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January 16, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-16

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 16, 1998


Continued from Page 1
dents to the University.
Her death dealt an emotional blow to
the Markley staff.
"It was tragic," said Faik. "It's
taken me personally a long time to
recover. She affected all of our lives.
She taught us that life is short. You
should go out and get the most out of
it while you can.
"Her hall was shaken," Faik contin-
ued. "For awhile, that was the quietest
hall in Markley."
Sharangpani's passing led many to
reflect about the fragility of life.
"When anybody that's well known
dies, everyone pauses to think about
life, the brevity of life," said Jason
Wilkinson, an Engineering sophomore
who lived on Sharangpani's hall. "It
catches you off guard. You go away, and
you come back, and that person isn't
The name change required some
bureaucratic approval from University
Housing. It took most of this past year
for Roane to win approval for the dedi-
"There's a University policy with
respect to naming facilities," said
Alan Levy, director of Housing pub-
lic affairs. There was no defense of

the old name, "Concourse Lounge,"
Levy said, but the renaming still had
to be considered carefully.
"We want to make sure that (a name)
is appropriate, that there aren't compet-
ing interests who haven't been consid-
ered," Levy said.
Levy said there are two routes to
renaming a building or room on
campus. The naming of significant
structures is only done with approval
of the University Board of Regents.
Less noticeable, uncontested name
changes, such as this one, can be
done with approval of Maureen
Hartford, vice president for student
Levy pointed out that every year a
number of staff, students and facul-
ty die, but not all can receive memo-
Roane said the Sharangpani dedi-
cation was approved largely because
Sharangpani was not only a student
but also an adviser and instructor
whose engaging personality made her
a significant part of the Markley
On the one-year anniversary of
Sharangpani's death, Roane, Faik
and other Markley staffers held a
celebration at Good Time Charley's
restaurant to remember



it ~ 0 lV

Continued from Page 1.
active. Michael Nastos, an announcer at
WEMU, a local radio station featuring
jazz music, said he knows why.
"1 do believe that people who under-
stand jazz have a deeper understanding
of romanticism," Nastos said.
He also said the spontaneity of jazz
music and its personal sound may
prompt more spontaneous sex and that
many jazz songs help listeners under-
stand the meaning of sex and love.
"They probably have a deeper under-
standing that you can't have sex without
love," Nastos said. "People who listen to
jazz understand that when you combine
the two, it means a great deal more.
When people understand that, it takes sex
to a higher level."
Siddall expressed both amusement
and confusion about some of the factors
the study linked to sexual drive, includ-
ing politics and religion. "I admit I don't
watch much television or play many
sports, but I seriously doubt that these
explain why people with a graduate edu-
cation have less sex," Siddall said.
Siddall, whose Biology 101 class is
conducting a sex study via the Internet,
said many factors influenced the people
responding to the Chicago study.
Continued from Page 1
begun, the changes are "fairly complex"
to implement because they involve a
great deal of fine-tuning before they will
be completely efficient.
Michigan wrestler Brandon Howe
said the team is pleased with the
changes and looks forward to compet-
ing with the new modifications.
"Some of the things may take a little
time to get used to," said Howe, a for-
mer All-America wrestler and
Kinesiology senior. "But if guys aren't
tired from cutting weight, then not only
does the sport become safer, but it
Lord of Light Lutheran Church
801 S. Forest (at Hill St.) 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship at 10a.m.
THUR,: Faith and Fiction Group 7:00
John Rollefson, Campus Pastor
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306 N. Division 663-0518
(2 blocks north and i block w'es
of intersection of Huron and State)
SUAY Eucharists-8am and loam
Adult Education-9am
Call for weekly service times,
to get on mailing list,
or if you have questions.
1511 Washtenaw, Near Hill
Pastor Ed Krauss, 663-5560
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.

