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April 15, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-15

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The Michigan Dady - Wednesday, April 15, 1998 - 3

Harvard to
Radliffe's role
The Fellows of Harvard University
.and the Trustees of Radcliffe College
are planning to redefine the historical-
ly ambiguous role of Radcliffe
-College, the Harvard Crimson report-
ed Monday.
Unnamed sources close to the dis-
~cussions said Radcliffe, once the
female counterpart to Harvard, may
"soon relinquish its 119-year-old title of
undergraduate college and instead refo-
us itself as a women's research institu-
The changes in the Harvard-
Radcliffe relationship will likely
include the removal of Radcliffe's offi-
cial seal from undergraduate females'
~diplomas and put a greater focus on
research efforts at Radcliffe.
While many people said they were
surprised by the news, some say they
see the potential developments aste
*ogical next step in Radcliffe's evolu-
U. of Kentucky
Greek houses to
be dry by next fall
-._University of Kentucky fraternities
and sororities will no longer be allowed
to have alcohol in their houses begin-
'nipng next fall, the Kentucky Kernel
*'eported last Thursday.
After months of discussions with
student leaders, the university's
Board of Trustees approved the new
policy last week. Campus leaders at
UK cited alcohol-related deaths at the
Massachusetts Institute of
.Technology and Louisiana State
University last year as reasons why
Greek systems should adopt alcohol-
ofree housing.
UK's Interfraternity Council had
hoped the policy would be enacted later
in the future, but said it plans to adjust
to the change.
Study shows Greek
system members
likely to graduate
'.A study released last week suggests
What students involved in the Greek sys-
Aem are more likely to stay in school
than other undergraduates, Oregon
State University's OSU Daily
Barometer reported Monday.
The study finds that alumni of fratermi-
ties or sororities are more likely to donate
money to their alma maters, as well as
feel better about the social aspects of their
undergraduate experience.
The study was conducted by the
Center for Advanced Social Research at
the University of Missouri and reported
by the Research Initiative of the National
-Panhellenic Conference and the National
Interfraternity Conference.
Hole in computer
security exposes
UNH student info
A leak in the University of New
Hampshire's computer systems that
could have been fixed a year ago was

not solved until last Wednesday, The
New Hampshire reported Monday.
The error, which allowed access to
personal information of all the univer-
dsity's students, faculty, staff and admin-
istrators, was discovered accidentally
by a student last spring.
He immediately reported the prob-
em to a university administrator who
did not report it to his supervisor
because he "thought he fixed it."
But the student recently re-reported
the problem after realizing that the per-
sonal information was still readily
accessible to any user.
Computer administrators pulled the
confidential files from the system last
Wednesday. Since then, computers assis-
, tants have removed the login information
from the Windows 95 systems and are
checking people in manually. The prob-
lem did not affect Macintosh systems.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Christine A. Paikfrom the University

Citizens petition state to protect doves

By Lee Palmer
Daily Staff Reporter
Mourning doves, named for their bitter-sweet
song, could be considered fair game for Michigan
hunters for the first time in 93 years if potential
legislation to reclassify the songbird as a game-
bird becomes law.
Sen. David Jaye (R-Macomb), who chairs the
newly formed Senate Hunting. Fishing and
Forestry committee, said he will introduce such a
bill as soon as he can get a majority vote in the
House or Senate. -
Protected from hunters by state law since 1905,
mourning doves are not overpopulated, do not
damage farmers' crops and provide little meat
when killed, said members of the University's
Michigan Animal Rights Society.
MARS members have joined statewide petition-
ing efforts to oppose legislation that would allow
the hunting of the mourning dove in Michigan.
MARS Vice President Jessica Penny, an LSA

junior. said she cannot understand why hunters
would target the bird.
"There are doves that live around the (Ann
Arbor) area. I see them when I'm walking my
dog," Penny said. "They have a distinctive, mourn-
ful song --- they're smaller than pigeons, cream-
colored and a symbol for peace.
"Basically, the only reason someone would
shoot them is because they enjoy killing some-
thing," Penny said.
Jaye said hunters have the right to shoot doves.
"Mourning doves are like flying rats - it's a
game bird available to every man, Jaye said. "You
don't need expensive training or equipment to hunt
them "
Doris Dixon, an Ann Arbor resident who heads
the Michigan Office of the Fund For Animals, said
she hopes local campaigning efforts will aid state
organizers who have already gathered more than
7,000 signatures.
"I maintain that (hunting doves) for food, is ludi-

crous; for sport, a sad commentary, and for any
reason, unnecessary," said Dixonwho also serves
as an adviser to MARS.
MARS member Allison Hess said she is encour-
aged by the response she has received from citi-
zens about the petition, and she is especially excit-
ed to see hunters sign on.
"Several hunters have signed our petitions
because hunting mourning doves will hurt the
image of hunters more than it will help it,' said
Hess, an LSA junior.
Engineering junior Jon Opdyke, who has
hunted for eight years, said he has no problem
killing mourning doves. but said he understands
the arguments against making dove hunting
legal. The most convincing reason is that doves
are known to perch on power lines, Opdyke
"I would probably hunt (doves) if it were
legal for variety. But I understand the argument
about the power lines," Opdyke said. "A lot of

hunters wouldnt take that discretion, and a
shotgun would take down an electrical wire
pretty easily."
Dennis Knapp, who works as a wildlife biolo-
gist for the \Iichigan United Conservation Clubs,
said the M UC's membership has passed numer-
ous resolutions supporting the legalization Jave
hopes to propose.
-The dove is the number one game bird in North
America and it is hunted in 39 states," Knapp said.
"Biologically. there is no reason we can't have a
hunting season (for the dove) in this state."
less said that while hunting is not as prevalent
in Ann Arbor compared to the rest of the state, res-
idents interested in opposing the legislation should
let their views be known.
"Petitioning is our most important tool to help
save the birds. It is a way to educate the public and
make our voices heard," Hess said. "Ann Arbor
isn't a big hunting city, but there is some, so pro-
tecting the birds near the city is important.

