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January 14, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-14

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I [ie MichIgan Daily Wednesddy January '14, 1998

Ex-student sues
,A former Southwestern U Iniversity
student recently sued his alma mater,
ilaiming that grading policy changes
prevented him from graduating with a
perfect grade point average. The
lhroni'cle of [igher Education reported.
Austin Jones graduated last May
withia 3.89 average, a lower GPA than
she had expected. Jones alleged the uni-
versity, located in Georgetown, Texas.
had unlawfully changed the existing
grading system in his senior year. The
now system allowed professors to add a,
plus-or minus to letter grades.
Jones said he maintained straight As
'in'lhe first three years at Southwestern.
In his final year, under the new system,
he received grades of A-, B-?-, and B.
Jones said he requested that the univer-
sity. refund his last year's tuition and
change his transcript and diploma to
Sintdicate that he graduated summa cum
laude. Campus officials refused to raise
the lower grades, Jones said.
8Penn, state
enforces alcohol
advertising ban
Recently enforced restrictions in the
state of Pennsylvania bar the advertising
of'alcoholic beverages in select print
ntredia. The Daily Collegian reported.
Although it has been in effect since
Feb. 18, Pennsylvania's Act 199 has
nly- recently been enforced. The law
inciudes restrictions on the advertisin
-f alcoholic drinks in yearbooks, mag-
azines, newspapers, program books
and other publications published by or
for educational institutions.
.Maria Crespo, advertising director of
Pennsylvania State University's Daily
Collegian said that while advertise-
-ments may still include hours of opera-
tion, entertainment offers and special
Sprices on nonalcoholic beverages,
those that mention drink specials and
happy hours are prohibited.
":Although the law is enforced
statewide, it especially al'ects students
on college campuses.
Zoanne Boaz, zone manager of 1he
Pitt Daily News. said the newspaper took
time to adjust advertisements in order to
rmake them legal.
Student found
guilty of forgery
The financial vice president of
Northwestern University's student gov-
ernment was found guilty of financial
misconduct Monday. The student govern-
ment's ethics committee requested his
resignation, the Daily Northwestern
reported yesterday.
ThC ethics committee unanimously
*ound Education senior Roderic Williams
guilty of forging a signature on Student
Organization Finance Office vouchers to
obtain $5,500. The money was used to
buy computer equipment for the student
government office. While the transfer of
funds was used for student government
purposes, the ethics committee found the
purchase to be fraudulent because Senate
approval is necessary to spend funds. .
,Williams was notified of the com-
mittee's decision but claimed he is
*nnocent and refused to resign.
Minnesota prof.

discovers anti-
lIukemia gene
Catherine Verfaillie, a University of
"Mifinesota associate professor of
M'dieine, has recently discovered an
mti-leukemia gene that may turn off the
gene for chronic myelogenous leukemia,
the Minnesota Daily reported.
Currently, the only option for CML
patients is to undergo a bone marrow
,nsplant, Verfaillie said. The new
e"ne would offer a safer alternative to
patients. The discovery also would
eliminate the toxic chemotherapy and
radiation needed for the transplant, she
The new treatment Would require the
*nenioxal of CML cells from the body and
are.placenment w~ith the treated cellIs.
14 hiCh Contain the anti-Ilikeia ene.
Presently, only mice have been test-
ed, but the survival rate among dis-
eased mice that were injected with
-> tore than 1 million treated cells was
lQ fipercent.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Repo ter
"Christine Al. Paikfiom the Chronicle
of Higher Education and the
L'niversit' wire.

Man held at gunpoint on North Campus

By Jason Stoffer
Daly staff Reporter
A male pizza delvery person was robbed at
gunpoint early yesterday morning on the outskirts
of North Campus, police said. The mugging was
the second on campus in less than a week.
'Iwo men approached the delivery driver, who
was outside of his car, at 3:25 a.m. on the 2200
block of Cram Place. One man held a gun to the
victim's head, while the other demanded money.
After taking money and pizza, the two suspects
fled south on foot, possibly toward Hubbard Street.

The victim sustained no physical injuries.
Last Friday morning, a woman wvas robbed on
the Washtenaw Avenue footbridge between the
Hii111 residence halIs and Central Campus.
Department of Public Safety spokesperson
Elizabeth IHall said TAPS is investigating w.'hether
the two muggings are related.
"WH'e're exploring the possibility it's a trend,"
hall said. "We're asking the public for their help in
finding the suspects."
Both men were described as having dark com-
plexions and are about 20-25 years old, 5' 10" and

I 60 p.n ds. At the time of the mugging. both w.ere
wearm dark clothing and knit caps.
Afier hearing about the mugging, Jay C'reiere. a
delivery person for Pizza Bob's, said lie will take
special care when making deliveries. "l've nexer
had a situation like'' a holdup, Creviere said. "But
you have to be careful «hen deliverin, at nighi."
Adam Zuckerman. a student co-coordinator for
Safew.'.alk, said the ScrCI ice usually receiVes more
calls w.hen there is publicity about a crime.
"'It is an extra option to make people feel safer
on campus " Zuckerman said about the ser.ice.

