6B - The Michigan Daily Weekend Magazine - Thursday, April 9, 1998 67 w 7f -W The Michig, Daily Weeken El State of the Arts WCBN DJ enlivens airwaves with her spunky personality THE LAST WORTHLESS COLUMI By Gina Rasmussen D ily Arts \Writer Music plays a role in everyone's life in one way or another. For Art senior Nirrranda L. Tarrow, assistant music director and promotions coordinator of WCBN. 88.3, music is something she appreciates -- and it's her job. "Music is a big part of my life. I am like a 'hipster,"' said Tarrow, who does- n't perform as part of her involvement v, ith music. Tarrow has worked at WCBN for the past two and a half years. and this year w ill be her last. She is a regular D, broadcasting almost six hours a week on "Freeform" (12 p.m.-3 p.m. Thursdays) and "Radio Limbo / All Out Attack" (10 p.m.-I a.m. Fridays). Besides her on-air duties, she works off the air anywhere from four or five to 20 hours a week. Tarrow handles give- aways, tickets, guest lists, CDs and local concerts. Sometimes she has the opportunity to interview bands at the Shelter, St. Andrew's Hall or the Blind Pig. Although her job offers no monetary compensation, Tarrow said she enjoys it and that it has been her "single biggest source of friends "College radio is so different than commercial radio,' she said. "We have so much leeway and can play whatever we want." Commercial radio, on the other hand, has set playlists that must be followed. Other things Tarrow said she loved about her job include "the access to the CD library, the free stuff and the fact that people know me." She said having people recognize her gies her a feeling of accomplish- ment. "The best experience I can remember was when I was in a restaurant in Ypsilanti and a customer recognized me by my voice," she recalled. "She said that she listened to my program and laughed so hard that she almost peed her pants. I was talking about a fight I had with a boyfriend and how I beaned him in the head with a loaf of frozen bread." Tarrow said the flattery makes her job worthwhile. Her job isn't always that rewarding. But Tarrow said she has only had to rant and rave on the air a couple of times. She explained that female DJs, espe- cially those who work at night, some- times have some problems with pes- L. Tarrow tering callers. Put down that crossword. Let your Stucchi's melt. Commence weeping. No, Bivouac hasn't stopped carrying North Face gear - this is the last worthless column, the last time my name and face will grace these pages of Weekend, etc. under the banner "State of the Arts," hence revoking my ability to comment on the state of such arts. Not that I did much commenting on the state of the arts to begin with. I don't believe my fondness for Minnie Driver, my rant against landlords or a descrip- tion of my overactive hips as a child would qualify as in-depth examinations of cultural goings-on. Still, I never intended to change the world with my hard-hitting analysis of "Ally McBeal," or astound the campus with my mathematical relation of Puff Daddy to all major events of 1997, or particularly impress anyone at all with social commmentary. I only tried to hog as much of the spot- light as I could bear - yeah, that's the ticket - forcing my harebrained theo- ries, my esteem for Debbie Gibson and all the twisted, pointless details of my pri- vate life onto an unsuspecting and unwilling community, with only the aspi- ration to receive fan mail driving me on. I think I'll miss such iaw, unbridled power. After all, the readership of this paper reaches upward of, what, 50,000? Wow, I'm almost drunk on the power this paper offers. Seriously, I have enjoyed conveying the state of my mind, if not of my arts, at any given moment and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. So just bear with me as I relive my Daily Arts experience thus far with a column full of thank-yous. First, I'd like to thank the man who sent me my first piece of hate mail last winter, thankfully calling me on my hor- ribly flawed review of "Vegas Vacation." I apologize for my deep-seated stupidity, as I'm sure that this stellar film will be remembered and cherished as a classic for many generations to come. I'd also like to thank the woman iho. fulfilling the most narcissistic of my dreams. sent me my first fan letter. Your praise of my great writing and dead-on analysis of film made me a very happy, if self-centered, ego-driven, boastful boy. Your kind words went straight to my head, so I'll overlook the fact that the let- ter was in response to my review of the lesbian noir film "Bound" and your let- ter conveyed your rather disturbing obsession with the film. It is the thought that counts, I sup- pose. Next, I'd like to praise the thought- fulness of one Miss Koko, for allowing me a few minutes of bliss (phone sex) for a small price Bryan Lark ($49.95) as "re- Daily Arts Editor search" for a jour- nalistic endeavor. In addition, I'd also like to thank former Daily Arts editor and mentor Brian Gnatt, who not only let me fake an orgasm in his hallway, but also commended me on my performance. It's all about positive feedback with me, as you can plainly see - and you thought it was all about the benjamins. You write down your innermost thoughts for publication on a bi-weekly basis and see what wonders it works for your self-esteem. I distinctly remember one morale boost, when a caring, generous young lady sent me a virtual postcard when I ended a column with "Bryan Lark is a pitiful loser," a comment usually reserved for catty co-workers and ex-swim coach- es. I was being somewhat sarcastic when I wrote that, ma'am, but if it makes you feel needed, I can browbeat myself any- time you like (wink, wink). Speaking of beating, I'd like to thank the sleeping woman I accidentally kicked in the head while uncrossing my legs at a showing of "L.A. Confiden- tial" last week. Upon being rudely stirred from your S6 slumber, you man- aged to utter as you exited the theater, "That was the most boring excuse for a movie I've ever seen," and then bemoaned the fact that you didn't go see "As Good as It Gets" again. