Fmazin' gets its Groove Amazin' Blue performs tonight at Rackham Auditorium. Find out how "Amazin' Got Its Groove Back" tonight as the a cappella sen- sation performs its fall concert. The singing begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6, and are available at Michigan Union Ticket Office. Also, check out Amazin' Blue on Monday, as it performs with two professional a cappella groups in the Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. A1 j e i d j m a a f Mceay in Daily Arts: 8 Catch a review of MUSKET's production "Grease," a review of the film "American History X" and a look into the holiday movie line-up in an action-packed Daily Arts. Friday November 20, 1998 8 'Newton' r By Garth Hutel Daily Arts Writer People say that activism is dead, even at the fas- tidiously liberal University of Michigan. Countered, with examples such as the recent wave of protests against the potential bombing of Iraq, the establishment of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary and, to a much lesser degree, the huge number of can- didates for the Michigan Student Assembly, those denying the death of activism seem to Wive a pret- ty good argument. But the cynics will respond, with perhaps a head shake and a knowing grin, that these political activists are painfully moderate compared to those of the '60s. ecounts activism's past A Huey R Newton Story Trueblood Theater Tonight at 8 For a return to those days of progress and cultural upheaval try taking a dive into the life of one particularly deep and enigmatic activist in "A Huey P. Newton Story," playing through tomorrow at the Trueblood Theatre. Created and performed by Roger Guenveur Smith, this one-man show combines ele- ments of Newton's writings and speeches, archival news commentary and a throbbing original score, provided live by composer Marc Anthony can't blame him for noticing the makeup of our own activist clique, whom Smith dubs the "White Panthers"), Smith gives Newton an enjoyable, speedy wit, that emerges everywhere from his thoughts on poetry to the NBA. Having appeared in numerous television shows and films, including Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" and "Malcolm X," Smith's acting is never in question. It's the show itself, which Smith cre- ated with Thompson, that leaves us asking for more. A brilliant portrayal of a complex historical figure can only give us so much, about as much as carefully edited archival footage. But if that were all we wanted, we could find a documentary and see the real Huey P. Newton. Smith realizes that he needs to add more to his show to get it moving, but what he adds doesn't work. The failure to progress into anything beyond a great performance is easily seen in an interlude where Smith performs a dance, his back to the audience, his nose constantly sniffing to indicate Newton's unfortunate demise into drug abuse. The scene is blatant exposition, unsuccessfully attempting to cover it up with poorly executed concept. But you'll have to bear through that to experi- ence the finale, an introspective, gentle ending in which Smith once again proves himself great, encompassing many facets of his character in one short speech. The last monologue comes across as Newton's death, with help from Smith's fantastic nuances and Thompson's Angelo Badalamenti-esque syn- thesized music, tied together with Macbeth's final monologue, a favorite of Newton's. Newton's life did not end as luxuriously as Smith's performance piece. He was murdered in Oakland, Calif., during a drug-related incident. Although he and arguably the movement that he helped create are now dead, reliving the past is an available option this weekend at the Trueblood. If voting for the Defend Affirmative Action Party doesn't quench your activist desires, then maybe seeing "A Huey P. Newton Story" will. "A Huey P Newton Story" runs through Saturday at 8 p.m. Admission is $25. For more information call (734) 764-2538. Courtesy of Touchstone Pictures Will Smith prays that there is a button on his fly In his dash through the streets In the new film "Enemy of the State." 