i LOCAL/STATE GORE Continued from Page 1A This event will celebrate Successc\. discus, the challenges we face and launch a national dialocue about a more sustainable future." Spitzer said. Thousands of national leaders are expected to participate in the sunmmit, but Spitzer said he hopes students also will get involved. "The issue of sustainable develop- ment is about the future, and the future is about kids and students and the roles they can play," Spitzer said. "We have roles for all ages' he said. "If there is diy way to get students involved, we think it would be wonderful." DE NTA L Continued from Page 1A (Creek community. The students will stay in Battle ('reek during this one- week period, Cooley said. C'ooley said that while the program has been extremely successful, it can never be extensive enough. "Medicaid dental care is a problem throughout the entire state of' Michigan," she said. "We are lucky enough to be able to participate with the University of Michigan and provide dental care to those who need it" Cooley said she hopes the program will continue to grow. The program is funded by the School of Dentistry and a University commt- nity-outreach grant. Jacobson said a long-term goal is to purchase equip- ment that allows students to live in rural environments while assisting patients. Jacobson said the Battle Creek initia- tive is beginning to "publicize the University in a more community out- reach light." He added that "too often, the University is chastised for not reaching out into the community when in fact we really do reach out - it is Just not broadcast. Meanwhile, the Dental students con- tinue to give the program rave reviews. Shwedel said the worst part of her expe- rience in Battle Creek was "going back to school on Tuesday." DRUGS' Continued from Page 1A drug use during the '90s was the lack of national attention the problem received, Johnston said. "The drug issue fell off the national screen with the Gulfl War," he said. This led to a period during the early and mid-1990s when the media turned its attention to other topics, leaving America's youth in the dark about the dangers of drug use. "The problem occurs when society takes its attention taway from this issue, and a new generation doesn't hear about it," Johnston said. The results of the 1997 study indicate that, for the most part, people are once again thinking about the risks of drug use, resulting in a decreased drug approval rating. "There are various forces in society which are beginning to reverse direction, and reverse trends in drug use,; Johnston said. Increased national attention to drugs has helped heighten drug awareness. In addition, the drug-related deaths of high- profile athletes and movie stars have caused a "media feeding The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 15, 1998 - 74 trenzy" that lowers drug approval ratings., Bachman said. "As an epidemic begins to grow. people see the conse- quenees fi rst-hand;L Johnston said. This change in attitude is responsible f-r a shii in fcus back to the drug problem. Johnston said. "?Now, young people see more about drug use.' le said. "Congress has been spending iiiore on drug prevention in schools. Parents have become more active in talkiig to their kids about drugs." But some young people said they disagree. Eingineering sophomore Lisa Manasse said her attitude towartd drugs has not changed throughiout most of her Iife. "I don't think there's been that big of a change. Manasse said. "It's been 'say no to drugs' since I was iinmiddle schol." But the Monitoring the Future Study meets conft lict- ing opinions with fiacts --- a lack of national attention in the '90s led to an increase in drug use, the study states. The ultimate conclusion of the study is that if the drug problem is ignored, it won't go away. It will only get worse. "It's a chronic problem," Johnston said. "And it needs constant attention" READ THE DAILY AT http://WWW.pub.umicledu/daily/ w EASY MONEY! $10/HR. to help me com- plete my business receipts for the man. Call Drew 930-0930. EDITORIAL INTERN wanted by the publishers of Current Magazine & the Blue Book. Tasks include fact checking writing, proofreading, & distribution. 