4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 25, 1998 04le 9 irl Ygtt t 3 ttilg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the U niversity of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Corporate education Profits should not trump academic environment If we can prove that there is a need for a rewrite of the Code, that's what we're going to do.' - LSA sophomore Brian Reich, public information director for the Michigan Student Assembly committee discussing the Code of Student Conduct DAVID MENG hR AKOWSK 'S X oR L LRS LETET H DTR While Bill Gates testifies in Washington, American technology companies con- tinue to prosper. Their market seems all but invincible and recently, colleges and universi- ties throughout the nation have made plans to make their own contributions to these grow- ing giants, often at the expense of the students whom it is their goal to educate and serve. In what appears to be a growing trend in higher education, Clayton and Floyd colleges - both in Georgia - have signed joint ventures with several corporations dealing in technologies from computer manufacturing and Internet providers to telephone companies. The stated purpose of these partnerships is to better acquaint their institutions with technology - for a price. Although this trend is catching on nationwide, the University should not hop onto the bandwagon - students already have enough of a burden covering tuition. Clayton and Floyd now require that stu- dents pay a $300-per-semester fee that allows them to rent laptop computers, have Internet access and even be issued a student ID card that can serve as a bank card, phone card and credit card. This should not sound unfamiliar to University students who insert their M-Cards into ATM machines on a reg- ular basis. In exchange for the colleges' gen- erosity to its students, the institutions them- selves will receive commissions from the contracted technology companies based on the number of students who participate - which will be all of them, since they are required to. Richard A. Skinner, president of Clayton college summed it up quite well when he stated, "We're not asking you to do this because it's noble and right and true. We're asking you to do this because it's a good business proposition" Closer to home, Northern Michigan University has already approved a plan that will require all students to buy a laptop com- puter or lease one form the school by fall 2000. Students at NMU will pay $600 per year to lease an IBM laptop. At Michigan State University, students matriculating in the fall of 2001 will be required to buy a laptop. The requirement to purchase laptops rather than desktops has clear intentions. Both of these universities want students to be doing the majority of their work - including taking notes in class - on computers rather than paper. As the examples at Clayton and Floyd demonstrate (as well as at the University of North Carolina, which has just signed a deal with IBM for the same purpose), the motiva- tions for this technological face-lift may not rest solely in the realm of education, but in clear economic benefits for the schools involved. These "benefits" come with increas- ing costs for students who are already under heavy financial burdens. While the University has discussed plans similar to those at MSU and NMU, it has decided against them for now. Given that stu- dents here already have free access to com- puters, charging them would be, as University Chief Information Officer Jose-Marie Griffiths said, "an added burden." What is alarming about the eagerness to force students to buy and lease laptops is that it seems that college and university administrators have dollar signs flashing in their eyes. While schools certainly need to make money, institutions of learning should be focused on education, not profit: Floyd col- lege's Website now features prominent adver- tisements for AT&T, First Union Bank and Microsoft. At a University where the Nike swoosh has generated heated debate, it would behoove students to be on guard against cor- porate sponsorship in the perhaps already- soiled environment. Silent classrooms Speech codes dull academia's vibrancy A s at the University, many colleges and universities nationwide find themselves in an environment of required political correctness. Students are more often than not dictating the tone and atmosphere of classes, as professors are chilled by threats of lawsuits and investi- gations. But things in academia might be changing. The University of Wisconsin at Madison, known as one of the most polit- ically correct institutions, is in the process of rewriting its faculty speech code. Established in 1981 along with a "hate speech" code aimed at students, Wisconsin's speech code strictly regulates faculty with regard to acceptable class- room discussion. In a move to emerge from an era of political correctness, the university is moving to narrow the code, and rightly so. During James Duderstadt's tenure as president, the University established a similar speaker "hate speech" code, but it was struck down by a federal judge as unconstitutional. While Wisconsin's stu- dent code faced a similar fate, the faculty speech code remained intact. The code limits the speech of faculty and can pun- ish those who are found to be in violation. Since its advent, not a single professor was formally investigated under the code, but several professors have been infor- mally investigated following allegations that they made offensive remarks. Many faculty members, administrators and stu- dents have since complained that even the presence of a code has chilled their abili- ty to speak freely. The world of academia should be the last place where people feel that their essence, is not unwarranted nor somewhat necessary. Demeaning comments based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability