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March 31, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-03-31

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-- The Michigan diy - Tuesday, March 31, 1998

. }EE
ontnued from Page1
he letter has been mailed.
"For us, this doesn't seem right. You
lon't have a problem with us. When we
nail the letter, you have a problem with
he secretary of state" Law first-year stu-
lent Jackson Lewis said.
MSA officials replied with frustration
o the Law students' stated intention of
vithdrawing from the proceedings.
LSA sophomore Bram Elias, co-chair
>f the Student Regent Task Force, said
hat while the Law students spent a few
.ours drafting the letter, the complaint
vould mean much more work for MSA.

Envoy ends talks with Israeli,
Palestinian officials in stalemate

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JERUSALEM (AP) - U.S. envoy Dennis Ross was left
empty-handed yesterday after Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu refused a U.S. proposal that he with-
draw troops from 13 percent of the West Bank.
The American mediator's fourth and final meeting with
Netanyahu ended last night with no deal. He was to depart
Israel early today.
Earlier, Ross suggested American patience was running
out and the Clinton administration would not keep up the
mediation effort indefinitely. "At some point we have to bring
this effort to a conclusion;" he said.
David Bar-Illan, a top adviser to Netanyahu, said the prime
minister "flatly rejected the idea of a 13 percent withdrawal."
But Bar-Illan insisted that "progress was made" in the meet-
ings with Ross.
"We believe there is a much greater understanding of our
position on the part of the Americans," he said.
Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said it was too
early to say whether Ross' mission had failed. "Each side pre-
sented their conditions and perceptions of the minimum
things they can accept"he said.
In the West Bank, where frustration is growing over
Washington's inability to break the deadlock in the peace
talks, Palestinians chanting "Death to America!" stoned
Israeli troops.
Israeli troops fired tear gas and metal pellets to disperse
hundreds of protesters in the West Bank towns of Bethlehem,
El Bireh and Ramallah. Several Palestinians were injured.
Palestinian police, meanwhile, rounded up several support-
ers of the Islamic militant group Hamas to question them
about the explosion of a car reportedly rigged with 110
pounds of TNT.

The car bomb, apparently intended for use in an attack in
Israel, went off prematurely Sunday in an industrial zone of
the West Bank town of Ramallah, killing one Palestinian. The
blast reduced the car to a ball of twisted metal and leveled the
garage it was hidden in. A gun and a hand grenade were
found nearby, Israel's Channel Two television said.
Ross was meeting with Netanyahu to try to get his backing
for Washington's proposal that Israel withdraw from 13 per-
cent of the West Bank in several stages over 12 weeks. The
Palestinians would meet each stage with new efforts to pre-
vent terror attacks in Israel.
Bar-Illan said Israel made no counter-proposal to the
American proposal of 13 percent. Netanyahu says Israel can
give up no more than 9 percent of the West Bank, and has
denied Israeli media reports that he had made a compromise
offer of 11 percent. The prime minister and Defense Minister
Yitzhak Mordechai explained to Ross in detail why Israel
cannot give up more territory, Bar-Illan said.
But Bar-Illan said the meetings focused largely on Israel's
demands that the Palestinians do more to combat terrorism,
and that a concrete mechanism to verify those measures be
Ross said the stalemate in the peace talks was beginning to
"diminish the hopes that people have for seeing a very differ-
ent Middle East and for building and achieving peace."
Palestinian leaderYasser Arafat blamed Israel for the dead-
lock and asked the United States to use "its international and
regional weight" to find a solution,
The peace process has languished because of "the obsti-
nate positions and policies of the Israeli government, which
contradict the spirit of peace" Arafat said in a speech in
Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Filibuster stops campaign finance bill
WASHINGTON- From the start, House Republican leaders merely wan
ed to put the issue of campaign finance reform to rest as quietly as possibl
Instead, their attempts to do so have succeeded - far more than the painsta
ing efforts of the legislation's sponsors - in pumping new drama into th
Because the leading bipartisan proposal is trapped in a Senate filibuster, there i
tle chance that a major campaign finance bill will become law this year.
But the tactics of GOP leaders - which lawmakers say were aimed at fulfillin
promises to address the issue without risking passage of legislation they do not wai
- have triggered a ferocious response from both Republican and Democratic spo
sors, drawing renewed attention to the issue and assuring that it will not go away qu
"Suddenly it's surfaced as a hot-button issue," said Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (
First, the leaders drafted an alternative of their own but postponed action on it th
past Thursday when it appeared they would lose key procedural votes and open t
way for passage of the bill they oppose. Then, a day later, they reversed course at
scheduled votes for this week under procedures that appeared destined to p
gridlock on major changes.

