10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 15, 1998 'Ben Stein' wins over fans 'Giant' sprouts little laughs I By Michael Galloway Daily TV/New Media Editor Ever watch "Jeopardy" and hate when Alex Trebek so smugly supplies the correct question to an answer? Anyone can seem smart when the answer is written right in front of them. But what if Alex put his money where his mouth was and became a common contestant? What if he put up, say, $5,000 of his own money that said he was smarter than the other contestants? Well, he'd be just like Ben Stein from the game show "Win Ben Stein's Money." The Emmy-nominated hit series on Comedy Central series returns for its second season tonight with a special tax day episode. Also returning the Robin to Stein's Batman, co-host and comedi- an Jimmy Kimmel. When asked in a phone interview whether the show will have any changes, Kimmel replied, "Yes, Ben will be (replaced hy) a busty blonde. No, nothing that will really affect you viewers. We have video screens instead of the boards." For people who have to know whether the light really goes on when you close the refrigerator door, Kimmel said that there really were guys behind the gameboard changing the cards when categories were chosen. "Yeah, those were the guys I used to hang out with and talk about Red Wings' games. Win Ben Now, its sad. I Stein's Money find myself talk- ing about Red Wings' games Comedy Central with the video Weeknights at 7:30 screens." Besides creat- ing one-sided conversations, the video screens also allow for video questions to be asked. Other than the occupation- al relation between tonight's contes- tants, all of whom have "jobs related to taxes," the rest of the show will be the same. At first, three contestants try to answer the questions posed by Stein. Then Kimmel talpes over in the second round as Stein himself enters the com- petition. Finally, the contestant who has taken the most of Stein's money (which the player gets to keep) gets a chance at all $5,000 by going "mano-a-mano" with Stein in the "best of 10 test of knowl- edge." The finalist and Stein are placed Cyresy of ye yC eyral, Contestants who need money can, anyone, anyone, tlake home Ben's pay check on "Win Ben Stein's Money." in sound-proof booths and are each given a minute to answer the same 10 questions. If Ben ties or answers fewer questions correctly, then he loses all $5,000 of his money. Does Jimmy get any extra money if Ben wins? "No. I get paid the same no matter what," Kimmel said. "It's kind- of nice. It doesn't matter if I'm funny or not funny." Actually, Kimmel's humorous quips and side comments made the show pos- sible. He says the producers at first tried having only Stein host the show, with- out much success. "I was auditioning to cohost on another game show which didn't run ..." Kimmel said, "but (the producers) liked me a lot and thought I was funny. So they brought me over." Anyone who has seen the show knows that Kimmel provides the spon- taneity and energy that the more reserved but amiable Stein cannot. After all, Stein is best known for his hysterically unemotional role call in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." Kimmel said that Stein hears the word "Bueller" mentioned to him "about 35 times a day," an exaggeration probably not far from the truth, since he added that around the set, "We're no longer allowed to say 'Bueller' around Ben anymore." While Stein can portray languid apathy very well, this former Nixon speechwriter and law professor is too inhibited, modest and good-natured to be in-your-face arrogant and likable at the same time. This egocentric act goes as far as the show's scripted lines carry it. Another of the show's weak- nesses is that the contestants often make feeble, nervous attempts at jokes. But overall, the show is entertaining. Part of the its appeal is its fill-in-the- blank set-up and its humor. One won- ders what famous line Stein will deliver in a completely monotone voice at the beginning of the show. Kimmel always some simile to encourage the third- round finalist when Ben i, in his sound proof booth, such as "whack him like a gopher." Then there are the funny but slightly hokey puns such as "Don't put Decartes before the horse" or "Chewed in Italy but Liechtenstein" The uncertainty of wlhether someone might win Ben Stein's money also draws viewers in, and it does happen. While not quite a hit, "Win Ben Stein's Money" is enjoying moderate success squaring off against "Jeopardy" in the 7:30 pm. weekday time slot - Stein always acts upset when a contestant mistakenly gives an answer in the form of a question. When Jimmy Kimmel was asked whether he and Ben would go on "Jeopardy," or if Alex Trebek might be invited onto their show, Kimmel replied, "Well, I wouldn't be going on 'Jeopardy,' but Ben would kick Alex Trebek's ass" Until the day of that mental show- down, however, viewers will have to be content with flipping between the two. By Prashant Tamaskar Daily Arts Witer When Billy Crystal worked with professional wrestler Andre the Giant on the set of "The Princess Bride," the comedian-actor came up with what he thought was a hilarious idea for a film: a struggling Hollywood agent tries to make a movie star out of an enormous man he meets in a foreign country. Eleven years later, without Andre the Giant (who passed away in 1993), Crystal has finally seen his project make it to the large screen. The end result is "My Giant," a movie that starts off amusing us, but by becoming too serious, eventually breaks down into a second-rate tear-jerker. Crystal plays Sam, a down-and-out agent, whose wife and son leave