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January 15, 1998 - Image 13

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'the Michigan DaiyWeeked Mb

14B - The Michigan Daily Weekenid Magazine - Thursday, January 15, 1998
A weekly guide to who's
IE where, what's happening and
why you need to be there ...

Aliens, sequels, trends define 1!


music from
Ark, 8 p.m.

this Manchester quartet. The
$10. 761-1451.

-econstructing Harry (1997) Woody Allen
plays a writer who fictionalizes everyone in
his life - and we get to see both versions.
Mich., 7 and 9 p.m.
Koyaanisquatsi (1983) With no dialogue,
narration or obvious story line,
"Koyaanisquatsi" is Hopi for "crazy life" or
"life out of balance." Nat. Sci., 7 p.m. Free.
Merge Indie-rockers from Detroit joined by
Chicago post-rockers Big Blonde Wig and
Toledo's Five Horse Johnson. Blind Pig, 9:30
p.m. $4. 996-8555.
Al Hill & the Love Butlers Local horn sec-
tion sextet provides lots of funky grooves.
Ann Arbor Brewing Company, 114 E.
Washington, 9 p.m. Free. 312-1393.
Birthday of the Infanta Oscar Wilde's
tragedy about the royal family of Spain.
Pioneer High School, 601 W. Stadium, 8
p.m. $5 ($3 for students). 994-2191.
Why We Have a Body Feminist comedy pre-
sented by Ellipsis Theater. Performance
Network, 408 W. Washington, 8 p.m. $12
($5 for students). 663-0681.
Rafia Zafar University assistant professor
celebrating publication of "We Wear the
Mask: African Americans Write American
Literature, 1760-1870." Shaman Drum, 4
p.m. Free.
Ditchdigger's Daughter (1997) Based on a
1995 memoir, the film tells the story of a
black ditchdigger. Engin., 5:30 p.m. Free.
Deconstructing Harry See Thursday. 7 and
9 p.m.

Holy Cows Country-tinged midwestern post-
punk from guitar-based band. Blind Pig, 9:30
p.m. $5. 996-8555.
Easy Action High-octane punk with guests
Maxi Chanel and Broadzilla. Heidelberg, 10
p.m. $4. 663-7758.
Jericho Guitar Trio Pop and jazz selections
from newly formed group. Gypsy Cafe, 9:30
p.m. $3. 994-3940.
Superfastrunners Fresh from Bowling
Green, this trio delivers acoustic-based post-
punk with a twist. Cafe Felix, 204,S. Main,
9 p.m. Free. 662-8650.
Birthday of the Infanta See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Why We Have a Body See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Art and the Natural World Reception for
exhibit of artists' common interest in forms
derived from nature. Art & Architecture
Building, 2000 Bonisteel, 7 p.m. Free.
Air Force One (1997) The plane is hijacked
by terrorists and the President - Harrison
Ford -breaks out his Indy style to save the
day. Angell Aud. A., 8 p.m. $2.
The Circus (1928) Charlie Chaplin film kicks
off the Michigan Theater's 70th birthday
celebration. Mich., 8 p.m. $18.50.
Big Dave and the Ultrasonics Loads of
bluesy originals from popular local ensem-
ble. Blind Pig, 9:30 p.m. $5. 996-8555.
Christine Lavin Comical blend of witty lyrics
and hilarious narratives from this premier
contemporary folk diva. The Ark, 8 p.m.
$15. 761-1451.
Lisa Hunter, Jill Jack Ann Arbor singer/song-
writer Hunter delivers up-tempo gems; Detroit
native Jack performs a solo acoustic show.
Gypsy Cafe, 9:30 p.m. $3. 994-3940.
Grin Local original rock quartet sounds like
a cross between Velvet Underground and
Camper Van Beethoven. Cross Street
Station, W. Cross St., Ypsilanti, 10:30 p.m.
$3. 485-5050

Faculty Chamber Music Recital Beethoven's
complete works for piano/cello. Britton
Recital Hall, School of Music, 4 p.m. Free.
Birthday of the Infanta See Thursday. 8 p.m.
Why We Have a Body See Thursday. 8 p.m.