belong nowhere, and blatantly inciteful, harmful or deroga- tory comments should never be part of a learning environment. But to limit a class- room discussion to non-controversial top- ics is to limit the power of thought and speech. Under Madison's current code, stu- dents who are offended simply by the pre- sentation or subject matter of an issue involving race or gender, for example, can accuse the professor of violating the code. This would then spark an investigation, which not only puts the professor on edge but could also influence the subject matter of that professor's course for the next term or year. Clearly, professors should demean individual students or entire classrooms, but there should not be a preventive poli- cy in store - this only works to chill speech. If a speech code is to exist it should focus on academic freedom, which was not even mentioned in Madison's original code. The revisions proposed should by no means allow professors to speak in offensive or demeaning manners, but it should allow controversial topics to be addressed and sensitive issues to be ana- lyzed. Lawsuits and reputation-damaging allegations have quelled the vibrancy of academia, only working to chill speech nationwide. Madison is moving in the right direction by narrowing the scope of its speech code. Political correctness should not control the environment of a university - free speech and original Alcohol Awa reness Week was missed To THE DAILY: How could the University cancel Alcohol Awareness Week? Alcohol is the most abused substance on this campus, yet we decide to cancel Alcohol Awareness Week? I know that money is not the underlying factor because this institution has the biggest budget for a state- run school in the country. I hope it wasn't due to the fact that alcohol isn't affecting our students because we have had two deaths on campus this year where alcohol was said to be a factor. So whose bright idea was it to cancel Alcohol Awareness Week? Alcohol continues to plague our soci- ety, claiming too many lives each year. How can the University justify and be con- tent with canceling events that have a chance to enlight- en students with the dangers and effects of alcohol. Alcohol is an ongoing problem for our campus and our society. We need to look no further than the recent tickets given to underage stu- dents at house and fraternity parties. How many people need to pay the price before the University opens its eyes? Alcohol Awareness Week should never have been can- celed. ANDREW Pons LSA SENIOR Articles build a negative stereotype To THE DAILY: The past few weeks the Daily has been filled with articles about the negativi- ties of the Greek system, which really isn't something new. I am not responding to one article in particular but to the message the Daily is sending to all of the non- Greeks by these articles. The Daily has a skewed version of what is going on in the Greek system and on this campus as far as alcohol is concerned. Yes, three fra- ternity parties were broken up by the AAPD and minor in possession citations were issued, but a house party was broken up as well. I urge the non-Greek students at the University, not to be so naive as to ignore this fact. What you don't know is that the fraternities and sororities on this campus have ways to protect them- selves from the AAPD com- ing into our parties. By hav- ing guest lists and door So I hope the other 80 per- cent of you watch your backs. Remember that the next time you are standing in line for the keg at a random house party. And to the Daily, thank you for nothing. No matter what the Greek system does, it is wrong in your collective opinion, which is sad con- sidering you rarely have enough of the facts to have a clear picture. ERIKA DETWEILER ALPHA Xl DELTA CHAPTER Experience is the key to responsible drinking To THE DAILY: In the article about new drinking sanctions, the death of the Michigan State University student from 24 shots of alcohol is listed as a reason for stricter penal- ties. The article also said that he had just turned 21 years old, and was therefore a legal adult. The problem with our societydis the law makers are finding it more and more difficult to accept the fact that in this country 18- year-olds are adults, and should not be treated as babies. That person died probably because of his lack of exposure to alcohol and it's consequences. The largest reasons for teenage drinking is because they think it's cool to break the law - it's purely for the excitement of knowing that they aren't supposed to or they're just curious. I worked at a bar for a year and a half, and it's not uncommon to see someone on their 21st birthday drink- ing too heavily. In the sum- mer, the bar ran a teenage club, and occasionally kids would sneak alcohol into the club. Once there was a young girl carried out and taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Many would say that this is anexample of a "bad" girl, but it's not. It's an example of a young girl try- ing something new and not knowing how to do it responsibly. Responsibility with alcohol is not some- thing that you can tell someone about, it's some- thing they learn from expe- rience. I think it's better to have that experience gained in a situation where there's someone responsible over- seeing the situation, like parents - not a bunch of friends doing it just to say at school the next day that they were trashed over the weekend. When is the idea of pun- any less of an adult than a 30-year-old? GARY DANIELS ENGINEERING JUNIOR Selection of articles is 'sad' TO THE DAILY: Excuse me for thinking that William Bowen's lecture on race being an important factor in regards to admis- sions would be a headlining article. What was I thinking when I thought that this would be an article that all people on campus who did not attend the lecture would be genuinely