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April 07, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-07

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 7, 1998 - 3

Mother reports
sexual assault to
DPS officers
A woman called DPS on Sunday to
*cport that her daughter was sexually
assaulted at a garage on Arch and
Packard streets, DPS reports state.
Following the assault, the victim went
to the University Hospitals Emergency
Hospital officials said the
assailant was an acquaintance of the
victim. DPS notified the Ann Arbor
Police Department about the inci-
dent. AAPD went to the hospital to
file a report. The investigation is
*ending and no charges have been
Officers ban sale
of hair wraps
A man who was selling hair wraps
on the Diag this past Saturday was
.asked to stop offering his wares by
-local police officers. Police officers
ipproached the man, who would
1dentify himself only as Friar Tucker
and told him that soliciting sales on
the Diag was not legal.
,_ Friar Tucker, after hearing the
order, called the officers "fascist
'They'd rather have me out robbing,
stealing and selling drugs so they can
throw me into their fascist prison sys-
tem," Tucker said.
-ucker proceeded to pack his bags
nd leave the area.
Wind damages
officer's hat
An AAPD officer contacted dis-
patchers to report that his hat was
damaged after the wind blew it off his
I he hat was run over by one car and
then stuck to another car, which
9lragged the hat down the street approx-
iniately three blocks. According to the
lreport, the "hat was recovered follow-
4ng a foot pursuit.
-he hat was valued at $60 and a
police report was filed. It is unknown
whether the damage ruined the hat per-
Police confiscate
Hash Bash T-shirts
Police gave a man a ticket for selling
T-shirts on University grounds at Hash
Batfh on Saturday, Department of
Public Safety reports state.
Police confiscated 33 white T-shirts
that had a "Hash Park" slogan across
the front. The vendor was a former
-University student who was selling the
shirts on the front steps of the
Michigan Union.
Reports said the man told police he
did not know the Union steps were
University property.
Blind man reports
he was mugged in
Kerrytown area
A 43-year-old blind Ann Arbor resi-
-dent was robbed yesterday afternoon
7n the corner of North Fifth Avenue
and Kingsley Street, AAPD Sgt. Larry
,erue said.
,The assailant approached the man
nii behind, twisted his arm and threw

him to the ground. He proceeded to
Lake S7 in cash from the man's wallet.
-lac victim suffered no physical
After mugging the man, the
assailant tied two blocks northward
*Ind sat on a rock. Witnesses reported
the incident to the AAPD, and offi-
cers located the assailant and took
him into custody.
East Quad handrail
reported missing
The handrail on the stairwell in East
Quad Residence Hall's Green House
-avas removed sometime between mid-
night and 4 a.m. Thursday, DPS reports
T here was no additional damage
done, but the entire railing was gone
from the stairwell. Police do not
have any suspects in the incident
,nd have no, information about
where the railing may have been
- Compiled Ir Daily staffreporter
Jason Sto/fe:

Hundreds march in A to
protest planned KKK visit

By Adam Zuwerink
[or the Daily
Shoppers stared through store
windows, motorists were forced to
stop their cars and Hash Bash partic-
ipants looked on as about 300 peo-
ple marched through the streets of
downtown Ann Arbor this past
Saturday in protest of the planned
May 9 Ku Klux Klan rally.
The Unity Rally for Racial Justice
commemorated the 30th anniversary
of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassi-
"We want to get as many people as
we can to work together as one
against the threat of racism," said
Russell Fuller, a member of the
Interfaith Council for Peace and
The rally began in Wheeler Park
on Fifth Avenue, with a speech from
Ann Arbor City Councilmember Pat
Vereen-Dixon and moved down
Main Street before finishing at the
First United Methodist Church on
State Street.
Carrying candles while singing
songs such as "We Shall Overcome,"
the marchers were led by a banner that
read "Working together against the
giant triplet of racism, materialism, and
In its second year, the Unity Rally

"I was hoping for a greater student
turnout tonight"
- Mara Yarnshon
LSA junior

was organized by the Interfaith
Council for Peace and Justice and is
co-sponsored by more than 80
groups within the Ann Arbor com-
The Unity Rally was planned
before the announcement of the
KKK's May 9 rally plans, but orga-
nizers were quick to stress the
importance of holding a non-violent
protest to oppose the Klan.
Interfaith Council coordinator Tobi
Hanna-Davies, an Ann Arbor city
councilmember, said the Interfaith
Council is planning a non-violent
rally across the street from the pro-
posed May 9 KKK rally, similar to a
successful 1996 march against a KKK
rally in Louisville, Kty.
"Many groups feel they will
protest the KKK hate rally with
whatever means are necessary, but
our goal is to remain non-violent
and speak to the community, not the
members of the Klan." said LSA
junior Mara Yamshon, an Interfaith

Council member.
Although organizers were pleased
with the turnout at the march, there
was concern o.ver the small number
of University students involved in
the rally.
"We distributed fliers, but there
seemed to be a lack of recognition
from the students. I was hoping for a
greater student turnout tonight,"
Yamshon said.
After the 45-minute march, partic-
ipants filled the First United
Methodist Church and listened to a
performance by the Male Chorus of
the Second Baptist Church of Ann
The program also included a re-
enactment by Ann Arbor actor Steve
Dixon of a speech given by the Rev.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in New
York City a year before his death
and a speech from Mattie Jones, a
leader of the non-violent protest
against the KKK's 1996 rally in
Louisville, Kty.