'"Safewa' lk keeps >ttudents fr om ha'.ingm to w'.all
honme alone.'
Ev.en w'.ith tw'o m ing~i.s in fi'.e niehts, somec stu.
dents do not see tle need to take additional prec-
Wilie he i' concerned about the 1mugis.
LSA fi rst-year student A\ndre Shannon plans to
continue '.walking home alone at night.
A ter work, I aIlk home around 101 p.m-
Shannion said. 'People aren't going to hold a gtin
to y our head in a crkA)wded urea so I tr'y not to take
back ways or walk on isolated side street

Discussion unifies
campus affirmative
action supporters

By Rachel Edelman
I a)ly Statl Repon r
Students continued to defend the
University's affirmative action policies
last night, when members of By Any
Means Necessary and various student
groups met to discuss upcoming plans
and strategies for the semester.
"The attack on affirmative action is
advancing oii a legal front,' said Ann
Arbor BAMN co-founder Ihuke Massie.
"Very powerful, wealthy and organized
forces are advancing."
About 30 students attended the meet-
ing, sponsored by BAMN and fash-
ioned as a roundtable discussion. Ihe
meeting attracted both undergraduate
and LaW students, students from the
I'niversity of California at Berkeley.
and members from groups such as the
Re. olutionary Workers League, the
Native American Law Students
Association and the Undergraduate
Women's Studies Association.
"This is history. We either make it or
we give up everything we have," said
Law student and BAMN member Jodi
Masley. "We have to make it clear to peo-
ple why they have to come out and fight."
Last semester, two law suits were
filed against the University's under-
graduate and Law School admissions
procedures, which use race as'a factor
iii choosing whiCh students to admit.
Yesterday, student groups stressed the
importance of centrally organizing the
campuis around affirmative action.
'If this campus can organize itself it
can serve as a beacon for the country,"
Massie said. "Students on this campus
who are active on affirmative action

have a disparate role to play.'
BAMN addressed the group on its
upcoming plans for the semester. Its
goals, which were voted on last night,
include organizing a rally during the
ML.K Symposium, leading a February
conference to discuss strategies, and
holding a series of weekly discussions at
residence hall minority student lounges.
Another suggestion waas to publicize
the group's affirmative action stance
while attempting to educate the com-
munity on public-access channels.
"A lot of people on this campus are
not educated enough to take a stand on
affirmative action," said Law student
Allic Shlechter, co-chair of the Native
American Law Student Association.
Some students expressed concern
about focusing the majority of attention
on organizing rallies and marches.
"We're not goiig to be heard by a lot
of students that need to hear us"
Shlechter said.
Shlechter emphasized the need for
"waell-orchestrated plans.
"A lot of the things I.'eseen have been
good, but have just gone awav." she said.
Shlechter suggested getting student
groups from other universities involved.
Another goal of the meeting was to
organize students from many student
groups to create a more unified defense
of affirmative action.
"People don't want to talk about it.
t's almost like the unmentionable-
like people hoped that it would go away
over Christmas break' Masley said.
Several students criticized the
administration for not being aggressive
enough in the lawsuit.

Michelle Jordan, deputy regional administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and University Law School
alumna, delivers the keynote address at the Environmental Theme Semester kickoff event.

Kickoff gives a rousing start
to environmental semester


MSA vows to fight
for student regent

By Josh Rosenblatt
I)ily Slta Reportr
T lie sounds of drum beats and chants filled the
MIichigan Union yesterday as hundreds of people turned
out to the kickoff of "The Environmental Semester. '
I lolding this type of kickoff for a theme semester is
uniquc. but that is hardly the only difterence with this
semeii'ster's program.
h'Ie eVent featured an "inspirational" multimedia pre-
sentation as well as an introduction by Pro'.ost Nancy
Cantor and an address by Michelle Jordan, the EPA's first
female deputy regional administrator and Ut.niversity Law
School aluim na.
For the past few semesters. L.SA has spearheaded the
effort to emphasize a specific topic each semester.
Thle multimedia presentation yesterday played soft,
yet moving music as it displayed a variety of environ-
'vrnmental pictures in cotnjunction W..ith motiv.atioiial w.'ords
and phrases to create an atmosphere appropriate for the
"It .vas a great kickoff," said LSA sophomore Shira
Katz. "Thle multilmedia presentation talked to the students.
It incorporated global issues with a local viewpoint."
Following the presentation. Jordan, who is also the first
African American to hold her EPA title, spoke about haz-
ards to the environment and efforts that must be done to
curb the danger.
From 1980 to 1993, asthma deaths among children
more than doubled and, although it is on the decline, there
are more than 5 million children in the United States under
the age of 5 w'ho have high levels of lead in their blood,
Jordan said.
"We must work together," Jordan said, "to make the
world a better. safer place for our children and our chil-