10 hrs./wk. SS r. Call Lisa or Todd @ 668-4044. EVENT PLANNER needed at University of Michigan's University Catering. Must be outgoing, reliable and have excellent com- munication skills. Part or Full time available. Flexible hours. Computer knowledge desirable. Call Shelly at 764-2142. EXCEPTIONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITY Camp Wayne, NE PA (3 hrs./NYC)-Sports oriented. Counselor/Specialists for all Land/ Water Sports Inc. Tennis, Camping, Climbing/Iopes, Mountain Biking, Rocketry, Roller Hockey, Sailing/Waterskiing, A & C, Drama, Radio, Video. CAmpus Interviews Wed., Feb. 18. Please call 1-888-737-9296 or 516-883-3067/leave your name, phone number and and mailing address. GET PAID TO WATCH films - 18-23 yr. old males needed for comm. study. 90 mm. - pays $10. Call Jessica @ 668-2702 or email: IMotse@umich.edu HAVE AN AMAZING SUMMER! Coed, camp n Massachusetts seeks caring & Smotivated college students who love kids! General & specialty counselors needed. Join a dedicated team. Competitive salaries + room+ board+ travel. 800-762-2820. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Chat with famous UM Alumni, enhance your resume while you eam some extra cash!! ***Telefund needs you!*** Flexible evening hours, paid training. $6.50+lhr., to start, bonuses galorell Call 998-7420 for more info or stop by 611 Church #304. ANN ARBOR'S PREMIERE HOTEL NOW HIRING! BREAKFAST HOST/HOSTESS Ideal part-time position for a friendly, early riser. WEEKEND AUDIT Great part-time position available for night owl. We are looking for motivated people to join our top-notch hos- pitality team. We pride oursleves in offering the best service to our guests and outstanding wages and benefits to our employees, Please apply in person at the Bell Tower Hotel, 300 S. Thayer Street, Ann Arbor, MI E.O.E. JOIN THE NEILSEN'S FLOWERS dynamic customer service telephone sales development team. Full & part time positions open. Benefits avail. order entry, organizational, & communication skills are necessary. Enthusiasm & creativity are valued. Contact Elizabeth at 313-994-6112 or fax resumes to 313-994-6151. LAB ASSISTANT Work study position. Prepare solutions, maintain sterile glassware, assist with lab procedures. Department of Dermatology. To apply, call Nancy Swank at 763-0355. LONG TERM WORK study position. Eamr $7.50-8.50/hr. General office duties, flex. hrs. 936-0649 LOOKING FOR BUSINESS experience? Want a job with flexible hours and a great work environment? The Michigan Daily is hiring for the position of Circulation Manager for the Fall/Winter. Applicants should have solid communication & or- ganization skills. Contact Christen at 764- 0558 for more info. Application deadline Jan. 30. MACKINAC STATE Historic Parks in now accepting applications for seasonal Interpre- tive jobs at Mackinac Island'and Mackinac City. We have opening for Tour Guides, His- toric House Interpreters, Naturalists, and Musicians (Fiddlers, Drummers, Buglers, and Fifers). June 7 - Labor Day. $6.50 per hour. Housing available. Request an application from our Personnel Office 616/436-7301. MIND YOUR OWN Business! Colorworks is currently recruiting on campus for a limited number of summer '98 management positions. Gain hands on experience in managing a business in your hometown. Op- portunities available in Detroit suburbs, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Traverse City, Battle Creek. Sum- mer eammgs $7000-$9000. To speak with a campus representative call 1-800-477-1001. MORNING BARN HELP needed at horse boarding facility 10 miles west of Ann Arbor. Must enjoy horses & working outside. Leave message at 475-3209. MUSIC INDUSTRY: booking agency seeks intems. Call Jeremy at 313/995-5777 after 11 am.. NEED: LIVE-IN aide for freshman quadriplegic. Central Campus 9/98 810-794- 1066. NOW HIRING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES *Work for The Michigan Daily Classifieds *Exciting, student-nm environment *Flexible hours around your classes *Great resume and business experience *Eam commission-based pay *Have your work seen by 40,000 people DAILY Interested yet? For more information call Adam or