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April 08, 1998 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 8, 1998


WASHINGTON (AP) - College faculty salaries Fo
rose 3.4 percent this year, with full professors at carne
fesearch universities now making just under S80,000, fesso
a study released yesterday showed. est-p
With inflation running at just half that rate, it was more
the largest increase in faculty pay in a decade, said the Ja
American Association of University Professors. Edu
But professors still lag far behind other profession- dents
als when it comes to salary, and their pay, when anyr
adjusted for inflation, is actually 4.4 percent lower scho
-day than it was in 1971-72, the AAUP said. keep
The findings are based on an association survey of "C
1.;39 colleges and universities in 1997-98. they'
College and university faculty earned 42 percent - th
les than other professionals with similar levels of "A
education, the study said. That comparison was based they
on federal earnings data for workers with at least 18 bigg
years of education. are u
} ntnued from Page 1
f ire that students can look to for direction.
. s "We couldn't have a more excellent role model for our grad-
tion,"Clark said.
-rlthough several of the University's individual schools and
coHeges have recently announced their spring commencement
speakers, the main commencement speaker in not yet know.
Associate Vice President for University Relations Lisa Baker
said this year's honorary degree recipients - one of whom will
give the commencement address - will be announced for
approval by the University Board of Regents at its monthly
meeting next week.
"The speaker will be chosen from several individuals who are
quite distinguished," Baker said, adding that she could not spec-
ulate about the number of final candidates being considered to
receive honorary degrees from the University.
"It varies," Baker said. "There could be anywhere from ...
three to six."
Rackham Dean Earl Lewis, who chairs the Honorary
,egree Committee, said that less than 12 final recommenda-
tions from an initial pool of fewer than 100 nominations were
,forwarded to University President Lee Bollinger several
.months ago.
The committee is comprised of 18 individuals: several facul-

es nsing
ir example, the lowest-paid engineers and lawyers
ed roughly S8,000 more than the lowest-paid pro-
rs in 1996, the study said. By contrast, the high-
aid engineers and lawyers earned about 562,000
than the highest-paid professors.
cqueline King of the American Council on
cation, a group representing university presi-
s, acknowledged that professors haven't made
real salary gains since the 1970s, but said
ols are also under tremendous pressure to
tuition down.
)n one hand - the faculty, they work hard,
re prepared with a lot of education for their jobs
is is not a lot of money," she said.
t the same time ... institutions have to do all
can to keep their costs down, and one of their
est costs is salaries," she said. "Institutions
under a lot of competing pressures."
"The speaker will be c
from several individual
are quite distinguished
Associate Vice President for Universit
ty members, senior administrators and Universit
students; and two ex-officio members.
Lewis said nominees who represent and reflect
the University and who demonstrate that the
"important and lasting contributions to society" at
mittee's attention.
"The committee tends to look for an indivi(
made a substantive contribution in their field of
said, adding that the committee tries not only to r
pie in different areas of achievement, but also to r
ple at various stages of their lives.
"It is surely one of the highest awards the U
bestow on anyone,' Lewis said.
In addition to the School of Public IHealth's ar
the College of Engineering announced last wee
Goldin, administrator for the National Aeronauti
Administration, will address the school's graduat

