4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 1w 3 idi Ygzn &zil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor 'My mother taught me that no man was 100 percent man and no woman was 100 percent woman.' --Author and poet Piri Thomas, keynote speaker for Puerto Rican Week, speaking to a crowd in West Quad on Saturday THOMAs KU LJURGIS TIENATV E LY SPEi EKNG Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Empty space Housing will accommodate all students next year WHYSE £lLVCW IP \WAtS I VENThP -9 his year, many University students who planned to live in campus residence halls did not get their wish. Because of overcrowding, upperclassmen were barred from living in the dorms by University Housing. Thankfully, in 1999, this policy will no longer be around. With fewer underclassmen inhabiting the residence halls this year - and nearly 200 vacant spaces - Housing has once again opened up to all undergraduates. This was made possible by a smaller first-year class and a lower return rate - providing a great service for upperclassmen who prefer the advantages of University residence halls. Juniors and seniors should not be barred from the benefits of University- owned housing if it can be helped. Knowing this, when University Housing officials found many open spaces in the residence halls, they immediately took the opportuni- ty to make life a little easier on upperclass students. This attention to the needs of all University students and quickness of action is commendable on the part of University Housing. But the overcrowding last year, the most severe in several years, should not be so quickly forgotten. Hundreds of under- graduate students found themselves in overflow triples or without a room at all. These problems that sparked the original policy could very well return in full force if University Housing officials are not careful with handling the addition of new students and returning upperclass students in the same term. Because it's impossible to know exactly how many juniors and seniors will want to go back to community bathrooms and dorm food, University Housing should pre- pare for the worst. Their current plan is to place any extra students in overflow triples with the intent of moving them into more conventional housing when a spot opens up. This has also been the policy in the past. But before every new student finds themselves sharing a 10-by-10 foot living space with two other people, Housing should keep at least some restrictions on who may take advantage of the dorm spaces. While they should not hold a monopoly on University residence hall rooms, under- classmen should still get priority. Dorm life is too important for these students in their home-to-college transition and the lifestyle it presents is best fitted to first- year and sophomores. If, in fact, the over- crowding problem returns, Housing offi- cials should make these students their first concern. Aside from underclassmen, those upperclassmen who have the greatest need for residence hall life, such as transfer stu- dents, should also be considered a priority for Housing officials. Granted, living in a residence hall has many perks. From clean community areas to meal plans, libraries and computing sites, these benefits should be available to all University students. In many respects, University Housing is on the right track. It has a firm grasp on the needs of stu- dents and are willing to alter their poli- cies as those needs change. The reopening of residence hall space to upperclass stu- dents as well as organizing an online guide to the rooms and providing space for incoming students are daunting tasks. While it's great that upperclassmen may return to the residence halls, Housing officials must do everything they can to ensure previous years' overcrowding remains a thing of the past. ,,,r.r-+ v"ti.., "n '' rw t f 1, i ? .., ..--. a'' t P.J JScKS X3)1CA1 P LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Swept away Televised euthanasia does nothing for the cause .q hose who watched "60 Minutes" this past Sunday witnessed a controver- sial segment with Dr. Jack Kevorkian that probably left viewers confused and dis- turbed. Before the segment began, Mike Wallace warned viewers of what they jyere about to see on primetime television - Kevorkian injecting a consenting patient, Thomas Youk, with the lethal series of a sedative, a muscle relaxer and a dose of potassium chloride to end his suffering from the later stages of Lou Gehrig's disease. Stressed throughout the interview was Kevorkian's active involve- inent in Youk's death - a legal difference that could put Kevorkian behind bars for the rest of his life. The importance of this discrepancy is that before this patient, Kevorkian had prepared the lethal med- ication and let his consenting patients "pull the switch" themselves. Kevorkian wanted to air this videotape on national television so that he could force a deci- sion to be made on not only assisted sui- cide, but euthanasia as well. While the doctor's goal in pushing the envelope is noble, his methods of going about it are quite disturbing. Assisted suicide and now euthanasia are two complicated issues that should not be regulated by politicians, but by doctors and the rest of the medical com- munity. In addition, Kevorkian and CBS 'id the pro-assisted suicide movement a grave disservice by their decision to air a videotape of such a graphic nature. Assisted suicide should be a private deci- ion between the individual involved, his br her close family and friends, and doc- tor. Kevorkian. who is often mistakinglv suicide movement, alienated many people who believe in the same goal for which he is fighting with his decision to show the world something that is and should be very private. As for the opposition in this debate, they were probably appalled by the videotape and all the involved parties. Kevorkian's logic is flawed because in trying to force a long overdue decision on assisted suicide, he ended up pushing both