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January 15, 1998 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-15

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128 - The Thigan Qaily Weeke d gazi - Tursay, Jans 15,1998

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The Michigan Daily eekend Magazine - Tursday, January 15, 1998 - 5B

1Quotes 1997
Experienced arts patrons offer comments on 1997

"It was a good year for us;
we keep sell ing more books.
We're doing well compared
to how books are doing
"There was a moment in
August or September that
lasted maybe two or three
weeks when there was, in my
opinion, the best bestseller
list in years. 'Cold
Mouintain,' 'Underworld,'
'Into Thin Air,' 'Undaunted
"That was a really
encouraging sign, a .really
positive moment. You've got
this entertainment atmos-
phere pushing the business,
which is kind of scary, but
those weeks in September
were encouraging."
--Keith Taylor, Manager,
Shaman Drum
"f997 was the year of

Michigan on TV The Red
Wings demolished the ranks
of the NHL to the title and
Michigan exploded against
Penn State on national TV It
makes me proud to be a
--Scott Sizemore, LSA
senior and couch potato
"One thing I think I'd
focus on (in the past year)
would be the high productiv-
ity rate of our own MFA fac-
"Linda Gregerson and
Thylias Moss and Richard
Tillinghast all had books of
poetry out; Charles Baxter
had a collection of stories
and a book of essays; Jonis
Agee and I both had novels
-Nicholas Delbanco,
University professor

"There's a trend toward
diversifying or at least
expanding the repertoire.
Various audience studies have
been done, and they're show-
ing that the average age of
audiences is getting older In
the future, if nothing is done
to change performances, con-
cert audiences will die out.
"Another trend causing
diversification in program-
ming is the diverse cultures
in thisLcountry and the chal-
lenge of trying to present
them in a diverse way.
"Different types of attrac-
tions will draw different
types of audiences. In the-
ater, people want a more
diverse following that mar-
keting wasn 't answering. In
order to get a wider group,
you have to do more diverse
"On Broadway the trend is
toward spectacle - it's hard
for a (non-musical) play to
make it. On the other hand,
opera is doing very well,
especially with young peo-
ple. Maybe it's because of
the spectacle, or maybe
because a lot of recent
movies have had characters
that go to the opera. It's
become the "in" thing to
-Sara Miller, advertising,
sales and promotions coordi-
nator for theUniversity
Musical Society


