4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 23, 1998 UThe SIrbhigtau &dlg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan %C1 . .SOIY^ "ft . -FACv ry. fl R# s LAURIE MA K Editor in Chief JACK SCHILiLAC Editorial Page Editor Ln/ess otherwise noted. unsigned edilorialsi ref//c the opinion of the majorit olf the Dat/v s editornal boarI1 . A/ other articles, letters and croons do not necessarilv reflect the opinion af/The Michigan JIadvi FROM THE DAILY Movin' on up State Senate approves larger allocation for 'U' NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'There never has been a doubt in my mind since I walked out of the picture in December that 'Titanic' and James Cameron would win.' Entertaiunment Weekly movie critic and University alumnus Oi)wen Glcihcritan, on his predictions for tonight's 70th Annual Acadenv Awards KAAMRAN HAFEEZ As T.HA PPENS 14S. WIL4.Y, you MAY ACCW S .._,,... SMiAR. 110 t UPT ~1MOWtT7 EVEN Acc & 'pANTrS . \ . FIR O UT rr 'U*" EE TE T LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I is tax time for the entire nation, but fil- ing before April 15 isn't the financial pressure facing Michigan's state govern- ment. The annual budget is once again mak- ing headlines. Last week, the state Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved a proposal that would increase funding to state colleges and universities by 3 -percent. This increase is double the amount that Gov. John Engler suggested in his January budget proposal. While a 3-per- cent increase is just barely equal to the rate of'inflation - as marked by the somewhat- faulty Consumer Price Index it is still not enough to effectively run some of the state's higher-education institutions, includ- ing the University. Engler's earlier proposal included subsi- dies for community college and some uni- versity employee pension plans, but the Strnate Appropriations Committee found his ntknbers unacceptable, mainly because there was no increase in the base appropriation. Under the committee's plan, the University would receive $324 million, which should be pleasing to University officials. This pro- posed allocation is $32 million more than Engler's plan and could help keep tuition within reach for students. Additionally, con- sidering the University's state-of-the-art technology and varied programs, the funds needed to run this institution are tremendous. The Senate's proposed appropriation could place some of the burden of the University's finances on the state. If the state claims to support its higher- education institutions, then larger increases to college and university appropriations should be included in its budget. Judging by its actions, the state Senate seems to believe that post-secondary education affect more people than those actually enrolled in colleges or uni- versities. By increasing the allocations, legis- lators are placing much-needed emphasis on higher education. A well-educated citizenry leads to a more effective workforce, which then leads to higher salaries and higher tax revenue for the state. Higher education does not only help those attending classes but also helps their families, colleagues and employ- ers. Considering the prestige of the colleges and universities in Michigan, the government should support their survival and growth. But by no means does this unanimously supported proposal end in the Senate's committee. Once a version of the bill is approved by the Senate, it will then move to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education, the House Appropriations Committee and finally, the House floor. This new proposal has a long way to travel before actual implementation, but it is imperative that legislators allow it to proceed, increasing the allocation's size along the way. Institutions like the University need large appropriations not only to keep tuition rates as low as possible but also to main- tain i.s high academic standards by employing top professors, allocating grants for research and supplying financial aid to attract students. Engler proposed an increase that would barely scratch the sur- face of what it takes to run the University it is now up to other elected officials to fully support higher education and follow the steps taken by the state Senate Appropriations Committee. Silent dialogue ESPN forum could help race initiative W hen one thinks of Sportscenter, Game Day and the NBA, politicians and the White House rarely come to mind. Trying to revitalize a defunct race-division dialogue, President Bill Clinton recently announced a town hall meeting dealing with racial issues to be broadcast on the cable sports network ESPN in early April. This is the latest step in Clinton's attempts to broaden the participants in the race dialogue - ESPN was chosen because researchers have found that its primary audience is largely white and male - { a group that is under- represented in the race dialogue. Clinton hopes to discuss such issues as the hiring of blacks and otherC minorities to upper-level positions in the sports industry, as well as stereotyping and racism in and around sporting venues. Some critics worry that broadcasting such a debate on this network will trivialize these important issues and perhaps even reinforce racial stereotypes of athletes. But racism in the sports industry makes the race initiative particularly salient ESPN is a good venue for this event. In many ways, the sports world is a microcosm of the country (in some ways, it works better than general social interac- tions). Athletes of all races and back- grounds work closely together and are forced to cooperate in order to win. Winning in most sporting events means overlooking racial stereotypes and treating teammates as equals. Yet at the top of this the issues of promoting minorities to man- agement positions. This new debate will hopefully re-ignite Clinton's once-highly touted racial dialogue initiative. In recent months, this agenda has been lost in the shadow ofa potential military action in the Middle East and sexual miscon- duct allegations against