supporters and foes farther from the middle, leaving the rest of society per- plexed and undecided. CBS's role in allowing such a video- tape to air during dinner hours with mini- mal warnings at best should not be over- looked. Regardless of whether CBS was motivated to air such a controversial seg- ment because this past Sunday was the last in the November "sweeps" period - when TV ratings are watched closely to set local advertising rates - they exer- cised poor judgment. Although CBS has every right to air the videotape under the First Amendment and the patient and his family gave their consent, better judge- ment should have prevailed. At a mini- mum, a later hour of airing with much stronger content warnings would have been more appropriate. Even though Kevorkian and CBS did nothing substantive for the assisted suicide debate, it is clear that some body of rational people need to decide in universal favor of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Currently, Kevorkian is one man - without a medical license - essentially trying to write assist- ed suicide and euthanasia laws by himself. No one person should have that power, just as no person should have his or her basic Animal research is problematic TO THE DAILY: The media has always depicted animal researchers as demigods who work mira- cles and non-animal research supporters as extremists who put animal lives above human lives. This is because argu- ments against animal research are consistently cen- sored by politics and by the funding dollars involved. I, too, had been socialized into believing that animal research, as it is applied to human biomedical research, is a necessary means of sav- ing human lives, when in fact it is a medical and scientific charade that has restricted the advancement of medicine. Regardless of what your moral or ethical feelings toward animals are, animal research has been counter- productive in more ways than not. Animal models used in experimentation are unreli- able. Dr. Christopher Anderegg, a Yale graduate in medicine and biology as well as a former animal researcher describes animal research as "fraudulent," and suggests that animals are "physiologi- cally, biochemically, anatomi- cally, histologically incompa- rable to the human being." In addition, the laboratory set- tings under which these ani- mals are studied are artifi- cial, thereby creating con- founding variables that in turn skew the results of the experiments, as well as undermine extrapolation of findings to humans. An ani- mal model of a human dis- ease artificially produced in a laboratory cannot compare to a naturally and spontaneously occurring disease in a human. The second reason I dis- agree with animal research is because it has become a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry. Animal research is often mandated by federal legislation and perpetuated by private companies to pro- tect themselves from possible lawsuits. Universities receive millions of dollars annually in direct grants for animal research. Many institutions depend on this money for administrative costs as well as overhead costs that are supposedly related to this research. The redundancy of tests and the non-sharing of knowledge between researchers are financed with our tax dollars. The University received over $1.8 million to addict primates to drugs such as PCP, codeine and morphine. As the govern- ment wastes money on this useless experimentation, approximately 100,000 vic- tims of substance abuse go untreated because of the inadequate funding of treat- Washington at (202) 686- 2210. As Gandhi said: "Vivisection is the blackest of all black crimes that man is at present committing against God and his fair cre- ation." TiIu RUBEN SCHOOL OF ART Society needs to evaluate drinking laws To THE DAILY: While the Daily's Nov. 12 editorial "Crackdown" is bound to fall on sympathetic ears, its argument is com- pletely backwards. The Daily contends that 75 citations is meant to be an AAPD "pub- licity stunt" showing that it is controlling the problem. Far from it - it actually illus- trates what little control law enforcement has over under- age drinking. No one believes that 75 tickets are going to change a pervasive culture and stop underage drinking. What the tickets do instead is illustrate to society at large that under- age drinking is a pervasive behavior. The decision needs to be in the hands of society, not the microcosm of the University student body, whether to be more outraged by an unfair law or blatant disregard for that law. Either the law changes or it is more vigorously enforced. Then there is this issue of parent notification. If stu- dents believe they are entitled to drink underage when the law forbids it, then they should stand up and be counted. If they are really right, then any condemnation or penalties should not mat- ter. If students think the law is unfair, don't hide in anonymity, hoping it will change and that in the mean- time you won't get caught. Between the ages of 18 and 21, you are a part of the democratic process. Convince the parents you are so afraid of that an 18- to 21-year-old should be allowed to drink alcohol. Don't just hide it from them. So Daily, stop coming down on the police that we, as a society, have put out there to enforce the laws that we give them. Stop promot- ing a mindset where respon- sible adults should be able to do as they please - as long as no one finds out. Instead, encourage students to take responsibility for their actions and continue the Daily's tradition of activism for positive change. CURT WEST MEDICAL SCHOOL two incidents occurred in which I was nearly hit by bicy- cles. This is not the first time that this sort of thing has taken place. Indeed, this pattern has continued for some time now. Further, my experience is that the trend is in the direction of a worsening problem. I believe that I am not the only one fo' whom this bicycle traffic is a problem. I see many pedestri- ans who are accosted by these