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Continued from Page 1
he views citizen action as a form of
human happiness.
"Striving for justice is a way of
striving for a society to give more and
more people happiness - it's the great
work of human beings on Earth;'
Nader said in an interview before the
But the role of citizens has been
clouded in recent years by a society that
is "growing up corporate," Nader said.
The persuasiveness of corpora-
tions' influence in the everyday lives
of U.S. citizens is not widely recog-
nized. But the levels of crime, vio-
lence and regulation by corporations
far exceed the publicized street
crimes, violence and government reg-
ulation, Nader said.
"It's a government of the Exxons, for
the General Motors and by the
DuPonts," Nader said.
Nader asked the audience members to
learn about the courage displayed by par-
ticipants in previous social movements.
"There were no other jobs available
if (the protesters) were fired," Nader
said. "They put it all on the line for col-
lective bargaining for a decent standard
of living."
Besides learning history, students
need to be well educated in civics so
they can "enjoy civic action instead of
having to be pushed into it by civic

duty," Nader said.
Nader became widely recognized
as the founder of the national con-
sumer movement when he published
"Unsafe at Any Speed," a best-selling
book that exposed General Motor s'
unsafe production practices. He
signed his recent book "No Contest:
Corporate Lawyers and the
Perversion of Justice in America" at
the theater last night.
In addition to his publications,
Nader has founded more than 30 non-
profit public interest organizations and
campaigned for U.S. president twice,
most recently in 1996 as the Green
Party nominee.
Rackham first-year student Jason
Weller said Nader has been one of his
heroes for years.
"I've always been impressed by the
things he's advocated for from con-
sumer protection, to environmental pro-
tection, to sustainable development,"
Weller said.
LSA first-year student Charles
Luftig said Nader addressed several
important social issues, but he mis-
represented many economic issues.
"Corporations do more good than
(Nader) makes it out to seem," Luftig
said. "He talks about the growing inter-
dependence and globalization and how
that's hurting us as citizens, but these
multi-national corporations actually do
improve development of third-world
countries, for example."

Cigaettes said to be
s er than in past
ST. PAUL, Minn. - An R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco Co. researcher,
who has been a key witness in sev-
eral lawsuits that the tobacco indus-
try has won, testified yesterday that
a single charcoal-broiled steak con-
tains the same amount of the toxic
chemical benzpyrene as is found in
the smoke of 600 cigarettes.
David Townsend, RJR's vice president
for product development, made the state-
ment as he testified here about efforts
that Reynolds and other cigarette manu-
facturers undertook to make their prod-
ucts safer during the past four decades.
Townsend, who has worked on ciga-
rette design at Reynolds for 20 years,
said RJR and other companies made
numerous attempts to selectively
reduce or eliminate hazardous elements
in cigarettes - including benzpyrene,
a carcinogen that has been known to be
in cigarette smoke for many years. He
said the amount of benzpyrene had
been reduced to a very low, safe level.

But, Townsend said that industry se
entists concluded by 1980 that the wise
course of action was to try to reduce
the potentially hazardous components
cigarettes simultaneously becau
"selective" reductions sometimes h
the unintended consequences of gene
ing other problems.
Gore to celebrate
50th birthday
WASHINGTON - Memo to vi
president's staff: Bring hamme
and saws to work for his birthd
today, overalls optional.
On his 50th birthday, Al Go
plans to have breakfast with his
ents in Tennessee before flvini
Washington to help Habitat f
Humanity fix up a house
Washington, spokesperson Lar
Haas said yesterday.
"The entire staff has been invit
to join him at the project," Ha
said. "I imagine many will go."
The staff also plans to throw t
boss a party.



