6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 23, 1998 wi 14. 1224 Washtenaw Ct. 2 Bdrm. Bi-level apt. available for May to May lease. Great location and contemporary in every way. Located down the street from the CC Little Bus Stop. Modem furnishings, 1 1/2 baths, dwshr. & micro., two A/C. Resident manager position available. 741- 9300. www.embmgmt.com 2 & 3 BDRM. modern apt. at 1600 Packard. Furn. or Unfum. Call 769-7025 or 995-6396. -....- .-i 721 CHURCH. Great 1 bdrm. apts. in char- ming Tudor style house. Quiet. Ideal for very mature person(s). Close to Bus., Law, & School of Ed. Prkg., heat, water incl., ldry. Avail. Sept. Ann 426-6035. $675-$800. 915 E.'Ann & 204 N. Ingalls. i bdrm. avail. Prkg. Sept. lease. 663-2731. ACROSS FROM IM Building. 2 bdrms. for Fall '98. $800 range. Call 761-8000. FALL 98 3 bedroom apartment with brand new kitchen, dishwasher, disposal, A/C, laundry on premises, heat & water included. 665-8825. FOR FALL EFF., 1 bdrm. apt., & sleeping rooms near campus. Free heat and water. Oakland Management 761-7491. FOR FALL GREAT 5 bdrm. house. Semi- fum., A/C, laundry, off St. prkg. Grad stu- dents preferred. 663-4345. FOREST TERRACE APT'S. Exceptional apt. for 2 & 4 people fully fumished, A/C, & parking. For more info. Varsity Mgt. 769-6478. GREAT APTS.! Great Prices! 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. starting at $415. 487-5750. MAY LEASES AVAIL.- Contemporary 2 bdrn. apts. Call 741-9300. A LOST NECKLACE ON Reward. Call 913-5401. MARCH 12! AIR CONDITIONED Spaciousunfurnished 2-bedroom Balcony, dishwasher, laundry, parking.' close to U/M Campus. Available Fall 2405. apt. Very 944- 5 S**********PARKING!********** On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. FOR SALE Air Hockey Table. $300 obo. For details call 769-1640 after 6 p.m. SW RADIO, Sony ICF-SW55 $150 obo. Call Sid 764-2724. TITANIC POSTERS: Jack/Rose dancing 27x40 $22. Deb 483-7928 dfmhart@umich.edu SWANT A NEW PARADIGM for the NEW 'MILLENNIUM? Try Prof. Alfred de :Orazia's QUANTAVOLUTION & CATASTROPH E 15 vols. on CD-ROM. -fend $11.00 to Metron, Princeton NJ 08542- J213 and update yourself far out on 30 fields ,of arts and sciences. Web site: http:// www.grazian-archive.com JEEPS FOR $100 Seized and sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4's, etc. 1-800-522-2730 ext. 4494. TOYOTA CRESSIDA '87 Loaded, very good cond. $3500 after 6 p.m. 997-9728. "96 FORD ASPIRE rent, auto, AM/FM stereo, air, 25 K mi., excellent. $5200. (313) ,332-8968. APARTMENT FOR FOUR, central campus, 2 floors, 2 fireplaces, free laundry, separate living, dining rooms, full kitchen, easy parking, May to May lease preferred, call Jesse at 996-3556. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact www.amvestproperty.com on the web. ATTN.: BUSINESS/LAW STUDENTS Time is running out! Very few, VERY LAR- GE two bedroom furnished apartments, with MANY AMENITIES, including parking and extra parking available. Large enough for four people. MAY and SEPTEMBER leases available. Call Mark at 761-3920. AVAIL. NOW- Packard/Division. Large room in 4-bdrm.2-bath apt. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1204. AVAIL. SEPT. 1 William/Division. Efficiency, 1-2 bdrm. apts. w/ sec. buzzer, Idry., storage. Gallatin Reality Co. 994-1204. Available Now 2 bdrm. apts.- newly renovated, modemr kitchens, lg. balconies, fireplaces-flexible leases-call Rebecca 741-9300. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! NEW RENOVATION! 2 bedroom apartment in prime location. Furnished. Heat & water included. Parking. 