Continued from Page 1
"Looking towards collaborative initiative and commu-
nity-based initiative - I'm sure the first lady will address
those themes," Ellison said. The president and first lady
have been very clear that we need public support for cul-
tural institutions"
Jean Magnano Bollinger, honorary co-chair of the
Arts of Citizenship Program, said YoHA has done a
"remarkable job pulling the University together in very
important ways." She said Clinton's visit will stress this
even more.
"I think she'll bring a tremendous amount of notice
to what's going on with YoHA" Bollinger said. "The
experience and the sense of community she has will
really come through, I'm sure. She is a strong speaker
for these kinds of issues"
Ellison said she is eager to meet the first lady and is
anticipating a successful event.
"We are all just elated, and we just think that this is
going to bring people together" Ellison. "This event will
generate new partnerships as well."
Continued from Page 1
fs WhO"The city officials are telling us that by
, ~raising rates, we're driving people into the
. structures. But by 8:30 in the morning.
Lisa Baker the structures are full," said Dennis
y Relations Serras, owner of the Real Seafood
Company restaurant. "It's ludicrous. It
y alumni; two makes no sense."
Thomas Heywood, director of the
the values of State Street Association, said the 80-cent
y have made compromise was proposed last week by
tract the com- the State Street, Main Street and South
University Avenue business associations.
dual who has "It's an honest attempt by everyone
study," Lewis to work out an honest agreement,"
ecognize peo- Heywood said.
ecognize peo- The fine increase was "not universal-
ly welcomed. but not formally
ni\ ersity can opposed, Heywood said. The issue of
parking ticket fines was more contro-
nnouncement. versial, he said.
k that Daniel "There's a lot of people who don't
cs and Space want that fine substantially raised,"
Cs. Heywood said.
Some Ann Arbor merchants said
they fear the parking meter hikes will
THE drive away business.
"We're worried that the fines will
'AILY. really hurt us' said Marcia Andersen,
owner of the Northern Lights sandwich
AILY shop in Kerrytown. "When yo get a
S10 ticket, youjust don't come back...
It's like getting a slap from a police-
420 man," Andersen said.
Heywood predicted the parking
ST. dilemma would continue plaguing the
city for years. The planned closing.
demolition and rebuilding of some
parking structures are another concern
because the demand for parking in Ann
Arbor is constantly growing, he said.
"This issue of providing good, clean,
safe parking downtown is going to be
with us for many years," Heywood
said. "The fortunate thing is Ann Arbor
tends to charge less than other cities, so
we have some room (for our rates) to
"Meter rates will be revisited in the
next couple of years; Heywood said.

Ain o nD T H E N A iN
Clinton opens Social Security dialogue
KANSAS CITY. Mo. - President Clinton opened what
promises to be a years-long national dialogue on the future of
Social Security by saying that it would take only relatively
small changes - and not a drastic overhaul - to guarantee the
program for millions of baby boomers.
"We should not abandon a basic program that has been one
of the great successes in our nation's history." he said.
Clinton told more than 700 Midwesterners from all walks
of life at a town meeting yesterday that with the federal gov-
ernment now operating in the black, reforms are achievable
without increasing the payroll tax paid by almost all workers Clinton
and their employers.
"Most of us are committed to trying to find a way to solve the problem without
increases in the payroll taxes" the president said.
The meeting, held in a college gymnasium, kicked off the national discussior
that Clinton called for in his State of the Union address in January.
With the aging of the baby boomers threatening the retirement program, the presid
has asked Congress not to touch the country's first budget surpluses in 30 years with
first agreeing to change that will ensure the solvency of the Social Security system.

Pentagon tweaks
policy on gays
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon
issued yesterday what it called minor
changes in its "don't ask, don't tell" pol-
icy on homosexuals in the military, but
gay activists 'called the revisions an
acknowledgment of the flaws of the 4-
year-old policy.
After a year of Pentagon study,
Defense Secretary William Cohen
ordered five changes intended to
ensure that the military hierarchy
fully understands the complex sys-
tem and to guarantee that its imple-
mentation does not violate privacy
or other rights.
While insisting the system works
overall, Cohen acknowledged that sonic
commanders "haven't gotten the mes-
The policy, worked out amid
scalding controversy in the opening
months of President Clinton's first
term, is designed to prohibit homo-
sexual activity in the military while
barring routine investigations. It

aims to protect people who want to
keep their sexual orientation te
But advocacy groups have com-
plained that military commanders don't
understand the policy and overstep its
limits on investigating alleged homo
ual conduct.
Hustler publisher
indicted again
CINCINNATI - Hustler magazine
publisher hrarry Flynt, who beat obscen-
ity charges more than 20 years ago, was
indicted yesterday on more serious
charges of selling obscene videotapes tc
a 14-year-old boy.
The I 5-count indictment againsi
Flynt and his brother includes
charges of pandering obscenity.
Flynt was convicted of that charge ir
1977 for distributing Hustler in
The conviction - detailed in last
year's movie "The People vs. Larry
Flynt" - was thrown out and Flynt was
never retried.

