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January 15, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-15

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 15, 1998


Continued from Page 1A
for everybody. This is good for our
sport and now college wrestling will be
around for many more decades to
come. "
Campbell University Athletic
Director Tom Collins commended the
NCAA's "sound" action, adding that the
association's reactions have mirrored
decisions at Campbell.
"I think weigh-in is a good goal
change and also the clear elimination of
the rubberized suits and the not boxes,"

Collins said.
Echoing Goss' confidence that the
NCAA is moving in the right direc-
tion, Collins said he trusts the people
who are reshaping the way in which
collegiate wrestlers train because
they are experts in their respective
"They're people who want the sport
of wrestling to be successful," he said.
The NCAA Wrestling Committees
plan to make further guidelines at
their annual meeting April 6-10 in
Kansas City. Members of the com-
mittees intend to examine weight-

loss behavior.
The Food and Drug Administration
and the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention are expected to give their
input to the NCAA's Wrestling
Committee and the Competitive-
Safeguards Committee before April.
Mike Moyer, who chairs the NCAA's
Wrestling Rules Committee, said the
committee anticipates more long-term
changes after the wrestling season is
"The committee recognizes that no
rules guarantee the safety of partici-
pants, but believes these measures will

promote safety in our sport," Moyer
said in a written statement. "Therefore,
the committee urges compliance with
both the letter and the intent of all of
these changes.
"Nothing is more important than
the safety of our competitors," he
The long-term changes "ideally
will allow wrestlers to focus on com-
petition rather than making weight
and also maintain competitive equal-
ity within the weight classes," Moyer

Visa scam brought foreign nurses to U.S
WASH INGTON - A fter a three-year investigation, a federal task force has bro-
ken up a major visa fraud conspiracy that brought hundreds of foreign nurses into
the United States, mostly from the Philippines, and put them to work for substan-
dard wages at nursing homes in Texas and around the country, authorities said yes-
Officials of the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service, which led the
interagency task force, said the probe was the largest visa fraud investigation ever
conducted in the United States;
It led to guilty pleas in federal court in Lubbock, Texas, by five defen-
dants yesterday, including the man at the center of the ring, Billy Denver
Jewell, the owner of a chain of 22 nursing homes in Texas and Oklahoma.
The four others, who helped recruit the foreign nurses, included immigrants
from the Philippines and South Korea. All pleaded guilty to various federal
charges related to visa fraud and alien smuggling, U.S. Attorney Paul
Coggins said.
The investigation is continuing and may eventually lead to dozens of otl
indictments, federal agents said. They said they identified more than 2,000 felot
counts against Jewell, but decided to press only three in return for his help in net-

I W"

A Drum Major for Justice

You are invited to attend
The Unversity of Michigan
Business School's
Tenth Observance of
Martin Luther King Day
January 19, 1998
1:30 pm
Hale Auditorium
Assembly Hall
Tappan and Hill Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Clarence Page
Editorial Boardmember,
Chicago Tribune
will present:
"A Drum Major for Justice"
Followed oy Audience Participation
and Reception
Join us in this celebration and share
in this learning opportunity
Martin Luther
January 19, 1998

ting others involved in widespread scams
illegally and often exploited.
Court hears case on
lobbying groups
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court heard arguments yesterday on
whether lobbying groups that con-
tribute to political campaigns must
comply with federal rules requiring
them to disclose how their money is
collected and spent.
But the justices appeared preoccu-
pied by threshold legal problems and
suggested they are unlikely to use the
case involving the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee to decide
whether groups that mostly lobby elect-
ed officials but also give to candidates
must comply with disclosure rules.
If the court were to rule on the mer-
its of the case, it could bring new
scrutiny to organizations that mostly
lobby but also spend some portion of
their time trying to influence elections
through contributions.
The justices focused most of their
queries on whether the people who sued
the Federal Election Commission about

in which foreign nurses were recruited
its definition of "political committees"
had legal standing. They also questioned
whether key FEC policies are sufficient-
ly in flux that a ruling on the particulars
of this case would be untimely.
Lawmakers unite on
managed health care
WASH I NGTON - After some frac-
tious fights, President Clinton and con-
gressional Democrats staged a show of
unity yesterday for a proposed patient
"bill of rights" to guard against abuses
in managed-care health plans.
"We have to make this change becal
of the changes in the American health
care market," Clinton said. About 100
million Americans have been enrolled in
cost-saving managed care programs,
patient complaints have been rising.
Clinton said he was encouraged that
many Republicans support such an
approach, and Vice President Al Gore
said opponents are "going to be sur-
prised at how many Republicans cot
over and join our side in this battle:.

