ws: 76-DAILY vertising: 764-0554 WEw *ri One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom Tuesday March 31, 1998 . s .-. 5 ' { y($ c Z EN ., ,,, ,v, r"S.,".+ .. ... : .....S nm af "u Ca x J'' t , n F:?'1 I : ti: ~ J "a 5' y A :x S .a:u m "'Cp +Ilt ',.;. c_ . I ayof cti on to e place morrow Susan T. Port ly Staff Reporter Attempting to rekindle the student tivism of the '60s and '70s, a coali- n of student groups is organizing mpus events for a second National y of Action in support of affirmative n. The event is scheduled for morrow. The first National Day of Action, Id Feb. 24, consisted of sit-ins, ral- s and teach-ins. But tomorrow's :tivities will consist of a rally with eaker Wendell Anthony, president of e Detroit chapter of the NAACP, and arch scheduled to begin at noon on e steps of Angell Hall. At 1:30 p.m., immediately following arch, a mass meeting is planned iscuss a strategy for defending irmative action. The student organizations sponsor- g the National Day of Action include ademics for Affirmative Action and cial Justice, Alianza, the Coalition to fend Affirmative Action By Any eans Necessary, the Black Student nion and the Native American udent Association. udents from 40 other colleges ss the country, including the niversity of California at Berkeley, ory University and Columbia iversity, are planning to join the ovement to defend affirmative action. Lee Felarca, a member of BAMN, nded out fliers on the Diag yesterday let students know about the day of Ralph Nader, ,tion. students to b Felarca said the first National Day Action alerted campuses nation- of the need to speak up and fend affirmative action. "It's not just a day of action," Felarca id. "This one could truly have a tional character." Felarca said that about eight Law hool students in the state of New By Reilly Brennan rk called for the second day of action Daily Staff Reporter be held tomorrow. A movie made 1 "This is exactly what we have been tions in Ann Arbor ing for," Felarca said. "We are four years ago. Bu ing to foster a new civil rights hot movie, the filr ovement, not just another demonstra- and letdowns of b n" In the summer Felarca said he expects many Nowhere" was sh niversity students will attend the ed and produced y's events. whom were Univ "There is a lot more recognition calculated, the pro ming out as a collective group in The film, which pport of affirmative action," Felarca in Utah, eventual id. "We should continue as a campus major film distrib help build and lead this national potential, said Un ment" ducer. SA junior Andrea Holoweiko said Rad, who also e does not see a need to recognize a potential, but the cond National Day of Action, adding its obligations. at she did not agree with student orga- "MGI Internati tions' encouragement of skipping cities," Rad said. sses for the day this past February. Angeles." "I don't think it's called for in the Steve Chbosky st place," Holoweiko said. "The parents put a se niversity is on their side." finance the film. Holoweiko said the issues are troubles, most of See ACTION, Page 7 the experience. ourt to rule on IV legal status s Angeles Times ASHINGTON - Debating its first case involving andmark federal civil rights law for the disabled, the preme Court appeared closely divided yesterday out whether the measure should protect all of the 'arly 1 million Americans who have the AIDS virus or ly those for whom the disease impairs walking, see- g, hearing or working. A ruling, due by late June, also may determine hether the law will cover the millions of others who ve diseases or conditions - such as cancer, heart dis- se, diabetes and epilepsy - that restrict their lives but ot always incapacitate them. e case before the court concerns a Maine woman ho had HIV but no symptoms of AIDS. But she con- nded she was disabled because she could not have ildren, for fear that the baby would be born with the rus. Justice Stephen Breyer, taking a broad interpretation ider: Strive for justice, rights Activist calls for corporate responsiblit By Lee Palmer Daily Staff Reporter Renowned consumer and environmental advocate Ralph Nader condemned abuses of corporate power before an audience of 1,200 people in the keynote address for Serve Week held last night at the Michigan Theater. Nader's speech chronicled the history of corporate power in the United States and its recent expansion into academic, religious, communication and political realms. "Over the last 200 years, corporations have evolved into exquisite machines of privileges and immunities ... nothing is off limits anymore," Nader said, noting the University's affiliation with Nike. Nader warned audience members of the dangers of allowing professionals such as lawyers or doctors to con- sider their work as "just another business." "Professional standards are supposed to offer preventa- tive