The Pat McGee Band plays at the Blind Pig tonight. Check out the acoustic rock band that toured with the Counting Crows, The Allman Brothers and on the H.O.R.D.E. festival. It'll be a grand old time at the Blind Pig. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the show begins at 9 p.m. Cover is $8. uri~ £tdmtuft A1 T Toorrow in Daily Arts: it seems like the last Breaking Records was just yester- day, but alas, it happens again tomorrow. Check out the review of N.W.A.'s new CD. Monday November 30, 1998 'Ringmaster' has lots of talk, little point By Matthew Barrett Daily Arts Writer Connie is a dreamer. She stands in front of a mirror, dolling herself up, knowing that one day she'll be a shining star. She practices her lines and checks out her appearance. Someday soon, fame will come calling. The vehicle for her 15 minutes of stardom? A trip to "The Jerry Show,' where in front of a national tele- vision audience she can call out her husband for sleeping with his stepdaughter. Connie is just one of many low-life charac- ters out for a chance to shine in "Ringmaster." The movie is the story of a fictional talk show, its guests, and its annoying host, Jerry. In a brilliant stroke of originality, trash talk show host Jerry is played by trash talk show host Jerry Springer. "Ringmaster," which is supposed to be a behind the scenes look at the workings of a television talk show, would have been much more interesting if it were an actual documen- tary on "The Jerry Springer Show." The makers of the movie take elements of the talk show and try to translate them to the Ringmaster screen, but it just does- n't work. The audience No Stars is hit over the head with At Showcase humor that isn't funny and State and a preachy finale which is about as appropriate as someone in a glass house throw- ing boulders. "Ringmaster" relies on talk show brawls for much of its humor, but they don't pack the same punch as the television versions. Although, the fights on the real Springer show may or may not be staged, they're a lot more interesting to watch happen spontaneously than some choreographed skirmishes between actors for the movie. Another downside is that the makers of the movie elevate the negative aspects of their guests to ridiculous extremes. After all, how many gals would really be thrilled to fly out to Los Angeles so that they could be worked on by a professional makeup artist? The film's acting and talent is bottom of the barrel material; Springer basically plays him- self, his big acting scenes consist of puzzled looks, and Michael Jai White ("Spawn"), the only other person of note, does nothing more than flex his rippling biceps. "Ringmaster" builds to a fist-filled finale, where all the eclectic characters join together for a taping of "The Jerry Show." The show is actually funny for a few seconds, but the fights get old very fast. The flick's low point comes when, during his time on the soapbox, Jerry is interrupted by a moralist who rags on the show. Jerry points out that the people on his show are no different and do the same things as the celebri- ties that this country places on pedestals. Right Jer, Monica and Bill are on the top of our pedestal these days. Jerry finishes off his sermon with "This is a slice of American life and if you don't like it bite something else." Try your tongue, Jerry. Those behind "Ringmaster" would have had much better results if they had gone for a Howard Stern "Private Parts"-style retelling of Springer's life. There, rather than playing a mysterious radio broadcaster named Howard, Stern traced his life up until his explosion of popularity. And it worked. And this doesn't. Courtesy of Artisan Entertainment * "Ringmaster," catch Jerry Springer talk with outrageous folks and sign autographs on women's T-shirts. 'Home Fries' serves up greasy comedy By Erin Podolsky Daily Arts Writer About the only thing a Burger- Matic fast food franchise and the Army's Cobra helicopters have in common is a radio frequency. Strange thing. But when you get to the end of "Home Fries," a shared frequency is the only thing that doesn't seem strange at all. Brothers and co-pilots Dorian (Luke Wilson) and Angus (Jake Busey) fly out one night intent on scaring a not-so-innocent man with their military machine if not to death, then at least to fidelity - but their philandering stepfather hasn't taken his heart medication. The helicopter breathing down his neck like something out of "The X- Files" (which Home isn't really sur- Fries prising, con- sidering that the movie was At Ann Arbor 1 & 2 written by one and Showcase of the main "XF" writers) proves too much for him, p and he goes down with a fatal heart attack. The stale, frozen body is found the next morning by the local cops, who proceed to turn it into a stale, frozen joke. The movie's ad campaign makes "Home Fries" out to be a romantic comedy centering on the love story between Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson. The movie's ad cam- paign also happens to be dead wrong. "Home Fries" is more about the demented family ties that bind than the patently unbe- lievably love story that inevitably takes place for lack of a better plot idea, and it succeeds neither here nor there. There aren't really any unan- swered questions in "Home Fries" once you understand the bizarre relationships between the charac- ters. The dead stepdad, Henry Lever, frequented the Burger-Matic so much that he ended up impreg- nating Sally (Drew Barrymore), a faithful Burger-Matic employee. Vanilla shakes make great fore- play. His wife found out about the affair (but not the impending child) and instructed her dutiful sons to kill her husband, which they did. This brings us up to speed with the present, as the movie deals with the screwy aftermath of the death. The step-patricide whets Angus' appetite for destruction - not to mention his mother's love - and he becomes obsessed with seeking and destroying Lever's partner in crime. Angus is also overly concerned that the crossed radio waves will come back to haunt the brothers in court someday, so he bullies the much more passive Dorian into getting a job at the burger joint to do a little "recon." Meanwhile, Sally