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April 17, 1998 - Image 1

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One hundred seven years of editorzalfreedom

April 17, 1998


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Univesity of Texas hibiting it under a hi
ystem officials said they hope an appeal of the race as a factor in ad
etleient ruling in the Hopwood v. the In 1996, the 5th U.
ersity of Texas School of Law case will lead ruled that the law
a reevaluation of affirmative. action policies in admissions policies
exas higher education. But UT officials sa)
In a letter Tuesday, UT System Chancellor out the UT School of
illiam Cunningham asked Texas State disadvantage with ot
ttorney General Dan Morales to appeal the set- who may use affirmat
ement issued March 20 by U.S. District Judge Morales interprets
am Sparks, UT System General Counsel Ray effectively end affirr
'arabee said Wednesday. Texas public colleges
In Sparks' settlement ruling, he issued an UT General Coun
jction against the UT School of Law pro- UT officials are seet

ruling may

be appealed

gher court ruling from using
S. Circuit Court of Appeals
schools' affirmative action
were unconstitutional.
y Sparks' latest ruling singles
f Law, placing it at an unfair
her schools and universities
ive action programs.
ed the H opwood ruling to
mative action policies at all
s and universities.
sel Patricia Ohlendorf said
king a 5th Circuit decision

that will put the University on the same footing
as other public universities nationwide.
"What is important is that there be some deci-
sion on this issue, so all universities know what
the law is, and are facing this issue on a common
level," Ohlendorf said.
Only in Texas and California - where
University of California regents voted to end the use
of race in admissions and financial aid - are uni-
versities prohibited from using affirmative action.
But Farabee said it would probably take a high
court ruling to make Hopwood more broadly
applicable. "For UT, Hopwood really just dealt
with the law school, but it had implications with

all of higher education in Texas Farabee said.
Vice President for University Relations Lisa
Baker would not comment on how the appeal
could affect the University, which is facing two
similar lawsuits. In July 1996, the U.S. Supreme
Court refused to hear the Hopwood case, stating
the issue was moot because the law school had
already changed the admissions practices in ques-
tion. In addition, UT officials may appeal the
attorneys' fees awarded to the plaintiffs in the case.
Sparks awarded about $776,700 in legal fees
to the lawyers of the four white plaintiffs denied
admission to the UT School of Law in 1992.
While the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in 1996, Sparks
denied their request for more than $5 million in
damages, awarding them $1 each instead.
But Farabee said Wednesday an appeal of the
settlement ruling could present issues other than
attorneys' fees to the court.
"The attorney general wanted to know what we
thought, and we advised that there was certainly a
matter of three quarters of a million dollars in attor-
neys' fees, as well as any other issues that might be
presented that would give UT-Austin a level play-
ing field with other universities,' Farabee said.
Ron Dusek, spokesperson for Morales, said he
,See HOPWOOD, Page 5

*prepared for
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
The scoreboards that have loomed over the
spectators at Michigan Stadium for more than
30 years will soon become tiny pieces hang-
ing over University community members liv-
ing room couches.
Last month, the University Board of
Regents approved a $7.9 million project to
replace both the stadium scoreboards and all
four dot-matrix scoreboards in Crisler Arena
with combination video score boards. The
*project also includes the construction of a
production facility in Crisler.
Tom Cecchini, associate athletic director,
said the old scoreboards will be divided into
smaller pieces, affixed to a photograph of last
November's Michigan-Ohio State football
game - the final game in which the score-
boards were used - displaying the final
score of that game and sold to the public.
"We're going to take the scoreboard and do
just as we did to the old turf," Cecchini said.
Cecchini said members of the University
community will be given a chance to pur-
chase the scoreboard sections, although both
price .and size of the pieces are currently
under deliberation. Farmington Hills-based
CTC Production Sports, the company that
divided the Michigan Astroturf in 1991 for its
sale, has been contracted to divide the score-
"We'll put it on the Internet, and sell (the
pieces) through our Website," Cecchini said.
"They'll be small - something someone
Wwould want to see hanging on the wall."
Revenue from the scoreboard memorabilia
will be put into a scholarship fund for 'student
athletes, Cecchini said.
LSA first-year student Nathan Fredericks
said he would buy a piece of the scoreboard,
but thinks alumni and faculty would be more
likely to purchase the memorabilia.
"It's a nice souvenir - a picture of the of
the game on a piece of the scoreboard,"
*Fredericks said. "It's like having a piece of the
Of the four dot-matrix boards to be
removed from Crisler, Cecchini said two
boards could possibly become message dis-
See STADIUM, Page 5


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Residence hall
dues to hit $22

