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April 16, 1998 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-16

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Scoreboard ,- Tracking 'M' teams
MAJOR LEAGUE NHL NBA The Michigan softball team hosts Western Michigan
TASEBALL HOCKEY BASKETBALL for a friendly doubleheader today at 3 pm at Alumni
Detroit 3 Detroit 1 Chicago 79 Field. Stories on Page 14A.
Seattle 5, Boston 6, PHOENIX 96,
Chicago White Sox 7, NEW YORK RANGERS 2, Milwaukee 117,
BALTIMORE 6 New York Islanders 0 BOSTON X109 Thursday
Anaheim 3 Tampa Bay 1 Cleveland 93

No. 2 Wolverines alreadyF
dreamin' in sunny L.A.
By Vaughn R. Kiug NCAAs. After preliminaries, the six programs
Dly Sports Wnter with the highest overall team scores move on to
Football? Check. Hockey? Check (pardon the the "Super 6"
pun). Now it's time for the No. 2 Michigan The Wolverines not only feel confident about
women's gymnastics team to take its shot at a making their fourth straight "Super 6" appear-
national championship these next few days. ance - they are excited about their realistic
The team arrived itn Los Angeles last night chances of winning it all d
Iand had a light aftemnoon prac----------------------------- "We would love to win it,' <~:~
tice yesterday at Paulcy NCAA Championships senior co-captain Heather
Pavilion, which is decorated in Where: Paoley Pavilion, Los Angeles Kabnick said. "It is within our
accordance with the importance When Today throgh Saturday reach."
of the upcoming tournament. Nabtes:Michig, ranked No.2 Her optimism was echoed by
"It has a very national feel to nainalyis making its sixth straight teammate Lisa Simes. "We are
it," all-Big Ten freshman NCAAa arance. Ctoiga 0 all very excited to be here and we
Bridget Knaehle said. fvrdtmothinart. are having a great tinme,' Simes ,.<
Ti Wolverines have become accustomed to said. "When wehave a lot of fun, we perform
qualifying for NCAAs. In fact, this trip to Los really well."
Angeles narks their sixth consecutive appear- The NCAAs are being held at Pauley Pavilion,
ance. In the past three seasons, they have taken home of the UCLA Bruins, where the
their achievements even further by earning an Wolverines struggled earlier this season during
elite spot in the "Super 6." the UCLA Invitational.
What is the "Super 6," you might ask? During their January trip to L.A. the
The 12 teams that prevailed in their respective Wolverines felt mentally unprepared for the level
regional tournaments, thus qualifying for nation- of competition they faced, and it showed in their
als, are placed in one of two preliminary groups finish. But Michigan feels this will have no bear- Lisa Simes and the rest of the Michigan women's gymnastics team begins competition at the
that compete separately on the first day of See NCAAs, Page 18A Championships today in Los Angeles.
Heather Kabnick might be Michigan's best bet for a title

Movin' on up
In the 1990s, the Michigan
women's gymnastics
pro am has evolved from
Big Ten doormat to
nattonal powerhouse.
Some recent contributors:

Wendy Marshall ('93296)
was a seven-time first team
All-American who helped
raise the program
to national prominence.

Andrea McDonald ('94297)
was an NCAA finalist on the
balance beam in her senior
season, when the Nkolverines
finished fourth nationally.

emories of the Michigan
tradition and competition,
combined with friendships
that will last long into the future -
that's what senior co-captain
Heather Kabnick of the Michigan
women's gymnastics tean treasures
nost about her four years as a
D Wolverine.
With this in mind, she looks
ahead to her final three days of
competition, starting today in Los
Angeles, at toe NCAA
Kabnick's parents started her in
gymnastics when she was six years
old, and she competed in individual

club gymnastics tip until college.
"All little kids start in gymnas-
tics, but it just depends upon who
sticks with it
that gets a
gymnast to W
the college
Kabnick said.
high school,
Kabnick conpeted
in USA Gymnastics
meets for individual
competition. When w. JOHN KR
she was 15 and 16
years old, she made it to the USA

Championships, which is
equivalent to the
national reet for elite
She had her choice
of three universities
- Georgia, Florida
and Michigan.
Kabnick said that
she opted for
because of the
combination of
coaching and
FTDaily academics.
"The atmosphere and
the U-of-M tradition are also really

big reasons for why I chose to
come here - all the extras that
Michigan had was what made the
difference," Kabnick said.
Despite the fact that Kabnick has
been competing for more than 15
years, she has manage. to stay
focused and nootivated in conpeti-
"Being on the Michigan team has
motivated me just because of the
atmosphere," she said. "And that
says a lot because once you have
been doing it for so long, it is hard
to find something to motivate you
and keep you wanting to do it."
The fans and the excitement of

competition keep Kabnick's intensi-
ty level alive, which is why the
senior names the floor exercise as
her favorite event. She said it is the
most fun because it draws the most
attention and participation from the
Kabnick looks back on her time
as a Wolverine with fond memories.
She said that she has developed
strong friendships and a great rela-
tionship with her coaches.
"This year, especially, has been a
great year for everyone on the team
because we all click and the coach-
es have stuck by us through ups and
See KABNICK, Page 18A

Lauren LaBranche ('95-'98)
is a senior on this year's
team, which is ranked
No. 2 in the nation
heading into NCAAs.

Four men's gymnasts to compete in NCAAs

While the team portion of the Michigan men's gymnastics season Is over, four
Wolverines will vie for individual national titles this weekend at Penn State.
N ff ...

By David DenHerder After naking the all-Big Ten team
Daily Sports Writer his freshman year, the Michigan co-
Most members of the Michigan captain struggled with new and more
men's gymnastics teamn ---------------------- difficult routines early
have put 1998 behind NCAA Championships this season, and finished
them, for better or worse, Who:Lato Haro,Justin Toan, in a disappointing ninth
setting their sights on next Kenny Keener and 'm Lauring place at the Big Ten
year. Where: State Cokge Championships in
But four Wolverines still When: Today through Saturday March. But Haro pulled
have unfinished business. his skills together when
After concluding successful individual it counted, and he is again wowing
seasons in their respective events, each crowds and impressing judges.
will have the shot to take honoe a "He's just more dynamic - more
national title this weekend as they trav- explosive than your typical gymnast,"
el to Penn State for the NCAA Michigan coach Kurt Golder said of
Championships. Haro's flashy style.
Sophomore LaLo Haro will compete A surprising absence from tonight's
tonight for the all-around title. Haro all-around field will be Penn State
earned one of six at-large bids for the freshman and Big Ten champion Mike
NCAAs two weeks ago at the regional Dutka. After a debacle at regionals, the
competition in Amherst, Mass., where Nittany Lions failed to qualify for the
he recorded a score of 56.65. NCAAs as a team, and Dutka's score
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was not high enough for an at-large bid.
Aside from the prestige of the all-
around, Michigan will also be repre-
sented in three of tonight's individual
On parallel bars, freshman Justin
Toman captured the first at-large bid
from the East region with 9.800. A

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member of this year's all-Big Ten team
and the co-Big Ten champion in the
event, Toman may be Michigan's best
chance for an NCAA title this weekend.
"He looked real good today in prac-
tice," Golder said after a team workout
yesterday. "I think he has a real good

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