The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 3, 1998 - 3
Women report
groping incidents
on campus
A female student called the
Department of Public Safety on
Monday evening to report that a man
grabbed her breast as she walked out-
side of Mason Hall.
The woman said that as she was walk-
ing, a man approached her and said he
was a graduate school student. He then
grabbed and fondled her breasts.
A similar incident was reported
Tuesday afternoon, when a female stu-
dent called DPS to report that a man
grabbed her breast as she walked
under the arch in West Hall. The
woman said the unidentified Than
walked up to her and complemented
her on her good looks.
After 20 minutes of continuing to
watch her, he approached the woman
and grabbed her breast, she said. DPS
has no suspects at this point. Reports
have been filed.
Suspects attempt
fraud at Kinko's
An employee of Kinko's Copies on
Maynard Street called the Ann Arbor
Police Department on Monday after-
noon to report an incident of attempted
Reports indicate that two subjects
walked into the establishment and
attempted to copy a University hand-
icapped parking permit and asked to
have it laminated by a Kinko's
The employee called the AAPD imme-
diately. The two subjects were arrested on
fraud charges, DPS reports state.
Room sprayed
*with extinguisher
A woman called DPS on
Wednesday to report that someone
sprayed a fire extinguisher in her
room in West Quad.
The caller said an unknown per-
son sprayed the contents of the fire
extinguisher under her door. The
contents filled the room, the caller
DPS has no suspects at this time. A
S'arassment report was filed.
Man disguises
himself as officer
A woman called DPS on Wednesday
morning to report that a man contacted
her and falsified his identity in a tele-
phone conversation, disguising himself
as an AAPD lieutenant.
The woman claims the caller said he
kas investigating a traffic accident, and
that two females had left the scene of
the alleged crime. He said one of the
females claimed that the woman with
whom he was speaking had been
involved with the accident, and that a
vehicle had been stolen.
DPS contacted AAPD, which had no
record of the lieutenant in question.
The badge number that the man gave
was also false. A report was filed.
Finger broken in
CCRB brawl
DPS received a call Monday after a
fight broke out between two men in
the main gym of the Central Campus
Recreation Building, DPS reports
Both fighters left the building before
.police arrived, but one of the men
turned to the CCRB shortly thereafter
with a broken finger. He said the finger
was broken in the fight, DPS reports
The man had no outstanding war-
rants and was transported to
University Hospitals by Huron Valley
Ambulance. No charges have been
- Compiled bv Daily Staff Reporters
Reilly Brennan and Jason Stoffer
'U' hosts Midwest
APA conference
Fran Stofflat, a United States postal employee, prepares a package for LSA senior Josh Meisler. Stofflat has been an
employee of the Nickels Arcade office for 28 years.
Doors cose on post ofice
By William Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
For 80 years, the U.S. post office in Nickels Arcade has
remained an Ann Arbor constant. Although the faces and
some of the decor has changed, surprisingly little else is dif-
ferent in the current office from when its doors first opened.
Today, as it has every day since Model T Fords rolled
down State Street, the sign will be flipped to read
"closed." But this time it will be permanent.
Customers still will have the opportunity to pick up
their mail from the Nickels site until April 11. The
replacement site on South University Avenue, located in
the Galleria, will open on April 13. The new location will
feature postal trinkets, including mugs and T-shirts.
"I'm very unhappy, personally, and for our customers,'
said post office employee Fran Stofflet, who has worked at
the office since 1970. "They are turning this historical site
into a mall store with mugs, T-shirts and cheap jewelry"
Stofflet said the advantages of having the extra space in
the newer location is outweighed by the disadvantages of
being less customer-friendly.
"Half of our customers use the office to send interna-
tional mail," Stofflet said. "They'd rather know how much
it costs to send a letter to Senegal. They don't care about
buying a T-shirt or a puzzle."
Students have reacted to the move with more ambiva-
lence than concern. Many said shorter lines and a closer
location to their homes were advantages to the Galleria site.
"The lines can sometimes get long, especially during
lunch time,'said Pharmacy fifth-year student Kristen Klein.
"The new office will be closer for me, and I don't use
the post office that much anyway," said Architecture and
Urban Planning senior Michelle Saunders.
The new office will be about twice the size of the older
office, and there will be room to double the 496 current
post office boxes.
"We need a bigger place," said post office employee
Henry Loyd. "With more space, we'll be able to have
room for more mailboxes, more customers and maybe
even more employees."
