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January 15, 1998 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-15

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$cores- e
Nh C 83 N., 22 ARK. 89.
MAAIY\lANED 89 Florid 84
2ke 88. PRO
No. 3 Knsas 83 BOSTON .,
TEXA S A&M 62 Pittsburgn 2
Nc. 14 Iowa 61, DE TRO T 4.
Oh o State 46 Vancouver 0

N. Y. Rangers 1
Montreal 3.
N. Y. Islanders 7.
Buffalo 4.
Dallas 2.

Detroit 93
L. A. Clippers 1C1
Dallas 82
San Antonio 89.

January 15, 1998

t -

wrestlers to
duel at the Dual


y Tracy Sandier
aily Sports Writer
oming from Denmark, life in Ann Arbor is
a little different for Anne Thorius. The
freshman guard for the Michigan women's
asketball team is adjusting to the United States,
oth in her personal life and on the court.
'As far as the game itself goes, basketball in the
Jnited States is much more physical than in
)enmark. Attitudes toward the game differ some-
hat, as well.
"At home, when we were down by 12 points,
verybody pretty much felt that the game was over
nd that we would lose," Thorius said. "Here,
verybody plays until the buzzer sounds."
Outside of basketball, Thorius has had trouble
djusting to certain aspects of the United States.
"We were doing an imagery exercise with our
ports psychologist, Dr. Tom George," Michigan
;oach Sue Guevara said. "He asked the kids to
lose their eyes and imagine a pink elephant with
>urple polka dots. Anne said she could imagine
he pink elephant, but she didn't know what polka
lots were."
The recruitment of Thorius began while
,uevara was an assistant at Michigan State.
"I liked her size, competitiveness and passing
ibility," Guevara said of the 5-foot-1II point guard.
She reminded me of a player we used to have at
Michigan State named Eileen Shea, who is now
-)e of our assistant coaches."
Aside from the athletic ability that she brings to
'he team, Thorius possesses a mental toughness
ind the ability to pump the team up.
"I remember against Michigan State, we were
laughing because she would be on the side doing
Ier little dance, pumping her fists or slapping
;omeone on the back," Guevara said.
The biggest weakness for Thorius is her tenden-
cy to turn the ball over. She's committed 70 give-
aways this season.
"I like to make the big play," Thorius said.
3Coach Guevara said that there's a difference
between a good turnover and a bad turnover. A
food turnover is when you turn the ball over try-
ng to make things happen, and a bad turnover is
when you just turn the ball over. I have to learn to
kind of just let things happen and not force
For Thorius, basketball was in her blood at an
early age. Her involvement with the sport began

By Evan Braunstein
Daily Sports Writer
There are not too many tourist attrac-
tions in Iowa. So, when a wrestling tour-
nament comes to town, it's a big deal.
When the best wrestlers in the country
assemble at the University of Iowa to
determine the nation's top dual meet
team, it's huge.
The Michigan wrestling team travels
to Iowa City this weekend to compete in
the National Team Dual Championships.
Nine of the nation's top 10 teams will
be competing at Carver-H awkeye
Arena, with the lone exception being
No. I Oklahoma State. The 16-team
field includes five Big Ten teams -
Michigan, Penn State, Iowa, Minnesota
and Michigan State.
"All the big dogs are going to be
there," Jeff Catrabone said. "If we get
our full lineup and everyone's healthy
and down to weight, we should compete
really well against them."
Unfortunate for the Wolverines, they
will not have their full lineup. 158-
pound wrestler Bill Lacure is out with
cartilage problems in his ribs.
"Losing Bill really hurts us,"
Michigan coach Dale Bahr said. "It
takes a sure winner out of our lineup. All
of the top teams have about five really
outstanding guys. Now, we are down to
Lacure's shoes will be filled by fresh-
man Jason Rawls, who has yet to wres-
tle in a dual meet. Rawls is 4-6 in tour-
nament competition with one pin.
"Obviously, replacing an All-
American with a freshman hurts you,"
Bahr said.
. A similar situation occurred last year
against Purdue, when 134-pounder
Damion Logan was injured. Then-fresh-
man Luiey Haddad surprised everyone