Problems emerge in
Armenian vote
YEREVAN, Armenia - Armenians
voted yesterday in the decisive runoff
round of the country's presidential elec-
tion. While the outcome remained
unclear, it was quickly apparent that
there were problems in holding a clean
Voters were choosing between two
men who emerged from a 12-candidate
field in the election's first round: Prime
Minister Robert Kocharian, who has
served as caretaker president since last
March, and Karen Demirchyan, a former
Communist Party first secretary who
governed Armenia when it was a Soviet
republic. The result of the runoff is not
expected until today.
Workers at Demirchyan campaign
headquarters, who predicted a close fin-
ish, said they were receiving complaints
from around the country of poll watchers
being ejected from precincts and of
efforts to stuff ballot boxes. Kocharian
campaign officials, who claim their can-
didate will win by at least seven percent-
age points, said that Demirchyan was

trying to disqualify the outcome
Armenians and foreign diplom
regard the vote as a key step toward m
ing regional peace and solving dee
nomic problems. But if the result
judged invalid, the new president '
lack the backing to make difficult de
sions, observers say.
BMW to buy Rolls-
Royce in$570M deal
LONDON- Rolls-Royce is go
foreign, bought yesterday by G
automaker BMW in a $570 million
At the Rolls-Royce plant in cen
England, the workers who build the I
ury cars - handmade to orders 'pla
by oil sheiks, film stars and tycoons
jokingly greeted each other yester
with the phrase "Guten Morgen."
"The spirit of the car won't chant
vowed Mike Garnett, who started v
Rolls-Royce as a teen-age apprent
"It's still our hands that make th






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EDTRA STAFFLauri My , ioriC Ci
NEWS Janet Adamy, Managing Edit
EDITORS: Mara Hackett, Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff, Chris Metinko.
STAFF: Melissa Andrzejak, Reilly Brennan, Jodi S. Cohen, Gerard Cohen-vignaud, Rachel Edelman, Jeff Eldridge, Margene Eriksen; Erin
Holmes, Steve Horwitz. Hong Lin, Pete Meyers, William Nash, Christine M. Paik, Lee Palmer, Katie Plona, Susan T. Port, Eliana Raik,
Anupama Reddy, Peter Romer-Friedman, Josh Rosenblatt, Melanie Sampson, Killy Scheer, Nika Schulte, Carly Southworth, Mike Spahn, S
Stavis, Jason StoffecCarrisa van Heest, Will Weissert, Sarah Welsh, Heather Wiggin, Kristin Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Katie Plona.
EDITORIAL Jack Schillaci, Edit
STAFF Lea Frost. Kaamran Hfeez, Eric Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb. Yuki Kuniyuki, Sarah Lemire. Erin Marsh, James Miller, 4
Rich, Joshua Rich, Stephen Sarkozy, Megan Schimpf, Paul SerillaDavid Wallace, Josh White, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Jim Rose, Managing Edit
EDITORS: Chris Farah, Sharat Raju, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman.
STAFF: Drew Beaver, TJ. Berka, Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Dave DenHerder, Chris Duprey, Jason Emeott, Jorda
Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John Friedberg, Alan Goldenbach, James Goldstein, Rick Harpster, Kim Hart, Josh Klenbaum,
Vaughn R. Klug, Chad Kujala, Andy Latack, John Leroi, Fred Link, B.J. Luria, Pranay Reddy, Kevin Rosenfield, Danielle Rumore, Tracy
Sandler, Nita Srivastava, Uma Subramanian, Jacob Wheeler.
ARTS Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Edita
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Emily Lambert, Elizabeth Lucas; Associate Editor Christopher Tkaczyk
SUB-EDITORS: Brian Cohen (Music), Stephanie Love (Campus Arts), Joshua Pederson (Film), Jessica Eaton {Books), Michael Galloway (TV/New Media).
STAFF: Joanne Alnajjar, Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Colin Bartos, Caryn Burtt, Anitha Chalam, Gabe Fajuri, Laura Flyer, Geordy
Gantsoudes, Cait Hall, Marquina Iliev, Stephanie Jo Klein, Anna Kovalszki, James Miller, Rob Mitchum, Kern Murphy, Jennifer Petlinski,
Ryan Posly, Aaron Rennie, Aaron Rich, Joshua Rich, Deveron Q. Sanders, Erin Diane Schwartz, Anders Smith-Lindall, Cara Spindler,
Prshant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Margaret Myer:, Warren Zinn, Ed
STAFF: Allison Canter, Louis Brown, Malloy SE. Floyd, Joy Jacobs, Jessica Johnson, John Kraft, Dana Linnane, Emily Nathan, Nathan Ruffer, .
Stilman.PaulTalanian, Adriana ugovich
ONLINE Chris Farah, Edit
STAFF: Mark Francescutti, Marquina Iliev, Elizabeth Lucas, Adam Pollock.
GRAPHICS Jonathan Weitz, Edit
STAFF: Alex Hogg, Michelle McCombs, Jordan Young.

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