' ]".R1LY4 i. i.

By Joshua Pederson
Daily Film Editor
Looking for trends within the popu-
lar film industry in '97 is like shooting
fish in the proverbial barrel. It seems
that 90 percent of the movies released
last year fell into the cut-and-dried cat-
egory. But, as it is my job to reveal the
obvious, I'll be happy to oblige and
point out the trends that are probably
painfully evident to viewing audiences
So, what's up with our ongoing
fetish with aliens, anyway? Having
assumed that the American appetite for
visitors from beyond was well satisfied
with "Independence Day" and
"Species" in 1996, we might think that
Hollywood would be able to move on
to a genre that was more, um, relevant
- Shaquille O'Neal movies, for
But as Hollywood is always willing
to exploit trends until they lie in a
motionless pulp at our feet, a plethora
of alien flicks managed to emerge in
We can thank this trend for such clas-

sics as "Event Horizon," a needlessly
and explicitly grotesque film about a
space ship possessed by a hellish alter-
nate dimension. Even the classic "Alien"
fell prey to the wave. Continuing a series
that should have ended with the sequel,
"Alien Resurrection" brought Sigourney
Weaver back from the dead. The film,
though, probably should have stayed
This is not to say that
every extraterres-
trial should have
been kept in the '
deep reaches of
space. ."""

"Contact," based on Carl
book, is a stellar film about the
race's first communication with
gent life apart from itself. "
Black," a testament to the con
resurgence of Will Smith's car
hilarious look at the undergrou
population already here on Ear
One too many directors hav
our love of sequels one step too
Wes Craven wasn't the only
make this mistake in 1997. T
nomenon that was "Scream," tb
do-horror flick of '96, made it
this year. Neve Campbell broug
an excess of fresh meat, includ
Pinkett, Tori Spelling and
Michelle Gellar.
Following the gratuitous t
theme in "Scream 2," "T
World" continues the stor:
by Michael Chrichton's "
Park." The lesson to be learr
this situation? One shoul
write a book based solely L
success of an earlier book's f
Keanu Reeves ought i


October (1928) Sergei Eisenstein's recon-
struction of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Mich., 4:10 p.m.
8 1/2 (1963) Federico Fellini's semi-autobi-
ographical chronicle of a successful film-
maker trying to develop a new project on
the verge of a nervous breakdown. Nat. Sci.,
7 and 9:30 p.m. $4.
Deconstructing Harry See Thursday. 7 and
9 p.m.
Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise Find
out exactly what surprises are in store
from this Detroit busker turned MTV regu-
lar. Blind Pig, 8 p.m. $8 in advance. 763-
Neil Woodward Classic blues and folk songs
from this North American troubadour. The
Ark, 8 p.m. $10. 761-1451.
Jake Reichbart Local jazz guitarist provides
background music for shoppers. Borders, 1
p.m. Free.
Paul Finkbeiner's Jazz Jam Session Have
yourself a good old listen. Bird of Paradise,
207 S. Ashley, 8 p.m. Free.
Boys Choir of Harlem Popular songs,
gospel, jazz and spirituals, as well as classi-
cal and modern music. Hill Auditorium, 7
p.m. $12-$26. 764-2538.
Faculty Chamber Music Recital See
Saturday. 4 p.m.
Why We Have a Body See Thursday. 2 p.m.
MLK Commemoration Readings Todd Ester
and Delitha Taylor reading poetry and other
works based on King's life and work. Ann
Arbor District Library, 210 S. Fifth Ave, 2
p.m. Free.

Pam Grier in "Jackie Brown" (top);
Sarah Michelle Gellar in "Scream 2"
(center); the doomed ship in "Titanic"
(bottom); Jack Nicholson and a canine
pal in "As Good as It Gets" (right);
Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting"
(far right).

