The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 13, 1998 - 3A
Service to honor
late sychology
pro esror
Former psyi-hology Prof. Warren
WNorman died of a heart attack on April
8. Norman was a world renowned expert
on the structune of personality and the
statistical procdures used in personality
assessment. He authored several acade-
mic articles that contributed significant-
ly to the field of personality research.
During his career, Norman served on
several Aierican Psychological
Association committees that focused
on raising quality standards of tests and
other assessment devices. His honors
include visiting professorships, fellow-
ships and bctureships and appoint-
ments to the lOregon Research Institute,
the University of Birmingham in
England, thl University of Western
Australia rind the University of
Queensland, Australia.
A memodial service for Norman will
be held today in room 4448 of East
Hall at 2:30 p.m.
Regents to name
museum director
The University Board of Regents is
scheduled W approve James Steward as
the director of the University Museum
of Art at its April 21 meeting. Steward
is a speecialist in 18th- and 19th-
Century 'European visual culture. If
approved, he will also serve as an assis-
tant profvssor in the School of Art and
Design and adjunct assistant professor
in the history of art department.
Steward currently serves as chief
curator and assistant director of the
Berkeley Art Museum at the University
of California. At that post, he has
receivedi several major grants from the
Nationa. Endowment for the Arts and
the NVAtional Endowment for the
*Human ities. If approved, he will begin
his job at the University in mid-July.
Research slots
Uiergraduates with prior research
laborntory experience and a GPA of at
least 3.0 are needed to do research in
the field of protein biochemistry.
Positions are available in the spring or
*sumner and continue through the fall.
For inore information, visit the Website
http; Ilbioforge.biology.lsa.umich.edu/tz
andier/ and contact James Bardwell at
jbwsdwel@umich.edu or 764-8028.
receive honors
The American Geophysical Union
retently recognized two University fac-
uhty members for their research in the
geophysical sciences. Lars Stixrude, a
gtological sciences assistant professor,
is the 1998 recipient of the society's
bames B. Macelwane Medal, which
'honors an outstanding young scientist
for his or her work in the geophysical
sciences. Stixrude's has studied the
Earth's interior composition, structure
and evolution. He uses a variety of
experimental and theoretical methods
to study how Earth materials react to
high pressures and temperatures.
Geology Prof. Philip Meyers was
named an American Geophysical Union
fellow. Meyers is an organic geochemist
who specializes in oceanography and
limnology. His current research involves
glacial-interglacial marine productivity
cycles and impacts of environmental
changes on delivery of organic matter of
lake sediments.
Conference looks
at medical options
The College of Pharmacy is sponsoring
an all-day conference to discuss antioxi-
dants, homeopathic medicine and other
alternative medicinal therapies. The event
is scheduled for April 24, from 8:15 a.m.
to 4 p.m. at the Rackham Amphitheater.
Topics to be covered include the Federal
Drug Administration's view of alternative
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Lee Palmer
Rape Prevention Month wraps up this week
By Nikita Easley
For the Daily
With national Rape Prevention Month draw-
ing to a close the Sexual Assault Prevention
Awareness Center hopes its last week of
planned activities will further educate the com-
munity about the issues of sexual assault and
"We hope to be used as a support system."
said LaTresa Wiley, crisis line coordinator and
SAPAC counselor.
Activities planned for this week include a ben-
efit concert, the counseling program "Friends
and Family Helping to Heal" and "Take Back the
Night," a rally and march to protest violence
against women.
Last year, 5 rapes and 7 forcible fondlings
were reported to the Department of Public
SAPAC hopes to use the final week of Rape
Prevention Month to help eliminate misconcep-
tions people have about rape.
"Society puts the thought (in people's minds)
that the victim could have done something differ-
ent." Wiley said. "Let's get away from placing
blame on victims of assault and (start) placing it on
the perpetrator."
Along with this delusion is the misconcep-
tion that rape only happens to certain people,
said SAPAC Director Virginia Chitanda.