Stofflet offered a different viewpoint on having a big-
ger office.
"With the new office, we have a 10-percent loss in cus-
tomers," Stofflet said. "What difference does it make to
have more mailboxes if you have no one to use them?"
Lack of parking at the Galleria will prevent the new
post office from being able to service as many customers,
Stofflet said.
Other Nickels Arcade shopkeepers said they will miss
the friendly employees and the business the post office
Bob Frost, owner of the Van Boven shoe store, helped
organize a petition to retain the current location.
"It didn't go far," Frost said. "The decision was already
made - already etched in stone."
Frost said that moving the office may have a financial
impact on the arcade shops. He also said the loss of
friends and heritage are results of the post office's move.
"Though my business probably won't feel the loss of
traffic, some businesses will," said Frost, whose store has
been in the arcade since 1935. "What I'll miss most are
my departing friends."
By Rachel Edelman
Daily Staff Reporter
The diversity and unity of the Asian
Pacific American community will be
displayed this weekend as the
University prepares to host the ninth
annual Midwestern Asian American
Student Union Spring Conference.
"The entire APA community has come
together to put on this event," said LSA
senior Andrew Wong, co-chair of the
MAASU spring conference. "This is
going to be a really exciting weekend."
About 600 students from the
University and schools across the
Midwest are expected to attend the con-
ference - the largest Asian American
conference in the region.
"It's really gratifying to see over 600
APAs coming, and uniting, to Ann
Arbor," said LSA senior Hong Pham,
the communications chair of the
MAASU spring conference.
The third floor of the Student
Activities Building has been bustling
with energy for weeks, as more than
100 students have been spending long
hours in every corner of the Office of
Academic Multicultural Initiatives get-
ting ready for this weekend's events.
Preparations for the conference began
early this semester.
"I think the importance of the confer-
ence has been the planning," Wong said.
"It's been a learning process and a unify-
ing process. This is our dedication to the
growth of leadership in the APA commu-
The theme of this year's conference
is "Destination APA" and will focus on
the development of student leadership,
creating a united Asian Pacific
American community and increasing
awareness of APA issues.
"There's been so much energy put
into this," said LSA sophomore Chithra
Perumalswami, who is part of the
MAASU coordinating committee.
Scheduled highlights of the weekend'
include the fourth annual Generation
APA show -the largest student-run APA
cultural show in the nation. The event is
scheduled to take place at the Michigan
Theater tomorrow at 7 p.m. More than
300 students have taken part in putting the
show together.
"What we hope to do with the show
this year is to educate the University
community and the (students attending
the MAASU spring conference) about
what it means to be APA at the U of M
and to show the strong sense of com-
munity that we have," said LSA sopho-
more Heh Shin Kwak, one of the co-
chairs of Generation APA.
The theme of this year's Generation
APA is "A Light in the Attic," which will
feature performances and skits by APA
groups. This year's show is the largest in
its history, and is already sold out.
Perumalswami said the conference
shows "that our dreams should have no
boundaries. We can do whatever we set
our minds to."
Harvard Law student Eric Liu, the
only Asian American speech writer for
President Clinton and a commentator
for MSNBC, will be this year's
keynote speaker for the MAASU
spring conference and is scheduled to
speak tonight.
"He is more of a tangible hero," said
Trice Bagamasbad, a MAASU spring
conference coordinator. "What he has
attained shows us what is possible:'
Interactive seminars are scheduled
for the weekend, focusing on issues
such as leadership, political activism
and affirmative action.
Also tomorrow, Ann Arbor City
Councilmember David Kwan is sched-
uled to present an Ann Arbor Mayor's
Proclamation recognizing the
University's APA Heritage month and
the United Asian American
Organizations. Other speakers include
University President Lee Bollinger,
who will be delivering a welcome
address; Daphne Kwok, executive
director of the Organization of Chinese
Americans; and Grace Lee. Boggs, a
writer and civil rights activist.
A variety of social events are also
planned for the weekend, including a
free carnival tonight in the Union and
VELOCITY, a dance party scheduled
for tomorrow.
Bill may lower standard
for substitute teaching
LANSING (AP) - A statewide
shortage of substitute teachers has
prompted lawmakers to propose letting
education majors with 60 credit hours
take jobs in the classroom.
