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April 10, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-10

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One hundred seven years ofedftoritdfreedom

April 10, 1998

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M' football k
earn visits
President Clinton suggests
ootball game at White House
o settle rivalry with Nebraska
y John Leroi
?aily Sports Writer
ASHINGTON - The game of touch
tball that everybody wanted to see never
naterialized, but not for a lack of trying.
The Michigan and Nebraska football
eams, who shared the 1997 national champi-
nship title, almost squared off on the White
ouse lawn yesterday where both teams were
ionored by President Bill Clinton.
"For the entire season, everybody in
merica wanted Michigan and Nebraska to
eet," Clinton said in the White House East
Loom yesterday afternoon. "And I'm the
person who could pull it off.
'Since the sun is out, we should go out and
ettle this. We'll call it the Rose Garden
owl' Clinton said.
Despite the absence of a national champi-
nship showdown on the East Lawn, both
earns said they were honored to be invited.
f course, the White House tour is old hat to
he Cornhuskers - they won the national
hampionship outright in 1994 and 1995 -
ut it's been half a century since the Michigan foo
higan football team won the national yesterday.
The Wolverines' basketball team paid for- undefeated
er President George Bush a visit after win- excellence on
ling the 1989 NCAA Tournament and the in the comma
ichigan hockey team was greeted by Vice swarming de
resident Al Gore after their national title in unit - and it
996. And, despite three split football nation- as well as Ro
I championships in the '90s, this is the first Heisman Tr
ime the president has invited two rival teams for their spec
o the White House at the same time. But at leas
We've had a lot of heavyweights in this pliments fell
m in the past," Clinton said. "But nothing Room was
ompares with today." national med
Clinton congratulated both teams on their es from both
U' to name
peaker Monday
University President Lee Bollinger
ill choose speaker from pool of
onorary degree recipients
y Katie Plona
Jennifer Yachnin
a y Staff Reporters
And the speaker is ...
The University plans to release the name of the spring
'ommencement speaker on Monday, just three weeks before
The University Board of Regents is scheduled to approve
he recommendations of the individuals who will receive
ionorary degrees at the commencement ceremony at its
pril 21 meeting.
"We don't want to embarrass somebody by having their
e out there six or eight weeks before the regents approve
t," said Secretary and Vice President for University
elations Walter Harrison.
The commencement speaker will be selected by University
'resident Lee Bollinger from the group of honorary degree
LSA senior Aedi Pang said she doesn't mind the late

announcement because it makes the speaker more of a sur-
"It's more important to me not when they announce it, but
he quality of the speaker," Pang said.
ut Engineering senior Eric Kustarz said he has greater
cerns than who will address him and his classmates, such
s where he will work after graduation.
"I don't really care," Kustarz said. "I've got bigger and bet-
er things to worry about."
Harrison said that in addition to traditionally holding
he undergraduate commencement ceremony in
ichigan Stadium, students also will receive a pair of
rain" tickets for seating in Crisler Arena in case of
nclement weather.
Graduates' relatives and friends will be able to view the
,mony on local cable television or on large video screens
The University will invest about $50,000 in the project,
larrison said. 0
Last year's spring commencement ceremony was damp-
ned by a heavy downpour.
Harrison said the University received numerous com-



By William N
Daily Staff Repo
It pays to b
The Univ
Michigan sc
professors ea
Wayne Sta
$78,900 pery
The Univer
many other tc
"We're or
University A
salaries in li
tions to be c
matter of gre
Among Bi
of $101,400.
on competiti
but also wi
University o
Lisa Baker.
average Ste
Harvard pa
"I think w
physiology P
erning body.
"But I kno
tive on a nati
The avera
the higher sa
School of N
The averag

tball captains Eric Mayes and Jon Jansen present President Bill Clinton with a team Jersey in the East Room of the White House

seasons and commitment to
the field, in the classroom and
unity. He singled out Michigan's
fense - the nation's top-ranked
s no-frills, mistake-free offense,
se Bowl MVP Brian Griese and
ophy winner Charles Woodson
tacular play.
st some of the president's com-
on deaf ears. Although the East
packed with members of the
ia as well as players and coach-
teams, Woodson was noticeably

absent. He is believed to be attending The
Masters in Augusta, Ga.
The rest of the Wolverines, however,
enjoyed a bus tour of Washington, lunch in
Georgetown and a tour of the White House
before taking a team picture with the presi-
dent. The team flew back to Ann Arbor via
charter plane last night.
"Obviously, we're very honored to be
here," Griese said. "This is something that
very few people get to do. It's very special
and one of the finer moments in my senior

