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April 20, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-20

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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom

April 20, 1998

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march to take
back night
Lee Palmer
Daily Staff Reporter
"What do we want? Safe streets! When do we want
it? Now!"
More than 400 women marched through the streets
of Ann Arbor at the 19th annual Take Back the Night
march and rally held Saturday night shouting, chanti-
ng and carrying signs declaring, "Our bodies, our
lives, our right to decide"
Rackham fourth-year student Troy Gordon, who
ched the marchers walk down Main Street, said
that while he wasn't marching, he was with the women
in spirit.
"I think (the march) is incredibly fabulous," Gordon
said. "I wish there were 10 times as many people
marching and 100 times as many people watching."
A Pizza House employee, whose car was stopped in
traffic by the marchers, got out of her car and cheered
in support.
Another observer of the march, LSA sophomore
Chris Frost, said more education about issues of
men's safety is necessary for men.
Whenever I'm hanging around a girl and she
expresses a concern about being out at night, it strikes
me as odd since I never have to think about it," Frost
As the marchers walked down East Madison Street,
male voices called from the windows of the West
Quad Residence Hall, "get on your knees, baby!"
LSA senior Brenna DeVaney, who did not hear the
calls, said she was not surprised by the sentiments.
"It makes me sad to think that men are too threat-
g d to be supportive," DeVaney said.
alimah Johnson, a Detroit Police Department
domestic violence social worker, said she did not hear
the calls either, but said she battles ignorance every
day working with the predominantly male Detroit
Police Department.
"This kind of behavior shows that our society as a
whole condones violence against women," Johnson
said following the march. "The men who (shouted) are
basically intimidated by the strength of women united.
I think we can fight it through education and con-
stantly using avenues like this march and rally."
AVhile only women marched, a rally held earlier in
the night on the Diag included both women and men,
who gathered in protest of violence against women.
"We are here to do healing work - to reclaim what
is ours - the night, said Melissa Danforth, co-coor-

Voting effort

By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
Upon opening their mailboxes today,
about 11,000 students living in resi-
dence halls will find a voter registration
card and a letter from Vice President for
Student Affairs Maureen Hartford urg-
ing students to consider registering to
vote in Ann Arbor.
The program, co-sponsored by Voice
Your Vote and the Residence Hall
Association, will provide the students
with all the necessary information to
register in time for next November's
In February, Voice Your Vote won
approval for a program to send voter
registration cards with 5,500 residence
hall leases to students next fall. That
program, the first of its kind in the
country, was recently expanded to
include students currently living in the
residence halls.
Ryan Friedrichs, co-founder of Voice
Your Vote, said this plan meets the
unique needs of college students.
Because many students change addresses
each year and are from other states, reg-
istering is a more difficult task for them.
Friedrichs said registering to vote "could-
n't be any easier" due to this plan.
By filling out the card and returning
it to a box near the front desk of their
residence halls, students will receive
their confirmation cards next fall along
with their new address, Friedrichs said.
le said this program will ease Voice
Your Vote's registration burden, allow-
ing it to channel energy toward other
"This will allow us to focus so much
more on education and motivation to

vote in the fall," said Friedrichs, an
LSA junior.
The plan includes a drive to register
students living in family housing, Greek
houses, co-ops and other off-campus
housing beginning next fall. Overall,
those involved in Voice Your Vote say
they hope the drive will reach 20,000 stu-
dents before November's election.
"Our role now is building coalitions
with Greek houses, co-ops and local
landlords to reach all students,"
Friedrichs said.
Kelly Boland, a member of Voice
Your Vote and president of the College
Democrats, said she hopes a majority of
students will take the opportunity to
register this way, adding that it is prob-
ably the easiest way for them to do so.
"1 he easier we make it for them to
register, the better chance (there is that)
they will vote," Boland said.
Friedrichs said this is a new way of
conceptualizing a university's role in
the political process, and he hopes the
opportunity this program provides is
not wasted.
"I hope students take advantage of it.
and then go out and use their vote in the
fall," Friedrichs said. "That is where the
real difference is made.:
The drive is a culmination of work
among many University organizations
including Voice Your Vote, RHA, the
Department of Housing and the Office
of Student Affairs.
RIJA president-elect Albert Garcia
said this voter registration drive is the
"largest initiative at the University and
probably any university.
"Students don't have to seek out a
See VOTE, Page 8

Khallmah Johnson reads poetry about her experience with rape, Saturday night in the Diag. More than 400
women marched during the Take Back the Night rally.

dinator of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, who spoke at
the rally.
Two survivors of sexual assault publicly shared
their stories at the rally.
LSA junior Deborah Frankle told the crowd she was
raped, burned and beaten by her boyfriend eight years
"I cannot emphasize enough how important it is not
to blame the survivor," said Frankle, who works for
the Campus Publicity Network that programs and
fundraises for Sexual Assault Prevention and

Awareness Center.
One in four college-aged women are victims of sex-
ual assault or attempted sexual assault at some point
during their college careers, according to SAPAC
reports. Of male college students, 35 percent said that
under certain circumstances, they would commit acts
that met the legal definitions of rape, and 84 percent
of men who committed rape did not label it as rape,
the report stated.
Instead of blaming a woman for provoking the
See NIGHT, Page 8