Task force to analyze state
of living-learning programs

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
The Residence Hall Association will
form a task force to evaluate the current
state of living-learning programs in
University residence halls and submit its
findings to the Office of the Provost.
"Our report is to raise a student voice
or student perspective within the living-
learning programs," said Albert Garcia,
RHA president-elect.
The task force will be chaired by
Garcia and will consist of 20 members
who presently live in one of the
University's six living-learning programs,
including the 21st Century Program,
Lloyd Scholars, Undergraduate Research
Opportunity Program, Women in Science
and Engineering, the Residential College
and the Honors Program.
The task force members will interview
other living-learning residents, residence
hall staff and program administrators to
determine the benefits and drawbacks of
the living environments.

"The point is to examine the living-
learning communities to see what makes
them work and not work,' said Roderick
Thompson, an RHA representative from
East Quad Residence Hall.
Garcia said the report will go to
Provost Nancy Cantor as a supplement to
a two-part report submitted by the
Living-Learning Programs Task Force.
In addition to descriptions of existing
programs, the report made recommenda-
tions to add five additional programs
with the following themes: invention and
creativity; society and health; science
and mathematics; issues of gender and
leadership; and democracy and diversity.
Director of Housing William Zeller
said students were involved in the
Living-Learning Programs at the
University of Michigan report.
"We worked very closely with RHA
and had several student representatives
on that report," Zeller said. "RHA pro-
vided an endorsement" at the time the
report was submitted.

Garcia said task force members also
will interview students who live in resi-
dence halls without living-learning pro-
grams to gather student opinion on pro-
grams that could be implemented.
"We're going to be sitting down with
residents from those halls that don't have
programs and talk with them aboui ...
the proposed ideas,' Garcia said.
All five of the proposed living-learn-
ing programs are under consideration
by the Office of the Provost. There is no
set date for their implementation if they
are approved, said Director ofHousing
Public Affairs Alan Levy.
Garcia said the RHA task force will
submit its supplemental report to Cantor
by May 1.
"Ideally, she'll recognize and expand
those areas that are working well,"
Garcia said.
Levy said recommendations made by
the RHA task force may be considered
by Housing in their own evaluations of
the programs.

MSA Committee Chairs and Appointed Representatives

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark speaks yesterday at the First
Presbyterian Church on the results of U.S. sanctions against Iraq.
Former Attorney
General disc1,usseslIraq

At last night's Michigan Student Assembly meeting, the following
people were elected to committee chair positions:
Communications Committee: Joe Bernstein
Budget Priorities Committee: David Burden
Campus Governance Committee: Mehul Madia
Rules and Elections Committee: Josh Trapiani

External Relations: Andrew Coulouris
Treasurer: Brarr Elias
The following people were appointed by the LSA Student
Government as MSA representatives:
LSA junior David Singer, LSA sophomore Ozell Xiante and
LSA first-year student Shabatayah Andrich


By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
About 200 people gathered last
night at the First Presbyterian Church
of Ann Arbor to listen to former U.S.
Attorney General Ramsey Clark
speak against the trade sanctions on
Iraq and the effects they are having on
the Iraqi people.
Clark, who now chairs the
International Action Center, said the
sanctions are genocidal and must stop.
"Sanctions use hunger as a weapon
of peace," Clark said. "It's absolutely
imperative that we ... show our oppo-
sition to these sanctions and ensure
that they are not used again."
Clark talked about the problems
sanctions cause in Iraq and dis-
cussed the hypocrisy of the United
States in using such sanctions. Clark
said the United Mtates' use of human
rights as a justification for the
restrictions is not valid.
"We better practice virtue at
home before we preach it abroad"
Clark said.
LSA sophomore Will Youmans
said one problem in the United States
today is the apathy citizens feel
toward their government. He said
people "go along like sheep" with
everything the government does.
"We no longer hold the govern-
ment accountable for its actions,"
Youmans said. "We can punish a
whole country because of a leader."
Clark compared the struggle
against sanctions to the civil rights
struggle that occurred during his
tenure as attorney general. He quoted

the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
although he said that even King
"couldn't imagine the violence our
government commits" today.
Clark plans to visit Iraq on May 6
with a group of about 100 other
activists to give medicine to children
and elderly people sutering from cur-
able diseases.
The medicine will be paid for with
money raised at events such as last
night's, said Brian Becker of the
Campaign for Medicine for Iraq.
"The sanctions are evil and must be
destroyed," Becker said. "They have
successfully carried out the extermi-
nation of 1 .5 million people."
Clark said he hopes the trip will
provide the people in Iraq with hope.
"We can show them that there are
millions of people over here that love
them, care for them and will sacrifice
to help them," Clark said.
The group will buy discounted
medicine from companies and then
travel through the Mideast before
going to Iraq. Youmans said he hopes
the group does not encounter trouble
on their trip and that the trip increases
visibility of the problems in Iraq.
LSA senior Heidi Arraf, president
of the Arab American Anti-
Discrimination League, said recent
events, including the forum on Iraq
in Columbus, Ohio, in February,
have raised concern about condi-
tions in Iraq.
"That was a real shocker to the
government," Arraf said. "It told them
that they don't have as widespread
support as they think they have"



0, 1





0 Tickets to attend First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's speech will be available at the Michigan Union Ticket Office. This
was misrepresented in yesterday's Daily.





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