"Many people feel that it can't happen to
me," Chitanda said.
Chitanda added that many people feel they
do not look like a target and can identify any-
one that will attack them. But most rapes are
committed by acquaintances of the victi, not
SAPAC has peer-education programs, a 24-hour
crisis line and trained counselors to help victims of
sexual assault.
"Let's get away from placing blame on Victims
of assault and placing it on the perpetrator"
- LaTresa Wiley.
SAPAC counselor
"Every single case is different, so we work
with women on an individual basis." Chitanda
said. "We give them back control and facilitate
what they want to achieve so they continue to
be who they are."
Nursing first-year student Emily Mulla said
SAPAC and this week's activities will be useful
considering the number of reported sexual
assaults on campus.
Mulla says that she was a little naive when she
first arrived on campus, but after sexual assaults
occurred outside her residence hall she is a lot
more careful.
"In the beginning of the year, I felt safe, but
now I don't even walk alone past 10 p.m.,"
Mulla said.
In order to prevent sexual assault, DPS
Captain Terry Seames said "students should not
walk alone," and instead should "walk in pairs
and (walk) in well-lit areas."
SAPAC's benefit concert featuring Lisa
Hunter and Plaidipus is scheduled for tonight at
8 p.m. at the Union in the U-Club. For more
information call 763-5865.
Word perfect
Groups plan for
Earth Week events
By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who see garbage on the
Diag tomorrow should not stop to pick
it up.
Heaps of trash are scheduled to be
dumped on the lawn surrounding the
Diag at noon as part of Waste
Reduction Day - the second day of
Earth Week, which kicks off today.
"Each day, we're trying to have a
specific message to get across," said
SNRE first-year student Hanna
Wingard. Wingard said the trash on
the Diag is just part of the week-long
event, which is deserving of "an
entire year of intense focus."
"We're trying to get people to see
how much waste they're producing, but
we're also trying to gain the interest of
people who are not normally involved
in environmental organizations,"'
Wingard said.
Earth Week events include
Environmental Justice, Greening of
Corporations, Global Climate
Change and Rainforest Action days
in addition to Tuesday's focus on
waste management. The week runs
until Saturday.
This week, students will have the
chance to hear speakers address envi-
ronmental issues, see a movie con-
cerning environmental perspectives
and have lunch with Patrick
Dougherty, the artist who currently is
working on tree sculptures in the
SNRE junior Kristin Genovese, the
co-facilitator of Environmental Action,
said her organization tried to select top-
ics that students would be most inter-
ested in as themes for Earth Week.
"This year we tried to focus on a
variety of student groups on campus
and include different organizations in
our planning," Genovese said. "The
environment isn't just an issue for
SNRE students. It's something that
everybody can and should be interest-
ed in."
As part of the week's activities, stu-
dents will plant trees in an old car
hauled onto the Diag on Thursday
"This event will give the message
that cars can be dangerous," said SNRE
senior Mona Hanna, who chairs
Michigan Student Assembly's
Environmental Issues Committee. "It
will tell people to drive less and walk
Hanna said celebrating Earth Week is
a tradition at the University.
"In 1970, the University held the
nation's first-ever Earth Day," Hanna
said. Now, Earth Day is an annual
event, she said.
LSA junior Julian Garro said he 'is
somewhat wary about the week but
hopeful that it will have a positive
impact on many students.
"A lot of times, (seminars on cam-
pus) just promote a lot of bickering
and differing of opinion" Garro sai.
"Nothing ends up getting done. Qf
course, I don't think there's much anti
Earth Week attitude."
Garro said he thought the Party for
the Planet, a completely solar-powered
event that will end Earth Week on
Saturday, sounds inviting.
"Too often students are just con-
cerned with getting straight "A's" and
not with pitching in," Garro said,
"But I'll go to the party if there's fred
Earth Week events, including
demonstrations, a bike ride and activi-t
ties on the Diag, aim to involve every-=
one on campus by bringing the events
to the students. .
