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April 03, 1998 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-04-03

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 3, 1998 6-


Science, society discussed

unite withi
By Melissa Andrzejak
Daily Staff Reporter
Students gathered in hopes of
establishing a new tradition at the
University with the first-ever Islamic
Cultural Show last night.
[he event, sponsored by the Muslim
Students Association, as well as other
campus organizations, brought togeth-
er more than 250 people to fill the
Michigan League Ballroom.
Nadia Abbasi, one of the emceesfor
the event, said the event was meant to
showcase "how diverse and dynamic
the Islamic culture really is"
The event combined the creative
energies of Muslim culture in art,
poetry, dance and song. Abbasi
emphasized that poetry has histori-
cally been an important part of the
Islamic culture.
"Remember the stories of our
grandeur. How we were so different yet
together. We were in love for Allah's
sake, and no other. We were a few, yet
the hearts were bound forever," recited
Shamael Haque, an LSA senior.
Haque, along with 13 others, read
their original works of poetry, voic-
ing a personal connection to the
Islamic culture.
"Poetry and art are forms of
expression in which people can real-
ly explore the unique culture, themes
and places of the Islamic world," said
Umbrin Ateequi, an LSA senior.
Others chose to illustrate their cul-
ture through non-verbal forms of
expression. Art work included a range
of themes from traditional Muslim
mosques to more expressive works that

By Melanie Sampson
Daily Staff Reporter
The role of science and its relationship with world conflict
was discussed yesterday in a lecture sponsored by the Office
of the Vice President for Research.
David H-lamburg, former president of the Carnegie
Corporation and current co-chair of the Carncege
Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, was the keynote
speaker in the discussion, which included several University
faculty members.
Hamburg's discussion focused on his participation inI a
recent study published in part by his organization. The collat-
ed research on the analysis of conflict and ways in which it
may be reduced or prevented was the premise for the discus-
He said measures must be taken now to improve relations
between countries. Because of the technological advances in
the weapon industry and the lack of knowledge of war's
harmful effects, by the "middle of next century if not sooner,
everyone will be able to destroy everyone else," Hamburg
Audience members asked Hamburg about the necessity of
a report that defines international conflict as an obvious prob-
lem in the world today.
"The intention of it was not to generate new ideas,
although I think there are somc," lamburg said, adding that
the focus is to "draw them together in a single place" for the
first time.
Hamburg focused much of his discussion on the per-
sonal identities of different groups of people and said it
is often difficult to develop a feeling of unity among the
nations of the world.
"Overall, human beings find it exceeding to learn a strong
sense of 'my people,"' lamburg said. "Most of the killing in
human history has been done in the name of attachment to
'my group.,"
Hamburg said conflict dangers not only include nuclear
weapons and disputes between countries, but all issues per-
taining to weapon control.
"We must include conventional weapons that are more

"Most of the killing in
human history has been
dlone in the name of
attachment to 'my group. f'
- David Hamburg
Former president of the Carnegie Corporation
ordinary; now in the hands of children and early adolescents
in our own country, "Hamburg said.
Political science Prof. Paul Kuth discussed various areas of
research he said are relevant to this issue.
Kuth talked about the peaceful state of democracies, the
role of international institutes in world conflict and ways to
deter war.
Psychology Prof. David Winter, another panelist, offered
opinions on two important factors he said often drive conflict
- the need for labels and ethnocentrism and the drive for,
Audience members also asked if there were any sugges-
tions to solve these problems.
"How do we address and eradicate all the past animosi
ties, in order to move forward ?" an audience member
Hamburg emphasized the "teaching of pro-social" and',
other fundamental attributes early in life.
Education Prof. Teshome Wagaw said his experiences and
the different values held by people all over the world nadg,
this difficult, but he added that a focus should teach "pei-
ple to think of others in relation to self." .a
Audience members accepted Hamburg's motives far hIis
research, but were still skeptical about parts of it.
"In general, I think it is a topic not often taken up '
said Tony King, a research fellow at the University's
Mental Health Research Institute.
He added that many people think "sure, peace is great 't
but is it realistic ?"

