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Classified: 764-0557
September 10, 1998
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U ,
sacrifices cash for stu
By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
When construction of the new ring of seats at Michigan
Stadium began last year, Athletic Director Tom Goss said the
expansion would allow the Athletic Department to give every
student that wanted season football tickets a full set of tick-
And Goss stuck to his word, giving all students tickets to
this season's six home football games at the Big House.
But what no one expected was the huge surge of interest
and anticipation last year's success would create. So when
22,200 students requested tickets this year - a full 4,000
above the department's projection - there were some sweaty
brows in Schembechler Hall,
The result of the increase was a $1.7 million loss of poten-
tial profits for the Athletic Department from would-be season
t et buyers. The department expected to lose only $1.1 mil-
in profits, but by giving season tickets to students at the
reduced student rate and turning away buyers who would pay
a higher price, Goss said the department had to take "a signif-
icant hit."
"Students have been more involved with the athletic
program at Michigan recently," Goss said at yesterday's
monthly meeting of the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics. The stadium expansion was
designed for them, placing all students together, "from
top to bottom," he said.
Senior Associate Director Michael Stevenson said the prof-
its weren't the goal of the stadium expansion.
"The good news is they're full of students," Stevenson said.
"What drove the expansion was the students'
With the first home game just two days away, the new
capacity of the Big House will be announced during an open
house for the stadium at 2 p.m. today.
The stadium was the largest in the country for decades
before Tennessee's Neylan Stadium overtook the field in
1996. Goss would not reveal the new total, but he con-
firmed the fact that the Big House will no longer be sec-
idents' sake
Although some people have expressed concern about the
stadium's new look, Goss said he has been hearing "an awful
lot more positive than negative" response to the renovations.
The changes include large video scoreboards, some 5,500
new seats and a yellow ring at the top that features phrases
from Michigan lore.
The lettering on the ring is the only part of the project that
will not be completed for opening day.
The architecture firm, Venturi, Scott and Brown,
which designed the additions, is purchasing the lettering
from a company, that uses a lengthy six paint process on
all letters.
So far, all of the letters have arrived except for the letter
'l's. So fans will have to make sense of "Ha_I! Ha_l! to
M_ch.gan" for two games, until the construction is complet-
ed for the game against Michigan State on Sept. 26.
"It's disappointing for all of us," Stevenson said. "Actually,
it's the only disappointment"
The new additions to the stadium will be on display at an open
house tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Tours will be available for anyone
interested in seeing the stadium before Saturday's game.
to pep up
Coaches, captains to
speak at tomorrow's
spirit rally
m, ika Schutte
yStaff Reporter
If you're saving your cheering voice
for Saturday, you might want to think
about taking it out a little early.
The 18th annual football pep rally
will begin at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity house, in
preparation for Saturday's home
football game against Syracuse
The house is located at 556 State
*near the Michigan Union. A por-
tion of the street in front of the
house will be closed down for the
Event coordinator Branton Cole
said the event is for "anyone and
everyone," not
just members
of the Greek
system. The 18th
"This isn't annual football
alut, 'my orga- pep rally
nization is better :
than your orga- W:
nization,"' said 4 p.m.
Cole, an tomorrow
Engineering Where:
senior. This is Alpha Delta
about our orga- Phi fraternity
nization (the house,
s c o o l). located at 556
Everyone has State St.
he rally will feature a speech by
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr.
There will also be appearances by
Athletic Director Tom Goss and cap-
tains Jon Jansen, Marcus Ray and
Juaquin Feazell.
The Michigan Marching Band will
also be present to play the fight song
and traditional University cheers.
Radio station WDFN 1130 AM will
roadcasting live from the pep rally.
athletic Department sponsor Nike
will host games and give away prizes
starting at 5:30 p.m.
LSA junior Juan-Carlos Campos,
a marching band member, said he is
very excited about performing at
tomorrow's event because of the
enthusiasm surrounding this week-
end's game.
"There are a lot of students and they
are more hyped than the older fans,"
(~ pos said.
'Tole said the pep rally is a good way
for the students to get to see a more per-
sonal side ofthe Wolverines' head coach.
"There are not many opportunities for
students" to sit through a Lloyd Carr
speech that is directed toward the gener-
al student and not the team," Cole said.
Although LSA sophomore Chris
May didn't attend last year's pep rally,
he said he definitely plans on going to
iorrow's event.
"Last weekend wasn't so great for
the team," May said. "Hopefully this
can raise everyone's spirits for the
game Saturday."
Cole said that he hopes the rally
will show the football team that stu-
dents srnnort them esnecially after
Stud yacks
action at 'U'
From staff and wire reports
A national study released yesterday
reaffirmed the University's stance that
affirmative action is needed in order to
achieve a diverse and successful stu-
dent body. '
Racial preferences at elite colleges
and universities have opened the door
to success for black Americans, accord-
ing to a new book by two former presi-
dents of Ivy League institutions.