During the I1-minute ceremony, Clinton
emphasized his admiration for both
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and Nebraska
coach Tom Osborne, saying Carr has "quick-
ly established himself as one of the best
coaches in college football" and calling the
now-retired Osborne a "truly great legend of
football like Knute Rockne, Bear Bryant and
Pop Warner."
This was Osborne's last hurrah as
Nebraska's coach after 36 successful years in
See FOOTBALL, Page 7

Casino plan
approved by;=
r fr
City Council
DETROIT (AP) -The City Council approved a $1.8
billion plan yesterday to make Detroit the largest city in
the country with casino gambling, despite complaints
that blacks were shut out of the project and concerns
about the riverfront location.
The plan to build three casinos in a warehouse district
east of downtown on the Detroit River now goes to the
Michigan Gaming Control Board for review,
"We're obviously very happy and very pleased," said
Herb Strather, chair of Atwater group. The partnership
includes Las Vegas-based Circus Circus, which won one
of the three casino franchises.
The other two went to MGM Grand and
Greektown/Chippewa Indians.
Mayor Dennis Archer pushed the project as a way to
revitalize the city's slumping economy, but was criticized
after none of the three franchises were awarded to blacks
in a city that is 80 percent black.
Archer countered by saying blacks had stakes in all 4
three casino groups and would benefit from the creation
of 11,000 permanent full-time jobs and the infusion of
$180 million in taxes a year that will go to fighting crimer
and supporting schools.
Casinos will "bring jobs, business opportunities, a new
stream of tax revenue and a first-class tourist attraction to
the City of Detroit," Archer said at a news conference, AP PHOT
standing in front of the council members who approved Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer thanks the City Council following its approval
See DETROIT, Page 2 of his $1.8 billion plan to build three casinos in Detroit.
Detroit casinos offer students easier access

iges top
ite list
e a University professor.
ersity ranks significantly higher than other
hools in faculty salaries, with full University
arning an average of $91,900 each year.
te professor wages came in a distant second at
rsity's average is impressive, but it is still below
op universities nationwide.
ne of the world's great universities," said
ssociate Provost Paul Courant, "We must pay
ne with other great higher education institu-
ompetitive, and the fact that we are lower is a
at concern."
g Ten schools, Michigan ranks second behind
, whose professors earn average annual wages
the ability to recruit and retain is dependent
ve faculty salaries, not only in the Big Ten,
th other comparable universities like (the
f California at) Berkeley and Northwestern
"said Vice President for University Relations
pays professors an average $92,700, the
anford professor makes $111,000, and
ys the most with an average salary of
e are more competitive in certain units," said
'rof. Louis D'Alecy, chair of the faculty's gov-
w in the Medical School, we ar not competi-
onal basis," he said.
ge salary varies by department, and some of
alaries are in the College of Engineering, the
Jursing, and College of Pharmacy, D'Alecy
e salary of Medical professors is $81,312, and
See SALARY, Page 7
at home
By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
While today marks the end of anoth-
er week in the college calendar, many
students will put aside books for some-
thing other than the usual parties -
Students will celebrate Good
Friday, Easter and Passover this
weekend by leaving the stress of
finals on campus and returning home
for the holidays.
SNRE junior Karl Koto said that
even though he lives in Ann Arbor, the
holiday gives him a reason to be with
his family.
"We'll probably get together and
work around the house, as a family,"
Koto said.
Other students, whose permanent
residences are out of the area, say they
are desperately searching for rides
home, so they can celebrate the holiday
with those they love.
"I will go home immediately if I can
find a ride," said LSA sophomore

Adam Kramer. "I'll go over to my
O mom's and have a nice dinner."
RC junior David Caroline said he's
flying home to Philadelphia for
Passover, which begins today.
"This is definitely family time and a
big religious event," Caroline said. "A
lot of students who aren't always reli-
gious will make an extra effort to par-
os ticipate in Passover."
o- LSA sophomore Ken Heskett said
f. the Easter holiday came without notice.
,n- "It's like, 'Guess what, it's Easter,"'
Heskett said. "There's just not enough
ne time between breaks to keep it

By Melissa Andrzejak
Daily Staff Reporter
Drop a coin in the slot, pull the handle and
try your luck. Detroit casinos are opening.
At least, that's what a vote of Detroit city
council members decided yesterday after-

publicity and debate over whether to bring
gambling to Detroit.
Detroit Resident Yetta Cassem said the
casinos are "black gold to Detroit," adding
that the casinos will help revitalize the city's
downtown area.

when unemployment was hi
would have had a great effec
my." said economics and Pub
Paul Courant. "I'm not so sui
teed now."
With unemployment rates

gh, the casino
t on the econ
blic Policy Pro
re that's guarar
low in Wayn



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