665-8825. AVAILABLE FALL '98 Triangle Management has one, two, and three bedroom apartments, conveniently located across from Elbel Field on S. Division. Just a hop, skip and a jump to the IM building and sports facilities. Call Jeff at 483-4657 to ar- range a tour. Also, visit us at www.trianglemgt.com. BACK ON THE MARKET: Fabulous 7 bdrm. home has everything! S. University. Sept. Ise. Prkg., new kitchen, recreation rm. Free Idry. Call 973-7368. BEST HOUSES FALL 98. Great locations, prkg., large bdrms., all appliances, 702 Tap- pan (large studio) $795, 1225 Prospect (4-6 rms.)- $2295. 313-930-9999. BY B-SCHOOL several lovely sleeping rms. w/shared kitch. & bath. Laundry & parking. May & Sept. leases @ 820 Hill & 1012 Hill. $370-540/mo. 665-5620. /(Tower Plaza Condo) Furnished studio and one bedroom units available immediately. Secure soundproof building one block from U of M campus. $700-950/mo. Call Brian Tosmic. 663-1530. CALL BILL @ 995-7223 to see beautiful, well maintained vintage house on N. Division between E. Ann & Catherine. Many features, great location, minutes from central campus, medical ctr., & Kerrytown. Avail. Sept. 98, 12 mo. Ise. No pets or smokers. $3000 neg. + elec. CAMPUS Large one bedroom unfurnished apt. Hardwood floors, bay window in lovely Victorian building close to UM campus. Phone 944-2405. CAN'T BE BEAT! Best Location, Best Price, Best Management! Walk to UM Hospital, 2 Bedrooms from $659, Free Heat, 24 Hour Fitness Center. 662-2950. CAPPO MGMT. Fall Rentals Eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Call 668-2817 ***SPR/SUM SUBLET 4 Bdrm. Hse. (tat Location! Church & Willard! Prkg. Ldry. Price neg. 665-4549 or 997-9329. **FREE SPRING/SUMMER Sublet Apt Finder Service- Studios to 7 bdrms. Call 741- 9300 for your free complete listing. 1 BDRM. IN 2 BDRM. apt. Division/Wil- liam avail. now. 663-8989, 301/869-7816. 1 BDRM. OFF ST. PRKG. Close to'-Law School. lg. porch. Pets OK. Avail. mid May- Aug. $500/mo. Call Kim 332-6120. 1127 E. ANN #38. Eff. avail. in hist building. May 1. $525. Heat, water incl Courtney 995-1850. 2 BEDROOM, MODERN apt. Beautiful furnished, dishwasher, A/C, lots of windows & balcony. Avail. May. 761-8972. 3 BDRMS IN 4 BDRM. HSE. @ 411 Hil St. Fum., prkg., Idry. Avail. May-Aug. $330 mo. or best offer. Call 668-1182. 6 BDRM. APT. Large, fully fum., 2 bai,,A C, dwshr., & rkg. Util. incl. Athtic Campus. Avail. May 668-2881. HOUSES 2, 3, 5 Bdrm. avail. apts. eff., 1, 2, 3 bdrms. avail. fum. & unfum. on & off campus. Call PMSI 665-5552. KERRYTOWN/MEDICAL 2 Bdrm. in remodeled bldg. Rooms in historic house, share 4 bdrm. apt. Oak floors. New kitchen, fum., carpet, prkg. Call 973-7368. Avail. May 5th Furn. Eff. Apt. Parking 1 11 7 Church #2 Copi Properties 663-5609 LARGE FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. on S. State, 5 min. to Michigan Union. Avail. Fall lease. Heat & water incl. Balconies, A/C, prkg., Idry., for 2 persons $800-$995/mo., 3- 4 persons $975- a100/mo.No smkg./no pets. Call 734-996-3539, 9am-8pm. LEASE NOW OR IT COULD GET SCARY! I & 2 Bedrooms for Fall move in are going fast! Walk to UM Hospital, Free Heat, Inter- commed Entryways, 24 Hour Fitness Club. Call Now 662-2950. 1 11 N MAY TO MAY 917 Packard, 2 bdrm. Call Varsity Management 668-1100. MAY TO MAY Brand new 6 bedroom bi-level penthouse. Call for info. 665-8825. MAY-MAY EFF. 2 bdrn. Near CCRB. 996-2836. NEAR CENTRAL or Medical Large efficiencies, semi-furn., w/ appl. Util. included. $450 + 747-6895. PARK PLAZA - 1320 S. University. 3 bedroom available now through Spring/Sum- mer '98. Call 761-8000. PRE-LEASE DISCOUNTS!! Great, low rates on huge 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apts! Reserve your apt. today for spectacular move-in discounts!! 