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May/June 1998 Graduates

Indonesian president
monopolizes country
JAKARTA, Indonesia -
Indonesia's embattled President
Suharto, seeking in one grand stroke
to restore confidence in his nation's
battered economy, is set to announce a
reform package today morning that
includes reducing official favoritism
for companies controlled by his
wealthy children, according to govern-
ment officials familiar with the plan.
Final details of the package were
still being hashed out in the early
hours of today morning between the
Indonesian authorities and a team
from the International Monetary
Fund led by its managing director,
Michel Camdessus. The package is
designed to accomplish what a $43
billion bailout launched in November
for Indonesia couldn't -stem a mas-
sive flight of capital from the world's
fourth-most-populous country that
has marked one of the gravest turns
in Asia's financial crisis.
The plan has been eagerly anticipat-
ed this week in financial markets as a

potentially crucial turning point in the
crisis, and the mere fact that it was
imminent helped fuel a powerful ra v
in Asian currencies and stock pri
yesterday. Indonesia's currency, the
rupiah, which was in free fall last
week, soared 10 percent against the
U.S. dollar, and Jakarta's benchmark
stock index rose 6 percent.
Israeli cabinet takes.
hard line on pull out
JERUSALEM - The Israeli
net, staking out a hard line ahead o
negotiations in Washington, insisted
yesterday that it will retain perma-
nent control of certain chunks o
West Bank territory it has occupied
since capturing it in the 1967 Middle
East war.
The cabinet offered just genera
descriptions of the territory it is deter
mined to keep, and it did not provide a
map or percentage of the occl
lands it is willing to cede eventually
Palestinian control.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports

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EDTRA STF.Joh .ieEito nS he
NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge. Laurie Mayk. Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy. Reilly Brennan. Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud. Greg Cox. Rachel Edelman. Margen Eriksen. Megan Exley. Maria Hackett
Mike Haven. Stephanie Hepburn, Debra Hirschfield, Steve Horwitz, Heathrn Kami , J, f rey Kosseff. Neal Lepsetz. Ken Mazur. Chris
Metinko, Pete Meyers. William Nash. Christine M. Paik. Lee Palmer. Katie -i-a. Susan T. Port. Diba Rab. Alice Robinson. Peter Romer
FriedmanCarly Southworth, Mike Spahn. Sam Stavys, Jason Stoffer. Heather Wiggn.Kstin Wright, Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Katie Plane.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, EdI*
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schic ' Sara Lc,ver
STAFF: Kristin Arola. ien ri edmn-i. Lea Fe. Erc Hchstad K': -cc:: Hter, Jasn Krl. Y ru K inyk David Lai. Janes Miller JoShua
Rich, Megan Schinpf Paul Srnl. Roi Steager. Davi Wallace. Matt imsutt Jordan Yung
SPORTS John Leroi, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nicholas J. Cotsonika. Alan Goldenbach. Jim Rose, Danielle Rumore.
STAFF: T.J. Berka. Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, Chris Duprey. Chnrs Farah. Jordan Field, Mark Francescutte. Rick Freeman, John Friedberg,
James Goldstein. Rick Harpster, Kim Hart, Josh Kleinbaum. Chad Kujala. Andy Latack. Fred Link. B J Luria. Kurt New, Sharat Raju, Pranay
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Editors
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Emily Lambert. Elizabeth Lucas
SUB-EDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music). Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Ats). Joshua Pederson (Film). Jessica Eaton (Books). Stephanie Jo Klein (TV/New Media),
STAFF: Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett. Colin Bartos. Sarah Beldo, Caryn Burtt. Neal C. Carruth, Anitha Chalam, Brian Cohen. Gabe Fajuri.
Chris Felax, Laura Flyer, Michael Galloway. Geordy Gantsoudes, Anna Kovaiski. Emily Lambert, Stephanie Love. James Miller, Rob
Mtchum Stephen Paruszcewcz. Joshua Pederson, Jenifer Petlinski, Ryan Posly, Aaron Rich, Joshua RichDeveron Q. Sanders. Anders
Smith-Lindall, Julie Shin. Gabriel Sm'ith, Prashiant Tamasker. Ted Watts, Mici oZierman. Curtis Zimmerman.*
PHOTO Sara Stillman, Edit
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Mve's. Warren Z in
STAFF: Louis Brwn, Daniel Castle. Marary SE. Floyd John Kraft. Kevin Krupitzer, Kelly McKinnell, Bryan McLellan, Emily Nathan. Paul Talanian.
COPY DESK Rebecca Berkun, Editor
STAFF: Alison Goldman. Jason Hoyer, Debra Lss. Amber Meios, Jen Woodward.
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
STAFF: Chris Farah, Margunia-lhev, Elizabeth Lucas.
GRAPUICSn .an... W& Eitom

Academic Background:
Additional Skills:
System Engineer Analyst

B.A., B.S. in Economics, Finance, Math, Computer Science, or Engineering.
Very strong analytical and interpersonal skills. Teaching ability and solid
presentation skills. Knowledge of the fixed income markets is a plus.

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