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December 07, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-07

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One hundred eight years ofeditorialfreedom

December 7, 1998

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ushers in
Bold air
By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
After a week of spring-like weather
with above normal temperatures in the
60s, periods of heavy rain mixed with
colder air and gusty winds moved into
Ann Arbor yesterday, bringing a more
onable weather pattern into the area.
hough we may see a few days in
the 50s, I'm doubtful that we'll see
temperatures in the 60s for an extended
period of time" said PeteraSousounis, a
meteorology assistant professor.
The temperature hit 69 degrees at
Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus
at 1:31 p.m. yesterday, breaking the
record of 62 degrees set for Dec. 6 in
1956, the National Weather Service said.
Thunderstorms had knocked down 20
der lines and set off six fire alarms as
or12:30 a.m. today, said John Zahn,
assistant chief of the Ann Arbor Fire
Yesterday's downpour caused not only
problems outdoors, but indoors as well.
At Espresso Royale Cafe on S.
State Street employees placed buck-
ets under a leak that formed in the
coffee house.
"It always happens" employee
*hary Zavisa said.
Local businesses, like coffee houses,
often benefit from inclement weather.
"People literally run in here and stay
for two hours," Zavisa said. "Business
has been definitely up."
Yesterday's storm was related to a
changing weather pattern that is usher-
ing in colder weather.
"It looks like a colder weather pat-
tern is trying to establish itself,"
sounis said.
ousounis predicted temperatures
will have fallen 20 degrees by today
from last week's highs in the 60s.
According to the National Weather
Service in White Lake, Mich., temper-
atures will be in the 40s today and will
fall into the 30s later in the week with
periods of snow flurries.
Though Ann Arbor should not see sig-
nificant precipitation this week, more
is expected to fall in northern
Due to above-normal lake tempera-
tures, "there is going to be significant
lake effect snow" today in West
Michigan, Sousounis predicted.
The warmer weather that the area
experienced last week is not unusual
for a La Nina weather pattern, which is
impacting the nation this year. With La
Nia, a warm late fall "is not terribly
unexpected," Sousounis said.
colder weather pattern will move
into place over the Great Lakes region
either late this month or in January,
Sousounis said. Then, Ann Arbor will
experience longer periods of colder
weather with more consistent light pre-
cipitation, he added.
Last week's warmer weather left
many people wondering whether Ann
Arbor would have a white Christmas.
"It's looking better and better with
(1er weather moving in," Sousounis
-Daily Staff Reporter Nick Faizone
and The Associated Press contributed
to this report.

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON With partisan lines
hardened and Democratic hopes for censure
dim, Republicans on the House Judiciary
Committee yesterday offered White House
lawyers two days to present a defense of
President Clinton and set a schedule for a cli-
mactic week in the Monica Lewinsky investi-
gation that will bring the first vote on whether
to impeach a president in a quarter century.
Judiciary Committee Chair Henry Hyde (R-
Ill.) countered a White House request to pre-
sent a four-day defense with a tart letter from
his chief of staff to the president's lawyers that
accused them of "contempt" for committee

defense give

procedures and raised the question of whether
they were simply attempting to delay the com-
mittee's deliberations.
In the letter to White House counsel Charles
F.C. Ruff and special counsel Gregory Craig,
Hyde's chief of staff, Thomas Mooney, pro-
posed that the White House be allotted 30
hours over two days to lay out its case oppos-
ing impeachment. He ordered the White House
to provide the committee with a list of pro-
posed witnesses and their expected testimony
by noon today.
White House officials, who met yesterday to
map strategy, grudgingly accepted, meaning
Judiciary Committee sessions will run from 9

a.m. until midnight tomorrow and Wednesday.
"The independent counsel spent four years
and $40 million investigating the president"
White House spokesperson Jim Kennedy said
in a statement. "The committee is spending
four months doing the same. Our request for
four days has now been cut in half.
Nevertheless, we will work to defend the pres-
ident despite these restrictions. We will
respond formally to the committee tomorrow."
Under the schedule outlined in the letter, the
majority and minority counsels on the
Judiciary Committee will make presentations
Thursday, with opening arguments on articles
See CLINTON, Page 7A

n2 days
At this week's hearings:
Judiciary Committee sessions will run from 9 a.m.
until midnight tomorrow and Wednesday.
The majority and minority counsels on the committee
will make presentations Thursday, with arguments on
articles of impeachment beginning Thursday night.
0 The first vote on an article of impeachment could
possibly coming late that day.
. The committee could consider up to four articles of
impeachment covering perjury, obstruction of justice and
abuse of power. The full House could take up the issue
next week.