'Enemy' lacks a story I I Thompson, to create a portrait of the late co- founder of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Smith's portrayal of the man, undeniably a strik- ingly thorough characterization, suffers from being placed in a piece that cannot offer the opportunities necessary to turn a remarkable per- formance into an equally remarkable show. Piped-in audio clips from Newton and his peers, including his fellow Black Panthers, play before the show begins. "Gradually they fade out and are replaced by eerie, transcendent spirituals and news bytes from the day Newton was murdered. Onto the stage walks Smith, or as far as we are concerned, Newton himself. The character is developed so Courtesy pa. Roger Guenveur Smith created and stars in "A Huey P. Newton Story." evenly and effortlessly that the chain-smoking, leg-twitching man with the Louisiana drawl sitting in that chair, speaking reservedly into the micro- phone. Smith's integration into Newton never lets up, nor does his intensity. He manages to establish a brilliant rapport with the audience while almost constantly berating them. That audience, by the way, is composed of '90s Ann Arbor-ites, and Newton knows it. By treating his audience as such, rather than as contempo- raries of Newton, Smith chooses to abandon the documentary feel that his performance elicited, breaking down any fourth wall that we might build in either time or space. Though a little heavy on the "local" jokes (you MxPx goes all the way to St. Andrew's Hall By Gabe Fajuri Daily Arts Writer Christian punk rock? There are few other word combinations in the English language that are more diametrically opposed. r MxPX St. Andrew's Hall Tomorrow at 8 p.m. Strange though the label may be, for six years, MxPx has com- bined both down- home Christian values and the musical essence of punk rock ever since their forma- tion as a high school band. "The guys in the band, we're all Christians, so that's where they get that one from," said Tom, the band's guitarist in a recent interview. Regardless of the categories it gets thrown into, MxPx, with the release of 1996's "Life in General" went from typ- ical indie-rock punk trio to minor radio celebrities. The album's first single, "Chick Magnet" hit the airwaves in numerous major markets across the country, not to mention prime-time rota- tion on MTV, however light it may have been. The song's amusing title coupled with a distinctive bass intro made it an instant favorite across the nation. With an increased level of success, the band made a change of record labels as well. Having been part of the stable of bands on indie-Christian giant Tooth and Nail since graduating from high school, MxPx's contract was bought out by A&M records in 1997, not long after the success of "Chick Magnet." "We wanted to go to the new label," Tom said. Whereas Tooth and Nail did- n't seem to serve the best interests of the band, the guitar player felt that A&M has already done MxPx a world of good. "They're better (than Tooth and Nail), I think," he said. Whereas many groups recording for Tooth and Nail focus on their music as a vehicle for Christian missionary work, the focus of MxPx and its mem- bers is much different. "That's not our deal," said Tom. "We just do it for fun." The band's first album for its new record label was released in mid-June, and is called "Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo." True to the style of the other three MxPx records, it's full of blinding, pulse-pounding drumbeats, guitar riffs played at the speed of light, and songs about girls, life and growing up. Growing up listening to and idoliz- ing the likes of Bad Religion and NOFX, MxPx toured with not one, but both bands on this summer's monster- sized, 36-band Warped tour. While MxPx will be making its inau- gural appearance at St. Andrew's tomorrow night, the band is not unfa- miliar to Detroit crowds. In the past it has played Clutch Cargo's, and "some big community hall owned by a church." Back in the days of the community hall shows, the band was known as Magnified Plaid, or so the story goes. The name was often too long to write out, and was frequently abbreviated "M.P." The dots in "M.P." eventually became small x's and the name MxPx was born. Those days, however, are long gone. The band's national reputation has been established. With a major record label backing them, a new album, and their past successes, the future for MxPx seems bright. Its first solo tour in support of "Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo," since the release of the record, the band has labeled this seven- week stint on the road "The Anchor is Away Tour." "Detroit is the last show of this tour" Tom said, "and we plan on playing all out rock 'n' roll." By Ed Sholinsky Daily Arts Writer What do you get when you take one of Hollywood's most profitable stars and cross him with one of Hollywood's most profitable action directors? Well, in the case of "Enemy of the State," a mediocre, paranoid mess. Working from the premise that all Americans are under the surveillance of the government - which is not too far fetched these days - "Enemy of the State" strives to be an intelligent mix of intrigue, thrills and action, but falls far short of the mark. The film's shortcomings lie mostly in writer D a v i d Marconi's laps- es of reason and director Enemy of Tony Scott's the State ("Top Gun," "C r i m s o n Tide") quick At Showcase cuts, keeping and Ann Arbor 1&2 his camera on an object no longer than 20 seconds. I__ iThis sum- mer, another J e r r y Bruckheimer production, "Armageddon," did much the same thing, making it difficult to focus your attention on a single person or scene. While the abysmal "Armageddon" didn't strive to be anything more than an action flick, "Enemy of the State" wants to be taken very seriously, and the rapid fire editing does not bode well for the film. Its rather interesting story - bor- rowed largely from today's headlines and the film "Three Days of the Condor" - revolves around a rouge National Security Agency higher up, Thomas Reynolds (Jon Voight), who kills a congressman (Jason Robards in one of many unbilled roles). The con- gressman refuses to support a telecommunications bill that would allow the government to tap into any- one's phone and private life on little more than a whim. But there's a minor glitch: Nature photographer Daniel Zavitz's (Jason Lee) digital camera captured the whole murder, which was made to look like a heart attack. As Reynolds and his men go gun- ning for Zavitz, Zavitz makes a copy of the digital tape, which he carries with him when the NSA finally catch- es up with him. A big chase ensues during which the supposedly top notch NSA agents can't seem to catch Zavitz despite their immense skill and global satellite tracking system. Zavitz temporarily gives the NSA the slip, and has enough time to bump into lawyer Robert Dean (Will Smith). Conveniently, Zavitz and Dean went to Georgetown together, and Dean gives Zavitz his business card while Zavitz slips Dean the tape. This premise might have worked better had director Scott not relied on so many action movie conventions. The coincidence is too much to swal- low, even within the context of an action movie. But since "Enemy of the State" desires to be taken so seriously, the problem of convention is made even worse. The most interesting parts of the movie are when the NSA is invading Dean's life. It's here that "Enemy of the State" gets inside everyday life and upsets the balance of things everyone takes for granted. As Dean falls deeper into the trap the NSA has set for him, he gets in touch with his PI., Brill (the brilliant Gene Hackman), who turns out to be a former operative for the NSA, and they join forces to restore Dean's life. "Enemy of the State" falls short,d though, because it tries to include too' much. The movie bashes the audience over the head telling them that govern- ment monitoring "1984"-style is wrong, where a more subtle point would have been more effective. But this is typical of a Bruckheimer testos- terone movie. "Enemy of the State" too often tries to show off its budget rather than working out plot holes. Not that there aren't some great parts of the movie. In particular, when the NSA goes Big Willie Hunting in an expensive hotel, the action, thrills and humor are at their best. Despite the fact that Scott has been an enemy of filmmaking throughout much of his career, he occasionally handles intense action scenes very well. This is complemented by the fAct that the acting is far better than the movie deserves. Smith stops playing the role he's played in "Bad Boys," "Independence Day" and "MIB," and settles into a more dramatic role. Here he plays a family man with a lot to lose, including his wife, his son and his job. Smith is both funny and intense, and goes beyond what his role called for. Hackman is also terrific, playing the terminally strange Brill. Although Hackman is slumming in "Enemy of the State" he demonstrates why he's one of the best in the business, stealing every scene he's in. In the end though, a couple of intense action sequences and great acting can't help "Enemy of the State." Scott subverts his own attempts to make an important action movie by giving way to explosions. and shootouts, in lieu of story and charac- ter development. p I swf (Single widowed female) seeks attractive (or not attractive) bw mate+ likes include surfing the web, murder mysteries, or just hanging around. call rosie, short term relationship preferred. ~6 G °a PIXAR ba t I fe november 25 CDISNEYPIXAR t micH INSIDE BO SCHEMBECHLI in association with Michigan Student Assembly presents A...MY NAME IS a k s .K