National Opinion
Research Center study
1 On average, individuals engage
in sex 58 times per year.
* High school graduates average
58 sexual contacts per year,
respondents with some college
education have 62 per year, those
with four-year degrees have 56
and this with post-graduate -
degrees have 50.
1 People who work 60 hours a
week have more sex than those
with more leisure tiMe.
"Sleep patterns can dramatically
influence circulating hormone levels and
sex drives. Do academics have abnormal
sleep patterns? I don't know, but it
wouldn't surprise me. There aren't too
many of us who follow a nine-to-five
daily regimen," Siddall said.
Rackham student Jennifer Ladd said
that graduates students' focus on the
future may explain the low number of
sexual encounters.
"We're in a program because we have
plans for the future," Ladd said. "So if
we're investing so much time and ener-
gy into these plans, we may be really
choosy in picking a mate."
- The Associated Press contributed to
this report.
become more exciting, too."
Howe said he hopes the additional
changes in the Michigan program set a
national precedent.
In order for the weight class recom-
mendations to take effect,
Papadopoulos said changes will have to
be made at the national level. He said
University officials will give input to
the NCAA's wrestling rules committee
before its April meeting.
On Tuesday, the NCAA adopted a
series of regulations to improve
wrestling safety, several of which corre-
sponded with recently approved
changes at the University.
"I'm proud of the initiative taken by
the University and this board,"
Papadopoulos said. "We have really
moved with great speed and I feel now
we can look and say, 'At Michigan we
have safety in collegiate wrestling."'
Engineering senior and crew team
nember Michelle Wolbert, who serves
as a student representative on the Board
in Control, said the Athletic
Department's steps coincide with plans
she and other student-athletes have
been working on for several months.
Wolbert said a significant number of
collegiate competitors struggle with
eating disorders and are concerned they
will be prohibited from competing if
they have weight problems. Wolbert
said nutritionists could play a more
integral role in the wrestling program
along with all other collegiate athletic
Goss said the plans offer a form of
optimism to a sport that recently has
been marred with tragedy.
Goss said the changes will be in writ-
ing by Wednesday afternoon.
-- Daily Stff Reporter Katie Plona
contributed to this report.

Winter 2 Seas
Registration D
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Glenn may return to space on Discovery
WASHINGTON - NASA is expected to announce today that Sen. John Glen
the first American to orbit the earth 36 years ago, will return to space in Octob
as part of the shuttle Discovery mission.
Glenn, who will turn 77 in July, will be the oldest person to ever go into s4
He has been asking the space agency for several years for the opportunity, argur
that he could be an in-flight subject for tests that might shed light on the agir
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration declined to confirm yestercd
that Glenn would return to space, but it scheduled a news conference for today th
Glenn planned to attend.
The senator, too, refrained from commenting yesterday. But, met by a gaggle t
reporters outside his Capitol Hill office, he said cheerfully: "I can understand the
is a great deal of interest in this matter, but today I just don't have any comment C
it. I look forward to discussing this at the appropriate time."
The Ohio Democrat, a senator since 1975 who plans to retire at the end of
year, is said to be fit enough to meet NASA's health and fitness standards for s
flight. He pilots his own twin-engine plane between Washington and Ohio eve
week, and even set a speed record in 1996. He lifts weights and takes a brisk tw
mile walk every day in his neighborhood in Potomac, Md.

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Studies question
life on Mars
WASHINGTON - Organic chemi-
cals found in a Martian rock may be
contamination from Earth and not evi-
dence of life on the Red Planet, new
studies suggest. But NASA scientists
say the reports "don't shake our belief
one bit."
Laboratory studies at the University of
Arizona at Tucson, and the Scripps
Institute of Oceanography show that
amino acids and carbon found in rock
from Mars probably got there after the
rock landed on Earth and lay on
Antarctic ice for thousands of years.
This disputes a theory led by two
NASA scientists that found evidence
that Martian microbes once lived inside
the rock, leaving behind fossil-like
blobs and organic chemicals.
"Neither paper changes our original
hypothesis,' said Everett Gibson, Jr., a
NASA researcher. "They don't shake
our belief one bit."
Gibson and David McKay, both of
the Johnson Space Center in Houston,

announced in August 1996 that th
had found evidence of life in a met
orite from Mars. The rock, call
ALH84001, was found in an ice fie
in Antarctica and has been identi
chemically as originating from MA
Labor secretary:
allegations are false
WASH INGTON - Labor Secreta
Alexis Herman denied allegations ye
terday of selling her influence in tI
White House and said she "will not 1
distracted" by a Justice Departme
President Clinton, too, defend
Hernlan when asked about the accus
tion shortly beyore the two were 1
appear in New York. "I don't belie
that for a nlinute," he said.
"I want you to know that these all
gations aren't true;' Herman tol
reporters earlier during a brief appea
antce on the Labor Department step
"My attorney ... has contacted ti
Justice Department and has told 4
that I will cooperate fully."