interested in reading..It is sad commentary on the Daily finds a fraterni- ty's charter to be of greater importance than an issue that affects us all. When the needs of a group of people who are mad because they can no longer live and drink under the same roof take precedence over the issue of diversity on this University's campus, I am reminded all to quickly that things haven't changed. SARAH THANKACHAN UROP PEER ADVISOR Schillaci's column was 'in ane' TO THE DAILY: I've got a message for Jack Schillaci: Underage drinking is illegal. It's as simple as that. By publicly thumbing his nose at the law, calling it "sanctimonious bullshit," he is waiving any rights he may once have had to bitch and moan about the cops busting up your parties and giving him an MIP ("We are not our University's chil- dren," 11/17/98). The ironic self-contradic- tory nature of his column was hilarious! He goes around whining about the drinking age, claiming that most people under 21 are responsible enough to handle alcohol. But just paragraphs earlier, he revealed that dur- ing his first weekend at the University he got so drunk that he had a "head-splitting, sense-numbing hangover" the next morning! Is that what one would call responsible behavior? The fact that he can't even realize how inane he sounds proves to me that he is in no way mature enough to han- dle alcohol. If he would stop grum- bling and look at it from the cops' point of view, he Winter 1999, the fake courseguide 438. University Administration. (3) (ecci) In this class we learn the fund- mentals of administrating a large insti- tute of higher education. How obtrusive and irritating can you be in the lives of your students? Can you appear deferen- tial and still be arrogant and self-impor- tant? We will study such classic theorie* as Gutting Student Services, Moving Useful Things Away From Campus and Desecrating Sacred Landmarks. Like, Say. Oh, The Big House. I'm not mentioning any names here, Tom Goss. This semester's special guest lectur- er will be Maureen JAMES Hartford giving a MLER speech entitled "I'm way smarter ON A.l than your parents. Put that stick down, you'll poke someone's eye out." 211. Cosmetology. (4) (NS) Lee Bollinger's Hair. What is Lee Bollinger's hair? Is it merely, as some have suggested, a loose collection o protein-based strands with follicle roots, or is it more? What is the magic of his hair? How does it make us feel so good? We will learn two interpretive modes in approaching the Hair: The moppish Beatles perspective and the raffish, Kennedy-esque perspective. Students will learn to apply both modes to come up with a complete and bal- anced picture of this important hair for- mation. The $100 lab fee will cover a practice barber dummy and some of that blue stuff you put your combs in. 100. Freshman Studies. (4) (grad. req.) Section 001, It's Not Your Fault. This class will teach first-year students the importance of avoiding blame and personal responsibility. We will intro- duce students to such convenient scape- goats as alcohol, bad parenting and aca- demic stress. Section 002, Lying to Girls. Can you cry on cue? Have you mastered the art of putting jazz songs you've never heard before on mix tapes for the pur- poses of getting laid? Can you pretend to like Tori Amos for at least a half an hour? We can help you. The freshman girl is a notoriously simple animal. Students in this course will learn the basic principles of creating fake emo- tional conversations, writing trite love letters with REM quotes and making bland, mousey, brown-haired chicks feel special. Section 003, Lying to Guys. The guys are even simpler animals. This class will meet for a half hour every other week. Students will receive practicum expern- ence in The Faint Promise of Petting as a Bargaining Technique, Accumulating Free Drinks Through Cleavage and the world-famous "Oh, You're So Mean To Me" routine. 389. WASP Studies. (3) (HU)u 0 Intro to WASP culture. WASP culture is the invisible adhesive that holds our nation together. We will formulate a pic- ture of WASP culture that explains clap- ping on I and 3 as well as the "casserole phenomenon." We will explore the rea- sons why every incoming freshman is named Josh, Matt, Dave, Mike, Steve, Andy, Sarah, Anne, Kristen or Amy. We will also look at such classic works of WASP culture as the Carpenters-' Greatest Hits, "Sleepless in Seattlesthe whiskey sour and the collected works of the Oprah Winfrey Book Club. 125. Social Theory. (3) (SS) Protest and Dissatisfaction as a Career. In the old days, protest and social reform movements were designed to be about positive social change. In our time, we have moved -beyond this point to where people pick and choose the elements of their social consciences. by what makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside. The role of the Professionally Angry Advocate is a growing in our society. Parents too rich or white for you to be automatically cool? Be a Marxist. Sexual issues? Consider campus feminism. Students will learn to blow things out of proportion, misuse statistics, believe their own genius and rectitude, and say things like "The movement to redistribute the wealth of the Man to the oppressed mass-. es begins at the most expensive public university in the country.( 412. Political Science. (4) (excl.) Being a Young Conservative. Students enrolled in this course must be enrolled concurrently with Constipation 215. The teenage and college years are often care- free, relaxed and fun. By learning to be a Conservative, you can avoid this. We will be working from the classic text "Mistaking an Irritating Personality for* Original Thinking." From this text, we will examine the strategies of Using Examples of Fat Homeless People You've Seen to Explain Why There's No Poverty, Misquoting everybody and Elementary Reagan Worship. We will also learn to say the follow-