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Blair travels to Belfast
to repair settlement
BELFAST, Northern Ireland -
British Prime Minister Tony Blair
flew to Northern Ireland to make
personal entreaties yesterday after
the major Protestant party rejected a
draft peace accord honed through
months of bitter, painstaking negoti-
Former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell, the
chair of the peace talks, wants the parties
to use his confidential 65-page docu-
ment as the basis for reaching a peace
accord by tomorrow. The Ulster
Unionists' rejection of the compromise
threw that deadline into doubt.
"I feel the hand of history upon our
shoulders," Blair said. "Now, maybe
it's impossible to find a way through
but it's right to try."
David Trimble, the leader of the pro-
British Ulster Unionists, repudiated the
proposed settlement just hours after
Mitchell delivered it to the eight parties
Blair huddled almost immediately
with his Northern Ireland secretary,

Mo Mowlam, and Trimble, and was
expected to meet with representa
tives of other parties. Irish Primc
Minister Bertie Ahern is to join hin
today. I
Blair acknowledged that negotiator:
from both sides felt "extremely anxiou:
and nervous as the time for decisions'
grows near.
Telescope finds
water in solar deserts
LONDON - Orbiting high ab
Earth, Europe's infrared space obser
tory has discovered water around star
and planets and in many other surpris
ing places, raising expectations of tif
elsewhere in the universe, the European
Space Agency said yesterday.
The discovery of water vapor in th
atmosphere of Saturn's largest moor
Titan, has generated the most excite
ment, because that moon may duplicat
the conditions that led to the creation c
life on Earth, said Roger Bonnet, 4
agency's director of science.

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EDTRA STAFF Lauie M A, iri -


NEWS Janet Adamy, Managing Edito
EDTORS: Maria Hackett. Heather Kamins. Jeffrey Kosseff. Chris Metinko.
STAFF: Meissa Andrzetak, Rely Brennan. Jodi S. Cohen. Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud. Rachel Edelman. Jeff Eldrdge. Margene Erksen. Trevor
Gardner. E Sin Hims. tve Horwvtz Hong Un, Pete Meyes. Wiam Nash. Chnstine M. Paik Lee Palmer. Katie Plona. Susan T Port. Eian
Rak. A-,.,an , Jsh Rosenbat t Melane Sasn. K S _ ir, Nika Schulte. Carly Sjthworh. Mk Suahn. Sam Stay<, JvsO
Stfi.- Car sa rviHeest. Will WeIssert SaraN Wes., Hathe. Wiggn, Kristin Wright. Jennfer Yach1.
CALNDAR: Kate Pliona.
EDITORIAL Jack Schitlaci, Ed
STAFF: Lea Frost, Kaamran Hafeez, Eric Hochstadt, Scott Hunter Jason Korb, Yuki Kuniyuki, Sarah Lemire. Enn Marsh. lames Miller. Abby
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SPORTS Jim Rose, Managing Edito
EDTORS: Chris Farah, Sharat Raju. Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman.
STAFF: Drew Beaver T J. Berka. Josh Sorkin. Evan Braunstein, Nicholas J. Cotsonika. Dave DenHerder, Chris Duprey. Jason Emeott, Jordan
Field, Mark Francescutti. Rick Freeman, John Friedberg, Alan Goidenbach, James Goldstein, Rick Harpster. Kim Hart. Josh Kienbaum.
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Editor
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Emy Lambert. hzabeth Lucas: Associate Editor: Christoher oTkaczyk
SU-EDITORS: Brian Cohen iMusic. Chis Tkazyk (PineiPerfrming Arts). Joshua Pederson F m Jessica Eaton (Books) Michael Galloway(TV/New Media
STAFF: Joanne Alnajar. Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett. Coin Bartos. Caryni Bur't, Chr's Ccsino Gabe rajur. Laura Flyer. Geordy
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TamaSkar Ted Watts. Ju Quan Wiams. Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Edit
STAFF: Allson Canter. Louis Brown. Mallory S.E. Floyd. Joy Jacobs, Jessica Johnson, John Kraft, Dana Linnane. Emily Nathan. Nathan Puffer Sara
St iman, Paul Talanian, Adnana Yugovich.
ONLINE Chris Farah, Edito
STAFF: Mark FrnescVtt . Marquina iliev. Elizabeth Lucas, Adam Pd c
GRAPHICS Jonathan Weltz, Edito
STAFF: Alex Hogg, Michelle McCombs. Jordan Young.

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