Ravi Singh, who was the first Sikh candidate for a seat in the Illinois state
Legislature, speaks last night to students at the Michigan League.
Speaker combats
81kb streoe s

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By Susan T. Port
Daily Staf Reporter
At the young age of 25, Ravi Singh
managed to break some of the stereo-
types of the Sikh religion and run for
a seat in the Illinois state Legislature.
Singh lost the election last month
by a small margin to his democratic
opponent. But Singh said his loss is
not going to stop him from pursuing
a career in politics. Singh defines
failures as "building blocks to
becoming more successful."
The Michigan Sikh Study Circle
invited Singh to speak at the Michigan
League last night before University
students to educate them about the dif-
ficulties and obstacles Sikhs face in
American politics to kickoff Sikh
Awareness Week.
LSA sophomore Shalu Tuteja,
vice president of MSSC, said Singh
is an example for others that students
can persevere and attain success.
"He is here to talk about the Sikh
American experience'" Tuteja said.
"It's important for Sikhs to have role
Singh spoke about his experiences
as the first Sikh who wears a turban to
be admitted to a military academy in
the United States.
"Until that point, no Sikh had ever
entered an all-Catholic boys school
had ever worn a turban, Singh said.
"Even though I was born and raised in
this country - no matter what I did for
the rest of my life - I knew I was dif-
Singh said his parents wanted
him to become a doctor. He said
members of the Sikh religion are
stereotyped as only being doctors,
engineers or convenience store
Singh described growing up in
America as a Sikh as being his great-
est challenge. He encouraged the

audience to get involved w ith poli-
tics and establish themselves in any
field they decide to pursue.
"It's a battle educating the igno-
rance of Americans" Singh said.
While campaigning, he "knocked on
6.000 to 7,000 doors. For every door
I knocked on, a lot of doors were
slammed in my face."
He said he had to work to get peo-
ple to look past his beard and turban.
"Even though I lost, we were raised
to a different level," Singh said.
Because of "the barriers in life some-
timce we have to take the extra mile."
Singh said he began his political
career in college at Valparaiso
t_:niversity. He became a leader on
campus, serving as a student senator
for two years, and was the first
minority elected to be student body
president. Singh also served as cap-
tain of the school's NCAA Division I
golf team.
LSA first-year student Arpi Doshi
said that although she is not planning
to pursue a career in politics, she was
inspired by Singh not to let obstacles
stand in your way.
"I wanted to hear what he had to
say," Doshi said. "I was really
inspired by what he has gone
Singh said he received his masters
degree in political science in nine
months from Northwestern
Singh was chosen by Illinois Lt.
Gov. Bob Kustra as his assistant. If
Singh won the elections in March. he
would have been the first Asian
American to serve in the Illinois
House of Representatives.
Singh said he has been speaking at
other universities in hopes of educat-
ing students about the Sikh faith.
"It's important to maintain your
self identity" Singh said.

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Debate heats up over
casinos in Detroit

DETROIT (AP) -- Detroit could
become the largest American city with
casino gambling if City Council
approves a controversial SI.8 billion
development plan.
About 350 hundred people turned
out for a public hearing yesterday in
preparation for the council's vote Friday
on Mayor Dennis Archer's plan to build
three casinos in a warehouse district
near downtown.
"We see this as the biggest employ-
ment opportunity of the 20th Century."
Archer spokesperson Greg Bowens
said. "Since World War II, when
Detroit was the Arsenal of Democracy,
there has been nothing like this."

Archer, once an outspoken opponent of
casino gambling.now is the plan's biggest
backer. He and his supporters -- includ-
ing local unions -- say casinos would
help jump-start the city's economy.
"More than 11,000 construction jobs
and 15,000 full- and part-time pernia-
nent jobs will be generated as a result of
casino gambling," Metropolitan Detroit
AFL-CIO President Ed Scribner said
Right across the Canadian border.
business is booming at two casinos in
Windsor, Ontario, and an expansion
already is in the works. And Indian
tribes have opened casinos on reserva-
tions across northern Michigan.




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