"The way the events are scheduled,
it makes it easy to take the first step,
said SNRE sophomore Sunshind
Jenkins. "It makes environmental
problems visible and makes it easyto
get involved."
LSA first-year student Andy
Gordon said the environment is a worZ
thy cause that everyone should
become aware of.
"I hadn't heard about (Earth Week)
before," Gordon said. "But hey, it's for
the environment..,I'll definitely stop by
and participate."
A complete list of Earth Week event
can be accessed at:
http://www umich. edu/-envsem/events
Engineering student Rodney Frank, a member of the group Word Association, raps at the Black Vibes open mic night
at the U-Club in the Michigan Union on Friday night.
Educators ponder ending recess
PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - Fear of
lawsuits over playground injuries and
the possibility of unsavory adults
lurking nearby, coupled with short-
ages of adults willing to supervise has
led to the cancellation of recess for
some elementary school students
across the country.
In Michigan, state-ordered increases
in the number of instructional hours are
chipping away at the number of recess-
Instruction minimums were 900
hours as recently as the 1994-95 school
year. This year the minimum is 1,041
hours. In the 1999-2000 school year, it
will be 1,098 hours.
The shift has some educators con-
"Because you teach more doesn't
mean children learn more," Debra
Lang, assistant superintendent of
elementary education for Bloomfield
Hills Schools, told The Oakland
Press of. Pontiac for a story yester-
"What we know about student learn-
ing is, if we give them a break to move
around. they learn more."
All of Oakland County's 28 school
districts still have recess, said Shelley
Yorke Rose, spokesperson for Oakland
The anti-recess movement got an
attention-grabbing boost when pub-
lic schools in Atlanta became the
first major city to eliminate recess in
favor of intensified academic pur-
"There's simply nothing I have
read or that I have done that would
encourage me to remove recess - in
fact, quite the opposite," Lang said.
"Some of the recent brain research
seems to indicate that if we give stu-
dents the chance to move around a
little bit, they come back refreshed
and better able to deal with the task
at hand and learn more efficiently."
Students agreed.
"I've got to go out with my friends
outside, we'll do it in the classroom,
and the teachers will get mad because
we're talking."
Sandra Faber, principal of University
Hills Elementary School in Rochester
Hills, says instructional requirements
should not include the elimination of
"1 know that we're mandated to
continue adding instructional time to
our day and that it's legislated by the
state, but I hope that recess is not the
way that we do that because it's such
and be a
crazy little
kid," said
L a u r a
"I've got to go out
with my friends and be
Rubens of1
Bloomfield a crazy litt
H i lls'
Conan t Bloo
School. "I
run around with my friend, play
tricks on the boys."
Another fifth-grader, Shaina
Kandel of West Bloomfield
le kid."
- Laura Rubens
imfield Hills fifth-grader
a necessary
part of child
she said.
principal said
she under-
stands the
thinking of
the Atlanta
school offi-
Township., said Saturday that recess
is important.
"We need time to socialize and run
around," the Ealy Elementary School
student said. "Teachers would get mad
because we would get hyper, and there
would be no time to get the hyperness
"If we don't have time to socialize
"I know what they're saying in
terms of, we have a lot to teach,"
said Sharon lvascu, principal of Oak
Ridge Elementary School in Royal
"Overall. academics is first and
foremost, but what does it take to
get good learning and good teach-
ing?" Ivascu continued.
"Sometimes it takes movement;
sometimes it takes getting the chance to
go outside and interact with their
Are humans illogical?
The answer may surprise you!
- and get MSA credit too! -
Lecture: Monday / Wednesday, 2:30-4
Discussion: Friday, 9; 11; 12
The Medical School faculty salary averages in Friday's edition of the Daily are nine-month averages for basic science
departments. This was incorrectly reported in Friday's Daily.
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