By Melanie Sampson
Daily StaffReporter
The Residence Hall Association
passed a proposal last night to raise the
student Housing fee $2, resulting in a
total house due of $22 per student living
in the residence halls.
In the past, R HA received 60 cents
per student each semester from
University Housing, taken from the fee
for a student's room and board, and the
house councils of the residence halls
received the $20 student fee charged to
the student's account.
In accordance with last night's deci-
sion, RHA will no longer receive funds
from Housing.
Instead, the $22 student fee will be
divided among RHA, the house councils
and the residence halls' multicultural
councils. Last night's resolution for the
allocation of funds to RI IA called for a
$16 charge for house councils, a $4
charge for multicultural councils and a
$2 charge for RIIA - totaling the $22.
In the end, RHA will receive an 80-
cent inease per student in funds.
"They made the most well-thought
decision, thinking of the resident first,'
said RIA president-elect Albert

Garcia, an LSA sophomore. "We did
not want to raise the dues when resi-
dents would not be happy."
Last night's proposal changed the
format of billing as well. Students now
will be billed for RHA, house councils
and multicultural councils individually.
"It's going to ensure that residents
will be able to hold RIHA, house coun-
cils and multi-cultural councils specifi-
cally accountable," Garcia said.
"Residents will know exactly where
their money is going."
Until last night, the $20 fee was
charged to student accounts, which was
then distributed to house councils. The
councils decided to distribute the
money to multicultural councils within
their residence hall.
Several groups expressed concern
about this allocation, citing dispropor-
tionality among the residence halls.
Students acknowledged that the multi-
cultural councils for Couzens and Alice
Lloyd residence halls would actually
lose funding if they were to become
RHA Treasurer Jason Taylor, an


sophomore, said the
See FEE, Page 2

Rose honored for
Rhodes Scholarship

ABOVE: Richmond Steel iron-
worker John Leroy dismantles
one of Michigan Stadium's
scoreboards. The
scoreboards will be taken
apart and sold as
RIGHT: Two construction
cranes tower over Michigan
Stadium. Changes to the
stadium will be completed
before the start of next fall's
football season.

By Carly Southworth
Daily Staff Reporter
Many students have been recog-
nized for academic achievement,
community involvement and student
leadership. For most, recognition
means a certificate, an award or a pat
on the back.
But for LSA senior Fiona Rose,
former Michigan Student Assembly
president, it meant a day in Lansing
in front of the State Legislature. And
it means an education at Oxford
Yesterday, the Michigan Senate hon-
ored Rose, one of 32 of the 1998
Rhodes Scholars, for her overall
achievement during her years at the
At the state Capitol, Rose was
awarded a State resolution - an offi-


farified oi
y Katie Plona
aily Staff Reporter
Many University students may think
Ann Arbor for a full year or getting a
river's license is grounds to claini Mic
But University officials said
igan residency isn't that easy, an
rrently updating the decades-old R
lassification Guidelines. The chang
ere approved by the University
egents nearly one year ago, will go i
is spring semester.
"The goal was to present the Univer

guide to be
r spring semester
The University is clarifying which circum-
that living stances do and do not demonstrate permanent
Michigan domicile. Although the wording of some require-
higan resi- ments will remain the same, others will have clear-
er definitions.
proving For instance, included in the list of circum-
d they are stances that do not constitute in-state residency
Residency under the updated classifications is ownership of
es, which property. Under the current classifications, this
Board of area was not as clearly identified.
nto effect Residency Appeals Committee Chair Roberta
Palmer, who assists the University in special pro-
sity's resi- iects, said the changes were made to avoid confu-

cial document of congratulations from
the Michigan Senate.
"For the last 20-some years, we have
recognized every Michigan Rhodes
Scholar," said Sen. Jackie Vaughn (D-
Vaughn said Rose, like past Rhodes
Scholars from state universities, has
helped distinguish the state of
Michigan. The least the Senate can do
is recognize her accomplishments, he
"I was given the opportunity to
address the Senate floor," Rose said.
"That was an exciting opportunity."
In her address, Rose showed her
appreciation for being honored.
Although the Senate called Rose an
honor to the state, Rose said she
wasn't the only one that deserved
See ROSE, Page 5
A2 plans to
KKK ray
The Associated lPress
City officials and community leaders
announced yesterday plans for a counter-
demonstration to the Ku Klux Klan's
scheduled May 9 rally in Ann Arbor.
Although a site has not yet been chosen,
organizers said their rally will run concur-
rently with the Klan's demonstration.
Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon,
Ann Arbor Police Chief Carl Ent,
Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice


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