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but please call me if you ever need your head kicked again. For real this time. It's no trouble, really! Next, I'd like to thank John Cusack for allowing a starstruck kid to pose ,,with him even after the kid tripped over a coffee table and spilled Cusack's Diet Coke. Pictures are worth a thousand words, especially if those words are, "Who the hell is this dork?" (See photo at right). Continuing on the celebrity beat, I'd like to thank Peter Howitt, director of the upcoming "Sliding Doors," for offering me bourbon and advice, which amounted to something like, "Follow your dreams and just laugh at the bug- gers you leave behind." We should have T-shirts made, mate. I don't really know any famous peo- ple; I just want to thank those two men for affecting my life in ways they could never know, or even remember. Now, I'd like to take a moment to thank you, the reader, for swimming in my stream of consciousness from week to week and not drowning in a pool of sentiment, self-loathing and sarcasm, which I think are the three words that describe me best. The three words that best describe my Daily Arts cohorts, without whom I might have actually written serious meditations on the state of the arts, would most likely be bad-ass mother ... shut your mouth! You guys and girls have made me less sane, less boring and less "good cop" --- in short, a better, not as mean-spirited person, and I love and respect you all for that --- except you. Yeah, you. I hate you. Finally, I'd like to thank Annie Lennox for writing the lyric, "Dying is easy, it's living that scares me to death." The embodiment of coolness, . besides being a tool, possesse hairdo. Profound, yes, but for me i without an audience every ot that scares me to death. Call me an exhibitionist. egotistical. Call me kidding EMILY NATHAN/Daily Mrrranda L. Tarrow puts her own unique spin on broadcasting at WCBN. and companions." "We all get along great," she said. "I have met Mrrranda W WCBN disc jockey "People have called for phone some of my best friends here." WCBN is known for the variety of music it airs. Throughout each day and week, its programs range from country and hip-hop to reggae and' industrial punk. "(Station) workers' tastes gener- ally overlap," Tarrow said. This sound collage is one thing Tarrow loves about working for the University's radio station. sex before,' she said. "I just scream into the mic and tell them to stop calling." Although frustrat- ing, the entire scene can be quite comi- cal, she said. Tarrow admitted that she "makes no distinction between private/personal and public life." She feels comfortable enough on the air to share her birth con- trol side effects as well as her relation- ship sagas, all of which make for an interesting broadcast. Although Tarrow may be loud, out- going and semi-obnoxious on air, she confessed these aren't necessary traits for every DJ. She said she knows plen- ty of DJs who are soft-spoken, intelli- gent and articulate, qualities which she said make for an excellent broad- cast. Basically, she said, anyone can do it. 'Those interested in working as a DJ at WCBN should know that certain training is required. Generally, this con- sists of "fluff" work such as filing records and organizing the music library. Learning to spin and making a demo tape are also required. The know- how of actual broadcasting and the behind-the-scenes engineering takes a little more time and training. Tarrow recommended that people interested in becoming a DJ should apply during the summer. She, on the other hand, plans to move to Portland after graduation. Tarrow explained that she has minimal interest in continuing her radio experience and instead would like to concentrate on other interests, which include photogra- phy and writing. She also writes Azines, small-press independent magazines, in her spare time. But she won't forget the impact of the University and, more importantly, WCBN. "This has been a fun. edifying expe- rience at U of M, much more than many of my classes," Tarrow said. It is hard to forget that, although famous on the radio, Tarrow is an ordi- nary, everyday person. "Today my mind is trailing behind me with a thin piece of string and I'm going to play on the computer," she signed off. Recycle Me. LIKE CAMPUS? YOU'LL LOVE WILLOWTREE! 1 and 2 bedrooms Plenty of Free parking Now leasing for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall WILLOWTREE APARTMENTS 769-1313 Look for us at the U-M Housing Fair! EHO NEWYORK PIZZA DEPOT 605 E. William St. * Ann Arbor 669-6973 * 669-NYPD EAT-IN TAKE-CUT CATERING Get~ f asn Do y Finish your taxes -s less than - Print or electroni ~ From the make, Check outI www.t ©1998 Intuit Inc. 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