with a key pin in the match.
"H-lopefully we can get the same thing
from Jason:' Bahr said. "Ile is young
and inexperienced. We'll have to wait
and see."
The Wolverines have been struggling
of late, as they continue to cope with the
death of teammate Jeterev Reese. The
Wolverines will look to captains
Catrabone and Airron Richardson to
lead them this weekend.
"We're not hoping to do better."
Catrabone said. "We know we can do
better. It's a given."
Because this tournament draws such
top competition, the meets can have a
strong impact on team rankings and
individual seedings for the national
championship tournament in March.
"There will probably be sonic reshuf-
fling in rankings after this weekend:"
Bahr said. "About 40 to 50 of the top
wrestlers in the nation (will be compet-
ing), and individual rankings are bascd
on performances in dual meets."
C'atrabone, ranked fourth in h is
weight class in the nation, and
Richardson, ranked second. w ill get a
chance to wrestle some of their compeĀ«
tition for the national title.
"We're going to need a few guys to
step up for us,"B ahr said."A lot of guys
have been wrestling well lately -
Damion Logan, Joe Warren -- and we
will need them to continue."
Warren is emerging as one of the top
wrestlers on the team this season. His.
only dual meet loss came against the top
wrestler in the country and his 24 points
in dual competition leads the team.
"He has been wrestling well all year,"
Bahr said. "Right now he's on a roll and
has been great for us. Joe is wrestling
with a lot of confidence and that should
carry him through this weekend."

Freshman Anne Thorius is still adjusting to life in the United States and her role on the Michigan women's bas-
ketball team. The 5-foot-1 guard from Denmark first became interested in basketball before her seventh birth-
day when she saw her older brother play.

soon before her seventh birthday, after years of
watching her older brother play. She would do
some shooting at his practices and decided to take
up the sport herself.
She enjoyed it right away, even though her team
wasn't exactly the epitome of greatness.
"My team was really bad," Thorius said. "We
were all kids running around and jumping in the
rings, because we were in a gym. We did practi-
cally everything, except play basketball."
The seriousness that goes along with playing a
sport was introduced to Thorius by a new coach
when she was nine.
Since her previous coach was not much older
than she was, it was more difficult for Thorius to
look at basketball as anything more than just a

"ie was really into the game," Thorius said.
"ie studied it and read lots of books, which is
pretty uncommon for coaches back home. Since
he took it so seriously and wanted to have, our
team improve, I felt it was fun, and it was a chal-
Although Thorius admits she enjoys playing
basketball in the United States more than back
home, there are certain things she still misses
about home.
"I miss my team and my friends," Thorius said.
"Since it is a club sport, we are a lot like a fanii-
ly. Also, my town isn't very big, so it's hard to
walk down the street and not see someone you
"But I'm starting to make friends like that

Two-sport recruit named best in Michigan

By Rick Haipeter
Daily Sports Writer
in a year filled with personal
awards, Drew Henson added another to
his trophy case Tuesday when he was
named Michigan High School Athlete
of the Year. The Brighton senior, who
will play football and baseball at
Michigan next year, is proud to be in
such illustrious company.
"It's nice to be recognized for hard
work," Henson said. Duke forward
"Shane Battier won the award last year,
so I'm in good company."


Henson made the commitment to.
attend Michigan more than a year ago..
He credits the early decision in making
his senior year less hectic and more
"By signing early, I did not have.to
worry about scheduling college visits,
Henson said, "I was simply able to
focus on playing high school footbrall
and enjoy being a senior."
In addition to being an All-State per-
former in football and baseball, Henson
is also an all-league basketball player
and carries a 4.0 grade point average.
t/he ac seat
rian Ellerbe should make a new
rule, effective immediately: No
one associated in any capacity
with the Michigan basketball program
should be allowed to travel on M-14 at
any time, for any reason, ever again.
The most recent rollover car accident
involving Michigan players on the
seemingly-evil two-lane expressway
took place on Sunday night, and in the
time since, the details of the crash have
proven to be frightening, to say the
i mas least. t
Freshmen Josh
Asselin and
Brandon Smith,
,o .along with one of
Asselin's friends,
were in a team
manager's car
JIM when it slid out of-
ROSE control and ended
Rose up upside-down,
Beef but of the four
passengers, only
three were still in the car when it finally
ground to a stop. Assel in was thrown
from the car to the grass, and he has a
nasty cut on his forehead and a "pretty
sore" shoulder as proof Smith received
stitches for a cut on his thumb, but was
otherwise unhurt. Both should play
again relatively soon.
So the accident didn't receive front-
page attention, as Maurice Taylor's
m-1n-, r id it;ik hr-rme Annrent i


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