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April 03, 1998 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-03

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Check out Cecil B. DeMille's silent classic"King of Kings." The
film depicts certain aspects of the life of Jesus, from the raising
of Lazarus to the ascension. H.C. Warner stars as Christ. THe
short subject "Great Heart Leapers" starring Tom Neal will also
be shown. Admission is $4, and the screening takes place at the
Clairon Hotel, 2900 Jackson Rd.

Ll rl 1 V

Check out a preview of "Push," the newest young adult
drama to hit the television air waves.


Film Farm breeds student films

By Matthew Barrett
Daily Arts Writer
Looking for a movie to go to this weekend
but aren't exactly thrilled with the prospect
of seeing "Titanic" for the fifth time? If so,
M-Flicks has the solution for your problem:
Film Farm II, the follow-up to the wildly
popular Film Farm from this past winter.
Film Farm II consists
of 13 short films varying
from three to 17 minutes
in length. One of its
Film main attractions is that,
Farm 11 unlike many other festi-
Today at Nat. Sci. vals, any student is
beginning at 8 p.m. allowed to submit their
work. "We believe in the
idea of having an outlet
that's open to anyone,"
said Farm co-chair and
engineering junior
The works featured in
"Film Farm 11" range
from a parody of "The Real World" to a story
of three students who are determined to take
over Ann Arbor's punk rock scene.
LSA senior Adeel Ahmad, the co-president

of M-Flicks and co-chair for Film Farm gets
into the movie- making act with "Marvin's
Day Out," a story about a stuffed hippopota-
mus that goes to the city for the first time.
The title of LSA sophomore Oliver
Thornton's "I Touched Her Thigh and Death
Smiled" is taken from a line of poetry by rock-
er Jim Morrison. The film is a remake of a
movie that Thornton did for his German class
while in high school and was shot during this
past winter break. The plot of this entry is
about the interactions between a man and
Death. The man is informed by Death that he
will have four messengers who will let him
know before he is going to die. He takes this to
mean he can avoid death four times and the
inevitable consequences will follow.
LSA first-year student Mark Marabate's con-
tribution to the farm is a preview for his
upcoming full-length feature, "Floor 29."
Attendees of Film Farm will see a three-minute
sneak peek of what will turn out to be a 90-
minute film scheduled to be released this fall.
Marabate calls the film, which takes place pri-
marily at Alice Lloyd Residence Hall, a cross
between "Die Hard" and "The Naked Gun" It
focuses on terrorists who take over the dormi-
tory and keep students hostage in the cafeteria.

The terrorists then subject the students to hor-
rible punishments such as making them eat the
cafeteria food. Sounds vicious.
The second film farm will have a similar
format to the first one except for one major
difference. The inaugural festival included
"Baby Seal," a 25-minute short film. Instead
of one longer film, the organizers have
decided to screen four cartoons, including
"Bugs Bunny" and "Marvin The Martian."
"We decided to go with cartoons as a change
of pace," Abileah said. "This season we
haven't done any cartoons and we try to
throw in some variety."
Those attending Film Farm I will have the
opportunity to vote on the awards given out
to the filmmakers in the following cate-
gories: "Most Original Piece," "Best
Story/Screenplay," "Best Cinematography,"
and "Best of the Festival."
If the second coming of Film Farm is any-
thing like its predecessor, movie fans will be
in for an exciting show and an enjoyable
break from the typical Hollywood fare.
Tickets are $2, and more information about
Film Farm 11 and other M-Flicks can be
found at http://wwwumich.edu/-uac/m-

Courtesy of Film Far
M-Flicks representatives take a moment to celebrate the first Film Farm. The second Film Farm wil
be tonight at the Nat. Sci. auditorium.