the president. The lack of interest in this initiative, how- ever, is not entirely due to other surrounding issues. The White House has not done a won- derful job of advertising many discussions that already have taken place in towns across the country, and it has failed to promote more discussion outside of the roundtable context. What began with such vigor has dwindled into a lifeless and unmet promise. It truly is unfortunate that meetings led by such notable scholars and politicians as John Hope Franklin and former Sen. Bob Dole are not given much lip service. Airing a debate on race and racism on ESPN is a good step in restarting the race initiative program. The forum could reach out to an audience that otherwise would not participate in the race dialogue. The debate should use the ills of the sports world as a starting point for education and possible problem solving, but it should branch out to more everyday issues such as the dearth of minorities in management positions in other industries. If nothing else, this debate will capture the attention of a significant group of citi- zens and generate interest in future debates. Therefore, the White House must work dili- gently to advertise upcoming discussions and create diverse panels of experts for these debates. A problem as great as racism takes trp ianin.,-fnr t vnintarof ';itn Modern society does not adhere to biblical laws To THE DAILY: The old and characteristi- cally heterosexist arguments of Edward Blum in his letter "Letter misrepresents the Bible"(3 13 98) need to be addressed. He complains that those who have tried to recon- cile the Bible with homosexu- ality have evaded the "origi- nal" question. Blum cites Leiticus 20:13. "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable." here are some other citations from the Bible - Exodus 21:2. "When a man sells his daugh- ter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do' Leviticus 19:27. "You shall not round oh the temples or mar the edges of your beard." Leviticus 22:1. "If a priest buys a slave as his property for mone. the slae may eat of it (holy thing " Why does- n't Blum xx rite about howx all "who shae are oing to hell' W hy is slavery condemned today if passages in Exodus and Leviticus have rules for the bondage, clearly endorsing SUChI behav ior? *b all those who follow each and eerv rule in Leviticus, homosexual- itv is wrong. But does that mean in order to escape "grave danger" we need to reintroduce slavery and not sha °e? The only thing that sets homosexuality apart is the persistent ignorance and disre- spect of the Religious Right. Anyone who claims that all those laws are the truth about how we should live our lives needs to adjust themselves to a society w here slavery has been abolished and the tenants of mutual respect are valued over anything else. the Bible contradicts itself frequently. For almost all of the 613 law s described in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, there are 1ninte elsewxhere in the Bible w here beha ior blatantly breaks these laws. In such cases, it is common for the person w ho broke the rule to suffer no condemnation from the people or from God. In certain instances, the God of Israel is said to endorse mass murder - including the mur- der of women and children - and even command it (see accounts of the "holy wars" in the Books of Joshua and Judges). What happened to that commandment "Thou shalt not kill?" I urge those who follow the teachings of the Bible to think for themselves and attempt to find the truth not verbatim from the text but in I did mine myself with a notepad and a pen and got them all right. The Daily has a whole staff that are suppos- edly professionals. Also, on page 4B of Sports Monday, Berenzweig is the player and Berenson is the coach. Spell check doesn't catch every- thing, guys. JOSH KEOUGH SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Minority views are not voiced at the 'U' TO THE DAILY: I am writing this letter in response to the many students who have written in to the Daily in order to bash the National Day of Action. I per- sonally participated in the day of action, and I really do not appreciate students' comments that those who participated were displaying their stupidi- ty. On the contrar, I think that all of these biting letters and words of discouragemnt speak louder to the problem than any demonstration that supporters of affirmative action could have conic up xwith. Perhaps the reason that none of these "fellow" stu- dents can relate to the day of action and its purpose is that they have never had to take a stand and fight for something as critical as their right to higher education. The reason that they have never had to take a stand is because they assume that because they look a certain way or come from a certain background. educa- tional privileges not only are available to them, but the have a right to them. I challenge all of the self- centered "privileged" people who have a problem with the day of action to consider this: Have you ever experienced being the only one of your race in a lecture hall of 300 people? How about having the entire discussion section respond in awe when you say something intelligent in class, and later have someone come up to you and say "I've never heard one of you people speak so well." If you have never had the pleasure of experienc- ing anything like what was just described, maybe you should think long and hard before you start to complain about underrepresented peo- ple making their voices heard on a campus that constantly strives to keep us mute. CIARA BENSON LSA SENIOR Minorities are fears about the parties inter- ested in striking a blow to affirmative action's progress. While Ward Connerly was insisting that he is fighting against discrimination, I watched the people in the audience who nodded in agreement with him. It came to my attention that 95 per- cent of those nodding and vigorously clapping in sup- port of Ward Connerly were white. I realize that not all people that oppose affirma- tive action are white. But