P AUL TALAi'iAN, ily
Khaled Mohamed, Ragheb Abu-Rmeileh, Paul Hanna and Joe Zogaib dance the
Depke at an Islamic cultural event in the League Ballroom last night.

emphasized modern Muslim culture.
A group of students also per-
formed a Palestinian folklore dance,
the Debke. In addition to showing the
Islamic community's diversityA the
event was also intended to create a
common bond among University
LSA senior Nudrat Hassan said the
event was an attempt at "The Muslim
Ummah." The word ummah is best
translated to mean Muslim unity.

With this idea in mind, sponsors
decided to donate all proceeds to
medical relief in Iraq. Although the
MSA's goal is not to rally political
interest, Hassan said it is up to
NMuslims to do what they can for
brothers and sisters of their religion
around the world.
"I think it is really important that
people on campus not see us as a sin-
gle group, but as a larer community
of Muslims." Hassan said.

Continued from Page 1
campus has a drug-free policy, and we support education
efforts to reach young people with efforts to keep (the com-
*munity) drug-free."
Many students said they do not think the alternative event
will draw students away from Hash Bash.
LSA junior Jennifer Kaske said that if the weather is nice,
she will try to avoid the cops and discreetly take a few hits on
the Diag.
"I've been (at Hash Bash) before and have (smoked) there
.before," Kaske said. "They don't catch everybody. It just
depends on your luck."
Millard said that in addition to raising community aware-
ness of the marijuana legalization issue, lash Bash generates
revenues for the University and area businesses. He said the

alternative event is unnecessary and was planned because
parents cannot control their children.
"We have pictures (from last year) of kids nine or 10 (ycars
old) partying and smoking pot," Millard said. "We're dis-
gusted by that. Where are their parents?
"Why should I be persecuted because Ann Arbor cannot
keep its kids at home"' he asked.
Hash Bash festivities will move from the Diag to Monroe
Street at 1 p.m. M-Ionroe Street will be closed throughout the
afternoon and live bands are scheduled to performi at
LSA senior Emily Davis said Ilash Bash has lost the politi-
cal message it once had but that Watching the people and fes-
tivities surrounding the event is enjoyable. "In the past, when
I've gone, it's been for entertainment,' Davis said. "You see the
people, laugh at the things they Sell, maybe just go to get high
... the political (message) is the last thing on people's minds."

rule sparks
LANSING (AP) -- A proposed rule
by Secretary of State Candice Miller to
subject issue advocacy advertisements
to greater disclosure brought together
some odd alliances yesterday during a
public hearing on the change.
Special interest groups on the far
ends of the political spectrum say the
change Would violate their free speech
Michael Steinberg, interim legal
director for the American Civil
Liberties Union, said the rule
amounts to the government muzzl inrg
citizens who wish to voice their
opinions on matters of public impor-
"The proposed blackout on issue
advocacy by advocacy groups is not
only unconstitutional, but it is not a
solution to problems of our current
campaign finance system." Steinberg
And Dan Jarvis of the Michigan
Family Forum noted that his conserva-
tive organization was on the same side
of this issue as the ACLU.
Jarvis testified before Secretary of

State Reps. Dan Gustafson (R-Williamston) and Ken Sikkema (R-Grandville) look over:
documents at a hearing yesterday dealing with issue-advocacy advertisements.

State office staff that he was unable to
find out if the voters' guide the forum
puts out each year including candidate
voting records would fall under the new
NIMiller has said the rule doesn't
aim to end issue advocacy ads or
free speech, but to subject them to
the Michigan Campaign Finance
Issue ads, which made a splash in
the 1996 election, are- paid for with
so-called "soft money,' which is
unregulated. The ads are supposed to
champion a particular agenda or issue
and are legal as long as they don't tell

voters to support or oppose a candi-
Viewers often aren't told who is pay
ing for the ads. And issue ads can be
used to help candidates without count-
ing toward contribution limits.
Miller's rule would mandate disce1-
sure of who is funding the ads within
45 days prior to an election. That's
when absentee ballots are sent out and
candidates' names are before some
It would only apply to those ads thait
include the name or likeness of a candi-r
date and urge the support or oppositiop
of that candidate.

