring the mean down to you ... Thai's right, friends, I'm talking about kickiig the snot out of the smart people. Don't fall victim to the reckless and discourteous achievement of this University's intellectual aristocracy, take academic justice into your o4* hands this semester. If your grade in a class is threatened by a couple ofbrain- acs in the front row of lecture, don't be afraid to open up your emergency can of whoop-ass. No matter how smart these students are, they will never be able to fill in those tiny little Scantron bubbles from a full body cast, let alone grip that No. 2 pencil. Just think of the possibilities: No more la nights in the UGLi, no fighting for seats the Union - just a couple of minutes of WCW-style brawling and your reams of scoring 20 points above the mean will be squarely within reach. Mustering the courage to attack a brainiac might prove difficult at first, but think of how youn guilt and conscience will be forgotten ca a 1