971-5455. PRE-LEASE TODAY & save. Low security deposits. Large 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms. Free heat. 971-2132. ROOM FOR RENT- Short term/until Sept. Fum., lg., 3 doors from Rackham, Idry., landlord pays utils. Non-smoker. Call Dan or Grace at 662-3458. SINGLE OR DOUBLE rooms avail. for Fall '98. 8 or 12 mo. Ises. Meal plan incl., all utils. paid. Call 761-8000. SIX BEDROOMS, 2 1/2 bath apartment cur- rently available near Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor. Offered at a reduced rate through August 18, 1998. For additional information, please contact Wilson White Company, Inc. at 734-995-9200. Equal housing Opprtunity. SPRING/SUMMER VERY affordable 1 & 3 bedroom apartments available for spring/summer. Foraadditional information, please contact Wilson White Company at 734-995-9200. TIMES RUNNING OUT... Get your apartment for Fall 1998 NOW! Fully furnished efficiency, studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available. Many great features. Call now for more information. Wilson White Company, Inc. 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. AMAZING LOCATION! 707 Chers block from campus. Large 2 bdrm. aptZA single apts. avail. May-Aug. Free-T Please call 663-7245. AVAIL. APRIL 1st, Old West Side, 2 bdrm apt. Call 668-6906. AVAIL. MAY-AUG. 1 bdrm. in 4 bdrtn house. Close to campus, Idry., porch, pg on street. $350 neg. 930-0640 (then ptess 3) AVAIL. MAY-AUG. Great 1 bdrm. fum. w/prkg. & idry. on premises. Best c Call David 769-3470. Near Diag. XTW- AVAIL. MAY thru AUG. 848 Tappan, bdrm. Call 913-8145. FALL/WINTER 98-99 Sublet. Single double. Fem. to share 4 bdrm. hse. w/ 4 fe Prkg. 715 Catherine. 994-7199. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service. Plain Talk -Microphone $20, PowerMacs from $699. Buy, Sell, Trade, New, Used, Upgrade. 1739 Washtenaw, 482-0739. !!! TOP CAMPUS LOCATIONS !!! Washington Manor Studio & I bdrm. * 1/2 blk. from MLB * 1/2 blk. from Frieze * 2 blks. N. Cam pus bus CALL VARSITY MNGT. 668-1 100 2 BDRM. APTS.- Completely remodeled for Fall '98 near athletic campus. Call 741-9300. 2-3 BDRMS. IN Ig., fum., hse., I blk. to S.Q. Ldry., prkg., & opt. summer subletters. Avail. June. $300-$450/mo. Call Pete 665-2572 to see. 3 BDRM. APT., for fall, close to Central Campus. Prkg., wshr./dryer, quiet area. $1200/mo. Pete 213-1615. 3 BDRM. FOR FALL. $635. Rivers Edge Apartments. 487-5750. 3 BDRM. HSE. 3 blocks to Med. Complex, new construction, dry., A/C, full basement, garage, 907 Wildt or 700 Bowen, $1300/mo. May Ise. Pete @ 213-1615. Furn. 4 Bdrm. Apt. 1221 State St. #1 $13O/mo. Copi Properties 663-5609 3 BDRM. HSE w/ 3 studies, 411 N. Ingalls. Ldry., prkg., dwshr., 2 baths. $1995 incl. util. 741-1118. 3 MIN. WALK TO S. QUAD-I bdrm. (single occupancy) & 2 bdrm. apts. All remodeled prkg. balconies. 973-7368. 4 BDRM. HOUSE, new Medical and North Campus. A/C, washer-dryer, garage, fireplace, under construction. Sept. lease. 1118 & 1122 Pontiac Trail, $1600/mo. Pete @ 213-1615. 4 BEDROOM APT. located near LM Bldg. New carpet, furniture, heat, water, and prkg. included. 663-3050. 625 S. FOREST Huge 3 person apt., top fir. of older hse., new kitch. & bath lg. deck. Clean, quiet apts. Non-smkrs. only. $1,400. 668-1111, 668-7978. HUGE UNFURN. 1 bdrm. apt., hardwood fireplace, May 1 Vaughn $450 997-9664. LG BDRM. by CCRB. Fum., prkg, $25 in bdrm. hse. Call Ofer 930-0929. MID MAY-DECEMBER. 2 bdrm. apt.Fur nished with A/C, covered prkg., Idry, balconies, private bldg. $780 mo. Call 332~ 1083. SPR.JSUM. 1 BEDROOM in 2 bedroom apt. Own phone line, A/C, one block Tro Union. $190, neg. Call Jeff 994-9773. SPRJ/SUM. SUBLET 6 bdrm. hse. 8220 land #2. Prkg., Idry., kitch. Porch & great loc Call 769-3076 or 997-0818. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Greetioca tion for great pricel 2 bdrm. apt. @ Hill and East U. Prkg., Heat & water included. Large rooms. Call 996-9530. SUB. FORUM APTS. Avail. - 1 Bdrm. no and/or 2 bdrm. for Spr./Sum. Great Locatioi State N. of Hill $290/mo. Call Steve 669. 0995. SUBLET MAY-AUG. Excellent locati& near CCRB + CCL. 2 bdrm. apt. ReasonObI rent incl. util. Call 213-3185. SUMMER SUBLET 1 BDRM. APT.-P Ldry. Hardwood floors Lots of light 5 min walk to Union 812 Mary St. $475 or bes offer. 930-9074. SUMMER SUBLET 2 BDRM. APT. $250 mo. each room, 1 rm. has own office:Grta loc. in Kerrytown (N. Division) Big backyar Prkg. incl. Call 913-6983. . !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! -Fall 98, 2 bdrm., Old West Side, Fully fumished, Must See. 668-6906. 1 BDRM @ 1026 Vaughn. Modem, A/C, prkg. 996-8819 or 769-7025. i 1 BDRM. APT.- unfurnished, vaulted ceilings, dishwasher.!CMB 741-9300. 1 BDRM. APT. - Close to Law Quad. very quiet, prkg., ldry., & opt. subletter for summer. Avail June $45016o. Call Pete @ 665-2572. 1014 CHURCH- MODERN furn. Studio w/ balcony for 1 $580; 1 bdrm. for 1-2 $640, Tri-level Townhouse w/ courtyards for 3 $960-$1020. Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, central air, prkg. & ldry. May/ Sept. leases. 663-7444. I MAY AUG. SEPT.98 Near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modem 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C Ldry. Balc. Fum. 800 Fuller 769-7520. MAY LEASE Two bedroom furnished apartment available May 1, 1998. Located at corner of Hill and S. Forest just two blocks from Law and Bus Ad schools. Giant bedrQomsl Heat and water included. $840 per month. Call to schedule showing. 663-4101. VICTORIAN HOME 1 bdrm. apts.- hardwood floors, high ceilings, unfurnished. 741-9300. ANN ARBOR INSTITUTE of Massa'g Therapy's student massage clinic is no open. $25 hr. Call 677-4430. Weekend available. MONEY FOR COLLEGE We can help y" obtain funding. 1000's of awards avail, to a students. Immed. qualification. Call 800/651 3393. Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 Rabbit of folk tale 5 Damascus' 69 70 Owners' papers Star maker DOWN Ran, as madras 29 31 32 Adventurous Homer epic Gall '14 14 '5 16 place Struggle Traditional knowledge Corrupt Place for a 1 2 Has a proverbial end 3 - the Red 4 Has memories of 5 Relinquish a post 33 Knight's carrier 36 Head light? 39 Dollar pt. 40 Spins a yarn 43 Map sections 45 Appeals to most 47 Squealed 49 Male sheep 51 53 54 55 57 58 - and desist Father, to son Economist Smith Irish export VIP's transport Grandson of Adam 59 Name in a Hardy title 62 Southwestern eWalk-ins receive a 20% discount with valid student I.D. (non-organiza- tional, non-business ads only) eAll ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges established. *Personal checks must have imprinted local address. *$3.05/line for first day, $1.05/line for each additional, consecutive day *Frequency/bulk contracts available. I day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 2 lines 6.10 8.20 10.30 12.40 14.50 3 lines 9.15 12.30 15.45 18.60 21.75. certain ring 17 Of - proportions G A M U T E B E N G A F F E L O P E X E R O A S E A AST H E H L LS GAL L ROTO A SLEEP LOS L E T T L E O N E A S A S H E E T B U L B V E S T S N O G O E S A I A L T E S C R O D C T R S L A H R P E T S S TIE E L E E L Y A S A H O R S E N E G R I I C E R O AIR PROM P T A P O D B R A G A S AP I C T U R E L E V I SL U E H E N C E E D E N H O L D A S T A R DO IT NOW! Rent today & save. Eff., 1 & 2 Bdrm. apts. & town homes. 24-hr. Fitness Room. 434-1016. EFF. @ 1100 HILL. $560. Sept. 98. Call 769-7025 or 761-4982. .~RM~ h......_*M.ii .UE t'7 !3!.r.E.tPf6