ents, and the authors often read to small 10 Best Books of' 1997
and large audiences. The Visiting
Continued from Page 38 Writers Series, sponsored by the English oldMountain"yCharles
niehes; Grisham's "The Partner" and Department and Borders, produce an Frazier unan"byCare
Clancy's "Politika" instantly found impressive schedule of readings. F
places on the bestseller shelves. Another local highlight of 1997 was 2. "Into Thin Air" by Jon
Ann Arbor is always a draw for the second State Street Poetry Project, Krakauer
authors' tours, and this past year was put together by the Rude Mechanicals 3. "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll
no exception. The biggest highlights and the University Activities Cetnter and Never Do Again" by David «:
included Michael Moore's appearance performed this past November. Foster Wallace
at the Michigan Theater in September First-year students and doctoral 4. "Straight Man" by Richard
to promote his film "The Big One" candidates alike (along with many Russo
and the paperback edition of others in-between) came together for 5. "Even the Stars Look
"Downsize This!"; Graham Swift's several hours to display their talents, Lonesome" by Maya Angelou
April appearance at Borders and his accompanied by the musical abilities 6. "Underworld" by Don DeLillo
reading from "Last Orders"; and the of local band Transmission. This 7. "My Brother" by Jamaica
great Art Spiegelman's (creator of exhibition succeeded in displaying Kincaid
"Maus") appearance at Shaman Drum some of the best of student talent on $, "Wasted: A Memoir" by C
in October to read from his inventive campus, and an even larger program Marya Hornbacher b
new children's book "Open Me ... is planned for the spring. 9 "My Dark Pla es" by James
I'm a Dog!" A word must be said about the Elro.J
Many other readings in town went national literary scene of the past year, o e
rather overlooked but werednonethe- and therefore naturally about the 1997ZGilchOn
less powerful events. These included deaths of beat legends Allen Ginsb rg
readings by poet Jane Hirschfield and William S. Burroughs. Ginsberg 10WoLi tad oksy"fy1E97
and National Book Award winner was known as the author of "Hown'10 W rr s one1997
Jonathan Raban, both of whom visit- "Sunflower Sutra," "Kaddish" and
ed Shaman Drum in October. many other works, Burroughs vas best 1. Anyts ng about 01
Hirschfield's reading of her two known for his noel "Naked Lunch" 2. Anything about the
newest works: "Nine Gates Entering Ginsberg's and Burroughs' lives Millennium
the Mind of Poetry. haook of essays, will be remembered by the undeni- 3. Anything about "The Zone
and her poetry collection, "The Lies able impression that they and their 4. "The Rules Ii: More Rules
of the Heart' a close-knit, intimate companions, including Jack Kerouac to ive and hove By" by Ellen
affair. Raban's presentation of the and Nea!Cissady, left on the world of Fein an Sherrie Schneider
best-selling 'Bad Land; An American poetry and the wsorld at large. 5. "Hanson: MMMBop to the
Romances" an account of his experi- So that, I decided as I sat in the cor- Top" by Jill Matthews
ences explorin'ithe abandoned tons ncr at Borders, was the year of 1997 6. "The Ghost" by Danielle
of the former American frontier, wsas in the literary sworld. A little bit excit- Steelb
also a highlight of 1997. ing, yes. A little bit teirifying.. per- 7. "Ten Stupid Things Men Do
The University's osvn faculty and sto- haps. Next year, I resolved, l will have t Mess Up Their Lives' by
dents always impress ssiih their produc- read everything and I will be confi- LurShesnr
tivity and performances. Many new dent of my ability to stand behind my 8. "Don't Sweat the Small
books were published by on-campus tal- opinions in this field.Next year. Stuff ... And It's All Small
a Stuff" by Richard Carlson
9. "The Hottest State" by
Ethan Hawke
10. "Running with the Demon'
by Terry Brooks
- Compiled by the Dadly Michael Moore (top)returned to Ann Arbor to screen his newest documentary.
Book Staff , J.ona.n ..o. n. .o .I .c,iofrhnw..nd.. ,a. B, d L and .

Nicholas Delbanco
gone hand in hand, yet
James Cameron's film looks
at a disaster from a human-
istic viewpoint that makes
the audience care for the
characters, as opposed to
the wrung-dry formula of
disaster movies (such as
"Twister," "Volcano,"
"Firestorm ") that has
plagued our cinemas for the
past year"
-Adam Weiner, LSA
"1997 was a watershed
year, packed with more great
records than the time to

love, innovations usually
follow. "
-Steve Bergman,
owner/manager of
Schoolkids Records in Ann
"With the economy being
in a good state right now,
returning audiences can
continue to come to perfor-
mances and it leaves the
door open for new audiences
to sample performances.
"With arts presenters, the-
are focusing more on sworld
music, and audiences appre-
ciate that. It's allowing peo-
ple who may not otherwise
break out of their traditional
ticket-buying fancy.
"There's a bigger push
nationwide for everyday citi-
zens to step forward and
support the arts. The
responsibility is thrown back
on everyday citizens to make
sure the arts stay alive."
--Jeffrey Kuras, manag-
ing director of University

. digest them properly. Most
With the critical and of our favorites were in the
financial success of area of "roots" music: re-
Titanic" and "L.A. issues of historically signifi-
Confidential," big budget cant works, releases of
films now are not necessari- "World Music" and a
ly doomed from the start and renaissance of the
lengthy, sweeping epics will singer/songwriter
be made in the attempt to "Another blossoming
capitalize on their success- genre, techno, was greatly
es. influenced by past pioneers.
"Making money and criti- When folks start examining
cal acclaim usually has not the roots of the music they

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