two-wheel maniacs daily. The bicycle riders routinely ride too fast in areas of high foot traffic (namely the Diag) and many of them cut walkers off at very close quarters. To allow this to go on is to encourage accidents and injuries that could otherwise be avoided. Additionally, it does not help toward saving the University money on its employee health care poli- cies. I come here to work and I do a good job. I think it is only fair that the University put some reasonable rules in place to curtail the perils of walking down the side walk on University property. I would advocate the enforced ban of bike riding on side- walks with heavy traffic, if not more encompassing rules. I understand that some bike riders are careful. There are too many that are not, however. My desire is to see this problem solved. JOSEPH PRATT UNIVERSITY STAFF Volunteers are 'lame' TO THE DAILY: I cannot think of anything quite so lame as volunteering to help police bust underage drinking at parties. AEX DEMOTS UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Letter mentioned alumnus' name TO THE DAILY: I was amused when I read a letter to the Daily that includ- ed my name ("An open letter to letter writers," 11/13/98). Let the record show that while I find my friend, Mark West, to be an amusing albeit slightly unstable individual, I find his comments a wee bit troubling and wish not to be affiliated with them. You see, I like feminists and political extremists (if they are on the left) that he derides, and I think ignoring those who spread hateful messages is a poor way to address intoler- ance. On the other issues: Student government builds resumes for silly people; I have Why Kelly still loves Dylan and other Ex-Files After last week's episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, and in preview of the next new episode (Dec. 2), nothing seemed more fitting to discuss than the subject of ex-boyfriends andor ex-gir- friends. For those of you who have remained loyal Beverly Hills, 90210 fans, you know what happened. But for those of you who have strayed - and for those who pretend not to watch but always end up at a loyal watcher's house oh-so-conve- niently at 8 p.m. every Wednesday SARAH night - here's the LOCKYER scoop: Dylan LCkE AN)D returned. Luke LoAD1 Petrry's career muksto~ not have skyrocketed, as was the plan, when he left Beverly Hills, 90210 (from now on referred to as Bev 9er) two years ago. And one wonders why, after hisstirring performance in Buffy the Vampire Slayer." But regardless, Dylan is back, busting in on Thanksgiving dinner at the Walsh house in true Aaron Spelling-influenced style. Kelly "Taylor was stunned. Fresh off a first kiss with her new lawyer friend and Dylan decides to return. Again, for those of you who don't know, Dylan and Kelly were together for about two years at West Beverly High and some of college at California University, home of the Condors, before Kelly dumped Dylan for the frat rat John Sears. Now Spelling and company made a little mistake by allowing Dylan to par- ticipate in an old-friend-reunion-like toast, because after all, Dylan is an alco- holic. But brushing aside that error, Bev 9er put Dylan and Kelly right back into the saddle. And Kelly's face spoke to everyone who's ever had an ex-anything. There will always be firsts: first kiss, first boyfriend, first girlfriend, first time and the ultimate first love (not necessarily in that order). But there doesn't seem to be a socially accept. able category deemed "first lust." That is what Dylan and Kelly represented, and that is why she was excited and confused to see him. And I'm sure we can all relate too. Dylan and Kelly spent most of theii' waking hours, well, sleeping ... togeth- er. They were always touching, kissing and you know how the rest goes. It's an odd thing, first lust, because you can never tell if it's anything more than just that - lust. I'm sure the majority of us have expe- rienced it and I'm also sure that the majority of first lusts also fall under the label of boyfriend and/or girlfriend - first lusts usually mask themselves such. I mean, who can openly carryon a purely physical relationship (well, at least more than six months)? So the boyfriend or girlfriend that unknowing- ly coincides with your first lust become Dylans and Kellys. There's always the honeymoon stage when everything is perfect. But then emotions begin to exist and re=- ity rears its ugly head. Eventually, All first lusts come to an end, as did Dylan and Kelly when Kelly's sorority* lifestyle didn't coincide with the lifestyle of a socially dysfunctional millionaire. But Kelly still loved Dylan (as was apparent by her f~ceq last Wednesday). But why? It's simple: We all still love our first lust. After a break up, we entertain ideas of mythical propor- tions, thoughts of "one day, he/she will come back into my life, profess his/her undying love and we will live happily* ever after in mad ecstacy." We sur- round ourselves with members of the opposite sex hoping that just the right amount of jealousy will jolt them back into out lives. We have those random nights of post-relationship passion and pretend that it actually means some- thing. We still call and we still go to lunch. We turn our exes of lust into "the ones who got away" and we're convinced they'l return. But why dq we believe these ridiculous romantiq ramblings? Because Bev 9er so cruelly; shows us it can happen. Hopefully, the next episode will try to sway a little more toward reality, as we all know Bev 9er is famous for, after all, the show has braved such controversial issues as abortion, inter- racialrelationships, alcoholism and drug abuse (on numerous occasion4 The preview shows Kelly telling0 Dylan that he can't expect too much from her, but Kelly should be tellin Dylan to get lost. Come on, first lusts are never what they appear to be, and Dylan and Kelly shouldn't be any dif- ferent. I mean, I've turned my ex- boyfriend into a perfect creature: sen- -4;. -++- - A U-++- +- I