measures," he said. Because many doctors and lawyers are motivated sole- ly by profits, they give up professional standards and their independence through corporate control, Nader said. Many event attendees and organizers said Nader was an ideal keynote speaker for Serve Week. The event also was sponsored by University Activities Center and the School of Natural Resources. "During Serve Week, we do a lot of hands-on, grassroots service programming" said Business junior Spencer Preis, who headed the Serve Week committee that brought Nader to campus. "We wanted a speaker who could tie together the academic and political elements of social activism." Nader, who has dedicated his life to public service, said See NADER, Page 2 JOHN KRAFT/Daily a renowned environmental advocate, speaks before an audience of 1,200 people yesterday in the Michigan Theater. Nader urged e well-educated and to learn about past social movements. eased film hits dead end in by University graduates at 47 different loca- r drew critical acclaim after it was produced t in the years following the bliss of having a m's producers have dealt with the headaches otched contracts with major film distributors. of 1993, the movie "The Four Corners of ot entirely in Ann Arbor and written, direct- by recent college graduates - some of ersity alumni. When the total budgets were ject cost nearly $300,000. h played at the 1995 Sundance Film Festival ly was plagued with problems caused by butors and did not live up to its expected iversity alumnus Julian Rad, the film's pro- acted in the film, said the movie had great distributor he contracted did not live up to onal said that our film would run in 56 "It ended up showing in only one - Los , the film's writer and director, said his cond mortgage on their house to help He said that despite the film's financial the people involved have benefitted from "It was a special time, and to be able to even make a movie is great," Chbosky said. "But we lost our shirts with this film." The Generation X movie could be appropriately put along- side "Singles" in a videostore, Rad said. Rad said that during the Sundance Film Festival, the show received rave reviews and should have been signed by a major distributor, if a few mishaps had not occurred. "A lot of things went wrong at Sundance," he said. "There was a leak that Miramax was planning on signing with us, but we never signed anything with them." From that point, no other distributors wanted to touch the rights to "Four Corners," Rad said. The work sat dor- mant for more than one year until MGI International, a new distributor at the time, signed the film and promised big results - a nationwide release, a gigantic opening- night event in Los Angeles and a large share of the film's profits. Rad said he has not yet received any payment from MGI, two years after the contract was originally signed. Colleen Meeker, who works for MGI and signed the deal with "Four Corners," said her company cannot afford to sup- port the film any longer. "The film opened in L.A. and got terrible reviews," she said. "We did the best we could, but I had to pull out because it was a poor film' See FILM, Page 7 LOUIS BROWN/Daily University alumnus Julian Rad produced the film "The Four Corners of Nowhere." The movie never hit theaters due to distribution problems. MSA, Law students We all scream for ice cream debate fee By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud Daily Staff Reporter As part of the ongoing debate about the legality of the Michigan Student Assembly's proposed student fee increase to fund a campaign for a stu- dent regent, students with differing views on the issue met yesterday to share their differing points of view. MSA officials joined concerned Law students to look at the draft of a letter the students plan to send to Michigan Secretary of State Candice Miller. In the letter, the students allege that MSA would violate the Michigan Campaign Finance Act if it spent the fee increase students approved in this winter's elec- tions to gather signatures for a referen- dum asking state voters to endorse the legality The act says a public body is "any other body that ... is primarily funded by or through state or local authority." The law students argue that the fee increase, which would be collected by the University Office of the Registrar is funded through a state authority. But MSA officials contend the assembly's status is as a corporation. Ifs tax filings show that it is a private body and not governed by the MCFA. "The crucial issue is whether MSA is a public body for the purpose of Michigan election law," said Law sec- ond-year student Dante Stella, special counsel to MSA. "MSA is confident that the regents' tax filings, MSA tax filings and documents of incorporation demon- strate that it is not a public body' I t. ~~Wt$7 ~ I I