a good measure of contempo- rary public sentiment about affirmative action can be found in the defeat of Houston's Proposition A in the fall of 1997. With a 55- percent vote, the ballot ques- tion, which would have ended the city's affirmative-action program in hiring and con- tracting, was defeated. It was not surprising that the propo- sition won the support of a majority of whites, but was opposed by 76 percent of Mexican Americans and more than 90 percent of African Americans. But it is noteworthy that poor whites were split nearly evenly on affirmative action in the Houston referendum, while 71 percent of upper-income whitesrvoted to abolish affir- mative action. The fact that whites are leading the crusade against affirmative action is very dis- turbing. Why are whites fighting so hard? Did they decide that our society has now become egalitarian and is absent of racism and sex- ism'? Do they have a grand plan for justice for the disad- vantaged that I am not aware of? I guess I am wondering more and more about whites and others that are so vehe- mently opposed to a program that they know has provided access for millions of minori- ties and women. I am very troubled as I consider popular votes on affirmative action such as Proposition 209 and the pro- posed referendum in Michigan. People of color are still minorities in most areas (Houston excluded). Thus, we don't have the power of the electorate to continue pro- grams like affirmative action that attempt to provide access to people of color. To be hon- est, up until the recent attacks against affirmative action, I had faith that the Civil Rights Movement had given the white majority at least an ounce of understanding and sympathy for the continuing plight of minorities in the United States. Please don't think that I am anti-white people - there are many wonderful white people in this world. In fact, some of the people closest to my heart Forget that old Heisman;I'm set for an Oscar SM v high school yearbook included predictions that th editor wrote about each graduating senior's fate 30 years later. For some, the prognostica tion was simple and obv.ious still shopping at Saks:' -president of the Absolut Vodka company," "dead." Mine was decidedly more cryptic: "amazed by his own greatness." Yet how right they were! To this day, I can't beliee' that I'm a columnist for The Michigan Daily ... although that's probably not what they were sug- gesting. JOSHUA Heading off to RICH the University of Michigan, however, wxas definitely a good step down the road that my high school yearbook editor mapped out for me. Judging by my maize and blue pre- decessors, I now know that becoming a Wolverine means greater things than the opportunity to stand in long lines to pur- chase overpriced textbooks or to gradu- ate in a torrent of freezing rain. As a Michigan alumnus, I could achieve greatness in any number of dis- ciplines: children's entertainment (like Bob McGrath who left the University in 1954 and went on to star on "Sesame Street"), baseball (Barry Larkin, who graduated in 1986), medicine (Wilhan4 Mayo, 1883), retail (Charles Walgreen, 1958), World War I martyrdom (Raoul Wallenberg, 1935), moonwalking (any number of astronauts who graduated in the 1950s and 1960), porkbarreling (Richard Gephardt, 1965), or U nabombing (Theodore Kaczynski, 1967). I even heard a rumor that "Papa Doc" Duvalier of Haiti dictatorship fame did a stint here at one point. But I have little interest in winnin the World Series, I'm not great with kids, and I certainly don't want to be responsible for the subjugation of the entire population of a small Caribbean nation, as appealing as those prospects may sound. Nope, my dream is to win an Academy Award, and I've got the pedi- gree to make it happen. Sure, you can name all of Michigan's H eisman Trophy winners. Harmon Howard. Woodson. But you probably didn't know that the University has more Oscars to its name than Heismans (or NCAA Division I basketball cham- pionships, for that matter). Over the years, five former Michigan students have taken home statuettes from the annual celebration of achieve- ment in motion pictures; seven more hiave headed to the Oscar ceremony with high hopes, only to come home empty handed. Others have written novels that were adapted into lauded films, like author Judith Guest (1959) whose novel "Ordinary People" became a movie that won best picture in 1980, or had charac- ters based on them that struck Oscar gold, like Clarence Darrow (1878), who was the inspiration for the award-win- ning "Inherit the Wind." Overall, the total is 22 nominations and five wins for the Maize and Blue - an impressive record that is definitel way out of Ohio State's league. There have been the super-famous Oscar nominees: Actor James Earl Jones (1955) and writer Arthur Miller (1938) - a former Michigan Daily staffer to boot - have both been recog- nized one time each. Unfortunately, nei- ther has taken home theprize. There have been the somewhat- famous Oscar nominees: Actor Davi4 Paymer (1975) and director Lawrence Kasdan (1972) have received multiple nominations between them for their respective work in films like "Mr. Saturday Night" (1992) and "The Big Chill" (1983). Neither man has won. Therehaveebeenthe not-so-famous Oscar nominees: Ruth Hussey (1934) and fellow alum Martha Scott (1932) were both nominated for their acting in 1940, and writer David Newman (1959) was later recognized for writing 1967' "Bonnie and Clyde." None of those Wolverines got an Oscar either. The few winners are a lucky lot who should expect my admission to their exclusive club any day now. John Briley (1951) won for his original screenplay for 1982's "Gandhi." Valentine Davies (1930s) wrote an Oscar-winning origi- nal story for "N iracle on 34th Street" in 1947. Actress Christine Lahti (1972 won an Academy Award for her 1995 live action short film "Lieberman in Love." And writer Kurt Luedtke (1962) won an Oscar for his adapted screenplay for "Out of Africa" in 1985.. Perhaps the most interesting. Michigan aiumnus to receive an