him as he travels to Romania, where his only talented performer is working on a film. While on the set, Sam is fired by his client, who feels that he is too small-time. Driving away in a rainstorm, Sam crashes his car into a lake, only to be saved by a pair of huge hands, which belong to Max (Gheorghe Muresan), a giant liv- ing all by himself in a_ castle. Max, who is iso- lated because of his size, befriends Sam. He tells the agent about his one true a love, who now is in America. "r< 'a Sensing a great opportunity, Sam convinces his savior to come back with f him to the U.S., where he cana become a big moviex star. Max only agrees to go if Sam will help him try to find his true love. The rest of the filma focuses on the duo's attempt to accom- plish their goals. The discrepancy in size between the 7-7 Muresan and the v e rt ica ll1y - ch a- w: lenged Crystal serves as an amus- ing contrast throughout most of the film, but this one joke is not enough to drive the entire story. Crystal uses the height differen- tial as the means to incorporate his shtick. Unfortunately, his lines are generally uninspired and pre- dictable, making more evident the Billy Crystal gets shorty with ba fact that his movie Muresan. n, ersona has grown stale. Moreover, the film does not provide its giant with enough My Giant opportunities to create laughter. Muresan, who, by trade, is. a ** center for the Washington At Brarwood Wizards of the National and Showcase Basketball Association, has a very engaging screen personali- ty that ends up being wasted. His character does not have many funny lines and is not put in unusual situations that gener- ate laughs. Instead, Muresan is forced to play Crystal's straight man, leaving a valuable humor resource untapped. Still, "My Giant" is moderately entertaining for most of the film because of the amiability of Muresan's char- S acter and the few instances where Crystal's jokes do hit the mark. But this changes once the movie decides to take itself seriously. Sam finds out that his large friend has a weak heart, and begins questioning his own intentions as an agent. He also misses his wife and child. Max makes him realize that their love, which once was not enough for him, is all hel needs. This portion of the movie is dull and underdeveloped. Director Michael Lehmann, who is never quite sure of 4 where he wants to go with the film, is does not handle this tone shift very well. The result is a sappy, falsely emo- tional final stanza that is reminiscent of "Jack" another film which starred Robin Williams that failed to capitalize on an inter- esting premise. "My Giant" will most likely be Muresan'sk only real chance for fame out- side a basketball arena. His limitations make it unlikely that he will ever have1 another starring role. The athlete's game performance in this film is just about the Courtesy of Columbia Pictures only thing preventing ketball beanpole Gheorghe it from being a giant waste of time. 3s I.. "T HE SEVEN DEADLY SINS IN APPLYING TO LA SCHOOL AND HOW TO AVOID THEM" A Seminar on the Law School Admission Process and the Successful Student's Approach Featured Topics Include: * How Law Schools Evaluate Applicants * How to Select Law Schools " Strategy and Timetable for Admission + Free Comparative Guide to Law Schools Presented by EXCEL Test Preparation Call 996-1500 for additional information WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th 7:30 PM MICHIGAN UNION - PENDLETON ROOM ALL STUDENTS WELCOME - NO CHARGE SEMELE Continued from Page 9 from all years in school. From first-ye. vocal performance to doctoral compos tion students, the opera is well-repr sented by many talented individuals. "From a musical standpoint, this prc duction offers the opportunity' fc singers and instrementalists to work an entire piece, rather than excerpts Gordon said. "It also gives some. of i younger singers their first exposure to full opera from the inside out. For th more experienced singers, it is a chant to perform an entire role that might ni otherwise be available.' Students were not without their duff culties in the presentation of th Baroque opera. "Baroque opera is difficult to pe form. We even had (Music Pr. Edward Parmentier give a lecture to cast about the music of the opera and 1 era" Vera explained. "'Semele' is different than oth. Baroque operas because Handel inten< ed it to be performed as an oratorio. wasn't meant to be staged:' Vera also mentioned how the theater atmosphere adds to the character of tI performance. "We're pleased to be able to perfor the opera in the McIntosh The because of its intimate setting. At time when Baroque opera was first, pe formed, large-scale opera houses didn exist," Vera said. With musical direction by Music do toral student Tania Miller, the accomp nying orchestra is entirely composed students as well. The group of 13 mes cians is highly regarded as being the be of their field. "The small Baroqi orchestra that has been assemble amazing. They're really good," Ye said. The students now are seeing the efforts come to fruition. "Everyone got heavily involved helping out and making this a reality 11 great to see this dream become a rea ty," Vera said. Semele plays tonight and Fridav-a p.m., Saturday at 8:30 p.m.at Sunday at 8 p.m. Tickets are free,- b reservations are required byca E Fresr owtd yeoo D siff& ao W ' w s 5 ax w ee ,,run s a r 0 so$0.Sab e asona , r sapply SA IRAVEL... ~ - ThE800}a(Xiii777-0112 ____ LARGESTETSTA TRAVEL TRAVEL ORGANIZATON. We've been there. ANN ARBOR I (24South Uiversity ealeutar) B O 0K YO0U R T IC KE T O N L 1 N E A T: (1214 Sooth U~niversit Avenat, uputairs) I . -j i