- ...



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Suharto's economic
power slows reform
JAKARTA, Indonesia - At his
drink stand tucked at the edge of shan-
tytown, Papajana does his small part to
contribute to the fortunes of
Indonesia's first family, one of the
world's wealthiest. Every time
Papajana sells a pack of clove ciga-
rettes or a bottle of water, flicks on the
light or the television or makes a tele-
phone call, one of the children of
Indonesia's president gets a little richer.
President Suharto and his six children
have an estimated net worth of $40 bil-
lion, equal to roughly half of this coun-
try's gross domestic product. Their influ-
ence flows to nearly every capillary of
Indonesian life: They control assets from
oil and electricity to planes, cars, toll
roads, newspapers and television.
Their monopolistic grip on the econ-
omy is one of the biggest obstacles to
the country's recovery, the International
Monetary Fund says. And in the midst
of the economic crisis here, as long as
Suharto refuses to embrace reforms
that would endanger his clan's interests,

U 7 0 - -. - -1i F -- --T

the country's currency continues 1
drop, prices rise, and people li<
Papajana get poorer every day. *
"He is the head of the country
Papajana says pointing to a fading pii
ture of Suharto pasted on the plywoc
wall of his shack, in a place of hon
next to a poster of the Marlboro Ma
"We are just the very tip of the tail?'
Israel accused of
backing out of deal
JERUSALEM - Palestinian lea
ers accused Israel yesterday of "lool
ing for excuses" to wriggle out of i
commitment to withdraw from occi
pied lands in the West Bank and of try
ing to sabotage peace talks wit
President Clinton in Washington ne;
At news conferences in Hebroi
Jericho and Jerusalem, Palestinian off
cials tried to take the offensive ag
Israeli Cabinet decisions this U
hardening Israel's position in peac
- Compiled from Daily wire report




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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail ar
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NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Edito
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk. Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Reilly Brennan, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud, Greg Cox, Rachel Edelman, Margene Eriksen. Megan Exley, Maria Hackett,
Mike Haven, Stephanie Hepburn. Debra Hirschfield. Steve Horwitz. Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff, Neal Lepsetz, Ken Mazur. Chris
Metinko. Pete Meyers. William Nash. Christine M. Paik, Lee Palmer, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port. Diba Rab, Alice Robinson, Peter Romer.
Friedman, Niia Schulte, Carly Southworth, Mike Spahn, Sam Stavis. Jason Stoffer. Heather Wiggin, Kristin Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Katie Plona.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Edltoi
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schillaci, Sarah Lockyer
STAFF: Kristin Arola, Ellen Friedman, Lea Frost. Eric Hochstadt. Scott Hunter, Jason Korb. Yuki Kuniyuki, David Lai, James Miller, Joshua
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SPORTS John Leroi, Managing Editoi
EDITORS: Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Alan Goldenbach. Jim Rose, Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: T J .Berka, Josh Borkin. Evan Braunstein, Chas Duprey, Chris Farah. Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John Friedberg,
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Editori
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Emily Lambert, Elizabeth Lucas
SUB-EDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music, Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus ArtIs), Joshua Pederson (Film), Jessica Eaton (Books), Stephanie Jo Klein (TV/New Media)
STAFF: Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett. Colin Bartos. Sarah Beldo, Caryn Burtt, Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam. Brian Cohen, Gabe Fajuri,
Chris Felax. Laura Flyer, Michael Galloway. Geordy Gantsoudes. Anna Kovalski. Emily Lambert, Stephanie Love, James Miller. Rob
Mitchum. Stephen Paruszkiewicz. Joshua Pederson, Jennifer Petlinski. Ryan Posly, Aaron Rich, Joshua Rich, Deveron Q. Sanders, An
Smith-Lindall, Julia Shih, Gabriel Smith. Prashant Tamaskar. Ted Watts, Michael Zilberman, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Sara Stillman, Edito
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn
STAFF: Louis Brown, Daniel Castle. Mallory S.E. Floyd, John Kraft, Kevin Krupitzer. Kelly McKinnell, Bryan McLellan, Emily Nathan, Paul Talanian.
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STAFF: Aison Goldman, Jason Hoyer, Debra Liss, Amber Melosi, Jen Woodward.
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Edfto
STAFF: Chris Farah, Marqunia Ihev, Elizabeth Lucas.


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