The authors of "The Shape of the
River" are Derek Bok, former president
of Harvard University, and William
Bowen, former president of Princeton
University. They found the experience
of attending prestigious universities
benefited minority students in their
work and professional lives even
though many had lower grades or
admissions test scores and did less well
academically than white students.
The book from the Princeton
University Press is being released as the
University's College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and Law School
face lawsuits targeting their use of race
as a factor in the admissions process.
The suit against the Law School is
expected to go to trial in June of 1999.
University President Lee Bollinger
said in a written statement that the
study's conclusion "clearly supports the
legal arguments we have made defend-
ing those admissions policies in the two
lawsuits we're now facing.
"The wealth of empirical evidence
presented by William Bowen and Derek
Bok reinforces our strongly held belief
that our admissions policies, including
the consideration of race, are central to
our educational mission," Bollinger
said in the statement.
The University of California system
and Texas state universities have already
abandoned their use of preferences.
Critics argue that the policies deny
opportunity to qualified white students
and cause distress for lesser qualified
students who find it difficult to keep up.
But the authors, advocates of race-
based admissions policies, said their
analysis of records from 45,000 stu-
dents of all races proved that such poli-
cies of preference of race in its admis-
sions policies worked. The study
tracked the performance and attitudes
of those students, who entered 28 selec-
tive colleges - including the
University of Michigan - in either the
fall of 1976 or the fall of 1989.
"Rather than having been over-
whelmed they clearly appear to have ben-
efited from having gone to these very
select schools,"' Bowen said in a tele-
phone interview from New York. The
graduation rate among blacks at those
institutions was higher than that for all
black college students. They reported sat-
isfaction with their college experience.
The authors reported that black grad-
uates were slightly more likely than
whites to obtain professional degrees in
law, business and medicine "even
though they had, on average, lower test
scores and grades."
The black graduates from selective
schools were almost twice as likely as
black graduates from other institutions
to get advanced degrees and were sev-
eral times as likely to earn degrees in
law, business and medicine.
Black men with bachelor degrees from
those institutions earned an average of
$85,000 in 1995, which is 84 percent
higher than the average for all black
males with bachelor degrees. The black
women who graduated from the institu-
tions earned an average of $65,000, high-
er by 71 percent than what other black
women with bachelor degrees earned.
The black graduates of the prestigious
institutions became more active than
their white classmates in civic activities,
including community endeavors, social
service activities and politics. The
authors called these graduates the "back-
bone" of an emergent middle class.
The data were supplied by the
Andrew Mellon Foundation, which
Bowen heads. Bok is a political scien-
See BOOK, Page 2A
iiiii Mi - __
5K run becomes a
new U' tradition
Run! Run! Run!
WHAT: The Second
Annual Presidential Fun
WHEN: 12:30 p.m.
, _
! ; ,
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
University students, faculty and staff are
invited to join in the
Second AnnualG..
Presidential Fun Run
today, which will end on
the field of the newly
renovated Michigan
"We don't know if wet
should expect 60 or 600"
participants, said Jim
Kosteva, director of
community relations for Bollinger
the University, who orga-
nized the run.
interest in repeating the informal event" for
students, faculty and staff to share his com-
pany in a relaxed atmosphere, Kosteva
Bollinger said the decision was made to
continue the run because "many people asked
about (the run) and said they enjoyed it."
Kosteva said he is unable to predict how
many people will participate in the run
because it received little publicity, unlike
last year's run. But is was promoted in
many of the University's welcoming activ-
ities this year.
In the future, the University will better
promote the run in conjunction with wel-
coming activities and summer publicity,
Kosteva said. It's not likely that partici-
WHERE: The concourse level outside the,
southeast corner of Michigan Stadium
l Last year's run was attended by 200
University community members.
Participants do not need to register for
the run.
w Refreshments will be provided for
participants at the finish on the field of
Michigan Stadium.
the concourse level outside the southeast
corner of Michigan Stadium. The course
weaves across campus past many of the
athletic buildings, including the Intramural
Sports Building, Fisher Stadium,
Starr submts
Clinton report
WASHINGTON (AP) - Independent counsel Kenneth
Starr yesterday sent the House of Representatives what he
deemed "substantial and credible" evidence that President
Clinton committed offenses that may warrant impeachment by
trying to cover up his extramarital affair with Monica
On a day dreaded at the White House since Starr's investi-
gation began in January, two government vans containing the
445-page report and 36 sealed boxes of grand jury material
arrived at the Capitol at 4 p.m., culminating an unprecedent-
ed eight-month investigation that has explored the most inti-
mate details of Clinton's life and forced him to admit that he
lied to the nation.
The sealed report details alleged perjury, obstruction of
justice and abuse of power by the president during the Paula
Jones civil lawsuit and the subsequent Starr inquiry, accord-
ing to sources close to the investigation.
The delivery of the report, which could be made public
tomorrow, set in motion the gears of the presidential