drei's children."
Working together seems to be 'm underlying theme this:.
semester as wel . In the past, theme semesters traditional-
ly have been an ItSA idea. '[his semester, however, the
School of' Natural Resources ad En'.virorunent has joined:
in the program.
In addition to the co-operation among lthe schools. there C
also has been a first-ever co-operation between students
and faculty in planning the "cemestcr.
"W hat's been fun for the faculty is seeing the energy in
the students.' said IEnglish Prof. John Knott.
And everywhere you look. fr0'om the 'M i the miiultime-
dia presentation to the big, green frog that sports the semes-
ter's logo, the students' energy is apparent.
"It's a wonderful synergy," said SNRE senior Mona
Hanna, the theme semester's chair. "We have so many
ideas, and we have all the support we need."
To commemorate the semester. the University will
host a plethora of activities, imcludirig special classes,
exhibits and an environmental career fair.
One of the classes inspired by this semester's theme is
"Homeplace: Life in the Huron alley," ili which three
professors, one from LSA and two from SNRE, discuss
various topics in conjunction wih 'weekly field trips.
"It's really incredible. A little while ago w..e had a 6-year-
old girl talk to us about watersheds," said LSA Academic
Affairs Chair Albert Garcia Jr., one of'the main organizers
of the kickoff as well as a student in the class.
As to the future, the L SA student government already
has been approached to give input for next year's theme,
indhicating that student involvement might remain a part of
the theme semester.
"This semester allowed them to see how valuable stu-
dents are (in planning out the semester)," Hanna said.

By Kristin Wright
yail' Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
pgssed a resolution last night to contin-
ue to push for student representation on
the University Board of Regents.
The resolution, which still needs
approval by the state Legislature. would
allow for a student to not only sit on the
Board of' Regents, but also have voting
powers. There are eight elected regents
from across the state.
According to current assembly pro-
posals, tw'o students from both the
Democratic and Republican parties
would get nominated by competing in a
campuswide election.
Once University students have
selected party representatives. the elect-
ed students will travel to Lansing and
have to get approved by party delegates
during both Democratic and
Republican party state conventions.
LSA Rep. Trent Thompson, who has
been involved with the effort to create a
student regent position. said there is a
great need for student involvement withi
the administration.
"Right now, the board of regents (is)
basically clueless about what students
want and what they need," Thompson
said. ''It'shard for them to get a student
Once the conventions approve a stu-
dent regent candidate for each party. the
chosen candidates will be pitted against
one another in a statewide election,
which will ultimately determine whichi
student will sit on the board.
But before any of this can possibly
occur, a major overhauling of current
state campaign conduct laws must occur.

For a statewide election of a student
regent to occur, there would have to be
either a change in the Michigan
Constitution to allow for a student
regent or a bill would have to be sup-
ported by two-thirds of the state Senate
and House of Representatives.
Twenty states currently allow student
representatives on the governing bodies
of their public universities.
LSA Rep. Brain Elias, chair of the
Student's 'ask Force. said efforts to bring
a student to the table are monumental.
"Whether or not the bill passes, I'm
certain it's a big step forward for the
drive for a student regent," Elias said.
Elias said this is the closest that ISA
has moved towards its goal.
"I think the main thrust of the bill is
putting a student on the Board of
Regents.." Elias said. "We can concen-
trate on the details when it's closer to
MSA Vice President Olga Savic
said a student sitting on the Board of'
Regents would be beneficial for the
student body. Regents hav.e consis-
tently opposed the idea of a student
"It's time that we have a student at that
table who can carry the fight when the
doors are closed" 'Sav ic said. 'eferring to
the times the board mleets in secret.
Savic, Who supports the resolutioti,
said she is impressed that MSA's stu-
dent task force was able to get to this
Student General Counsel David
Burden added: "I don't think that stu-
dents are going to see this as a way to
get involved with their administra-
tion ."

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