Standout novels mark year in literature

By Jessica Eaton
Daily Books Editor
Writing about 1997 in the literary world is
both an exciting and a terrifying undertaking.
So much has happened this year; who am I, a
lowly student who will never have enough
time to read everything I want to read (much
less everything published), to offer an opinion
on the good and the bad?
How do I qualify as
even a novice in this There wei
field, much less as a
so-called expert worthy releases i
of your trust? Heck,
how can I even make a literary g
decision about what I
like and dislike? How and by po
can I defend those
decisions? Qsuspense,
After pondering these
questions for several minutes, I quickly aban-
doned my blank computer screen for a trip to
Borders, which did nothing to calm my fears.
The new releases shelf had never been so
I could write pages raving about everything
that I've read and loved, or I could sit and read
that new book that I might want to include in
this article, or I could try and narrow it down


by determining what I didn't like ... but that
would never work. There is so little not to like!
The first place to turn, of course, is to the
literary prize winners of 1997. The Pulitzer
committee caused a stir with its selection of
"Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American
Dreamer," by Steven Millhauser, as the fic-
tion winner of the year.
This novel of a turn-of-the-century entre-
preneur who rises
9 new from a position as an
assistant in his father's
rom cigar store to that of a
powerful hotel mag-
ni use nate was both lauded
as theultimate person-
Pular ification of the
American dream and
novelists, criticized as an unreal-
_________________istic mess.
Less controversial choices included the
committee's selection of Frank McCourt's pop-
ular "Angela's Ashes" as the winner in the
biography category, as well as the poetry win-
ner, "Alive Together: New and Selected
Poems,' by Lisel Mueller.
No 1997 Pulitzer winner was announced in
the drama category. But the Nobel committee
made up for it by bestowing its 1997 prize in

literature on Italian playwright Dario Fo, best
known for his 1970 "Morte Accidentale di un
Anarchico" ("Accidental Death of an
Anarchist"). The National Book Award in fic-
tion went to Charles Frazier's "Cold
Mountain," his best-selling Civil War-era mas-
Most books may not have captured such elite
awards, but nonetheless, many others topped
the bestseller lists throughout the year. This
year's best included "Into Thin Air," journalist
Jon Krakauer's harrowing account of his ascent
of Mount Everest and his climbing party's bliz-
zard disaster. Krakauer is also the author of the
bestselling "Into the Wild."
There were new releases from literary,
geniuses Thomas Pynchon, who published the
fantastic (albeit rambling) "Mason and
Dixon"; Kurt Vonnegut, who continued to
impress fans with his latest, "TimeQuake";
Cynthia Ozick, who released "The
Puttermesser Papers"; and Don Delillo, author
of "Underworld."
And of course (as though a year could go by
without them), there were new releases by pop-
ular suspense novelists John Grisham and Tom
Clancy. Both of these authors continued to
carry a strong following in their respective
See BOOKS, Page 5B

Jon Kraka
the bests

,reservoir Dogs (1992)
directorial debut about
bad. Nat. Sci., 7 and 9

Quentin Tarantino's
a jewelry heist gone
p.m. $2.

WN ekeit
F s . . . . . _ , o . . # 1 .

Weekend Magazine Editors: Emily Lambe
Weeken Magazine iate Editor: Christopher Tkaczyk.
Writers: Colin Bartos, Brian Cohen, Jessica Eaton, Gabe Fajuri, Chris f
Love, Robert Mitchum, Joshua Pederson, Aaron Rennie, Deveron Q. Sa
Curts Zimmerman.
Photographers: Louis Brown, Bohdan Damian Cap, Margaret Myers and
Cover photos (clockwise from top left): "South Park," "South Park," Bo
"Titanic," "King of the Hill," Stewart Bogie of Transmission, Elmore Le
Arts Editorm'Bryan Lark and Kristin Long.

Raisin Pickers Expect acoustic turns on
western swing, jug and old-time dance

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