Monica at 764-0557 ASAP! PHONATHON CALLERS The School of Education is now interviewing candidates for our 1998 Winter Phonathon calling team. Duties: Telephone School of Education alumni and solicit contributions to the School. Pay: $7.00 per hour plus bonus pay and prizes. Dates: Sunday through Thursday evenings. February 1 through March 19. Paid training (required) January 26 or January 27. No calling during winter break. Qualifications: Callers must be registered U-M students and must work at least two shifts per week. To Apply: Call 763-4880 M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. School of Education Development and Alumni Services 1001 School of Education Bldg. 610 East University PART-TIME DATA ENTRY clerical position. 95+% accuracy with appropriate speed (50 wpm+), customer service, skills, excellent telephone manner, problem resolu- tion skills, punctual, mature and flexible personality, ability to work independently and prioritize daily work loads and timeframes. Experience with Windows 95 and Microsoft Office. If you would like to apply for this position, please submit your resume to: Office of Planning and Marketing, 300 N. Ingalls Room 4E14, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0475 or email your resume to bktumer@umich.edu PROFIT FROM THE exploding growth of the Internet. Leading company launches new direct sales division. Earn up front bonuses, commissions, and residuals. Set your own hours and schedule. Call 1-800-485-8137. PUT YOUR COMPUTER SKILLS TO WORK! Now hiring Business School computer lab consultants. Experience with Windows95, MS Office, Netscape, & Pine, good communication & people skills, responsibility & initiative required. Shifts vary between 8 a.m.-2 a.m. 7 days a week. Great experience and competitive wages. Contact the umbslabmanager@umich.edu for more information, or apply in person Room C1420 Kresge Library Building, 700 E. University. RECEPTIONIST -Part-time-three days a week including weekends. Successful ap- plicant must possess excellent phone eti- quette and computer skills including WORD and. EXCEL. Fox Hills 8768 N. Territorial, Plymouth, 313-453-7272 RESEARCH ASSISTANT NEEDED 40 hours/wk 8-5 Mon. - Fri. for one year. Assist in implementing clinical trials and organiza- tional tasks associated with editing a scien- tific journal. Involves clerical and secretarial duties. Applicants should have excellent communication, organizational, and com- puter skills. B.S. in biological sciences preferred. Please contact Judy Stein at 763- 7753 or fax resume to 764-3596. RUN YOUR OWN SUMMER BUSINESS. Lawn sprinkler installation & sales. Earn up to $10,000. Vehicle req. You choose the location in Michigan or Ohio suburbs. Green- land Irrigation 1-800-361-4074. SALES ASSISTANT POSITION Friendly, well groomed, outgoing person wanted for Ann Arbor subdivision. Excellent communication skills with light clerical and computer background. This is a part time position. Will include weekends. Hours 12-5, 1o experience necessary. FAX resume to: 248-347-7815. SERVICE REP NEEDED. Are you self motivated & possess exc. communication skills? Do you have an enthusiastic per- sonality/attitude? Exc. compensation package. Up to 30 hrs./wk. avail. Call Mike at 662-5485. SPECIAL GIFT-We're looking for healthy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds are encouraged. Fee paid. Send minuires to AARMA, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. STUDENTS! LOOKING to earn extra cash? Small firm seeks data entry & light production people. FIT, P/T. $6-6.50/hour. Ca# 677-3400 M-F 10-5. STUDENTS/WORK STUDY STUDENTS LAWYERS CLUB DINING hiring for winter ternm. $7.25-8.00 to start. Catering oppor- tunities & meal benefits. Apply in person (551 S. State, comer of S. State & S. Univ.) or call 764-1115. SUBJECTS NEEDED For Cognitive Psychology Reaction Time Experiment. Male or female, right-handed, native English speaker, normal vision & hearing. Pay $5.75/hr. or by experiment. Call 936-2056. TUTOR NEEDED FOR freshman in high school. Gain educational exp. while helping student get a grasp on the daily tasks of high school. Student needs help with study skills, homework, w/special emphasis in algebra & basic study skills. P-T, flex. hrs., neg. fee. Start as soon as possible. Must have own trans. Call Peggy or Sandy 662-0849. TUTOR NEEDED for 6 & 7 yr. old girls. Approx. 