Naked Mile exposed on

The Naked Mile

Prominent Chinese dissident Wang Dan, shown h
Tiananmen Square, was released from jail yesterd
i e dis

By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
For less than $30, viewers can "see every-
thing from pre-race interviews, the strip down
and the post-race report."
Advertisements at www.sex-fi. comn boast
that their Naked Mile video is "Rated R, but
very bushy. Unbelieveable!!!"
Students running the Naked Mile tomorrow
face the possibility that pictures of their naked
bodies could be featured on videos such as this
or one of many Internet sites that feature
Naked Mile footage.
A search on the Alta Vista Internet search
engine revealed dozens of Internet sites devot-
ed to posting pictures and selling videos of the
Naked Mile. Mike Steele, a part-time
spokesperson for www nakedmile.com, said his
site alone has had 15,000-20,000 hits in the
past year.
"People ought to be aware that their picture
will be posted if they run," said Steele, a
University alumnus. "You could take a picture
of someone at the Naked Mile and have it on
the Internet in an hour."
Some of the (500-700) students who ran the
Naked Mile last year have no idea that people

are taping the event for commercial purposes,
said Assistant to the Vice President for
University Affairs Mary Lou Antieau.
"Students should not perceive (the Naked
Mile) as a benign, harmless activity in the
sense of a college tradition because of what
might happen that would get in the way of
future aspirations," Antieau said. "Many stu-
dents aren't aware that they'll be shown in full
glory on the Internet.
"My nightmare is that the first female to
run for president will have their picture
posted on the front cover of Hustler"
Magazine she said.
The Naked Mile began in 1986 when a
house full of Michigan men's crew and track
team members decided to streak through the
streets of Ann Arbor the night of the last day of
The crew team will begin this year's Naked
Mile at 10:30 p.m. tomorrow at the corner of
Forest Street and South University Avenue. The
lacrosse team will lead the main group of run-
ners at midnight.
Men's crew team member Patrick Finn
said he recently received a message from a
man who claimed to work at Playgirl

® Volunteers for
security both during
and after the Naked
Mile can attend a mass
meeting tonight at 9 in
the Michigan Union
VICKI LASK'/Oadiy Pond Room.
Magazine. He said the man may. offer to
pay members of the crew team to pose nude
for the magazine
"As a team we won't agree to do that, but
I can't speak for individuals," Finn said.
"People are going to be videotaping any-
"I don't think (the taping) deters anyone
from running, but it kind of degrades a great
college tradition," he said.
Steele said some people devote their lives to
traveling across the nation to tape footage of the
Naked Mile, Mardi Gras and other nudist events.
"They go from locale to locale and have
See MILE, Page 8


ere at a May 1989 demonstration in Beijing's
day on medical grounds.



released, flies to Detroit
DETROIT (AP) -Wang Dan, a leader of the Democracy for China Fund in Newton, Mass.,
1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests and a former classmate of Wang's at Beijing
in Beijing, arrived in the United States yesterday University.
fter being freed from a Chinese jail. "He's in very good spirits. He's very upbeat,"
Wang's flight from Beijing arrived at Detroit Shen said. "I think all those prison years made a
Metropolitan Airport shortly before 10 a.m. difference, but it's a positive difference."
EDT, He was immediately taken to Henry Ford Shen said Wang would speak publicly soon,
Hospital where doctors said he was in stable but he was unsure when.
condition. The official Xinhua News Agency said Wang
"He has some fatigue. He's been through a lot was released on medical parole but did not give
in the last 48 hours" said Dr. Thomas Royer, details. Wang has suffered for months with a
chief medical officer at Henry Ford. throat infection and headaches that his family
Royer said Wang had undergone preliminary believes may indicate a brain tumor.
tests yesterday with more scheduled for tomor- His mother, Wang Linyun, said she saw her
row son briefly before he boarded the airplane in
He said Wang complained of a chronic cough Beijing.
for several years and headaches, especially when "He's ill. He looked the same as he has for a
he reads. Specialists will examine Wang tomor- while," she said in a telephone interview before
row for those problems. he arrived in Detroit.
Robert Hyzy, director of critical care for Doctors said preliminary tests performed on
Henry Ford Hospital, said the cough may be Wang could not immediately determine whether

Car wash benefits 'M'
wrestler memorial
scholarship fund

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
A little bit of rain did not dampen the
spirits of student athletes who helped
wash cars yesterday to raise money to
help fund a scholarship in memory of
Michigan wrestler Jefferey Reese, who
died this past December.
"We wanted to do something special to
make sure his name is remembered," said
Dwayne Fuqua, Student Athlete
Advisory Committee president, who
organized the event.

of the primary sources to fund the
scholarship, Fuqua said.
"A lot of people have been giving us
don'ations," Fuqua said. "We just want-
ed a good start."
Fuqua said the event was well
received by many student athletes,
including the majority of wrestling
team members.
"The moment we announced it over
our e-mail network, students e-mailed
and contacted me to put their name
down," Fuqua said.


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