wants to go to Henry's wife to apologize (Henry lied to her about being married) and tell her about her condition. Crossed plot- line mania ensues. Little does Sally know that the new Burger- Matic employee is her lover's step- son. Little do the brothers know that the wholesome, pregnant Sally, who has served them count- less meals on the go, is the strum- pet they're after. By the time Dorian realizes it, he is smitten and well on his way to love. No matter that they've been on exactly one date, not counting Dorian's heroics at the Burger-Matic when Sally's drunk of a father shows up with a shotgun at his little son's birthday party. No matter that the date took place at a lamaze class. Barrymore is her usual efferves- 'Thing' fits The Last Thing He Wanted; Joan Didion, Random House1 The title of Joan Didion's most recent+ novel, "The Last Thing He Wanted," 1 would be strikingly incongruous in ref- erence to the book itself. At least, not many would share the implied perspec- tive. The book has already become a national bestseller, and even before a single copy had been opened by a read- er, it was far from the last thing a great number of readers wanted. The novel is Didion's first in more than a decade, and while the dust jacket is just a trifle over-the-top in referring to her as a "legendary author," she is one of the few serious American novelists who can be said to have a fan base. While her devotees did have Didion's memoir "After Henry" to bridge that gap between novels, it is clear she is not exactly the Punxutawney groundhog in terms of regularity. So hurrah for the momentous event of this book's publication, but what is the book anyhow? Well, it is a thriller. That is, it is a tale of international political intrigue and espionage, and it centers on the moral crises of its protagonist, who is a character unexpectedly enmeshed in a unprincipled and unfamiliar world full of danger and mystery.1 I think it's fair to say that other people1 have written that novel before. But only Didion has written this novel, which admittedly is all those hackneyed-sounding things, but com-1 bines them into something much weird- er, and much more impressive, than any- thing the latest Robert Ludlum wannabe could comprehend creating.l For one thing, Didion does not simply narrate this tale, but blurs the very bor-1 ders of fiction with her narrator, whose voice dizzyingly impersonates Didion's own, say in one of her nonfiction works.1 Didion seems to be trying to fool the our wants reader into treating the narrator as Didion herself when she recounts the process of researching and putting together the story she is in the midst of telling, and why she decided to tell it the way she does. As she says in the first chapter, "The best story I ever told was a reef dream. This is something different." Different is what it definitely is, warp- ing through space, time, perspective, and hallucination in such a matter-of-fact way that the narrative has the illusion of being linear. The central kernel of the story is reporter Elena McMahon's deci- sion to quit her job covering the 1984 presidential campaign for The Washington Post. McMahon didn't need the income and obtained the job primar- ily through the influence of her tycoon ex-husband. The reason she leaves her job, though, is to do a favor for her shady father. He is a character who does not exactly have Big Time Operator written all over him, but in fact sucks Elena into a morass of epic proportions that seems inspired by the Nicaraguan contra scandal, with enough details changed to protect the guilty. In the midst of secret agents, massive arms dealing and state-sponsored terror- ism, Elena becomes the co-conspirator and lover of Treat Morrison. In a way, Treat is Elena's double. To his covert world, his insider role is of the same breed as her outsider, or for that matter, the insider she was in the world she came from. Even when this pair crosses signifi- cant moral boundaries, they maintain a blank canvas, the remote surface identity of those acted on by forces beyond their control. Over the course of the novel, Didion questions whether they cease to have any identity at all, or are simply consumed, even in the midst of life, by the labyrinth of history. "They were the same person," Didion writes at one point. The terrifying sub- text is that that person is no person. - Jeff Druchniak courtesy of Warner Bros. Drew Barrymore smells home fries on the breath of Luke Wilson. cent self, looking pleasantly plump for her role as the pregnant drive- thru window maven. The problem with this is that her style doesn't jibe with the rest of the characters, except perhaps Dorian. Dorian is more doofus than knight in shining armor and is more (but not much more) entertaining to look at than to endure Wilson's acting. Wilson bears a passing resemblance to a "Mission: Impossible"-era Tom Cruise, but that's where the simi- larities end. Busey and O'Hara are mildly amusing but tend to bore, especially when the plot dips into movie-of-the-week mode as it decides to fuel Angus' vengeful rage by admitting that Mrs. Lever loves Dorian "this much more" than Angus. Ouch. Snore. "Home Fries" doesn't snap and it doesn't sizzle. The best thing it has going for it is the quirky, com- plicated premise, but that doesn't even approach captivating for more than five minutes. The par- ents and Angus are mere carica- tures and the romance that blooms between Sally and Dorian is diffi- cult to swallow, no matter how much burger grease director Dean Parisot slaps on. The writing is rooted in some of the quirkier episodes of "The X-Files" but with none of the charm that those wacky FBI agents add. Stay home. Eat some tasty left- overs instead of indulging in this half-baked comedy. i a Check out Weekend, etc. this Thursday when it takes a look at the jumps and joys of swing dancing. This Venitian scoundrel swindles his acquaintances out of their money, jewels and wives! \1OLPONE a comedy by -01 Ben Jonson -ooing for a job where you can *teach in a developing country; 5iiI WordTeaCh Harvard Institute fpr International Development 800-4-TEACH'-O info MICH IGAN directed by john Nevile- Andrews INSIDE Om. - 1 1. \ i