Health forces
coach to res-i-gn

Greg Giovanazzi to
By Jon Zemke
Daily Sports Writer
The University lost the services of'
one of its premier coaches when volley-
ball coach Greg Giovanazzi resigned
late Friday afternoon. Giovanazzi cited
a neurological disorder as the reason for
his departure.
The disorder is not life-threatening,
but has progressed to the point where
doctors advised Giovanazzi to put coach-
ing aside. Giovanazzi said he made the
decision in order to prevent his
quality of life from slipping
further and to maintain a close
relationship with his family.
"Family comes first,"
Giovanazzi said. "It should,
and that's something that I
think has been compromised
in the quest to get the pro-
gram going this year."
The disorder was described
by Giovanazzi as an almost- Giovana
constant migraine headache
that has been steadily eating away at his
quality of life for the past few years.
The disorder peaked during the
team's last road trip when Giovanazzi
was forced to let his assistants, Irene
Renteria and Aimee Smith, coach the
team in its final matches of the season.
The pain from the disorder forced him
to return home early, after which he
underwent numerous neurological tests
and evaluations.

leave job Jan. 1
"I'm so fortunate, because here in
Ann Arbor there is a Michigan head
pain and neurological institute, which is
nationally renowned for these types of
issues,"Giovanazzi said.
A nationwide search for a new coach
has begun, with the Athletic Department
scouring the NCAA for candidates.
Giovanazzi's final team duty will be
helping determine his successor.
"I feel very confident about the depart-
ment's commitment to hiring someone
that'll have the best interest of
the women in the program in
mind," Giovanazzi said. "I
think they're going to go after
somebody who is established
and successful. I don't think my
successor is going to have a
hard time winning."
His resignation officially
becomes effective Jan. 1, but
Giovanazzi said he was advised
Izzl by his doctor not to take on any
coaching responsibilities other
than helping find his replacement.
Giovanazzi's assistants will manage
the team on an interim basis, while
maintaining their current positions. In
July, the new coach will decide whether
to keep them or form a new staff.
After announcing his resignation,
Giovanazzi held a team meeting with
See COACH, Page 2A
Inside: Jim Rose says Giovanazzi's
departure is a great loss. Page 3B.

Nana Shintani, an LSA senior and Martha Cook resident, speaks with Barbara Usborn, a member of the scholarship and
fund-raising committees, before the 53rd annual Messiah dinner at Martha Cook Residence Hall yesterday.
Dinner continues tradition

By Nick Falzone
Daily Staff Reporter
This weekend marked the
University Musical Society's annual
performance of Handel's Messiah in
Hill Auditorium. Following the major
musical work was the Martha Cook
Residence Hall's 53rd annual
Messiah dinner.
Marion Scher, director of Martha
Cook, said the event, which always
takes place on the first Sunday of
December, is an excellent kick-off
for the holiday season.
LSA junior Sheila Davis said the
event, which began in 1945 as a

small, informal dinner, has now blos-
somed into Martha Cook's largest
social function of the year.
Davis, also the Messiah dinner
chair, said one of the goals of the
event, which consists of an hors
d'oeuvres reception, a dinner and a
musicale program, is to honor many
of those involved in the Messiah per-
formance, such as UMS Director
Kenneth Fischer and Messiah
Conductor Thomas Sheets.
Fischer, who has been attending
the event since 1987, said he enjoyed
it thoroughly.
"It's a wonderful tradition and an

excellent chance for the University
community to get together with the
women of Martha Cook," Fischer said.
About 35 couples attended the stu-
dent-organized event, each of whom
were escorted by a Martha Cook res-
ident. Among the couples present
were Frederick Neidhardt, vice pres-
ident for research, and his wife Geri
Neidhardt, who also attended the
event last year, said he was
impressed with the beauty of the
Martha Cook building during the
holiday season.
See MESSIAH, Page 5A


K-grams pairs elementary school

students with 700

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Mitchell Elementary School
teacher Donna Davison said her stu-
dents are excited to go to class today
because one of their first activities
will be opening letters from
University students.
avison's class participates in the
rams pen pal program, which
pairs up more than 700 University
students in nine residence halls with
students at six Ann Arbor elemen-
tary schools.
K-grams, sponsored by the cam-
pus Circle K community service

asm," Shah said. "It's been amazing
the feedback that we've gotten."
The program's director and
founder Rishi Moudgil, a Business
junior, said the program - like its
name K-grams, which combines
Circle K and "kid-grams" - bridges
gaps between .the kids and
University students.
"We wanted a way of expanding
the relationship between the two
groups," Moudgil said.
LSA junior Lee Ann Benkert, who
has a pen pal through the program,
"The whole mission is about

write to and receive letters from fun," shes
older students at the University. Kayleig
"The initial response was over- student C
whelming," Davison said. "They grams off
were thrilled to have the opportunity younger s
to write to college students." "It's re
Ann Arbor resident David Robb interested
said his daughter Kayleigh, a student remember
in Davison's class, enjoys being a problems
part of K-grams. said. "It's;
"She looks so forward to getting nity."
letters from her pen pal. She thinks Moudgi
it's fabulous," Robb said. ing progr
"The directors have done a fabu- objectives
lous job," he added. "I doubt any "Anoth
parents will say anything negative encourage

h's pen pal, LSA first-year
atherine Docherty, said K-
ers her a chance to help a
ewarding for me, being
d in English, because I
being that age and having
with writing," Docherty
giving back to the commu-
i said K-grams is a grow-
ram with many different
er big goal of ours is to
the writing aspect. The

University President Lee Bollinger fields hard-hitting and whimsical questions from
students Friday in the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union.
Bolliger isc.usses
issues wthstudents,

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Two campus presidents sat comfort-
ably in front of the Michigan Union
Kuenzel Room fireplace Friday after-
noon talking with a dozen students.
"We put this together because we
wanted a chance for students to get to

dent a greater understanding of student
Andy Coulouris, an LSA junior who
helped organize Friday's event, said 40
students, selected randomly, received
invitations to the chat, which is the series'
fourth and the second of the semester.
Students questioned the president
hntis-,nes fich ns mnmv~inp reci-

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