3ontinued from Page 1
Cipra said she expects students will
return the same enthusiasm shown by
Goldin in accepting the invitation to
"We had looked at other people early
o., but he was really excited about it,"
Cipra said. "I think people will be real-
ly excited about it."
Goldin could not be reached for com-
The search for a spring commence-
ment speaker for the main commence-
ment ceremony is still inconclusive, but
not behind schedule, University officials

Regent Olivia

Maynard (I)-

Goodrich) said that although candidates
have been approached, no decisions
have been finalized.
"Sometimes you have to get speakers
a year in advance. I don't think the
University is in that position:" Maynard
said. "It's probably going to be one of'
the individuals who is getting an hon-
orary degree."
Regent Dan Horning (R-Grand
H aven) said University officials were
attempting to procure a speaker, but he
said he did not know any details. "I
know they were working in particular on
one big-name speaker," Horning said.
While University President Lee
Bollinger delivered last year's com-

mencement address, previous speaker
candidates have included former prime
minister Margaret Thatcher, said
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor).
"If the speakers are political people,
often you don't know (if they will
accept) until the last minute," Power
Associate Vice President for
University Relations Lisa Baker said
the honorary degrees to be presented at
spring commencement also have yet to
be approved.
"The honorary degree process goes
thiough the (University Board of
Regents)." Baker said. "Sometimes it's
done by March, sometimes it's done in

Continued from Page 1.
when New Hampshire native Geoff Koch took a pass from
Clark just inside the blue line and split two Wildcat defend-
ers. Koch cut in on the right wing and chipped a backhand
shot over Matile and into the net.
"le took the shot and it just wVent over my pad," Matile
But once again it was Michigan's goaltender who needed
to play hero yesterday.
Turco only faced five shots in the period, but had to make
two incredible saves late in the period to preserve the two-
goal lead. With a little over two minutes remaining, Turco slid
across the crease and made a spectacular glove save on
Nolan, who appeared to have an open net.

A minute later, Turco did it again -- this time on Dylan
Dellezay, who appeared to have an easy goal until Turcoside-
slid and robbed him.
"New Hampshire would have scored against most goalies"
\lichigan coach Red Berenson said. "Instead of the monin-
tum changing and going to a 3-2 game, it was still 3-0."
But Turco maintained his trademark calm, and reiterat d
his focus.
"When I'm called upon to make saves, that's just my jb,
Turco said. "I didn't do anything spectacular"
New Ilampshire's offense finally appeared to get going
early in the third period. but when New Hampshire dikdget
a good scoring chance, Turco w as there to make the save.
Matt Herr closed out the scoring late in the third period'
when lie knocked a centering pass from Bill Muckalt into the
open side of the net.

Continued from Page 1
-singers to comedians," Oda said.
The two winners survived three rounds of competition.
After being told by emcees Lauren Clistor and Thomas
Hlergot to "show us what you got," first-round cotites-
tants were given 10 seconds to convince the judges why
they should go on to the second round.
Competitors sang, danced, did acts of contortion or simply
flaunted their bodies to the panel of "Baywatch" producers
and student judges.
One competitor wanted to propose to his girlfriend on
national television.
Music first-year student Quinn Strassel advanced to the
second round after proclaiming, "I just want to dance, dance,
dance," while doing the worm across the stage.
Second-round contestants could choose to dance, sing or

answer a question.
Second-round male competitors favored singing. A rendi-
tion of "In the Still of the Night" prompted the audience of
about 50 people to clap in rhythm, while a Las Vegas lounge
act version of Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People"
brought laughs.
By the third round, only 10 contestants remained. Five men
and five women were paired off and given actual scripts from
"Baywatch" to read in front of the judges with only five min-
utes to prepare. ,
LSA sophomore Mike King and LSA senior Jeff Cranson
both said they enjoyed watching the contest after being elim-
inated from the first round.
King said he had "a good time" and it was "pretty fun to
watch people go and make fools of themselves to get a free
trip to L.A."
Cranson said the female competitors were the "most beau-
tiful women I have seen in one place"


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