2 times a wk. for 2 hrs. Contact Mary 944-6818. TUTOR/ASST. FOR language delayed 7 yr. old. 4-5 days/week 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Bums Park School in regular first grade class. Close to UM Central Campus. $9/hr. start. Call Kim evenings/weekends. 665-8473. WAITSTAFF needed. Must be reliable, energetic and Driver's License. Full or Part time with flexible hours. Call 746-2142. WANTED: Subjects for psychology experi- ment on perception at U of M. Takes 1 hr. pays $10. Must be native English speaker & 20/20 correctable vision. Call 763-0115. WEBSITE PROGRAMMER: full-time. Must have extensive exp. w/ html, strong design & programming skills, and an ex- ample website. Mac, NT & database ex- perence useful. Fax 313-665-9353 or e-mail jobs@diamondbullet.com. WORK STUDIES needed on study of women vets and health. Call 763-3254. WORK STUDY STUDENTS: Looking for a variety of work experiences? Flexible hours. Computer skills (word processing, data entry) a plus. Will train. Positions avail- able in publications, membership services, web design & general office. Own transpor- tation necessary. Free parking. Contact Heidi or Peg at: 998-7832 to schedule interview. Put Your Computer Skills to Work! Now hiring Business School computer lab consultants. Experience with Windows95, MS Office, Netscape & Pine, good communication $ peo ple skills, responsibility & initiative required. Shifts vary between 8 a.m.-2 a.m. 7 days a week. Great experience and competitve wages. Contact the umbslabmanager@umich.edu for more information, or apply in poerson Room C14 0 Kresge Library Building, 700 East University. WORK STUDY POSITION: Part time in- terviewers wanteddfor asthma research project at School of Public Health. Can- didates should be responsible and reliable. Experience in telephone marketing or phone interviewing a plus. Gain experience inter- viewing parents of children with asthma. Evenings only. 10-20 hours/week. Training provided. For more info. call 1-800-990- 9814. FAX resume to 313-763-7379. WORK STUDY POSITION: Part-time Of- fice Assistant wanted for asthma research project at School of Public Health. Can- didates should be organized, and willing to do filing and data entry for an asthma research project. 10-20 hours/week. For more info. call 1-800-990-9814. FAX resume to 313-763-7379. child care t .i n 4 n 'Yw y vF / AFTER SCHOOL CARE needed. 2-3 days/ wk. 3:30-6:00pm. 6 & 9 yr. old boys. Must have exp. & car. 663-3482. FUN, CREATIVE, responsible caregiver needed for our 2.5 year old son in our Ann Arbor home. One or two afternoons per week. (Mon., Tues., or Wed., 11:30 am - 7:00 pm) Non-smoker. References and transpor- tation required. Call 971-7982. IMMEDIATE NEED for in home day care of21 mo. old toddler. 3 days/ week-flexible. References a must. 944-0956, Saline. PART-TIME CHILD CARE needed in NE A2 home for 3 mo. & 4 yr. old. Driving req. Up to 30 hrs. Excellent pay & benefits. Ref. req. Call 747-9482. WANTED MOTHER'S helper to assist in caring for 2 children 8 mos. & 2 yrs. and some housework. Exp. pref. Part-time. Call Eric at 971-4918_ ***SPRING BREAK BAHAMAS Party Cruise! 6 Days $279! Includes Meals, Parties & Taxes! Great Beaches & Nightlife! Leaves from South Florida! springbreaktravel.com 1- 800-678-6386. FLORIDA SPRING BREAK From $129 p.p. Sandpiper Beacon Beach Resort. 3 pools (1 indoor), hot tub, tiki bar. Home of the world's largest keg party. Free info 1-800-488-8828 Free Beer All Week WWWSA NDIP/PERBEACON.COM ***SPRING BREAK '98 GET GOING!!! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida. Group Discounts & Free Drink Parties! Sell 5 & go free! Visa/MC/Disc/Amex 1-800-234-7007. www.endlesssummertours.com. **SPRING BREAK '98! Free food & drinks! Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, & Florida from $3991 Organize a small group & travel FREE! Highest commission & lowest price! Call Surf & Sun Tours to become a campus rep. 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