passion high
By Corinne Schneider
For the Daily
It is the gruesome story of passion and sexual obsession
gone awry. Patrick McGrath's latest neo-gothic thriller,
"Asylum," explores the power of love, lust, romance and inti-
macy. Tomorrow, McGrath is scheduled to read at Borders
Books and Music, and will engross his readers in this reviting
Growing up on the estates of a mental asylum in England,
McGrath heard a great many stories that stuck in his head.
Through the years, he conjured up conclusions to these
thrilling tales, and, alas, comes the sad story of Stella Raphael.
Like so many today, Stella awakens one day to find herself suf-
focating in a stale and lonely marriage.
Passion and romance have long since dissipated, and her
relationship with her husband Max more closely resembles a
dull friendship than anything else. She longs for spontaneity
and excitement. Max, a rather unimaginative man, has just
been appointed head psychiatrist of a mental institution. He,
along with Stella and their 10-year-old son, move to a com-
fortable house on the hospital grounds. Stella spends her days
basking in her garden, dreaming of romance and passion.
In mid-reverie, she comes across a man named Edgar. He is
a patient in the hospital and as a result of his high status has
earned the rights to garden their property.
Edgar is quite an interesting character because aside from
the jealous delusions that forced him to kill and decapitate his
wife, and his complete lack of remorse for his dreadful act, he
shows no other signs of mental illness.

Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

He is handsome and erotic, and has the
power to lure in Stella without her even
being aware. After watching him with
longing, she eventually initiates an
intense sexual relationship with him.
She finds herself falling deeply in love
with Edgar and the rebirth he has given
her. Her emotions run so out of control
that she leaves her husband and her son
to pursue the relationship.
Although Stella's actions appear
deplorable, and even with the knowledge
that Edgar is a psychopath, the reader
yearns for them to have a love fulfilled.
While not necessarily approving of it, all
can sympathize and understand the blind

Courtesy of Vintage Books
Patrick McGrath will read tomorrow at Borders.
Through his characters, McGrath portrays the thin line
between sanity and insanity upon which so many walk. He
starts with an identifiably nonnal person, such as Stella, and
moves her step by step deeper into chaos. Somehow, each step
is understandable. She slowly moves away from the center, yet
the reader is left wondering where exactly the line is, and at
what point she crossed over into the realm of insanity.
In doing this, McGrath said he intended for the reader to
understand that "this could happen to any of us. Let's not be too
quick to judge the mental ill or be too critical"
McGrath's choice of narrator is annoyingly brilliant. He
writes from the perspective of a psychiatrist in the hospital, and
his knowledge of Freudian psychology makes his character
very believable.
The narrator's seemingly detached relations allow him to
know just enough to tell an intriguing tale, yet is missing key
pieces that ensure that the reader begs for more. The question-
ably reliable narrator, combined with the deep, passionate love
affair produces a story that is impossible to put down. Not to
mention that the steamy sex scenes are enough to grip every-
one's attention.
There is something mysterious about Stella that makes all
men in her life want to own her. Even the narrator cannot let
her go.
The case is the same for the reader as well. Long after com-
pleting the novel, Stella looms in the mind, a constant reminder
of how easily anyone can fall from grace. Perhaps this story is
so intriguing because it is Stella who has the courage to live out
the dream of so many. Fortunately, she is only a character in a
fiction novel.
With his psychopathic and mentally ill characters, and
unique intensity for writing, McGrath has been compared to
such gothic authors as Edgar Allan Poe. In writing this story
McGrath himself learned the great risk involved in pursuing a
romantic, sexual adventure. Perhaps this is a warning not only
for himself, but for all his readers as well.

passion. Despite that Edgar is suspicious and has the potential
to murder Stella at any moment, he is a lover and is, therefore,
seen in somewhat of a positive light.
Stella helps Edgar escape fromthe hospital and runs away
with him. From here, matters spiral out of control. Stella
plunges head first into a deep depression and eventually into

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Check out Breaking Records every
Tuesday for reviews of the music
industry's latest releases.


All In The Timing
Sic One-Act Comedies
Sb David Ives

April 3,4 and 5

At the U-Club


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