A bill won committee approval
Wednesday to lower the number of col-
lege credit hours certain substitute
teachers must have from 90 to 60. They
would have to be at least 21 years old
and working toward teaching degrees.
The House Education Committee
approved it on a 10-2 vote.
Even lawmakers backing the plan say
they are worried that they may be creat-
ing a problem of under-trained class-
room teachers while solving the teacher
crunch, Booth Newspapers reported
"All of us are somewhat uncomfort-
able doing this," said Rep. Clyde
LeTarte (R-Horton).
Michigan schools cite several causes
for the shortage, including low pay and
a shrinking supply of teaching students.
Pay varies by school district, ranging
from about $50 to $110 per day.
There are no legislative proposals to
raise substitutes' pay.
Under the proposal, teaching students
who meet the requirements could substi-
tute temporarily in Michigan schools as
part of a secondary substitute pool.
They could only teach kindergarten
through ninth grades. Grades 10
through 12 were excluded because the
students could be almost the same age
as the new substitutes.
"I don't like a bill that addresses the
problem of teacher supply by reducing
the standards," said Rep. Jim Agee (D-
Muskegon). "What if we had a shortage
of doctors?
"Would we allow a doctor with just 4
1/2 years of education to work as a doc-
tor if he hadn't yet learned about blood
pressure and the circulatory system?"
Despite his concerns, Agee voted for
the bill, saying schools are desperate for
The proposal would require districts
to.hire substitutes with at least 90 cred-
it hours before hiring from the sec-
ondary pool.
Students in the secondary pool could
not substitute more than two consecu-
tive days per week per job. If passed, the
law would expire after five years unless
lawmakers approved it again.
Current law allows individuals of any
age who do not have a Michigan teach-
ing certificate to substitute teach with a
state permit - which requires 90 cred-
it hours - up to 150 days per year.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
. Introduction to Infectious Diseases:
Designed to introduce undergraduate biology majors and pre-professionals to
the variety of strategies used by bacteria and viruses to cause disease. Taught
by faculty who study pathogenesis of cholera, cystic fibrosis, gonorrhea, oral
and genital herpes, Legionnaire's disease and tuberculosis. Micro 505.
Lectures. 3 credits. MW, 1-2 pm, G127 Angell Hall.
. Basic Microbiology and Immunology:
Three separate but integrated modules present fundamental concepts of micro-
biology (Micro 501), immunology (Micro 502), and virology (Micro 503).
Appropriate for students interested in a basic understanding of the field.
Lectures. 1 credit modules*. MWF, 10-11 am, 5623 Medical Science
Building I1.
Studies in Microbial Physiology and Molecular Biology:
Three separate modules that can be taken individually or combined to form a
single course focusing on important topics in microbial physiology, molecular
biology, and genetics. Appropriate for students preparing or careers in health
professions or graduate work who are interested in a relatively advanced pre-
sentation of topics in microbial physiology (Micro 606), genetics and DNA
transactions (Micro 604), and regulation of gene expression (Micro 605).
Lectures, focusing on the literature. 1 credit modules*. TTH, 9-10:30 am,
5623 Medical Sciences Building 11.
Advanced Virology:
Three separate but integrated modules present fundamental molecular and cel-
lular concepts of viral replication and pathogenesis through lectures and dis-
cussion of the primary literature by the class. Will focus on viral-host interac-
tions (Micro 615), DNA tumor viruses (Micro 616) and retroviruses (Micro
617). Appropriate for pre-professionals and students interested in graduate
study in biology who are interested in a relatively advanced presentation of
topics. 1 credit modules*. TTH 1:30-3 pm, 5623 Medical Science Building
Molecular Recognition of the Immune System:
This one credit course (Micro 640) will consist of lectures and discussions
Dertaining to receDtor-ligand interactions in the immune system. The goal of
Project SERVE, the University Activities Center and the Environmental Theme Semester sponsored Ralph Nader's speech
earlier this week. This was misreported in Tuesday's Daily.
U The African American Students Association was misidentified in yesterday's Weekend, etc. Magazine.
What's happening in Ann Arbor this wrkend
Q "Intergenerational Equity & the
Measurement of Sustainability,"
Sponsored by Philosophy
Deoartment. Mason Hall. Room
U "Elements: Jewelry and Metalwork,"
University Art School Students,
Noah's Underground Gallery, 117
East Liberty St..
J "Student Mediation Services,"
Sponsored by Student Mediation
Services, Michigan Union, Room